r/Me_irl | memes for sad cats

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cargo space Tarnow do that cargo good day everyone welcome back to mi name is Jack and I am jacked apparently one of you suggested that as an intro in the last video so if you hate it blame them first things first gonna give it another shout-out to our fan art and look it's trash do that again hello she/he it's the thing that bears that name has great another little beautiful artwork for us bringing us some more of that creepy hand goodness thanks for that trash - dad looking schmick is always I feel like you have a real talent at a charcoal art that kind of stuff nonetheless it is awesome love it I would not have that handy any of my party balloons me IRL time Pokemon's be like yep a simple stage of evolution easy to follow Digimons be like okay so we're gonna just have the head then it's gonna grow a buttock then we're gonna give it stripes and then of course we're gonna give it a giant sword a mecha suit and the ability to shoot missiles just like normal evolution yes then there's the obligatory dark version of the Digimon of course yeah and because kids still didn't find them cool enough they had to add in some kind of fusion ability as well I bagged on Digimon here but I frickin was one of those kids that loved it okay I was bullied at school because I asked the kid if they thought Digimon was cool and they said now Dragon Ball Z he's better I never said to anyone else that I liked teaching one at school what you doing nothing why incoming call waiter why date I don't drink waiter water she said she doesn't drink pal yeah hey how about you back up from a date pal what you want to get a number two how about I give you him a knife remember when life was just as simple as hating Twilight or not heading Twilight ah those days ah those were the days and the thing we came together to despise and hate for ruining society was merely some terrible fanfiction it was my generations World War two first year of depression oh yeah it hurts tenth year of depression yeah do a kickflip on your way to therapy sometimes I say huh then answer the question before the person even repeats themselves I'm not deaf my brain just be lagging like a 2005 gel desktop kit with great power comes great electricity bill and was going to do this with an Indian accent via the picture there but I don't want to be racist also I suck at it top five five one five og5 can't complain to five but with lettuce 35.0 could add that decimal point four square root of 25 nearly didn't know what that symbol was yet I did maths five this guy he's underrated in my opinion no hate these are just my opinion peace I disagree man I gotta go for the five ones all added up together you know that's my group there that's my homies then my bros we're all in this together you know we're all one but together we're five when you're outside of the disco come when you're out of the disco panic this is dumb this is dumb zoom Carl are you there daddy's taking a pee in the meantime I can help with the business inquiry I am gonna educate excel okay to be fair I've started doing this at 7:00 in the morning all right don't be pissed hello I came here from YouTube because it had too many ads pretty good site so far but I can't seem to find any cat videos mostly all I can find are people having sexual intercourse any help seems someone forgot to type the word cat when they were looking up [ __ ] cat videos my 20s 1920s 2020s what do they have all week um and the Great Depression yeah yeah can't even kind of click to a proper beat that's that's depression for you me making a phone call god I hope they don't answer I just let me text you instead please please public masturbation privacy cover mmm conspicuous introverted uhz n't hit the same when it's government mandated it's clear the government's attempt at reverse psychology to make us more social as human being so there's monsters next they'll be vaccinating us with like social desires ah you were getting it tonight boy guy orders custom size 14.5 slipper company sends 1450 instead that's the opposite of a problem a new bed guide the factory are you sure this isn't a mistake why would it be a mistake Gerald need I remind you that we are a fluffy shoe company we would never make mistakes who the Frick is homophobic in 2020 how y'all afraid of homes you've seen the cost of homes they look more expensive them an avocado man man they're insane how many cups of coffee do I have to give up for a home it's it's horrifying here's my kitten dusty working the pole to help pay her vet bills yeah you show that whole body of yours yep you animal yes you normal animal why do I keep resorting to the dirty jokes when it comes to cars I needed clean myself a dear Americans please do not ever make a movie about saving the world again regards the world damn you've got told by I'm gonna Italy and Jamaica oh god I'm gonna be roasted for this surgery for my legs cuz I can't stand you hos oh look at that he's getting pretty close me and my crush talked about her crush last night nice work man next what we need is a hole in your backyard and a body bag that would fit your crushes crushes size remember it's not murder it's replacing the distraction dude I just found out my girlfriend seeing someone else I don't know who you though what it's me I trained this chicken to talk let's see what's a male dear how much is two hundred pennies ma this is stupid it gets better it gets way better Susan wait till you see my mathematics skills people who do watch anime me who also watches anime yeah yeah this is kind of me when I was into my little pony for a short bit in high school yes I was a brownie but hey you made the show was pretty good for what it was I don't know if it's still running or not but yeah I like the animation it was entertaining guys tell me which perfume should I get I'm so confused I know man let me have a sniff yeah all I can smell is the electric wiring of my computer so I'm gonna go the right me washing a big knife my brain stab yourself go on do it I don't even think this needs some narration I think you guys can just appreciate me after doing practically no work at all and just wasting time for an hour break time you know on my break time I actually really loved to watch a lot of MK and easy peasy videos what shameless plug I don't know what you're talking about get out of here the only bad thing about garlic is all the paperwork you have to do before you can even cut it up look at that layers and layers of bureaucratic [ __ ] down with the establishment that's why vampires hates them because they have to deal with all the bureaucratic [ __ ] due to less pollution john cena is now visible when he doesn't look happy at all stop seeing me I [ __ ] up a job interview so bad today they asked me why I wanted to work at this fast-food restaurant and I blanked and said that when I was little I liked their fries I wanted to be a French for our Queen Oh update I got the job oh that's a wholesome into the story do British people really eat beans on toast as a meal in America is everyone ignorant it was just a question damn no need to get so hostile go eat some beans on toast right my setup well as a vampire I see a lot the Builder cut the [ __ ] they're good of me me eating steak vegan would you eat a person me the law requires that I answer no when you go in incognito mode and have to tie in the entire pornhub URL in the address bar hmm you new here me not exactly I'm on a familiar journey unzips pants science teacher our Sun will eventually turn into a red Sun me and the comrades yeah I'm definitely gonna be like imagining this now whenever I'm trying to look into the distance with a sunny day so much knowledge in one room so much debt yeah I think that's what all the college board and stuff are thinking to when they look at you in that last photo just mm-hmm yeah any video game ever here is a limited resource you should be very careful not to use too often never use it gotcha no thought like a dragon loud and clear mana potions you mean storage space me the opposite of Microsoft Office is macro hard on fire [Laughter] conversation we get it's a funny thing okay stop bring it up in the conversation Oh God always it's drowning us Oh Cody you cannot use pizza labels as nametags management my name is not Cody its deluxe sausage banana now don't dude do do did I just attempt the riff of danger zone and then immediately forget how it goes yes yes I did thank rubber everybody on the ground or I'll shoot tella oh no customers oh no guy who does CrossFit really wanting to talk about CrossFit but realizing it's not an appropriate time oh no okay I could imagine him purposely just crawling over to a nearby customer and just like trying to talk to them Bobby's happy he's held hostage man arrested in Oregon for swinging lightsaber at cops deflects Tasers Florida man soon I will have a new apprentice one far younger and more powerful if I was a shapeshifter half of my time would be spent making myself look androgynous and trimming up the things about my shape I'm not happy with and half of my time would be spent making my teeth look just a little bit sharper than is normal changing my eye color subtly between slightly unsettling shades and giving myself an intricate tattoo that just barely moves every couple of hours until it's in a whole new shape next time you look at me if I was a shape-shifter I'd have fat [ __ ] tits hey ya bubbies you can't do it freehand I Hanne and i will this isn't a time for showing off strange by god he did a perfect s i always wanted to know where this damn simple thing came from like is it a gang thing that started in america and then came to australia because this was everywhere in my school me after saying he has to ask because she'll say no to me my friend asking if he can sleep over my mom man this never worked for me what is my purpose you mine 3-stone oh my god doctor my back hurts when i get up in the morning get up in the afternoon then but this medical bill is three thousand dollars the world would be bleak for that doll - drivers this text conversation is related to retort - order hey they are latin lasagna last son yeah lady sonia the [ __ ] Garfield ate oh boy time to be alone with my thoughts okay that was fun time to lay down how eight-year-old me thought I would look at twenty verse how I actually look at twenty what are you talking about I see two professionals he one's a professional with the bureaucratic [ __ ] and the others are professional with their Doritos guys I forgot Mike Wazowski only had one eye so I was used to seeing the first picture told less memes rewrites the face of true history I know I shouldn't let him in but and hear me out here what if I let him in find out the exciting conclusion next time on oh god there's a raccoon in my house someone get this out it was a terrible decision all God you didn't have a childhood if you didn't put one of these bad boys under your legs in the pool and pretend you were surfing and then it shoots out of the water like a torpedo and gives you a Mike Tyson uppercut from hell it's it's been 23 years and it still hurts using tinder is like going to a store where nothing is for sale and all the products hate you as someone who used tender for a while I absolutely vouch for this it is dumb a waste of time use something like hinge instead at least you actually have to like something about the person to like them not being sponsored here just just I've had this conversation so many times of friends like stop using tinder and Bumble they crap they're dumb they're so artificial dad pumps gas in the car mom the smell of gasoline gives me migraines me in the backseat inhaling that pencil is heads yes I remember purposely waiting for my mom or dad to start the car before getting in just I could smell the pitch hook line up to like high school but this was actually a very like dangerous thing because it could become an addiction I when I see guests annoying kid touching everything in the room quick arrest the kid for terrorist charges he's trying to spread the plague you've aged you can save this cake by adding well well you've aged what are we doing I'm bored be horny what's your movie we could do our school work you mean touch paper that's brother classic [ __ ] how do you feel about using toys in the bedroom oh my god I thought you'd never ask [Music] roses are red guns are lethal trapeze artist with diarrhea shits on 23 people this is in me IRL who else is shat on 23 people is this a common thing okay that's enough you spicy hooligans that does us for today on m'kay thanks again for watching guys you've been a blast please like the video it's the least you can do for me in this trying times if he knew here please also subscribe you can get some more content on the daily for you it is a matter of fact that my name is jack and i'll see you all in the next video to turn
Channel: EmKay
Views: 424,019
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: SHmi3b_ZjXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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