r/Mildlyinfuriating | this is so sad

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internet speed test point zero three megabit download and point one three megabit upload ah sydney see that makes a little bit more sense i'm gonna go out on a limb and say you guys are paying like a hundred dollars aud for that too huh so no head [Music] welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r mildly infuriating you can never be too angry you really can't without much further ado let's get to it a ladybug got stuck in my mouse okay how in the hell does that even happen seriously asking ah dang it you are only 10 off also god what the hell kind of party did you have now that is the perfect way to ship glass was this dhl no ups fedex maybe which one of them destroyed your stuff jeez they didn't even bother trying with that one did they yeesh now this is soccer on hard mode or maybe extreme mode because we've also got some friggin trees in the middle of the field but either way i would love to see a game played here oh boy i can't wait to see a billion of these today well i can kind of see what their idea was it was just a really bad idea this is why you shouldn't have yes men around you at all times oh that layout is freaking me out this ain't right it ain't right folks what what kind of monster are you dude oh my god pizza's gotta be the easiest thing on earth to eat it's all set up for you grab it shove it that's all you gotta do and look at you here huh look at this guy this small crack in my screen looks exactly like a spider whoa whoa whoa wait a minute that is a crack in your screen i refuse to believe that what kind of nasty ass [ __ ] goes into a store and does something like that i don't believe for a second that this just happened on accident you know someone came by opened it sampled the product went not for me and then walked away like that's their god-given right all right let's see we've got floors one eight two five nine three six ten fourteen seven eleven twenty uh wait a minute this just seems a little silly am i the only one that thinks this is a little silly also where in the heck can i get fanta lemon well looks like i'm going to be sneezing on your feet about every 35 seconds during this entire flight until you get your stupid goddamn legs off of my arm rest you degenerate ah yes i can see that this was 100 completely necessary when the one person infected in greenland dies no no my brother said he just scratched my skyrim legendary edition disc this is an unrepairable crack in the disc oh tough break bud maybe don't loan out your games to anybody when you're using headphones and the cable gets stuck on a door handle i feel like i might be one of the few people left on earth that has never had this particular issue although i guess i have dealt with it one way or another as my pants and shorts have grabbed doorknobs before just never anything attached to my head my boyfriend just sold his car to carvana before we got in an accident with a 92 year old man who didn't even look in our direction before making a left turn oh my god that is a gnarly looking accident also 92 and the guy was still on the road jeez we need to have some stricter guidelines on driver's licenses in this country these fees from my university term bill which is now completely online and has their computer labs in campus essentially closed for the duration of the year computer fee 171 dollars a campus fee of 734.83 and a school fee of 188.50 what the hell university is this they should go out of business immediately i am getting so god dang sick and tired of seeing universities pull this garbage on everyday students look not everyone's parents make 400 grand a year combined freaking figure it out when you've been charging your phone for one hour and realize it's not plugged in ooh we've all been there man don't worry don't worry man just plug it in now now you're good you're good everything charges pretty quick now hemp bar soap wow that guy must have thought it looked really really tasty i don't exactly see what he was seeing when he bit into it doesn't really look that tasty to me but live and let live i guess of course i'm kidding if you take a bite out of anything on a shelf and then put it back someone should probably punch you in the nose man i still can't believe how socially acceptable it is to just litter cigarette butts anywhere you want as often as you want we're all pretty good about not littering in general but when it comes to cigarettes we always look the other way i guess it's because they're smaller but dude they're not gonna break down either man who fixes a clock like this this image is probably the most accurate visual representation of the united states education system it really really is kovit 19 compliance officer is not in compliance who the hell gave you that vest i can see that their heart was in the right place when making this product but it just turned out to be a mean joke more than anything else subtotal 24.99 estimated shipping 30 total 54.99 what the hell are you ordering 30 bucks is a lot for shipping oh you were so close actually you had it almost perfect right in the beginning and then somehow drifted way off well that makes sense is that a little hidden mickey huh no actually no it doesn't really look like one all that much just looks like someone screwed up the pattern better ingredients better pizza go screw yourself i paid 600 for this online course and this is what i get in return whoa what oh that is some garbage dude get your money back key was flipped upside down and i didn't notice for a week what in the world how did you not notice that for a week i would have noticed that right away also quick question what is this keycap set and where can i get it right now please the massive package needed to ship my switch's micro sd card no way no way no it's not no come on ordered 150 washers this is how they came in oh my god seriously all individually wrapped good god free ad blocker browser ad block and pop-up blocker contains ads well wait a minute now you're starting to confuse me guys man the mobile market is pretty trash banana flavored corn drink i mean i feel like i'd try it like one little sip and then when i inevitably hate it i'm gonna throw it away my boyfriend is so abusive geez you okay i have a boyfriend wtf i hope you beat yo ass again jesus christ dude do not bend said the united states postal service let me guess the cable yanked on a doorknob huh is that what happened here this sucks x post r slash tech support gore oh no you let the bird poopy all over the monitor naughty flying mango naughty this is how my wife opens bread you mean ex-wife right right you're divorced now right if you're having a bad day remember that we unloaded 6 000 bricks and the wrong address oh man should have double checked that location first guys that is a bit of a bummer okay i say a bit of a bummer but if this were in my house i'd be furious all of the time oh yeah you were so close you lined up the camera just fine and the flash and ah screw the logo i guess the new isolation gowns that my hospital are providing us with to treat covet 19 patients and other infectious patients do not seal up around your wrist like they should and leave your forearm exposed wow that's just incredibly dangerous negligent bulk right there fake hair on screen to get you to open app store wow wow i'd be lying if i said this wasn't at least a little bit crafty octo cup has seven handles not eight oh that's a big deal is it i mean who the hell is really buying this mug for its accuracy you're not really gonna use this thing right this is how the guard at our office applies a wristband he does this every day i have bald spots from correcting this garbage jesus dude that's pretty aggressive why couldn't the light be green that is a very very excellent question one that we're not going to be able to answer today or the next day or really ever someone broke into my project house and stole 350 worth of tools more infuriating is the fact that they also ate four of my ice cream bars and left the other three out to melt oh my god what a middle finger of an act all my oreos are backwards oh as if it affects the flavor poor baby neighbors dumping cat litter outside my house wow that is freaking gross guys come on how hard is it to put it in the trash it can't be much harder than dumping it out in front of your house the size of the box and the amount of gum inside that's it are you kidding me orbit someone poisoned trees to make a smile wholesome and infuriating no that is not wholesome that is not wholesome at all my brother's girlfriend went in to pick up some wine and came out with this no one noticed until we were already home no wine is already incredibly vile and disgusting what's the point if there's no alcohol in it this octopus on my shower curtain has seven limbs again i understand the inaccuracy of the situation but are you really paying enough attention to your wacky little octopus shower curtain hooks to get pissed off every morning or every evening i'm not judging the time of day you take a shower but does it really matter and if it makes you that mad that mad maybe you might want to talk to somebody how you doing man are you doing okay and while i'm at it hey audience how you doing are you guys okay you doing all right we're all going through a tough time right now and i can definitely understand getting mad at even the littlest things i mean just yesterday i smacked zach in the face why i don't know i just want to make sure you're all doing all right we couldn't complete the updates undoing changes don't turn off your computer um okay i'll do my best wow you guys were so close you know what never mind no you weren't even remotely close we all know that you did this on purpose because you're a jackass oh dang it imagine stepping back to admire your handiwork on your brand new bathroom and you catch that in your vision oh man i would be so pissed at myself i don't know is that fried rice and are those pickles oh man i can feel the frustration leaking through this image oh well get out the vacuum and deal with it i suppose come on volkswagen you guys charge an arm and a leg for your crappy cars the least you can do is get the wheels right especially since i know for a fact these alloy rims are hundreds if not thousands of dollars more expensive if you choose them as an option well looks like your day's gonna be going great from here on out nice consistency in your window design i'm stuffed lmao completely demolished these wings now i'm pretty sure those wings completely demolished you dude i see i see was there a point in wrapping each one of these individually in a layer of unnecessary plastic oh no you're just stupid okay is that entire bag for one single kiwi and it's a resealable bag is this freaking real no way i i can't believe this is real i can't man nothing like inconsistent patterns to really screw up your day have a seat there's plenty of room yeah once i move all the freaking pillows bikes on sale not bad a whole nickel off the base price you're losing money not buying into this one when you accidentally tap on something while scrolling oh every day every day sometimes thousands of times a day well i mean i feel like most toilet seats just do this because they start to wiggle around at a certain point nine dollars and two cents plus 49.98 shipping wow there's a special place in hell for people who do slash did this in school i think everybody did we're all going to hell together what do you want from them they ran out of money just a foot short well inconsistency is key i guess best freaking idea ever the code sends you to a slaughterhouse video [Laughter] might think twice about that stake cat and mouse dot io don't get caught little mouse oh man someone's gonna be sending a cease and desist any minute now okay okay aha right wait a minute that is pretty rough but the tattoo still looks freaking great even though it's misaligned all right i'm gonna do my best here who do [Music] i'm not even gonna bother guys this what the hell the tent the tent bag it is a true test of skill to get a tent back into its freaking bag everybody knows that much and if you can i believe god comes down from the heavens and hands you a trophy or something okay okay um no someone get down there and scooch that can into the center right now oh man you were actually so close oh well name richard must be a number oh thanks united states government just put on your social security number speed limit 45 but off center why does this seem to happen with almost every movie and or book series just keep them consistent please del monte quality all wrapped up in a goddamn piece of plastic we're gonna die someone got mad at being told they had to do the dishes this was no accident the person is not stupid they're just an absolute a-hole all the way to the bank they're an a-hole okay this one might actually just be stupid don't feel bad my friend you are absolutely not alone that happens to everyone every time well at least this one kinda looks like a pizza unlike that papa john's masterpiece from earlier someone get this man a credit card it's time to smooth out these bubbles or get a screen protector that doesn't suck god just for god's sake a really good song plays on the radio me one family member humming the song terribly okay i cannot relate to that no freaking way dude absolutely no way i would take this right back into barnes noble and get my damn money back no no you don't get the book back it's my book but you're gonna give me my money back look i'm not always a karen but when you put a paper-based sticker that blocks what could be a critical little bit of text in my story you bet your ass i want to speak to the manager r public freakout wow what a comment section nice resealable as in no it's not resealable oh man oh i'm not liking that the person who likes this will be a billionaire uh-huh now was it just that one piece or was that the entire loaf we're missing some important context here ah yes when people treat their backpacks bags luggage whatever as an actual human being now you can't sit in this free seat my bag's here [ __ ] got this gem today i'll comply with your mandate and i don't want to hear any crap either except that doesn't comply with the mandate at all so you'll still get kicked out you arrogant little prick look right now if there's one thing that is going to mildly infuriate me it's dumbasses who refuse to wear their masks or pull a cute little stunt like that what do you mean i'm wearing a mask the route my package is taking i live in colorado as someone who's worked for a shipping company before yeah it doesn't make sense but you're gonna have to deal with it these new guitar picks i keep losing ah no wonder you keep losing them where are they screw littering i spent 10 minutes cleaning up glass and plastic at a natural beach people bring their dogs to swim at ah god humans really are trash monday tuesday sunday wednesday thursday saturday friday what's the deal mk fan art this fan art took me hours to draw on my ipad enjoy well it's showing looks like a little magician look at that cute little bastard oh my god it's you guys oh thank god we've come to the end of the video i could feel my blood begin to boil and i don't like that feeling too much always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it make sure you get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 482,187
Rating: 4.9509606 out of 5
Keywords: top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: S-Yg6rX8i_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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