r/Mildlyinfuriating | MOVE YOUR HEAD

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moving a picture in Microsoft Word it actually does what you want or you mess up the whole document I get it see the choke there cuz they messed up the whole document hahaha what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash mildly infuriating because I'm ugly so nobody likes and shares me why don't like didn't using a pet for that number two the dogs not ugly at all it's special I think these like color I don't what you call them really where the color breaks in something different I think that's funky and cool I don't like that using a dog to beg for likes and shares and ugly so I hate you on two aspects oh that feels bad looking forward to that cake on chief guess what life struck no icing eat the cake bear troubleshooting anything online be like I finally fixed it well congrats might wow I can't remember was four months ago I know mine took me five hours but I did it oh hey congratulations man the cells starting an animal animal cell that was the correct answer you said animal cells sorry chief but luck next time does this work theist nine-plus Wow sorry don't know is this compatible with a samsung s 9 plus sorry I don't know but it does work with an apple XR okay then why answer the question hey look it's Ashton Creek my favorite holiday hey chief that screen protector seems a little small is this intentional as you trying to make me look a fool this was a comment talking about a 15 year olds long metal blood cancer and eventual death this is very sad this is how many people agree I'm begging for likes mm-hmm yeah you're a scumbag do you ever do it on the kids death oh the classic people even a drink in the aisle see I used to hate this but now it's just like I've accepted defeat at the moisturizing cream the daily moisturizing lotion a couple bits of nail polish a Burger King drink just classic target things you know what really grinds my gears when people call wireless earbuds and knock off the air pods just because they're a different brand okay but what if I have an actual knockoff air pod though like the case and everything oh that's when you loaded up with some cheese some sauce it's a pepperoni you got a calzone baby turn a bad thing into a good thing my brother sits a new alarm every night I mean don't bother him he's just doing his best that's a lot of alarms okay maybe judge them a little bit that's a lot of alarms maybe a teensy bit of judging is appropriate it just seems like a really bad paint job in general the lines seem crooked a ton early who'd they hire for this this just doesn't seem right that's yucky yucky no good 823 calls mom no answer 857 calls mom no answer 912 calls mom no answer 926 calls mom no answer 927 takes a shower 933 27 missed calls from mom 934 calls mom no answer it's about how it goes yeah my mom's incredibly hard to get in contact with this very few moments in time you can actually talk to her and have her full attention so you best believe I take my shots when I can you know chief I appreciate you something what's your can opener but uh there's your fine don't know why are being extra about it oh the kermit of bathroom is always weird everyone out and I finally started to realize why because the first I was like I love carpet carpet everywhere carpet in my Irish carpet in my dreams but no now right now I get it this just seems very off-putting I was taking notes but his big dumb head was in the way so I drew his head to my friend's laptop bra she uses it as a frickin coaster oh she doesn't need a laptop then she needs a coaster this is a size sinks $17.95 don't look at the old price it was 1795 before he just knocked it off by a sentient called it a sail I had last-minute decisions about just ground beef so I put it with the drinks is it because it was 85% lean 15% fat you wanted the 8020 I understand oh gee I'm so sorry but that means you go to hell you pull the tap right off to hell you go that's the rule them's the rules I don't make them Nickelodeon slime oh boy there's nothing there's nothing in that wait no wait there is something in it it's just in tight it's just tiny as hell which i think is he it's nurdrage this is a nerd rage you're getting mad about the kind of glasses he's wearing your like hey loser rounded rectangles in the box art but the actual figurine has circle frames what the heck Funko nerd packaging for one pill prescribed by my doctor oh my god let's see you got one two three and a giant piece of paper for a single pill for your ah stereo / OSIS oh that's weird you know I think I wouldn't notice it after a while but that's weird kind of funky though this would be a neat little office space why we have three different faucets you're an establishment you'd be professional removed holy freaking crap I just cried laughing reading this I guess you'll never know what it is sorry chief why this big box and all this like whatever these are for a little battery is that necessary truthfully I don't think so Lee be an extra scam photo editing app stole someone's artwork in an attempt to market their app on tik-tok oh damn well listen I'm against that we here at m'kay are against that so not only do we have who he actually made the art but we have that in script profile here he got he got some we got some cloud on them maura brower's I hope I said your name right Cyrene Earth just cure a mile I hope I said your name right Chiron CR I'm good artwork lady very good artwork yes that's your name to me sorry just off-topic I I just hit 10k on Instagram and so I put a swipe up on my story and I rickrolled everyone on my first swipe up that people are deeming me mad about it you could stay mad it was funny oh man well you did what they said and what were you given in return nothing but bad feelings and Boo Boo's Amazon delivery guy took a great photo my package being delivered except that's not my door or my building yikes oh you get a little bit of BS film on your ketchup bottle that's when you take a fork and just poke a small hole and make that hole bigger so you can lift it up with your finger that's how you do it chief you're welcome oh my god you're terrible human being this Park job what people could just get away with this okay so I know some of you would like to watch these videos just in the background I'll explain to you what we're looking at here so you know it's people parking and parking everyone everyone does that everyone loves it there is a car parked excruciatingly ly close to another I'm talking you could maybe slide a piece of paper through it without struggling meaning that the other car is gonna have one heck of a time trying to get out of there while a hole in the silver car here gets to just parked up close to the door god forbid they have a passenger they ain't getting in the car the final boss at one HP the final boss when you get him as a playable character don't worry about it he's just a friendly little guy at that point you don't need a big and scary in huh my cat scratched my $72 Google home oh damn scratch it all the way up huh I wonder if there's a way to get that repaired or if it's just useless at that point that stinks got excited with my GPS told me there was an IHOP nearby it was closed thanks google oh you poor soul oh no he ripped this door handle right off the car Oh yikes buddy uh is right uh have fun getting to work now idiot my head supported on a 14-hour flight I'm six foot one buddy I'm six four I never get head support I know your pain I know the feeling trust me it is hard out here for the tallboys but you just gotta take it on the chin because guess what no one can be so beautifully tall like us chief you're just having a bad day from start to finish huh snapping the key right in the door now you can't get inside this uneven yin and yang placement at the hotel I'm staying at that is uneven yuck how my 650 dollar laptop was delivered just right on top of the mailbox just a case just a case oh this infuriates me yeah me too buddy I've never seen that before ah see something cool and practice or cool on paper rather really lame in practice because you've just sacrificed so much of that Cup for your cool Batman thing Oh feels bad the faucet just goes right into the top hole there huh better luck next time chief one star never been there never heard of it one star shoulda been more popular idiot all of these lights are off it's in there a way to rewire that though like I would love I love them a technical reason of why that one flicks on to turn off is it weird that interests me that is the kind of stuff that I get really interested in I love that stuff the fact that this 100 year old olive tree was taken from its natural place to slowly die in front of the store I've seen this post before and it makes me sad and just not being properly taken care of it's just a wilting away huh this is disgusting that's sad you've heard of 144p but have you seen 12p I haven't and I love it oh you're right jerk no one else is parking like that except for you buddy because you don't know how to park right oh man it's just people idiots not no one had a park man it's not hard there's a line at which you stop parking okay so we're not peeling the plastic film off their little visual display well hey at least when they do think I have a clean screen and a satisfying peel dude it's like you're not even trying to park right you're taking up two parking spots for efficiency for the heat d-bag efficiency I hate you so much oh wait what is that the phone screen or is that like a screen protector what is going on there I asked away to cut my sandwich into three pieces apparently she expects we eat the first one right now that's a 6-inch sub and then a two-inch sub and a 4-inch sub it's just slightly off-center just ever so slightly it's taunting me I don't like it these Instagram posts all over like if you are ugly miss someone are happy or in school when it dies are hungry can't sleep want to run away or want that Nick no one will ever know which but what I do know is you're trying to get those Instagram likes Thanksgiving 2019 have I hit rock bottom I would say so oh it's a scale Oh buddy Oh even I haven't done that and I'm a big fella six foot four and I'm a unit and I've never broken a scale did you eat the entire turkey chief man drank stuffing like it was a dessert paid $16 for this Caesar salad at a concept restaurant last night ah yes what a concept $16 for a glass of leaves we're now at a future post from user rip squid I'm in MK wax hand fan art oh it's sick what'd you do for the mold that's meats does use your own hand for the mold that's really cool thank you so much that's lit did I really just say lit on ironically Wow wow that was gross I'm sorry thank you for watching our slash mildly infuriating I hope you enjoyed the video if you did leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more of me you find me at twitch TV slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing yet [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 905,511
Rating: 4.9418058 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: gUynY63TYo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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