r/Mildlyinfuriating | HOW DO YOU OPEN IT?

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wanted to buy a sandwich at this bakery at first i thought it's sesame well it's not oh oh dude i'm not much of a karen but you best grab a manager or the owner or someone get them down there because how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash mildly infuriating because remember i love being mad there ain't nothing like it alright without much further ado let's hop right in i'm a postman mailman and came across this impossible to deliver letter hazel and thomas sorry don't know your surname or address yeah i'm sure the usps is gonna be able to figure that one out guy they're not miracle workers they are simply post men yellow alert yellow alert wake up wake up what bladder's at 14 capacity god dang it yellow alert 14 capacity come on all right apple truly is committed to being environmentally friendly wow look at that egregious packaging thanks a lot apple i mean after all it is apple you can't expect them to be too on top of their promises kid opened otherwise perfectly sorted art supplies upside down oh dude well at least you've got countless hours of entertainment resorting them back again and hey count your blessings at least it didn't go all over the place right very late and why is this in australia trump 2020 wow yeah you are way behind the times and on the exact opposite side of the planet and i know for a fact that skywriting is not cheap oh well it's your money waste it however you see fit dude the fact that this is a thing bulletproof backpack inserts america doesn't it just make your heart swell with pride oh come on target you couldn't line your big red balls up in a row perfectly you had to mess one of them up i would have been significantly less annoyed if all of them were a little out of whack rather than just one of them being six inches back well uh someone's a little angry or should i say hangry dude you destroyed that bread no way you've got yourself a permanent collector's item there my friend i'm sure some wackadoo out there would buy it maybe we'll see this guy on crackhead craigslist in the future charged my headphones overnight this is what i woke up to wow nice those aren't just any headphones either those look like airpods and they failed that bad come on apple denny's always open except not you mean to tell me i can't get a grand slam which at 3 am anymore i really want a grand slam which they're very popular questions favorite car color out of 180 people that doesn't make any sense this this makes absolutely no sense and your color coding is bad and you should feel bad sheriff of orange county making a difference yeah that's exactly how i read anything that's written out in comic sans especially if it's on some sort of law enforcement vehicle this compact vehicle that regularly blocks traffic in my apartment building's garage holy god that is the biggest compact car i have ever seen in my entire life i bet you those tires are quite expensive be a shame if something were to happen to one of them hi there let's stop for a moment my name is john a mk sole proprietor of mk industries and i'm just here to let you know that mk in no way shape or form endorses violence or destruction of other people's property thanks for turning out everybody back to robin for more memes looks cool at first but you'd never find out what you're looking for it definitely does look cool at a glance but i'm gonna be searching for hours to find one thing in this mess i know organized chaos doesn't make any sense but yeah i'll never understand how something like this happens but whatever it happens nonetheless uh it doesn't even fit right i lost my older brother three weeks ago in san francisco this was not what i wanted my mother to see on her porch cremated remains oh dude why do you have to put a sticker on the side i mean i know stuff like that has to be handled quite carefully because it's precious cargo but you really need a giant sticker my cheesy gordita crunch had some extra kick to it no freaking way dude how in the world also ow you might want to go to the dentist after that one although hey you might be able to talk that franchise into giving you free food for a year i mean i know that they're not really trustworthy and might put more screws in your food but dude it's free at that point it's fine oh i know people that do things like this and i don't think they're going to be around much longer you know what i mean non-dairy creamer contains milk okay i really hope that that actually is a handicap placard in the windshield that i am seeing there because if not you've committed two cardinal sins at the same time in the same place and you are going to super hell these new boxes amazon has been randomly using to ship their products sets up your kid for disappointment this christmas oh why would you do that that would that would disappoint me god be like oh nintendo oh never mind is dandruff shampoo and armpit wipes the current state of social distancing in my school or you mean lack thereof i see one kid wearing a mask okay two three i guess three or four kids in total are wearing masks properly in this picture feel like the rest of the kids should be bullied i kid i kid for real though wear your mask or you're a dumb [ __ ] that's something i would do on purpose just to freak out whoever's cake this was originally i do not want any engraving just leave the metal plate blank no engraving alright i get it but why in the hell would you want just a blank plate oh boy can't wait to open up my new four pack of fine liner pen all right packaging sucks thanks youtube i'm grounded now because of your porn ads loudly screaming screw hot girls by downloading this app while i was eating dinner with family uh what i have never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever seen an ad like that pop up on youtube i mean sure i get plenty of headspace ads but never anything like that oh dude oh oh yep yeah i had that happen i don't really wear glasses but it happens all the same my husband never finishes a pack of gum before opening a new one so what you're saying is your husband is officially single now hope that divorce goes well dictionary heuristic noun plural noun heuristics a heuristic process or method or the study and use of heuristic techniques thank you very helpful dictionary stop culvin 19 by getting really close to each other yeah are they a little confused but i guess they got the spirit i'm confused we can't eat inside but we can eat inside as long as the inside is outside got it the only reason i can think of this being okay is that tent definitely lets more air out than the building does i don't know man this all sucks oh would you look at that it's a baby with a hammer and oh no oh no he's about to become the first child that's also part wood open 24 hours seven days a week but we're also close 2 a.m to 5 5am friday through sunday happy to help every day oh you were so close but as it turns out you are indeed fired who cheats more males you ever cheated before multiple times ah i see you're a hypocrite wait no you're stupid wait wait no no you're an [ __ ] apparently the task manager can stop responding yes it can happens to me a lot my hardware is very old now my wife ate every single marshmallow in a family-sized box of count chocula every single one so what you're saying is your wife is single although i do admire the dedication oh it's a mask for stupid selfish people yo why the hell we out here posting pictures of me again this is not fair not fair he do be looking a little bit like that messed up guy from 300 though right you know what i'm talking about the fact that youtube can now run ads on my channel on my content making money off of it and giving me exactly zero percent of it that is a little bit crummy but at the end of the day 99 of the channels they're gonna do this with are making like two cents a year i'm not exaggerating that number like two cents a year now if you really really really really want that money understandable but at the end of the day it's not like youtube is taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from the average content creator huh looks like this really isn't a three-star hotel wait a minute oh no don't do this to me no no no the next fortune cookie is going to tell you the truth i really hope so yesterday on october 31st well they probably ran out of the halloween merch what else are they going to put up in their seasonal section dude and don't give me that thanksgiving crap no one likes thanksgiving i ordered these in june and they were delivered today i had previously requested a refund but never received it oh god hey perfectionists this is an 89 degree angle have a good day oh you son of a [ __ ] oh thanks very very helpful it blends into the wall for sure but yeah you were so close to doing something right for once you found some products that you wanted to buy you added them to your cart then your impulse to disappoint everyone around you kicked in we've got good news though your friends and family aren't aware of your blunder yet there's still time click the link below to pick up where you left off jeez you've earned 93 out of 100 points for an overall score of 92.96 okay then sure i guess all right let's just set aside that horrific cutting job for a second here really quick and let's talk about how absolutely nasty as hell this pizza just looks in general our price 89.99 regular price 79.99 oh god i'm not even worried about that trim lining up i'm worried about the fact that this is popcorn ceiling in the year 2020 it's gotta go dude whole house whole house is getting burned down man how safe do you feel when attending the college during the covet pandemic very safe somewhat safe neither safe nor unsafe somewhat safe very safe oh screw you sorry that's not it your answer .520 the correct answer 0.52 total score 19 out of 21. oh you bastards average female height per country dang that four inch difference is huge over in latvia they're like andre the giants of women continuous screaming and stomping 8 p.m to 4 a.m we're a quirky youtube couple so it's ok to be a-holes yeah i'm sorry just because your youtube channel has 1200 subscribers does not mean you get to mistreat your neighbors and be dinkle-holes i don't know where i came up with that insult but we're gonna roll with it gains 14 subscribers i'm a youtuber when you have to explain to your mother that sticking the sim card tool into the lightning port is not a good idea even though the website said it was for security i legitimately don't understand how anybody can try to justify this in any way shape or form even if it is a scam to try and get you to screw up your phone how do you make things like this believable this nickel could save a child's life well then why the hell did you send it to me oh don't fall for it just pocket the nickel and have a good day cool by the way if i don't text much it's because the wi-fi where i'm in rarely works and usually causes messages not to be sent oh that's a bit of a bummer there don't worry it should send in a couple of days nestle couldn't add some more powder to make it 40 servings no of course they couldn't it's nestle they consider water not to be a human right they are one evil company besides i bet you decreasing the serving size by one is more than enough to save them millions of dollars a year not even kidding i was told there would be an outlet in this bathroom before i moved in wait come on you had to have seen this place before moving in right my grandma posts random photos of me sleeping on her public instagram without asking oh that's that's slightly creepy uh grandma can you stop freaking boomers never really liked the idea of consent did they all right under gratuity smile more oh you would not be welcome back in my restaurant if you played games like that with my serving staff you never have to tip but if you don't tip and you leave disgusting crappy messages like this ooh even worse that hey i've got like 14 masks on screw me right so unfortunate you couldn't see my great smile because working during a pandemic is so awesome huh that seems like it would end up being a major fire hazard lego's minecraft cake is a circle in a game the cake is a square that is a little weird why'd they do that your parking expires soon please be advised your parking expires soon please be advised your parking expires soon please be advised stop your request cannot be processed too late well hey at least you can't say they didn't warn you right stop struggling with those stubborn plastic packages oh great thanks the teacher said we need to get 90 or more on the quiz only made nine questions oh i see that's really clever of them that's incorrect oh boy it's one of these correct answer oh you little are you freaking serious one space cost you that answer i would literally contest the entire exam quiz test whatever you want to call it if this happened to me white black asian gay straight teachers who double the work because there was a holiday break and uses it as an excuse for more work remember if every single student really across the board is struggling in a class that's the teacher's fault not all the students i hate when people do this oh that is such a disrespectful lazy ass thing to do and it will always piss me off i really do have to stop myself from yelling at people in stores that do this or even worse if their mask is just down underneath their chin because you know it's not on accident they are doing it on purpose to prove a point because they don't care about you they hate you they hate the idea of everyone that is not them these people purposefully endanger everyone around them and it makes me [ __ ] sick how am i supposed to sell a property with a toilet like this oh i see you live in parasite also come on that thing's a throne and a half you'll have no problem selling that that one doesn't bother me as much because all of these vents are crooked i've literally never seen one of these vents that is secured to the floor or straight done ma'am i have to leave for visa renewal so i'll be leaving in 10 minutes mark be present you are expected to be present for the entire session also there is a group activity at the end of the session well a visa is also important yeah your visa to continue your studies and stay in the country that you're in is a little bit more important than your dumb ass group activity that no one's gonna get anything from anyway just got stung by this queen wasp hiding in my gloves oh man you might not want to buy any lottery tickets anytime soon how visually appealing is our website holy crap there's no way come on that's incredible tell how to make ten when adding eight plus five you cannot make ten with eight plus five yes you can take two from five and add it to eight wow that is so god damn bad this teacher probably shouldn't be teaching ah decisions were made by an [ __ ] a selfish selfish [ __ ] well that seems a little bit weird the window is falling down question 27 where does most of the mass of an atom come from you answered nucleus well the correct answer was nucleus screw you idiot for real if i ever came across one single question that did this i would contest the entire quiz who else uses can openers to drink soft drinks this is extremely unhinged and i must try it immediately color the zebra okay come on now that's a brilliant joke also what's wrong with making a rainbow zebra it's a coloring book have some freaking fun made a little drawing a little drawing come on that's pretty massive looking to me and when i say massive i mean good looking look i'm tired okay and just like that we have come to the end of another video ladies and gents always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video to drop a like down below and if you really enjoyed the video well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later and also hey if you haven't already consider dropping me a follow at my twitter it's down in the description below and i make plenty of really really bad jokes that no one likes
Channel: EmKay
Views: 676,665
Rating: 4.9200349 out of 5
Keywords: top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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