r/Mildlyinfuriating | DAMIEN IS SCREAMING

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my printer software stopped working because it was made in flash so adobe dropping support for flash they drop support for so many things at the same time that's rough what's going on guys and welcome back to mk my name is damian and today we're looking through r slash mildly infuriating and hey guys just to let you know this is the last of my guest spots here and i'm gay we all sad real crying oh so sad tears but hey stick around if you want to find out where you can hear more of my voice for now let's get mildly infuriated down in the dumps after a breakup turn to my fortune cookie that came with my chinese takeout for some advice reminded why i'm not really into all that mystic stuff also your first mistake was going to a fortune cookie for advice give a man a fish and you feed him for a day give him deliveroo and you feed him for a lifetime download the liveroo app today i mean hey it's not wrong so long as you have the skrilla to pay for delivery uh delivery fees my left air pod fell in the oven and i didn't notice until well baked 20 minutes afterwards oh and those are the airpods pro no dude that's like [Music] [Laughter] it's worse than just regular airpods falling in the oven that's the expensive kind baby oh hey what are the elements that are magnetic nickel cobalt iron or all the above well i chose it was a multiple choice question i chose all of them except for all of the above and i got it wrong even though all of the above was the answer so you know the specificities i guess insert straw here no not there hold on now that's not where i put my straw that's not the whole that's packaging this bacon i get from the grocery store was twelve dollars that is hardly big that's hardly meat that's all fat that piece at the very far right is just fat there is no bacon there i mean now you have a great cook all that down and you have a great source of bacon fat for cooking food in the future but i mean otherwise this was useless how my battery from amazon showed up big box small package it feels like it was thrown in there with some indignance too just like you want battery here's your battery and throw it into the box seal it up throw it into the truck oh it's bent two how did they bend the battery package already unbelievable hey please select an answer to continue uh 2008 1991 2018 2007 1993 2013 1992 2013 2015 1987 where the fight happened i don't know so many choices wish they were in numerical order from numerical descending order please uh one star i ordered this book by mistake it's a horror story and i don't like horror so you know one star thanks man these five page booklets calvin klein put in my underwear [Laughter] oh whoa that's that that is quick start guides that is a quick start guide right in your underpants oh my god that's what you get from wearing calvin klein fruit loom is where it's at baby apple wants to save waste and packaging unless it's sending replacement airpods two boxes shipped separate each with one airpod inside thank you thank you apple oh i see brighton that is not 50 that is not 50 at all oh come on now cap lock is replaced with this useless key on my chromebook the discover key why is this here i don't need it [Laughter] my church's carpeted desk an atrocity that's for when you know when you rest your arms on the desks for so long they fall asleep it's comfy for the arms don't diss a carpeted desk i might just get it i just might carpet my desk and no one's gonna stop me my neighbor just moved to another state and decided to abandon this guy no he's your new best friend you found him finders keepers i'd say that's more trashy than mildly infuriating you sure that's just mildly all right [Laughter] try using your honor phone now you gotta balance it like that just to charge it oh that fills me with it uh number one the quality of this photo is terrible let me zoom out just i can't even zoom out it won't even let me zoom out there we go i zoomed out not only is the quality of this photo terrible this is a crunchy jpeg but you mushed up all the play-doh now i can't make cool sculptures cause it's gonna look all weird come on a wood chopping board okay do not use as a chopping book so is it just for decoration or am i just what am i doing with this what do you mean don't use a chopping board these baseball fields in my city one of them just felt like he wanted to do something a little different that's okay don't worry about him too much cleaned up a carpet stain and made it cleaner than the surrounding area well that just means you need a steam cleaner pal get yourself a steam cleaner and just clean that whole carpet up it's gonna look bright and beautiful don't it don't even worry about it see most of these things are i get i'm i'm mildly infuriated you know my my my temper flares just a little bit of some of these but for the most part it's like i'm a generally pretty sedated guy a lot of things don't bother me and i've thought about this before mildly infuriating videos to where i see it and i'm just like i didn't want to get out of bed today so this doesn't this is just nothing compared to that i was asleep until 3 pm you think this bothers me i was going to get a crappy cup of coffee on my 10-minute break but someone put a mini weenie in the keurig [Laughter] that is an asian of chaos who would put a minute who would put a weenie in the cure egg you have a villain in your work staff if you complain about the fact homeless people are being vaccinated during a pandemic you should be fired from a cannon into the sun oh my people actually complaining that doctors in oldham are vaccinating the homeless where's your empathy lads they vaccinated 23 people 23 people without a home i think they should get a little bit of priority they're the people that are going to be surrounded by it the most i think they should take priority honestly ew i don't like this map i mean it's technically still a correct formation of the united states but i don't like it i don't like the california's no not my sunny state oh i guess that's a new update hey for those of you who are long time listeners i'm no longer a florida man i live in sunny california now so you can stop all that florida man talk all right who cares if i was born or raised there born or raised like it's an option either way i only accept california man jokes now and that's a rule order taco bell on doordash order in a medium i saw this post before yeah this dude ordered a medium and small baja blast and he got two empty cups that made me stop using doordash completely apparently this also wasn't the first time either why he trusted doordash again with his taco bell needs is beyond me they're not exclusive honey you can use uber eats in tile cobalt 79.99 it's 79.99 she was snapchatting while driving 40 miles per hour she also had a little brother in the passenger seat while doing this hanging off when i see people doing stuff like this that's why you go hands-free and use that's why you go hands-free we have airplay they have hands-free calls and text easiest way to avoid being being a scumbag all right i'm putting it out there this elevator oh my god this looks like an elevator off of i i i don't think it is but uh when i went to the aquarium pacific the elevators format the same color scheme and everything so i thought this was just a dumb elevator of the aquarium pacific that's funny the moon ah that didn't look like the moon on the box who's this goofy looking prankster my apartment complex in a letter saying that if you don't pick up after your dog you'll get fined however they let the trash get like this hey you know that's it ain't dog dookies it ain't dog duties and as long as it ain't dog duties i'm not as concerned about the trash you heard it here first if it's not dog duties it doesn't matter hello fresh packaging individual carrots and seal the plastic bags that's so they don't cross-contaminate with the other carrots you know i like like how it happens like how like how carrots could cross contaminate with each other you know it's not a waste of plastic it's not going to ruin the environment or anything 12 bucks for this full english fry up oh that looks really sad [Laughter] that's the saddest english breakfast i've ever seen i followed the gaming topic on twitter and it showed me this tweet because she used the term among us hey you know what sounds kind of sus i said it i said it not taking it back it's already out there ikea gave me a plastic screw to throw directly into the garbage i love that i love that it's in the directions too i love the groceries for one minute so i can pee and he took a bite into every single tortilla i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him [Laughter] oh that's diabolical our neighbor continually leaves their heater on hours after they've gone inside right now it's been over 18 hours oh wait why does this bother you i need to tighten my set of hex keys but i need another hex key to tighten it see my issue here sorry man you're in a bad situation simply go to a store that has hex keys for sale and then use that to tighten your set of hex keys problem solved this toy of my son hurts worse than legos guess how i found out you became super mario for a second there did you do the thing where he jumps up and falls down past the floor at least give the ice cream to the cashew if you don't want to walk all the way back butter pecan ice cream and the doritos section ew but it is something new something new for that section of chips how to occupy an idiot like me oh yeah that actually confused me too i like that that's gonna confuse me it's gonna occupy me as well we decided to open your package we found nothing bad we'll send you a bill for our services thank you for charging me for something i didn't even want what could i do without you australian government people walking around wearing these ridiculous things as if they're actually doing anything they should get the razor masks the ones that look really gamer as hell and have the the voice amplifier if they care so much about being heard personally i like the masks why pirates of the caribbean can't work without johnny dead also prior to the caribbean is better than johnny depp so which isn't these articles are four days apart also doesn't screen rant kind of do this anyway with their articles i'm not uh not sure this is like captivating journalism spent 300 bucks on a new mirror no fittings included only this uh go ahead and check your local hardware store and select the most appropriate fixings for hanging this product you're on your own otherwise my mom my phone at 13 her phone at 70 my phone still at 13 thanks mom my phone's dead now no not gonna know where your baby boy is when you need to know the most when your nail does this for no apparent reason and then get stuck everywhere oh yeah the chip and the nail just trim them buddy just get them trimmed or file it a little you file that nail down you're fine ain't gotta worry about it too much have you ever been in an accident that resulted in your death well that's a tough question uh check my pulse the answer is yes i have been when i'm back when people mistake a mental illness with liking neatness ah this feeds my ocd so much yeah where i learned my i learned this my friend that's not ocd you just like things to be organized like that oh wait no never mind that red is slightly off i hate this world i hate it i hate it i hate it i see it now and now you do too you can't unsee that canyon it's one pixel off on just dance 2021 there are over 500 songs locked behind a monthly subscription just dance not just pay how the percentages aren't rounded up and spill outside the frame ah come on it is you know fifty six point nine nine nine nine nine so on and so forth you get it it's humid it's humid outside that's that's what we're trying to say and it's raining the way this bay window looks like a bad photoshop oh my god it does oh what that's weird oh that's so gross looking i don't like that try to watch a movie about a deaf girl who speaks in signs reading it from youtube no subtitles buy netflix subscription blocked in my country used a vpn tv won't let me platforms cry so much about piracy yet regularly fail to make paid content more accessible than pirate bay those kids because content isn't a constant war of who owns the rights to what i ordered a cheese pizza from pizza hut and this is what i got i got none pizza with left beef that is ridiculous this is not a pizza this is a massacre 87 should be on the left i know this is a ploy to get me to accidentally choose 89 but listen my eyes are sharp like knives i see it buddy 87 all the way pngs that actually work fake pngs with checkered backgrounds those get me a lot i never know if it's a real png or not you know i actually kind of like the new pringles look have a bunch of brands just been simplifying their logo ever since dreamed that that's it it's dream it's dream's fault ever since they saw a dream with a simple smiley face every brand has been scrambling to simplify their logo to continue reading this article you can either log in or register for free but you can't read without registering pal [Laughter] that is a brave toilet the reflective ceiling really does it for me oh man that's funny rules learning english number one there are no rules ugh i don't like that it's like back tense up i hate that so much visiting my sister's house went for some m m's and discovered she's satan because they're all oh there's skittles in there oh no well chocolate and fruit wouldn't that be like a fondue in your mouth i'm for it the growing inaccessibility of science for example you could rent and buy this article for eight bucks sorry renting an article how desperate is the press sucks on the beach from a guy who just doesn't care the owner set up my work takes up two spaces in employee parking closest to the employee entrance every day he's a real asshat about it pill but we can't do anything because he's the owner's son it's that owner's son privilege good morning that is my coffee yeah good morning i don't know if he felt going up or felt going down but there was clearly a collision there looks like he fell walking down the stairs staples forgot one ruler in my last shipment so they made another delivery and there's your ruler a big old box the state of my little brother's nintendo swit oh my god oh he's massacred the poor thing it's so covered in dust and grime well fingerprint smears i already know that those controllers got joy-con drift i already know it the location of the stop button on a timer versus an alarm yeah it's that i've fallen for that too it's gotten me too don't worry you're not alone in that one i stacked two pyrex bowls and now they're stuck together oh no they're water locked oh no that's just that's the way things are now man that's life and you gotta accept it sun visor technology hasn't been updated since 1912 because we still got that last little spot of sun that just blinds you right in the face thanks my textbook costs 130 bucks and is literally unbound photocopied pages 130 for minimal effort that's college i was super proud of this photo until i got home and realized my thumb was in the bottom left corner oh that's a hard photo that's a really nice photo otherwise too and the mountains and everything that's a beautiful location that's just an excuse to go back this now useless christmas mask i ordered back in october to just arrive today oh it's not useless cove it ain't over baby it'll be this year too what have you done on that poor toothpaste tube dear lord you've choked the life out of that thing this variety pack of starburst is gonna be all pink oh it's all red that's the cherry oh no they're orange oh that's the worst flavor of starburst am i the only one who finds this stuff annoying this isn't news she walked her dog it's news because she's not wearing a mask that's what they're reporting on [Music] [Laughter] oh that that looks about right for walmart actually i think this is intended oh that's an aggravating wine glass how can i hold my glass all sophisticated if it doesn't look sophisticated v changed the title of a three-year-old video to trick viewers i think it's a newer video let's wait to see just a title of one of my videos like oh [Laughter] what could go wrong fails compilation 2020 uploaded in 2017. that could go wrong getting caught for changing the title and that's gonna do it for r mildly infuriating and i hope you guys enjoyed and were mildly infuriated like i was and if you were be sure to leave a like on this video and subscribe to the channel for more videos just like this one and hey this was the last of my guest spots on mk had a lot of fun but it comes to an end if you want to hear more of my voice you can head over to our new channel daily and give it a subscribe and until next time i'll be seeing you i guess over on dealy bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 544,805
Rating: 4.9756708 out of 5
Keywords: top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: U19Z7ObW9tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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