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select all squares with crosswalks i don't know i don't know which one has a crosswalk select ones [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk i can't pull the buffering joke on you again so we'll just uh say this is r slash uh mildly infuriating let's get started i know where this is but i like to think that this weirdly specific border happened because a cartographer just barely screwed up and was like i'm just gonna draw this little line here maybe nobody will notice this looks like a chocolate dipped orange like sweet of something this looks delicious i want to eat this hank green tell me not to eat this how officially appealing is our website or ave frog e go odd very go odd xl i particularly like rage i'm two problems one why do you need that thing on the left and two where the hell did you get that banana at rip mitch hedberg how much plastic was used for nine batteries that is absolutely fracking bull crap you got this from mark's marks for your four dollars batteries you buy you give way too much flat packaging way too much went to the er for what turned out to be bad food poisoning wasn't it bed for less than two hours got the bill today oh no welcome to america we have the best fast food and the most expensive health care oh my god i hate i i've i screamed at this before coordinate your volumes together just just make it all match if you're gonna make a multi-volume book just make it i'll just pick a style you'd like for the first book ah boxing day also known as dump the waste and runaway day you know i really want to criticize this uh but i also have a stack of boxes about the height of a couch in my house between fan mail christmas and other stuff i've had to just order it's becoming a fort rather scarily however i'm not bad enough of a person to do this oh that's that's only mildly irritating that would not stop me i would still shove that in my face my roommate drinks the brine leaving the rest to dry out oh gross your roommate drinks the boys like straight out of the truck oh that's disgusting like a little of it maybe but like oh you know that is vile ha ha if lexi tried to make a cake my wife's car she sees nothing wrong yeah no i couldn't no no no no no no no no no danger do not climb hot springs i want to do it anyway for instagram i really want a photoshop of this where she just gets blasted off the freaking mountain i've used this pan to make these little cookies for years covid must have been tough on pillsbury had to cut back from 24 to 20 cookies in a pack oh my god well they put them in the boxes now didn't they used to be in like something else i don't remember i don't i don't cook that's dangerous it's just not long enough measure before you mount stuff my cousin is covered positive and is having a mask-free wedding oh oh really just gonna put you on the blacklist from taco bell it's christmas eve another person just left the office feeling sick i am the last engineer without coven 19. oh no oh no i do appreciate the detail to this whiteboard drawing no as a network engineer myself this is exactly what i would do i dropped my dinner oh no oh i'm so sorry only the best deals was three dollars and now two dollars and 75 cents except it was always 2.75 you lying thief one of these things just doesn't belong here it's a mimic an hour-long drive to see bald eagles and this is the only photo my husband took of them oh no oh majestic i feel nothing but patriotism wow how my niece eats sandwiches even with the crust cut off okay okay okay um i actually understand this uh at some point as a child i saw something i don't know at some like you know medical rescue show about somebody that bit their own fingers off and as a child i was traumatized by this so i would not eat the last bite of sandwiches cheeseburgers anything that had like like a finger food to this day i have a hard time eating that last piece because i'm afraid i'm gonna bite my own fingers i don't know why so actually i understand this entirely i don't get oh it's crooked oh i hate it this fake police officer oh these these are just everywhere they're just like private security right like they have these all around malls and it looks like that's a self storage or something yeah these are pretty common in the us mega markers 150 pieces you lying bastard well there might actually be 150 but you you empty binned bastard mom just set these down with permanent glue she thinks it looks great oh no oh no this greenhouse i bought came with one pole that is too short well that's uh underwhelming always sad when you have a pole that's just too short someone decided to put strong glue into the lock of my locker at the last day of school so now i can't go home what the hell what is wrong with people at schools my roommate has hit new peaks of laziness yeah oh my god it's backwards too yeah jesus screw it he's lost cause just because it has made a few musics musics doesn't mean league of legends is a genre spotify what what well what is no they don't even have like a gaming genre the hell is this the way my sister opens legos oh no oh i'm about to get triggered by this oh my god all right actually actually actually hang on this is acceptable for the the 20 and under sets because uh they they're now glued it's just like one sheet of very thin cardboard glue to the back but any of the really solid lego boxes you cut at the tab and you flatten them and you save them because they are excellent moving boxes and amazing friends but yeah these are actually really hard to save look up to two proud lumberjacks in my living room this morning oh what a fantastic job you two have done now henceforts go into the basement because you are no longer welcome in the living room malnourished adjective suffering from malnutrition definition from oxford languages oxford oxford you got to do better than this look i will defend your comma all day long but you got to do better than this caution gumballs and bouncing balls you you intentionally mix things together and you just warned what the hell is wrong with you my parents don't watch movies in full screen and they say it doesn't bother them no no no no no this is the worst thing i've seen i get angry if a show changes aspect ratio like during the show or between episodes or something because it's an older tv show and my wife doesn't notice that oh but oh my god this would bother me my wife clicked order again on amazon for a replacement mug same price but on sale new mug on the left where's the rest of it where's the rest of the mug your lightsabers are a little short there this morning christmas music is still playing bought cookie dough ice cream there is no cookie dough it's always always briars breyer's is consistently disappointing i don't know why just like there's never quite enough chips in the mint chocolate chip my favorite ice cream is cookie dough and there's never enough cookie doughnut like ben and jerry's does not play and breyer's comes along and he's like i've heard of cookies once all right i saw this in my local store too where the hell is the 50 cent christmas candy the section that we had for it was like two things i'm sorry i like cheap candy it's also cheaper to review another arrow to the house from a neighbor oh is your neighbor as blind as i am i'm sorry i shouldn't have joked about that but yeah yeah i live in nevada locally owned and operated in uh or wherever that is in california the city by the big toe i don't know the the state looks like a sock the longer i stare at this the worse it gets okay we got 294-73618 clearly somebody hates the number five mode and a yang yang thing is a five and and then speed and brightness are up and down where clearly like volume would go and i what what is this even for i'm 18. how old are you under 18 19 through 25 26 and 35 36 and up well clearly you don't exist he's sleeping so peacefully would be a shame if something painful were to suddenly happen to him oh wait is this like a thing do people have cramps in the middle of their sleep i don't know i sleep in like a tiny little ball i didn't know this is the thing i'm sorry for people that this sounds terrible this sounds horrifying i would be so angry cool thanks i freaking hate it my daughter got an american girl kitchen for christmas 40 plus individual pieces all individually wrapped in a non-biodegradable plastic that on one hand this is dumb on the other hand i understand why they did it because i'm waiting for a call from some mom who's like oh you're putting them all together and they're all covered in germs i don't freaking know but yes this is objectively wasteful and dumb uh uh yeah see this way don't do puzzles if i got this far in a puzzle and like the things did not fit and i tried every single interaction of the exactly same black pieces along the bottom edge of whatever the cut is i would rage quit in a fairly violent manner a mother of two donated her kidney to her boss and then was fired because it took too long to recover it this this sounds painfully american is this from is this american because it certainly sounds american i hope her boss has only the best of kidney stones how stupid some people are cyberpunk 2077 players disappointed they don't get to keep the game following refunds my god when did karen start playing games removed removed deleted deleted removed deleted remove i hated watch this movie but i think it will be great 5 stars i hope if the movie is going to be great because i really want to watch it 4 stars i can't wait to see them is the movie not out yet if the movie isn't out yet please stop reviewing it thank you you had one job it was a teapot salt and pepper shakers is a cute idea uh and then you didn't put the dispensing bit where the t would dispense on the t my god that parents who worked hard to be able to provide their child with the toy they wanted have to give them an iou because scalpers exist i hope that i hope the i hope the kid you know understands printers that don't allow to scan without ink oh oh dear god what brand is this i work in i.t i need to know looks vaguely hp-ish the enlarged picture is smaller than the real thing why sell yourself short yeah come on swedish fish your fish are massive that that somehow sounded wrong ah yes when you're a civil engineer that didn't quite pass math i thought this was silver wrapping paper oh oh it's clear why why is it cool why is it clear the hell is wrong why my granddad took out the center slice the center slice of what oh my good lord it better have been your grandad's birthday because that is the only acceptable excuse this sale 22.21 and 11.112 gallons ah may i present to you the soft cabinet oh ew ew oh i hate it this is unsettling as hell wait wait is there a sticker in the in oh my god it's on the inside oh that would drive me nuts on one hand i hate this on the other hand this does look really hard to line up my friend's mom's phone close other tabs you have 500 tabs open for this is my entire computer just all the time think three times measure twice cut once you failed cutting these things out of clothes toys etc oh for those um gut hooks they sound gross but um leathermans have them uh you can also get them by themselves uh gut hook and you just press it against the thing and it just goes right through life hacks with lexi this one i don't oh is it just like tangled because yeah that's the tangle just bothers me i think it's just the tangle my in-laws who use a little off every single dollar toilet paper instead of one at a time no oh this bothers me in like public restrooms and stuff there's like five rolls of toilet paper going just pick one use them sequentially i don't know why it bothers me so much decided to use my n64 cartridge as a toothbrush stand after taking it away thanks mom oh no oh no i can't get mad at this one respect truckers none of them are swift drivers you're all good they'll move never ordering from wish again yeah this is this is what happens when you order from wish this is the view when you walk out of the front doors of my gym after working out oh okay um what was your motivation for going to the gym in the first place because uh donuts donuts my father-in-law works at a hospital in tampa he walked out this evening to find his car in this insane condition people are literally the worst sometimes dude okay all right all right all right we got the anti-masters we got the anti-vaxxers and those people deserve their own circles of hell but going into a hospital parking lot and stealing the wheels off somebody in a hospital parking lot you go into the circle with pedophiles and people that talk in a crowded movie theater and that brings us to the end of a slightly more than mildly infuriating especially that soft cabinet but wait you know we got some lovely fan art to show off today's fan art is brought to us by kieran izzy kieransi sorry if i screwed that up been wanting to draw this for a while finally got to do it but i'm not really convinced so i'll be back once i master my drawing app hey i count them as pretty darn good i'm well and truly uh impressed thank you so much kieransi and if you were enraged by anything you saw in this video go ahead and hit that like button if you'd like to be irritated by more videos in your subscriptions feed go ahead and hit that red subscribe button as always my name is the lexi kitty but y'all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 545,760
Rating: 4.9344172 out of 5
Keywords: top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Id: BzDxnhz4FY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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