r/Mildlyinfuriating | images that make you scream

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just stop them i don't want to see them dear reddit i don't want to watch live streams oh there's a live stream i have to laugh because you know they did it on purpose and it's going to infuriate somebody that moves in there [Music] mk skating at night dude that is totally tubular where can i get that hoodie for myself actually how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin probably the oldest one because i mentioned the word tubular earlier and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash mildly infuriating because as all of you already know i love pain and i absolutely adore being mad at any level even if it's just mildly so let's jump right on in there shall we this should be stopped original repost yeah i never understood that at all how does this even happen my boyfriend offered me half of his banana whoa didn't think he meant half like that but here we are i guess this is the world we live in now my friend eats chips and dip by putting the chips on the couch well it looks like they shouldn't be your friend anymore because they're an absolute psychopathic monster zero percent nudity zero percent swearing zero percent violence zero percent in decency one hundred percent talon wow shut up the two buttons of my ceiling fan remote at the bottom are both clockwise oh how handy yeah that makes it super easy to understand then huh oh nope i've got nothing i got nothing here i'm just mad oh come on for god's sake what is wrong with these people whoo looks like we're jumping from mildly right into red-faced anger already and it's been a few posts in damn that's a new record how my family cuts and puts away sliced cheese wow holy crap you mean ex-family right you see the pattern here they're all psychotic just like that friend who put chips on the couch you need to ditch these people they're no good for you i really hope you didn't pay too much for that job i got up to get a drink then twisted my ankle and banged my head in the drywall fml [Laughter] [Music] i would pay big money to have watched this unfold i go to get some ice cream and find it inside a block of ice well you better go get that fire plasmid pretty soon you're not getting your ice cream huh honey honey yeah we have to move again get no we're gonna move again stop wasting money on unnecessary monthly subscriptions said the wall street journal that charges 28.99 per month meanwhile a magazine i actually read game informer cost me uh 13 dollars for a year come on wsj what the hell's your problem thank you usps i'm sure this poster that says do not bend right on the packaging will hang up great oh man [Laughter] that's a tough break the right side of the duct tape the left side oh man that brought back some memories dude lava in minecraft lava in real life magma in minecraft magma in real life oh yeah i never thought about that before although hey real quick let's do an exercise look at minecraft and then look at the real world and then realize that one's a goddamn video game made out of cubes and the other is the real world doesn't that just blow your mind it blows my mind yeah we've all been there man except i'm so tall it's usually my belt loop or pocket that somehow gets stuck on a door handle man if only there was something that they could have done there instead of expand the stairs a little bit okay okay almost i'll give you a d plus just because you at least got it up there kinda close to the center okay okay where is the four-year-old nope he's going down this time i'm gonna lock him in the cabinet for like a week and a half quick interjection here for everybody that might take me seriously with what i say don't that's not the point of this channel that's not how i operate and i'm never really serious when going over these things for instance i didn't actually lock my toddler in a cabinet for a week [Laughter] maybe i'll do it in the future though but i did not this time oh no no that's it back to skype the good news is my custom face mask arrive and the bad news is that they printed my face 20 too large how's that bad news you look fantastic what the hell happened to your keyboard did you give it too many monsters oh thank you jesus i am so glad that i'm not the only person that deals with toilet paper doing this god what do we continue to use after it's broken egg bruh someone just spent 125 on you wtf i found out about that reward earlier today and thought to myself i'm never going to stumble upon one it didn't even take one day to be proven wrong holy god 125 dollars you look like a dork ah yes the scourge of egregious packaging this is despicable i've never gotten a package of swedish fish that is all individually wrapped like that and if i did i'm coming after the swedes 220 sheets forget that crap we've got 220 sheets in here but in a different bond two days ago the sub went missing by my kitchen sink today i looked up no freaking way what the hell kind of magician bullcrap is this will it work with ps4 i don't own a ps4 to test it on does it work on ps4 i used it on a five-year-old hp laptop and it works fine that wasn't the question the amount of official trailers which are fan made are too damn high i fully agree ulta el mess is uh come on come on ah yes you're blind clearly lip tint for sale did you have to use all of it on your arm holy god that's not how you swatch baby paracetamol or whatever that is someone seriously painted over this pictograph dated 500 a.d in utah to mark their property line and you know they did it on purpose just to piss people off look at how much room they had to put this anywhere else here but no they chose the picture right there wow screw you [ __ ] this is what happens when you're a jerk don't be mean and they'll probably not do this okay i can't confirm that sometimes you just have a bad day and you want to mess with people a little bit i'm not saying that from experience at all well you know what no you weren't even remotely close you stupid a-hole ah three comments let's take a look alright then never mind i feel like we haven't fully internalized how cursed the iowa county map is holy crap really is this real geez ah yes son of a bat now i'm going to be looking at parking structure markings for years trying to find inconsistencies nice a piochness well that sure does suck i go on my friend's phone and this is the crap i see oh my god it's kind of like my mom's phone except instead of breaking all of these folders down into productivity travel education she's got them color coded they're color coded with no names what kind of crazy crap is that do you know how hard it is when i'm told to find something on our phone being colorblind okay you're a monster and i need you to take four steps back from me at least remember social distancing still applies you creep oh my god people it's got crap built into it for you to wrap the cable around i changed my comments so you don't know why i got so many likes yeah you and 400 trillion other people get the hell over it it wasn't funny the 50th time return rental textbooks during finals week not returnable if shrink wrap is broken i feel like the textbook racket should have been made illegal a long time ago but hey you know america screw the poor people keep giving breaks to the billionaires get rid of masks tips will be bigger if i were the manager you would no longer ever be welcome in my restaurant you stupid piece of human trash all right have a nice day hope you don't catch kobe dick all right when i said earlier i was never serious there are times when i am like when it comes to treating your fellow man with respect by wearing a piece of cloth over your stupid face wear it as annoying as it might be at least they were keeping them all in one place i don't know what they were going for but they failed regardless this accessory may not be supported okay message failed to send wow it tried for 313 days i gotta give it some credit there that's an impressive amount of time to keep on believing i think it's time to just give up on that screen protector you know what i mean nice don't worry dude it's just paper take a bite what the hell even are those no more prying eyes when i sunbathe naked also damn that fence is badass where can i get one wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute is this a sword drawer because that's the coolest thing i've ever heard of in my entire life can you imagine breaking into some dude's house he yanks a drawer open and yoinks a katana out of it you probably won't want to be there much longer also i understand that the guard isn't exactly gonna fit in there with the rest of the hilton blade but you don't really need one if you're gonna start hacking like a madman when you get comfortable in your bed but you forgot to turn the lights off hey smart lights baby i don't gotta worry about that anymore or you could just go old school and buy a clapper holy crap that's actually kind of nifty amazon something spooky's going on you might want to take a look into that you the chick from tick tock no wrong number what account said this was her number people keep texting me it didn't you just couldn't see the last number so everyone's just guessing the last one [Laughter] sucks to suck well that's an omen you're probably gonna die tomorrow 2017 what the hell were you thinking there's a gaming chair company called ite ite i-t-e-y yeah whatever it doesn't matter they photoshopped a photo of me sitting in a tlt today video and used it as an ad for years never seen their chair in my life i don't care if the chair is great this is trashy don't buy their stupid chair yeah there's gotta be some kind of legality issue going on here like could he take them to court and get some back pay for all the money they made off of using his image to make some cash well they tried for a little bit in the bottom and then all hell broke loose ah whatever it's powerade no one's gonna buy it anyway r slash frick masks this community is a group of people who don't agree with wearing masks we all may have our own reasons for not wanting to wear a mask feel free to post about news lawsuits and the legality of the situation your country of origin does not matter you are welcome here oh boy at the very least people like this like to make their own special groups so that we know to stay very far away from their echo chamber huge anti-mask protests in berlin when the numbers of covet 19 cases have been going up consistently in germany oh man we're all going to die because of people like this nothing's more bullcrap than a fitted sheet am i right ladies and gents inhale exhale yeah i will give people with glasses that much they're mildly annoying in that fashion join us for our newest support group moms mom's supporting other moms alright then that's pretty simple to get no no no no not again no no no no no no no no it's all carpet no no no i can feel my socks getting wet with urine the moment i step in there electra boom funny compilation try not to laugh challenge okay it's an hour long and hey it's only got 500 000 ads i admire the restraint well no no you we all start somewhere stop saying karen karen is a sexist and racist term equivalent to the n-word for white women calling a woman karen is an attempt to get rid of women's rights to stand up for themselves now that that's settled you all need to stop using the sexist and racist term karen's worse than oh ooh margaret peters you need to shut your stupid karen mouth [Laughter] oh god i cannot believe these people judging by the rappers those don't look like generic pop tarts which makes it all the more sad deleted this is probably the best advice in this thread oh son of a prank why would you do this why stop like my comment if black lives matter i just moved to miami and have to get a covid test quarantine for two weeks before school which is fine i was asking where the best places to get tested were and one of them seriously said oh you can pay for a fake negative test and you wouldn't have to quarantine tons of people do it wow holy pardon my french and i'm sorry to the editor that has to bleep out my real curse words but dude this is getting really bad no no i have to push it down i gotta bottle it up and just keep going we gotta keep going guys we're here for the bunnies and to laugh at the stupid people so let's keep doing that bought a four pack of frozen pretzels only got two in about 17 salt packets that's what you get for going to trader joe's how much did you pay for that 46 dollars again it's probably time to give up on that let's be honest at the very least the missing piece isn't right in the center it's down on the bottom left so it's not as bad as the rest i think the most infuriating part about this puzzle is just how really stupid it looks ah i see that you had to serve trash my favorite color is ooh no this ain't it this is not it i wish reddit went back to just silver gold and platinum awards that don't take up half my freaking screen while i'm scrolling oh my god look what you've done your post goes against our community standards on adult sexual solicitation eighteen dollars and fifty cents an hour to pack boxes on weekends perfect job for a college student maybe it was the emoji that tipped them off seems a little weird and brings a creepy energy to your post also hold up did you say 18.50 an hour i'll be there in 10. what they ran out of milk dude that is a tough break oh well nothing you can do about that now ah a guy that doesn't care about anybody but himself nice dude uh whatever man i don't have enough energy to care about this as long as it still works and doesn't burn my house down sorry your post has been removed as the title is in all caps which is known in the state of california to cause cancer god i wish there were an easier way to do this hmm [Applause] sucks to suck my guy oh how aesthetically wait i made cherry pie the cat stood on it i don't see what the problem is the dude's got an incredibly big overpriced truck that can't do anything that trucks 30 years ago could do and it's a piece of crap he's gonna need that extra buffer space so just in case a prius pulls up next to it and dings it the truck doesn't fall apart he has to have that safe space shield on his 60 000 paperweight oh god i can't wait for people in the comments who really love dodge rams to try and rip me three new buttholes well it could always be worse you've ever seen that movie american pie oh thank god my anger levels were starting to get a bit too high but hey we made it to the end of another video without me popping a blood vessel in my eyeball which is a win in my book always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure you get subscribed and click the bell icon you already know why alright we'll catch you next time
Channel: EmKay
Views: 929,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: VzPwczdHILM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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