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remember this location okay i'll remember that what did i ask you to remember i remember you told me this location me google [Music] how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to mk good to have you here i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking another look at r slash memes because if there's one thing we've learned after all the time since this channel's been around you can never really have too many memes can you no the answer is no teacher what comes after 720 me 721 then why did you write 1080. uh i can explain just give me a minute how should we advertise our new game hire a sales rep pay for marketing make memes on reddit give that guy a promotion no one animegirl after rain oh no happy birthday no way it's an apple i used the apple to hide the apple hmm oh shoot she's had him all this time when serial killer rodney alcala was on trial in 2010 he chose to act as his own attorney he interrogated himself on the witness stand for five hours asking questions in a deep voice and then answering them in his normal voice because i'm batman now because he really wanted to go to jail when you convince everyone blue is the impostor but you end up being wrong from what i can tell that's literally 99 percent of the time it's time to go immortal no bonk boomers respect your parents they passed school without google gen x yesterday i 8 o'clock it was very time consuming especially when i went back for seconds millennials no gen z won veggietales always had it right folks son allow me to offer my warmest congratulations i'm certain that you'll remember today as the happiest day of your life thanks dad but the wedding's tomorrow i know ah boomers really really hate women don't they opening sun's phone be like brightness volume font size notifications not to bother you or anything but someone took a massive crap in the living room oh what do you want me to do about it you clean it up you found it hey you if you click the i icon during an unskippable youtube ad hit stop showing this ad and hit cancel then it will skip the ad i'm gonna cast a big doubt on that one also the rule of thumb is whenever you find a sneaky way around ads unfortunate as it may seem keep it to yourself because the moment it gets popular boom [ __ ] goes away real fast me not knowing what the heck this game is i've never played it but i at least understand what's going on just kind of tired of seeing all the memes about it though has it not had its 15 minutes yet kylie jenner bravely ditches lashes fake nails and hair extensions during quarantine 11 billion miles from earth the voyager 2 probe continues its search to find out who the hell cares hey guys do you know how hard it's been being a millionaire and or billionaire during this quarantine it's like they're in prison samsung redesigned its tv boxes to be easily converted into cat houses and entertainment centers this does put a smile on my face it sure would put a smile on my face if i had any evidence of that i've never seen this before the girlfriend i want the girlfriend i have screw off i'm not dating you oh i get it because john cena is invisible when clients be like i found someone cheaper oh god can we get the cheap good fast triangle up on the screen anybody want to throw that up there for me yeah pick two huge test worth twenty percent of your grade it's all multiple choice i mean that helps a little bit but not as much as we like to pretend though right you didn't win the sperm race according to new research from stockholm university you didn't win the sperm race but rather were selected by the female egg that chose you by releasing compounds called chemoattractants that can trigger sperm to change swimming directions by attracting or repelling sperms of its choice i was the chosen one i mean in the end though didn't you still win i mean if you're a millennial you didn't win by any means because you're alive now but gen z how do you feel about it the code i write what it does well i'm sure it could still be helpful and it's adorable when you join a new game and someone's already taken your color the day i lost my identity when a dark souls player gets hit in another game oh wait what i can get hit like a trillion more times look i know this may be a hot take but uh gaming thank you thank you no no no stop stop please please stop we like dark mode because it creates the pornhub colors when we upvote that is literally not why we like dark mode it's probably why we're going to start liking it more though girl delete her boy okay boy delete him girl but he's my friend i can delete him if you want oh boy calm down kovid the teacher explaining the class subject explaining the homework talking about his divorce ten years ago i want to buy these five acres of land that would be one million dollars i peed here so this territory is mine okay yeah i really wish we settled then disputes like dogs do serial killer parallel killer made with electricity okay when you dismantle all your equipment to forge a legendary equipment yeah we've all been there right at least once when you correct the teacher's statement on a historical event because you were literally there i can't relate if you were driving to your death would you still drive fast punch it chewie hell yeah if i knew i was driving to my death i'd want to make sure it's fast and painless when it's 20 40 and you discover that your parents accidentally burned down half of california telling people you were a boy father tell me you didn't do this that would be one of the most disappointing things to learn about your parents just because of how pathetic it is look having a child should be special enough for you you shouldn't have to spice things up by burning [ __ ] down or making things explode multi-millionaires that kid that brings 50 on the field trip when you were only supposed to bring ten my name is bruiser we can't have nice things in this tank because i eat them all no background i tore it up no plants i dug them up and ate them no snails i ate them no little friends yep i ate those guys too the only friend that i have is lucky because lucky is smart lucky stays in his home no god lucky please stay home man uses snake as mask in england authorities clarify rules on face coverings florida man ah i see you're a man of culture as well i cannot imagine the mental gymnastics one has to go through to do something like that but i would so enjoy that circus show 75 year old lonely widower puts up heart-wrenching poster asking for friends after suddenly losing his wife two hundred thousand friends already with a million more on the way i would certainly freaking hope so reading that i'm very sad anyone noticed that both of 2020s big games feature jelly bean people yes i did notice that they were both of 2020's biggest games gamers ahead open the gate they only play mobile game close the gate but it's among us open the gate a little six hands we only see five something's wrong i can feel it there is no racism in this man he hates everyone equally now now he's gotta find me when a helicopter passes age 10 age 40 my 70 year old grandpa oh boy man maybe you shouldn't be taking him out to air shows you know a hole in my sock that i didn't notice exists my big toe oh god it's every time isn't it although i gotta say an interesting phenomenon has occurred where instead of a big toe always poking through i always get a hole on the heel i wonder if anybody else has experienced that because it only happened after a certain age and the big toe thing has never happened since nice to see people in texas are handling the hurricane well well you gotta live life to the fullest even when the sky is angry can somebody wake up daddy i want to play the asteroid shooting game with him oh oh i understand me up voting among us memes even though i don't play the game imposter we watched you kill red no i killed pink congratulations you played yourself when you hear that you can vote to make this a real lego set it's kind of scary looking though was there really no better design they could offer remember this guy this is him now yes i do remember linus and it has been a while since that video dropped so yeah aging's weird right although i can safely say linus please keep the beard it really works for you man among us players in the game lobby among us players after a dead body is reported god when is among us gonna die out please please please my mom a successful owner of a multi-million dollar company my dad who has three phds and is a worldwide famous scientist me who can't stop lying about his parents you son of a b who is belle delphine in math my solution in history my queen in art my canvas in science my oxygen in geography my world here you dropped your sim card it never expires so hold on to it paperwork in the military joining the military getting out of the military no no no no no see i'm not qualified at all to make any joke about this business insider a los angeles artist is selling 180 karen halloween masks calling them the real monsters of 2020. oh god i am so so happy that out of all the good things to come from 2020 calling out karen's and making fun of them has been the biggest thing so thank you to the world for finally putting your foot down when it comes to these incredibly bored women who decide to abuse people all right random country i found oil america wow you guys aren't free enough though slow down or we will call your mom me an orphan [Laughter] you told me it wasn't spicy yes but i'm mexican indians pathetic simping three dollars for some hoe who will never be there for you donating three dollars to save wikipedia who was always there for you awesome people yo i agree with this sentiment bus drivers when they see each other pilots when they see each other oh god i hope my pilots don't see each other no idea hey guys how do i go into a vent like pink did i'm skipping i'll kill you the imposter is pretty good thanks congratulations you stupid little [ __ ] my parents fighting about getting a divorce me waiting to tell them i drank the silver potion inside the thermometer maybe stop waiting come on my cat after finding a mouse that lives in my room i protect the human yeah it's not what they're doing two-year-old me sitting in the car my mom's standing outside in the rain cause i locked her out she's never gonna forget that one our teacher's power went out in the middle of class so we all renamed ourselves reconnecting so when she came back she would be confused [Laughter] i love it when a plan comes together me declines youtube premium for the 78th time youtube thanks but reconsider no me closes reddit my fingers muscle memory we need to go back dude i do this with every website on the internet i swear to god i did this with twitter four times in a row today before i got myself out of the loop it's like checking the fridge after 30 seconds to see if any new food has appeared my mom i gave birth to you me i didn't ask to be made orphans i don't have freaking parents when you click reload right as the website loaded i'm ashamed to admit i've done this too many times it's not entirely one's fault when it happens but you still feel like a silly bastard teacher why can't we see tall structures across the world the smart kids saying because the earth has a curve me who knows it's because our render distance is too low [Laughter] pizza restaurant you'd visit as a kid's starter pack are you talking about pizza hut two characters who claim to be enemies but don't even think twice when it comes to saving each other's lives in a dangerous situation always loved these two and always will he's probably thinking about other dogs what was scar's name before he got the scar that is an excellent question actually i have no clue why are you scared isn't this what you wanted not like this please not like this bison struck by lightning tis but a scratch yeah have you ever been up close to one of those things lightning can't do crap you'd need like a level three pack-a-punched ray gun to even tickle an american bison remember folks you can only swing 16 times to the left before the excavator unscrews itself it unscrews itself i don't know man tropical bird rescued in northern england turns out to be a seagull dyed blue who died a seagull who does that the only thing that should be separated by color is laundry you guys are separating your laundry yeah i never bought into that load of crap it was all a lie why'd you go home are you serious you told me we would play cod you didn't even have a console you just wanted to use me for sex if you want the d you gotta win the 1v1 first what good soldiers follow orders what's an essential not so obvious skill in life knowing when to shut up edit oh my gosh didn't think this comment would get so much love thank you guys for all the silver and gold ironic my friend got a kitten and this is how she sleeps oh my god i hope she never stops sleeping like that study shows that women pretend to be soft and weak around their crush girls around me oh god that bottom right oh man that's how you know it's over no hope bud when someone changes the subject before you get to your point ah thank you i appreciate that it's time to go no you what why you acting kind of suss death was not an imposter but here he goes anyway bye-bye death tennis players are not allowed to swear when they're playing in wimbledon because of this line judges have to learn curse words in every language so they know when a player has violated the rules tennis players every time they miss the line judge i'm listening don't you dare i know it all man moms when their teenage son mentions a girl for the first time dads when their teenage daughter mentions a boy i just want to talk with him it's always been one of the cringiest and grossest goddamn things in the world when dads get out of gun and want to just want to just talk to your little boyfriend that joke is old it was never funny and when people didn't treat it as a joke it's even worse so stop it you have a math test you didn't study for it's open notes you can't read your own handwriting oh dude my handwriting is the same as it was in third grade so this is me to a t a thief thief thief i before e except after c no god that rule sucks it doesn't count anyway stepmom you've turned 18 and now you're old enough to get something which starts with f and ends with uck me who's excited to get a fire truck [Laughter] i don't trust yellow bro you're yellow where are you from my mother's vagina oh for real i was just there beautiful this time of year she walked into it who answers that question with that though especially to a stranger you know damn well if a guy had answered with that everyone would think he's gross and nasty and a pervert so yeah what are we doing here anti-vaxxer kids are rebelling against their parents by vaccinating themselves anti-vaxxer kids i don't want to die vikings covered their roofs in grass so enemy aircraft bombers couldn't see them ah crap they foiled our plans again nobody's born cool except of course the people who created wikipedia and decided that everyone should be able to access it for free literally the most important website we've ever created so yeah my friend complaining that microsoft hasn't released anything after windows 10 me who already has windows 95 come on man get on my level i'm still rocking windows 2000 want to know a secret sure i have no gag reflex wanna know a secret absolutely my ding-dong wouldn't reach there anyway oh f in the comments please maiden mk person thing took me two hours and it definitely shows i really love your mk person thing and i can't wait to see more from you and with that we have come to the end of another video ladies and gents always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,566,525
Rating: 4.937912 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: k_bkTEEzbHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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