r/Me_irl | global warming SOLVED

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i'm sad tell me a joke okay knock knock oh oh oh guys guys whoa whoa calm down [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin no i'm not robbing any banks i'm not robbing your house but today i am here to read some posts from r slash me irl before i say something stupid let's get right into it shall we the people who had the same question as me 12 years ago on yahoo answers me there's a legacy there and don't forget it the elders of the internet will always be there to save you in a pinch if you want your dog to take a pill get a piece of cheese eat the cheese for energy get ready to wrestle your dog or you could wrap it up in the piece of cheese feed it to your dog and then watch as your dog spits the pill back out my jokes me making people laugh making people worry about my mental health what you can't make them laugh while doing that i do that all the time richard dawkins when he created the word meme in 1976 i guess you guys aren't ready for that yet but your kids are gonna love it everyone's gonna love it man he was winning so i got mad oh my god well if that ain't the biggest flex i've ever seen i don't know what is this is what my husband and i purchased at the grocery store the other day we don't have kids we are adults we pay bills and we drink water from a whale money whale spent how much is that thing cause i want one for me what pedestrians look like across europe polish eu citizen [Laughter] the only reason australia's emergency number is 0 0 0 is so australians can read it upside down i think i'm gonna need slazzo to confirm or deny this one folks do you want them sweet or salty i want them like her we do not have ugly popcorn why not that's discrimination english dubs are good you're all just weaves the verse just makes this better though galatians 4 16 so now i have become your enemy by telling you the truth [Laughter] it's true though dubs are fine you're just a baby yeah sex is cool but have you ever earned the trust of a cat no i never have all of mine have been scared of me munchkin's terrified and after all why shouldn't he be i need to establish dominance in my household how to brush your teeth step one wet toothbrush for absolutely no reason just run it under water for two seconds don't know why but just do this it's a crucial step step two apply either too much or too little toothpaste there is no in between unless you're filming a toothpaste commercial step three again for no reason wet the toothbrush step 4 insert toothbrush into mouth and brush teeth for approximately 15 seconds and then lie to yourself that it's probably been two minutes yeah i i never understood the wedding at part i mean i do it too but what the hell at taco bell canada i just had taco bell for dinner so delicious what did you get brett diarrhea but it was worth it i'mma tell you right now a crunchwrap supreme is always gonna be worth the upset stomach later when you feel guilty for not studying but you're still not studying look i can make it through the guilt okay i need to finish this episode of the mandalorian straight men twenty dollars you damn right boy social anxiety disorder what people say ugh i'm so socially anxious i hate small talk what it's really like i really have to go to the bathroom but i won't get up because everyone will stare dude this is why i have to sit on the edge seats at theaters and closer to the screen now i have to pee so often and i can feel everyone's eyeballs burning a hole in the back of my skull it looks like that tall dumb fella's getting up to pee again guinevere i knew right what a loser climate change fight should be sexy and fun japan's new environment minister says what let the man speak yes i want to know what he means mom take my credit card go buy me a coke and get yourself something too me all right here's your coke oh thank god they had rtx 3090s down the road at 7 11. how to start a conversation with someone you have a crush on hi don't do this do this salutations my children are you ready for your daily dose of smooth jazz y'all ever oh yeah every time dude i'm like six foot three my head rush happens every time i stand up so excited for season three which show bill please respect my privacy chris yeah chris i don't think that's any of your business me in the shower trying to remember if i already used the shampoo yeah you'll be fine just get the hell out of there you're wasting water you freak for some reason kids are wearing t-shirts with the entire b-movie script printed on them what you could get that you could do that holy crap where's mine when your job is pointless but you still need money that's a lot of jobs man a lot of jobs are pointless when someone asks me why i can't hang out i have to rest 22 hours a day same little guy same let's clean the house today no okay a day of relaxing it is no relaxing only guilt are you really an introvert or were you just ignored every time you used to talk and now you just prefer being quiet but you didn't have to say that did you you didn't have to say that you know you didn't have to hurt my feelings i'm in this photo and i really don't like it she i bet he's thinking about other girls he who the heck is this guy taking photos of us yeah it makes me kind of uncomfortable too but it's my job man i gotta take the photos do you ever bring your pet up to a mirror and you're just like that is you i do it almost every day when you ask mom permission and she says do whatever you want oh oh it's a trap you're you don't fall for that man you don't that's rookie you don't fall for that one ha ha pee pee yeah what it's in the declaration of independence haven't you read it here's a paw under an x-ray i didn't know i needed to see this i didn't need to see it i could have gone my whole life without that i don't know about y'all my brain two seconds after i lock a door did the past really happen no no it didn't how can psychology majors be depressed like bro look at your notes music i like music my friends like music that makes me money music i make yeah it's always gonna be that way until it's not that way it's a very quick transition do you ever get those random moods where you're not yourself for like a week straight yeah except it's been going on since 2017. it hasn't stopped since me when i created a good meme but i can't post it because i live in germany and americans are still sleeping don't worry we'll be awake soon my friend i just can't man i can't deal with the stress anymore i don't know man i'm just done reject modernity embrace monkey look man i'm gonna be real with you i wouldn't follow that monkey anywhere imagine running from the cops and then you hear fetch me his soul lucifer and look back and see this crap i'd just stop and let him eat me i got nothing else to lose you can have me man in 1920 eight-year-old samuel rashevsky played chess with several chess masters at once he lost every single game what were you expecting him to be a genius expecting him to win why why were you expecting that huh he's eight years old he's stupid has the internet conditioned you to believe things that aren't there huh huh why am i so lonely why must i live life alone in solitude don't touch me will this loneliness ever end you wake up you're still a lizard sunning on a red rock it was all a dream the concept of selling feet picks to pay back student loans is already losing its meaning as you open and lick your own eyeballs to moisten them time to eat a bug my favorite thing is when people remember little things i told them like seriously you actually listen to me thank you it's quite sad that that is so rare game i haven't played in years me playing it again wondering why i stopped playing it that level every god damn time sir isaac i don't understand how do the forces of nature work three days later oh i see when the hell is an apple gonna fall on my head and change my life sometimes a simple kiss can change your life coronavirus [Laughter] forget fake ids teens are dressing up as mask wearing grandmas to score alcohol i'm going to dress like a horse so i can get ketamine you do you harry jupiter high on caffeine sleep deprived and doing its best to take care of 79 moons you know jupiter's a real bro i mean jupiter's out there protecting the earth and other planets from all kinds of spacecraft and raising 79 moons all at the same time you really gotta hand it to jupiter okay why is pink and my username red why does it say sabotage instead of use wow that iq is just through the room look guys if this is a play i don't think it's going to work out 2000 your parents telling you not to believe everything you read on the internet 2020 your parents believing every post they see on facebook yeah it really didn't take long for them to completely forget everything they said although i guess it's a do as i say not as i do situation being called a liar when you're literally telling the truth is the most frustrating thing ever bad was not an imposter my girlfriend he's so immature i think i'm gonna dump him her friend yeah remember when he got excited that he could drink two capri suns at once i walk in holding three capri suns babe you're not gonna freaking believe this is that is that really what you get excited about i could drink like 12 capri suns at once provided i can hold him in my damn hands when someone is showing something on their phone to everyone but they somehow skip you hurts just a little bit don't even get me started on sh that hurts just a little bit okay boomer humor i hate my wife millennial humor i hate my life gen z humor shaquille oatmeal i'm liking gen z the most so far hulk will sleep now and maybe when hulk wakes up everything that has made hulk tired will be changed i wouldn't count on that hulk unreleased yeezy sunglasses me when i was seven and i put my mom's headbands on my eyes and pretended to be cyclops from x-men wow we were all the same weren't we we all the same damn childhood here huh saying you need to calm down lacking in empathy a rude command stating the obvious saying good good let the hate flow through you affirmative of their feelings confirms it's normal to be upset helps them embrace the unlimited potential of the dark side how do i click i've been registered to vote since i was 18 please stop harassing me on all platforms they'll get around to adding that at some point why are loads of grown men bullying the girl who doesn't want the world to end i am confused i have been thoroughly confused about that as well it's quite sad when a bunch of 30 to 60 year olds are just furious that a child doesn't want us to destroy the world doesn't really make much sense does it guys my boyfriend thinks i'm gay what do i do gonna have to break up with him man there's really nothing else you can do it barely moves but it's still alive true gamer oh god get the gamer [ __ ] out of here eight hours playing video games one hour online class oh man this chair just severed my spinal cord guys i'm gonna have to cut out early today you've been completely forgotten check again tomorrow to see if anyone remembered you ouch what the hell what's your biggest fear being forgotten damn that's deep mine's the kool-aid man but i feel kind of stupid about it now if earth was 10 feet closer to the sun we'd all burn up people who climb 10 foot ladders no yeah 9 foot's the cutoff guys how can you face your problem if your problem is your face well you got me there that's why i don't face anything random anime girl [Laughter] i really wish i weren't living through a major historical event right now i know right oh god what is that tattoo i do enough i have enough i am enough i do have m enough yeah i'm gonna go with the one the cat said professionalism sucks i want to put this and this in my emails do it alan what's the worst that can happen huh they fire you oh wait yeah never mind don't do that frank the human boy how did you almost know my name i have an approximate knowledge of many things my education in a nutshell when i grow up i'm gonna be a producer heck yeah living the dream man me downvoting a multi-million dollar company's ad on reddit [Laughter] hmm today i will funny yellow dog okay sleepy time when i die i hope it's early in the morning so i don't have to go to work that day for no reason follow me ancient roman prostitutes did something similar but usually they would have phalluses inscribed in their sandals so if you were ever in the mood you could just look down and follow the follow the yellow drone yeah but i'll have to have money and stuff by the time i get where i'm going i'm not going to follow the sand pps because then i'm going to have a bill at the end of everything my five-year-old niece saw the blue deer on my shirt and was like oh it's a boy dear i took the opportunity to be like or it can be a girl dear girls can like blue too olivia she stared at me and was like i said it's a boy because it has antlers take my degree away now yeah you don't need that degree my son was so cute today he asked me dad are clouds candy i told him they were water then he asked dad what's earth's defense system and then i remembered i don't have a son and he asked again his eyes now obsidian black what is the defense system father deaths 1 million i'd like to thank all my fans for helping me reach this milestone we're a global channel and i can't wait for the diamond play button oh you'll be getting the diamond play button soon mr covid all right just playing a game create an avatar i'm a cute girl i can't explain this phenomenon at all i just i don't know i like being a girl in games what does that say about me nothing let's move on the last time i went to urgent care i checked off excessive crying on the symptom list and the nurse got really confused and told me that was meant for babies well clearly it's not just for babies how to care for a mini crewmate give affection feed them tuck them into bed tell them you love them teach tasks stay with them till the end ain't that just cute as hell me the finger that isn't cracking the rest of my hand look a little worried there huh teacher okay students today we'll be having a class observer just act as if they're not even here the class observer the other day i invited a guy over to have sex and he was like i can't i'm eating cheesecake and i was like what about after and he was like i'm gonna be full from eating all my cheesecake that man has priorities and i respect it me finally catches up with all my bills my car the universe sure is a [ __ ] huh teacher why don't you have your camera on from ryan to everyone sorry i have anxiety that's fair man you can keep it off i can't wait to become a beautiful butterfly oh look at you you're gorgeous with your bad self me bites into burger the burger the rest of the burger was ejected that's why i hate restaurant burgers man i'm not a player i'm a gamer players get chicks i get bullied at school character is a mom pixar animator why do they keep giving him those dump truck asses man dear liberals i draw out a doggy sincerely ben shapiro oh wow that's a great doggie ben that's going to go up right on my fridge hey mike can you start the shredder for me please can you even imagine getting in bed and then easily falling asleep and then waking up feeling rested and then having a good day and then doing it again no i literally can't imagine that it's never happened i can imagine what death is like better than that the red bar on youtube the gray bar girls wearing metal band merch 36 year old dude name three songs name three name three more like name all of them donald trump wrote off seventy thousand dollars on his taxes for hair styling he was terribly overcharged i could have run a balloon through his hair and had the same outcome for a hundred bucks mikey why are you so sad there's so much goodness in the world i don't know ava why do you have asthma there's so much air in the world how lazy are you me i figured out you don't actually have to assemble these things i respect it van man i wish i was more like that guy but he probably wishes he was somebody else too holy crap i'm glad i'm me i'm especially glad i'm not that guy alright ladies and gentlemen unfortunately we have come to the end of another video always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this one consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed this one well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,873,512
Rating: 4.9509473 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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