r/Me_irl | now THIS is science

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dads when the flight leaves at two in the afternoon we ride at dawn feminine pups dad is a 30 minute drive to the airport 5 am departure from the house [Music] hey hey welcome to mk my name's jack and today's video was brought to you by australia where the only thing worse than the weather is the wildlife up first is some fan art highlight for our latest fan ya boy the gay one yeah specifically that one not your straight friend the gay friend my boy rocking it with the pink nails ooh yeah your boy got swag do we still say swag is that still a thing now love that you made effort into detailing the head and then as you get down to the actual hands you're like ah screw it claus thanks for the work and if you guys want to submit anything else go ahead and check out our mk subreddit if you'd like to be quoted in the next video today we're checking out some me irl i think you all know what it is by now there's no need to really explain it let's go hmm being alone the pros are i'm alone but the cons are i'm alone god us humans just can never be satisfied can we you know we finally want to be alone for once then when we are we're like i'm lonely god's just up there like oh for my sex make up your mind i'm done being the victim how to bite a mosquito back see if you're gonna do that you're gonna be really accurate otherwise you're just gonna end up eating the entire thing and you know what they say an eye for a body leaves a whole world rid of mosquitoes how to eat mosquitoes before they fly away roses are red tony hawk is a skater i'm driving right now i'll get back to you later hey frick you i'm gonna wing it me about something i most definitely should not win hannah says can we please start a support group for procrastinators uh tomorrow fun fact procrastinating can actually stem from fear as to actually try something and then i'll get it done successfully in time so for some people they're not actually lazy they're afraid i won't ramble further than that but i just thought it was a fun psychological thing for people to know about life is like soccer because my mum signs me up for it and expects me to try my best even though i hate freaking soccer when i was a kid okay wait no to be fair i did want to do soccer at first but oh my god every year i was always saying to my mom that i wanted to quit and she would keep pushing me to keep doing it i thought she was just trying to teach me a lesson in like perseverance and you know keep going through things even though they suck sometimes because i was always in the sucky teams like i wasn't good at soccer years later i found out it was just because she was afraid i was gonna get fat and lazy thanks mum i can't believe the heat from the sun traveled 149.6 million kilometers just to melt my freaking chocolate bar i'd say the sun is a cold-hearted son of a dog but if it was we'd all be dead so it doesn't really work i'm born sorry mate wrong path what you don't get this reference someone needs to watch banter snatched because i did i didn't i didn't just google this what are you talking about hate brushing my teeth next to someone like who's gonna brush the longest who cares about their dental health more why am i competitive right now oh you think you can help me by flossing well i'm gonna use floor cleaner i mean mouthwash are irreplaceable emoticons that emojis will never be able to touch literally if you think um has the same powers you are a blind fool people born between 1995 and 2000 are neither gen z nor millennial we know only pain why are all 90s kids getting in such specific brackets than to then go at war with each other like i'm apparently a year off from being a part of this group now like where do i belong 1999 for a fat freak one word explains what it looks like and the other one explains what to do with it why didn't harry potter drink liquid luck and then go kill voldemort hi i'm chris the answer is because he is a dumb ah that fits the law five star antonia spits the truth not one person who went for a job interview in 2015 got the answer right too so where do you see yourself in five years from now well i think i'll be living in a country where trump is the president i think there'll be a worldwide pandemic that a whole country won't actually really properly respect and therefore will end up becoming the highest rate of deaths in the whole world i think i'll start enjoying a social media app from overseas only for it to get banned because other countries are afraid that's going to hack into their security even though 99 of it as teenagers trying to hypersexualize themselves and during all that i hope to be sitting where you are right now after i kill you for toilet paper what hm me goes to bed my nostrils did someone say dried booger mata yeah bet you'll give me attention now that you need me to breathe i have many hidden talents yeah like what i don't know they're hidden last night corona led me down a youtube rabbit hole and i ended up watching a video of an australian cheese maker making parmesan he starts his videos by saying g'day curd nerds and all the comments are italians telling him to go freak himself and you don't reference or tag the name of this brilliant youtuber come on mate at least tell us the name of him i need to go help out my brother against this italian front he's facing i mean i hate cheese but i will die defending your right to call people curd notes if i say good night and an hour later you see me online it's not that i lied it's just that i failed just like the person watching this mk video when they should be asleep right now you know who you are i can see you it's healthy to acknowledge our failures and let's be honest you're gonna end up watching another video two before bed you know what that's okay prosecutor mumbling murderer says what what ha guilty i don't get why is this a meme thing isn't that how it works i mean if you really think about it this is exactly how it works just with more steps i usually get addicted to literally anything that distracts me from the fact i exist don't know about you but i'm really vibing with that snug cat in a snug blanket right now me all right brain we have two more tasks to do one of them is more time sensitive but working on the other will be more fun which should i start on do freaking nothing for 72 hours understandable have a nice day lovely just says like farewell to his own brain as he does it like glad we could have this meeting sir i'll uh we'll see we'll reconvene next week for the next attempt at planning ourselves me trying to sleep with one of my legs out of my blanket okay but isn't it just super comfy i don't know about you but sometimes when you have one leg out or even just one half of you out it's just this blend it's like your body merges hot and cold into one i guess that's technically called warmth it's not really that much of a new thing i just came back from the doctors and they told me i'm very sick sick of everyone's bull smack got him first year of depression oh there here it is tenth year of depression how shall i get the serotonin and dopamine today a personally debate masterfully b buy myself something i don't need c eat processed foodies d complete one one household task specifically one or e all except d well this wouldn't belong in me irl if e wasn't an option in the first place when you're part of the group and not the conversation oh yes how close oh very good point jonathan i agree i feel like this is me when i used to go nightclubbing a lot with friends and i just couldn't hear them it wasn't that i couldn't join the conversation because i didn't know what to talk about i just couldn't hear them so i just sit there with like scotch ladies imagine it's 15 years from now you've been planning this dinner for two months your husband asks where his super suit is you ask why he needs to know he says it's for the greater good you know you're the greatest good he'll ever get you realize your evening is in danger what do you do choose your own story join and download the app now don't know why i just reminded me of those cliche apps that make you choose your own adventure called taboo and stuff like that though if you don't know the actual reference of this that's honestly incredible really that's incredible you don't know hey sorry i was at the skatepark what's up wow you skate no that's stuff hard as frick i ride bikes i can change it's like a day later sorry bud you lost your chance you should have said you're a skater boy don't believe the outdated avril lavigne song she won't say see you later boy when you're cleaning your room and get distracted by stuff you found [Music] i've collected a lot of weird things over the years myself so this is definitely relevant to me for example i found a random bandit mask in my car today and so i've pretty much been wearing that this whole day from the mom who knew too much i added something to my to-do list that i'd already done just so i could have the satisfaction of checking something off to be fair this actually does work for some people just satisfyingly ticking things off pretending that they were done even though you already did them in the first place it actually gets you kind of into momentum so you know i approve of this do you ever sit back and realize you're not anybody's favorite person you're just kind of there and then you get the sudden urge to distance yourself from everyone and chill alone [Music] too before i used to be very annoying to people see now i've gotten better now i'm really annoying to those online see i don't feel as bad if i'm annoying to you avoiding confrontation me it's really i'm trying to plug in my charger without getting out of the bed you're pretty much out of the bed at that point also where did you source this image exactly from some sort of cursed outdated mental ward or something i i'm scared but damn if he ain't thick though so i'm gonna share my screen can everybody see it great okay so as you can see the g-spot for the male requires a bit of effort to get to due to the coroner we officially have three days of the week yesterday today tomorrow okay who is this guy who's always sharing these kind of tweets like is that genuinely that person or is that just some random image someone's put as the profile picture it's something i've always been curious about but too lazy to actually search myself so one button doesn't make you a tailor cook one meal doesn't make you a chef but frick one horse and you're a horse fricker for all of history well to be fair selling a button or cooking a meal isn't exactly illegal or frowned upon unlike a horse reprimanding one of my favorite games to play is is my headache from dehydration caffeine withdrawal like a proper nutrition my ponytail stress lack of sleep not wearing my glasses or brain tumor ah it's brain tumor today i'm the type of person who holds on to the ticket stubs and photos and presses flowers but never puts them into a scrapbook i just have them scattered everywhere which brilliantly illustrates how i'm a sentimental piece of crap who can't put their life together no i thought that was gonna be something uplifting but it's me irl i should have known better clifford freaking large as a cat why was he so big did they ever give a backstory to that yes he was a little guy but emily elizabeth loved him so much he turned into a big boy your doggo is small what does that say about you you're small what does that say about your parents yeah well jerks on you they're not my real parents me trying not to zone out while someone is talking to me focus focus focus you know that's actually a weird word why do they call it focus like what did that originate from focus what gives people feelings of power money status it's actually being the first one to leave the zoom meeting back when i used to use a phone as a well phone i used to say to my friends before hanging up hey do you want to hear what the sound of a truck reversing sounds like of course the next day when i see them at school they punch me we had a good time i do not freak with any burrito without heft if your stuff is convenient and portable take it elsewhere i want a burrito that is burdensome unwieldy when i raise it to my mouth i should feel the weight of the mistake i am about to make no child should be able to eat this nature really passionate about your meat sock aren't you hmm i'm tired i'll have some coffee tiredness level remains the same anxiety level we've flattened the curve everybody draw what you think you will look like when you were 100 years old okay i see this is a gravestone but is that a dismembered head on the floor next to it kid what future do you have in store for yourself when a deaf person wins an auction i've won but at what cost god damn it um sure there's some lame cliche disney comedy show that's made this joke somewhere at some point i say that yet i find this funny i i don't know oh well that doesn't support some me errol today guys thanks for watching always love having you stop by if you enjoyed today's content please give it a like turn that blue thumb into a blue thumb i've stuffed that up and if you're a new person to the channel well hello stranger why not subscribe to keep up to date with the fresh content even click that notification bell so you can always be the first one here feel free to explore more subreddits with us in our other videos you can say hi to robert and lexi for me but with all that said and done my name has been jack you've been a pleasure to talk to i love seeing you around especially that demonic apparition behind you right now and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 781,397
Rating: 4.9620271 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: rwUcN6cjADI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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