r/Maliciouscompliance | "YOUR SON IS NOT DROWNING!!"

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ma'am your son is drowning entitled mother rolling her eyes and walking over to the edge of the pool he is not he's swimming fine by this point the son is moved from distress to swimming to active drowning the imagery of a mother walking over to the son who's actively trying to grass for anything to like survive and not have his lungs filled with water and the moms like looks like swimming to me what's up guys and welcome back to Ma the best reddit readings south of the Equator and today we are doing a dive into our / malicious compliance which just so happens to be one of my favorite sub reddits without further ado let's just shimmy on into the subreddit I hadn't acquainted - as part of a group of friends who always tried to do alpha male stuff to prove himself within the group when women were around one thing he liked to do was when he arrived at the bar he would grab your half-finished beer drink it then buy you a whole new one I always shrugged this stuff off because this guy was obviously super insecure one night we were hanging out and met a girl I was really into her but he was - he was doing all his usual stuff but I had a sense that the girl was more into me I asked her if she wanted to leave the bar and my friend overheard and took that as an invitation we should all leave together we arrived at my place and he spots and peppers my roommate had left drying out to make salsa they're told Aurora peppers and are some of the hottest peppers you can eat the conversation went like this where are those those are Aurora peppers can I have them I wouldn't they are extremely hot it's okay I'm South American and he eats one thirty seconds later he's sputtering and trying to spit them out he asked for milk but all we had was expired milk oh poor guy he drank it anyways then immediately ran to the bathroom while he was in there the girl and I had a good laugh at his expense I told her about how he's always trying to be alpha and she laughed mentioning things he'd done throughout the night that were super transparent he came out of the bathroom saying he needed to go home right away so he called a cab went home and I ended up hooking up with the girl another one this happened a long time ago 1990s when I worked for a small family-run print shop a local politician used to fancy himself an artist and would draw local scenes in pen and ink they were nothing special but every year he'd treat his constituents to a Christmas card bearing a scrawled winner scene and inside would be a greeting from him and his family this particular year I was prepping his artwork when I noticed a problem with the text on the inside as this was pre-internet I figured it'd be quickest to recreate it myself rather than bother the client to resupply with hindsight I should have copied his style as closely as possible but the spacing looked awful so he tweaked it here and there he called in to check the proof hello counselor here's your proof I recreated the inside because I didn't get to finish my sentence the counselor was so affronted that I felt his artwork could be improved upon that with the reddening face he chewed me a new one and demanded that I use his original artwork like I was supposed to in the first place of course counselor my apologies and so the following week the counselor received his Christmas cards exactly as instructed in the greeting read married chest --mess PS that's it for the malicious compliance part but it's not quite the end of the story a week or two later I was in a card shop looking for funny cards to send a family and friends when I spotted one that made me gasp on the front it was a kid wearing at dunces cap writing the following happy Christmas a B Christmas happy Christmas and on the inside merry xmas I couldn't resist I bought it to show my boss and he thought it was so funny he actually sent it to the counselor happy chest miss from all it local printers we lost a customer but it was worth it another one this was one of a few instances which ultimately got my boss fired but new head coach of the school I had been coaching at for five years demanded that she be the only one to mark the role before all the 100 or so kids went off into their respective groups for the afternoon she snapped anytime anyone else would try to market she was also bullying one of my colleagues and really let her have it when she marked the role on a sub occasion one day a kid forgot something in their locker and asked to be escorted by her head coach to get whatever it was so at the beginning of class around 3:15 p.m. all of the kids were looking at us the coaches and getting antsy waiting for something to happen my boss didn't tell anyone what she was doing we thought she went and moved her car or something that she was taking her sweet time since I had been working there the longest out of all the coaches the others were asking me if we should start and if I could mark the roles I told them in a very sarcastic and evil tone we have to follow her instructions let's wait and see how she copes with her own f up my boss returns at about 325 and sees everyone just there and proceeds to ask us what happened we are late for class come on chop-chop I kindly reply we followed your rule we can't start without you marking the role she gives me this look I'll mark through all the kids are warming up then meanwhile all the kids are hastily running to where they need to be in the whole gym looks super disorganized we get the warm-up underway and while kids are running back and forth doing kicks and turns etc this is an artistic gymnastics class by the way she is walking in between the rows almost getting kicked in the face and asking who's here and who's missing etc and all my students are looking at me like WTF is this be doing all the while the head of sport was watching from above in the sports staff room watching this be crash-and-burn she was fired at the end of her third term at the school I'm now applying for the head coach role fingers crossed that I get it well seeing as you follow the rules to the tee I'm sure you'll get the position my friend another one I was a head lifeguard of the water park for four years so I have definitely seen my fair share of entitled parents but one entitled mother almost let her child drowned because of it me is me supervisor supervisor am is entitled mom sea is child at the park I workout we have a bunch of slides a wave pool and one regular swimming pool that has these little plastic water slides that empty into it that we also use for training the shallow end is about three feet in the deep end is 10 but the water slides empty into the 4/5 foot end a lot of people underestimate the depth mostly parents and young children and find themselves having to swim back up the wall instead of standing I'm only 5 - so even I have to swim from that side because of the depth we require everyone under 48 inches to wear a lifejacket no matter where they are in the pool stay long as you can imagine a lot of parents aren't happy with this and though we have free lifejackets as a courtesy on very busy days we run out but our biggest issues come from the parents who are convinced their child's the next Michael Phelps on this particular day it was fairly busy and I didn't listed a couple of my life cards to look for lifejacket that were left in the cabanas / bathrooms / etc instead of hung back up a little kid came running to the pool and I noticed his height about two inches too short poor little guy hey buddy I'm so sorry but you can't swim in this pool without a lifejacket and tub of mother walking up behind oh it's alright he can swim unfortunately because of the state law I can't let him in the water without a life jacket he's on the swim team he's perfectly fine I'm sorry ma'am it's not our rule it's law she rolls her eyes and Huff's off but manages to find her kid a lifejacket so I take my eyes off them and pay more attention to my zone regularly irritated parent no big deal fast forward about ten minutes and I see this kid climb up the slide it's the child so I what does a lot of and take him to his mother and again say ma'am I understand he can probably swim but he cannot go down the slide or go in the pool without a lifejacket absolutely not I am NOT putting that death trap back on my child I understand but he can swim perfectly fine he's on a swim team he's fine me beginning to get irritated I legally cannot let your child touch that water if he does not have a life jacket on no it was choking him I will not have my child choking and dying goodbye I almost cracked up but she'd walked off dragging her kid with her so I rolled my eyes and didn't think anything of it every twenty or thirty minutes we'd rotate positions as lifeguards to keep her eyes fresh and our energy up so our lovely entitled mother decided to wait until we rotated to try and bring her child back unfortunately for her I just moved to the other side of the pool about 10 minutes into the rotation I noticed a distressed swimmer swimming but clearly struggling and barely moving it's the stage before active drowning about five feet from the slide I whistled jump in and yank the swimmer onto my tube and lo and behold it's the same child now I'm mad but not as mad as entitled mother she's sitting on a lounge chair on the side of the pool not paying attention at all sidenote parents lifeguards are not your babysitters I hope they get out and drag him to his mother ma'am this is the third time I've tried to talk to you your child almost drowned in the pool because he entitled mother horrified can't you just touch my child I rescued your child I did not give you permission to save my child you had no right to touch him you should have asked me first before just grabbing him like that I didn't see you anywhere you were not watching your child so I had to make a decision yes I was he was swimming fine how dare you save them just to prove your point just admit you're on a little lifeguard power trip I want to speak to your supervisor I love when people want to speak to his supervisor because of this water part could be you're almost always on the lifeguard side so my supervisor comes over this lifeguard won't let my child swim in the pool she gave him a life jacket that was choking him and then she dragged him out of the pool without my permission your child is too short but he's on a swim team if he can swim he shouldn't have to wear one now I had been having the same conversation over and over for about 45 minutes my supervisor asked her to give him a minute and move to the side to talk to me sometimes if the children are near the correct height we let them swim if there are no adequate lifejackets and these seem like strong swimmers and have a reliable adult with them so my supervisor decides to extend this privilege to entitled mother thank you I can't believe it took this long for you to see sense I hope she gets written up at the very least for ruining my son's day she was doing her job but I'm sorry I'd made things difficult for you entitled mother goes back to chatting with her friends and her son runs happily back to the slide where he nearly drowned once already and slides down it and sure enough he starts training but I'm not allowed to rescue her son because he can swim right he's on a swim team he's great I'm actually about to jump in when my supervisor stops me and gets the mom's attention ma'am your son is drowning entitled mother rolling her eyes and walking over to the edge of the pool he is not his swimming is fine by this point the son is moved from distress to swimming to active drowning it's awful the imagery of a mother walking over to the son who's actively trying to grass for anything to like survive and not have his Wang filled with water and the moms like yeah I know he does this at the swim meet he's fine what do you what do you what's the problem his mouth is bobbing up and down over the water his eyes are wide arms desperately grabbing for something but he isn't moving anywhere and no the other patrons notice because they were all doing their own thing and drowning is a very quiet and uneventful now I'm getting antsy I don't want a kid drowning on my watch even if I don't have permission from the parent to rescue them in total mother's friend comes over to see what's going on gets wide eyed and gasps and the entitled mother falls into hysterics what are you doing don't just stand there do something save him despite my now anger I need no second bidding I jump in grab the poor kid for a second time and I'm out please put a lifejacket on him next time are taken to the children's area where you could swim wherever he likes without one didn't even say thank you just shot me a dirty look sign the incident report and hold her shivering child away another one as I have mentioned in other posts tales from retail I have worked better than 30 years in convenience stores and boy the stuff I have seen and enjoyed however this story is about malicious compliance so let's get to it I had worked for this particular chain of stores for a while and had learned many of the ins and outs of fixing minor problems to keep the store running printer stopped working let me check the wiring huh problem solved door sticking I got this anyway I'm tightening the hinges on the door one day anyway I'm tightening the hinges on the door one day when my manager catches me now technically we the store employees are not supposed to fix anything if it required maintenance of any kind we were supposed to call it in and let the maintenance guys handle it so the manager yelled at me for fixing the door AJ what are you doing fixing the door because it was sticking no we're supposed to call it in not fix it ourselves but manager it's just some loose screws look it took like five minutes I don't care we're not supposed to fix anything we call it in period so I can't fix anything not even simple stuff no nothing just call maintenance if I catch you fixing anything again I'm going to write you up you realize that it can take days for them to respond for simple things like the door sticking she nodded okay whatever you say I stopped making repairs every time something broke I filed a repair order including things like wood trim breaking or a squeaking door I didn't touch a thing maintenance got very tired of seeing our store number pop up on their computer and the maintenance guy asked why I didn't just fix some of them since they were very simple repairs or did not really need a maintenance call manager said I had to report any repair no matter how large or smaller I could be brought up so sorry the final straw was when the coffee pot sprang a leak our coffee pots were hooked up to the main water supply so when one of them started leaking it didn't stop just kept slowly dribbling water I as I was told to do made a maintenance request stamped an emergency and place some towels to stop the spread of water I did not shut off the water which would have been easy because I was told not to fix anything I told manager that the pot was leaking and that I had told maintenance she came out of her office saw the water still spreading and turned to me in exasperation why is it still leaking because it is a maintenance issue and I to touch it per your orders you could have turned off the water which she proceeded to do nope sorry but you said I could get wrote up so I am not touching anything maintenance related she glared at me for a full minute before replying this is different leaving the water run could cause significant damage so it's okay to shut it off nope not running the risk since you threatened to write me up I'm not touching a thing even remotely connected to maintenance I was transferred to a sister station in town two weeks later for some reason I also went back to fixing minor issues with no problems from my new manager so I work IT in a public school I'm a 12-month employee who works 40 hours a week five days I'm constantly staying late sometimes an hour or more or coming in early I don't get any overtime but sometimes the job calls to be late no big deal in my eyes I get a half hour lunch salaried at 55 K most days I bring my lunch in but sometimes I don't have leftovers or anything to bring in there's a convenient shop that sells sandwiches and chips which I usually go to whenever I don't Mergen lunch since the sandwiches are made by order you don't have an option to call in so you have to wait for it takes around 12 or 13 minutes to get there and back so before my break lunch is at 12 noon every day I'll run to the shop get a sandwich and coke before my lunch break and come back in time for lunch now this isn't every day it's pretty rare maybe twice a month my boss knows I stay late and never ask for OT or anything like that he told me staying late was part of my job when necessary I usually don't have an issue with him but today I did I ran out of 11:45 got a sandwich came back and took lunch from 12:00 to 12:30 when I was just getting off my lunch he called me into his office and that's what time I went on lunch told him what time then he asked me if I ran out before my break told him I did he told me he was writing me up for stealing time for running out before my break this is strange considering this has never been a problem and I've never gotten her right up so I tell him that's fine and he has to do what he has to do then I decide to look at my contract guess what I get two 15-minute breaks in my addition to my half hour lunch so now I'll be taking a 15-minute break whenever I feel like it thanks to my union it's 1994 and I'm an eighth grade 13 years old and a private religious school that had some very interesting rules one of which was that we were not allowed to bring meat to school we had some other really weird views on things like medicine if that gives you some idea of the religion neither myself nor my family subscribed to the school's religion but it happened to be the best private school in the area and I was having some issues of bullying in public school so this is where I landed a little background I have blood sugar issues that have since become more manageable but due to the dietary restrictions and general rules of the school I was not allowed to eat as often or as nutritiously as was necessary in order for me to maintain myself throughout the day and as such I was often irritable and before long I was labeled a troublemaker one Thursday afternoon spring I had a particularly bad blood sugar episode after gym class and had to be sent to the nurse quotations used because although she had a basic medical training it was only enough to placate the school's insurance and her their religion she did absolutely nothing would allow one to lie down and pray until he felt better i straight-up passed out like for the rest of the school day I was actually stirred back to consciousness by the sound of my mother screaming bloody murder at the principal nurse and a receptionist about 30 feet and three walls away however motivating the ruckus was I could not pull myself off the infirmary cot my mother had to carry me out to the car and drive me to the emergency room for emergency rehydration I did not return to the school on Friday prompting my best friend Craig to call and check on me I told him what happened and he said he had a plan Q malicious compliance the following Monday we had gym in the morning the school was a K through 12 gym so our gym class arrows would switch with the younger classes depending on the weather on this particular day we were doing timed mile runs now I've always been a gangly dude with an above-average stride so my average mile time was pretty good low fives which isn't bad for a 13 year old but today I decided to push myself and see if I could come in under 5 edit I did not run the mile in under 5 until several years later that was just included in order to give you an idea of how much time we had I was one of the first to finish with the Craig coming in close behind we went to the grass to relax and Craig pull something out of the waistband of his shorts it was his mom's credit card he then tells me that his dad's cell phone uncommon in 94 but not unheard of in his dad's line of work is in his gym locker we asked for permission to go change for lunch since the run is all we're doing today the gym teacher says yes and we haul ass for the locker room we get to the locker room and begin to enact our plan Kraig calls Pizza Hut and orders a large meat lover's pizza to be delivered to us at school the school has strict but ambiguously written rules about students conducting transactions on school grounds so we used the credit card to pay for the pizza over the phone so no money changed hands on the property fast forward 25 minutes Craig and I are sitting in the cafeteria with our friends the two of us not eating enter Pizza Hut guy who thankfully seemed intrigued by what happened imaginary pizza guy called to a school cafeteria with a single pizza every eye in the room was on those guys he awkwardly said louder than normal talking but still kind of sheepishly I have a large meatlovers for a Craig M Craig and I look at each other and leap up run up the pizza guy and Craig says I'm Craig and that's for me he then shows Pizza Hut guy the credit card used to place the order and pizza that guy seems ok with this and this moment the principal he refer known as PC for principal comes running out of his office just as Craig and I lift the lid on the box to inspect the pizza before taking it from pizza guy PC gets hit full in the face with a wave of hot meat fumes and absolutely loses his mind slapping the pizza box closed and sending it to the floor thankfully unharmed Craig and I were taken by the air to the office we were told to wait for our parents my mother arrived about 15 minutes later absolutely furious that she had to leave work and Craig's dad who had been at home waiting for the phone to ring arrived a couple of minutes later the conversation that followed went about like this your boys violated the rules and are subject to expose it what exactly did they do they brought me to school and conducted a finance a transaction on school grounds didn't you say they had it delivered well yes but what does that have to do so they didn't bring it then well they had it brought that's the same thing show me the student Hannah lo and behold it doesn't say anything about being brought meat at school only bring get ourselves one down that still doesn't excuse the financial transaction rule how was the pizza paid for I assumed it was cash since neither of these boys are old enough to have a credit card see that's where you're wrong I gave Craig a credit card in case of emergencies name one instance in which ordering a pizza is an emergency correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't opie hospitalized last week for blood sugar related exhaustion and dehydration much confidential school information and actually Craig is my best friend so he knows all about it he even called me over the weekend to check on me did you know he didn't no one from the school did like that was the principle stamp rank if he didn't know I have wasted enough of my time here today and I'm starting to think I've wasted enough of my money here overall you want to expel my kid fine I'll pull all four of my kids out now you're losing five tuition checks a month over pizzas and kids who apparently know your rules better than you do my mom nods in agreement we stand up to lead PC ended up backpedaling hard and we got off without any repercussions to put the cherry on our day Craig's dad pointed out the rule about finishing your entire lunch or getting into trouble and since you kept these boys in the office for their entire lunch period you had to give him the opportunity to follow the rules like everyone else so Craig and I got to sit in the cafeteria by ourselves for an entire period eating our now cold victory pizza so big I used to work in health care we were allowed to work up to 55 hours a week and so I'd usually pick up around three to four extra shifts a month just to pay for treats and extras I always made sure I never did too many hours and that I felt well on myself until a new senior nurse started from elsewhere in the hospital she was quite brittle with all the staff bringing in arbitrary new rules and just generally being rude until she wanted something then her tone change and she was sweetness and light she started telling staff that picked up more than one extra shift a month that they were doing too many hours in that we had to pick up fewer hours as it didn't reflect well in the department to have tournament staff working so much she said this in the most condescending tone possible I tried explaining the policy of the hospital but she didn't listen just said well I'm the senior nurse on this ward and this is how it is now and to be honest it wasn't worth my while just working one extra shift so I stopped I also stopped staying behind to help as long as I wasn't impacting on patient safety or others apart from her got loads of notes to write too bad I'm finished now see you later got some samples for pharmacy think we'll be running those yourself it all came to a head one day as I was getting ready to leave she asked me to work his shift the next day she said that she'd asked a staffing agency but they couldn't send anyone and no one else wanted to pick up shifts then came the sweetness please Oh p-please otherwise I'll have to do it and I'm meant to be going to X Y Z tomorrow I stopped I smiled I just said well I can't do too many hours and you are the senior nurse left funnily enough she never questioned me picking up shifts again and that my friends brings us to the end of this extremely long edition of malicious compliance if you enjoyed the video leave us a like and if you really enjoyed the video go ahead and subscribe and as always my friends I'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,618,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, funny, emkay, r/maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance
Id: BMgQj1W4_Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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