r/Me_irl | you think I'm cute xD

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an escape room but it's just your thoughts good luck [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash me irl because you really can't ever get enough can you alright let's get into it alarm set for 3 hours and 48 minutes from now oh that's just me every night you hit the wrong x buddy you're going to the app store that's right come on little did scientists know a hundred years ago the smallest observable thing in the universe was the x button on an ad introverts be like do you even want to go no but i'd like to be asked yeah is that too much to ask for look it can be nice to know that you're wanted places sometimes awake but at what cost about 1.95 in a few hours dad pumps gas into car mom the smell of gasoline gives me migraines me in the back seat inhaling that petrol incense oh it smells so good me when i ride on the board i mean sure i suppose what could possibly go wrong with online school me and the boys okay you said go wrong what went wrong here i'm too short i need to lose weight why even try in security breach in progress oh no shut up me bringing my laptop in the toilet so i don't miss online class turn off your camera please why you don't like the show where do you see yourself in 10 years me ah same dude same although i'm not going to give them alcohol this is from the spanish flu of 1918 it's nice to see some things never change yes there will always be stupid selfish people and a lot more of them than you think the cheese i spilled on the bottom of my oven watching me bake more stuff instead of cleaning it out don't worry you'll die soon cheese you'll go to hell and be released very soon five minutes after getting kidnapped so what made you choose me that would be me asking them to drop me by 7 11 really quick because i want some taquitos teacher okay students today we'll be having a class observer just act as if they're not even here the class observer dudes will make zero moves on their crush and then proceed to post this maybe i'm just meant to be lonely yeah you've actually gotta try guys you you actually do have to when they ask you to show the new employee around this is where i come to cry cool no what are you doing oh oh wow what kind of animal is he supposed to be some kind of panda bunny i'm sorry i know that's not the point of this comic but still no good deed goes unpunished i suppose me baby come under the sheets with me why just trust me oh yeah i know exactly what we're gonna oh well this is somehow better you can control what you dream always but you sleep double the amount of time you normally do people who sleep 13 hours a day uh oh me after i send one email i deserve a break i've been working hard when you've been in pain for two years but there's still no gain hey sometimes it takes a long time for that game to come in sometimes it's after you die what is this oh you son of a chew dirty rotten why would you say that joe biden joe gay now i see what you did there but i'm not a fan it's a beautiful day to yell at god what the come out we just want to talk basis you coward do you think god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created when you say goodbye to someone but both of you end up walking in the same direction that's when i turn around walk like 30 miles the other way i don't care if it's not where i'm supposed to be going but i will not say goodbye and then proceed to do this it's too weird me as a presenter if you have any questions please keep it to yourself i'm not google if you were such a great person on earth how come you ended up here earlier omg it's god you can't not do it come on i think god would understand essential workers are heroes can i get paid a living wage lol each and it's always going to be like that at least in the united states here in the us you're not a human unless you're a hedge fund manager or some like that when my chest really hurts for a couple seconds but i don't die why is heart attack taking so long when your joke ruins a conversation but you know it was amazing yeah i don't know about that one but i'm never happy if i ruin a conversation born in 2000 born in 99 he's just a kid no older than my son me crying in fear my dad stop being a baby it's more scared of you than you are of it the giant spider on my wall i'll kill you that's a nice kitchen drawer you're about to open there be a shame if something were to prevent that entirely 11 45 am i have a meeting in 15 minutes 11 55 a.m five minutes until the meeting starts 11 57 am i could join now but then i'd be early 1205 pm and i'm late me acting asleep my mom waiting for me to laugh laugh at what nobody the dentist so how's life going oh that's great cool anyway here's some novocaine jesus life cheese is life cheese my son the cheese lives in me cheese look i'm not saying i understand the religion i'm just saying i would like to be a part of it me deleting my meme after it got negative six points yeah it sucks doesn't it me still coping with march of 2020 another march in five weeks hey you shut your mouth i didn't need this today me to me dang no offense but you need to see a freaking therapist cheers i'll drink to that bro you uh you got any of that money to go see one though or me it's just a small mistake no big deal it'll be okay me the entire week yeah the smallest things can just wreck you completely for really really disproportionate amounts of time can't they south africa government says it will print more money and make everyone rich germans hey i've seen this one doesn't it cost like 10 trillion zimbabwean dollars for a loaf of bread that hyperinflation's a cha 80s detective shows rocked nuns don't work on a sunday magnum p.i a national treasure is actually where i got my sense of summer style from i just don't tuck in my goofy shirts was hanging out at the park with my dog and this big dog came up to us and i was like wow that's a weird looking dog it was a wolf you survived though are you really sleepy or are you just gonna go to bed so you can dream and use it as escapism from your crappy reality um i don't know if you understand how dreaming works but not very often are they fun or pleasant they're usually kind of freaky and weird and we don't get to control them or choose them so this meme kind of sucks at least in the real world i can choose to play any video game that i want receives a call from parent my friends around me getting ready to make moaning sounds and drug references yep i gotta be ready at the drop of a hat always the world if parents went to therapy oh man i can see it now because i'm looking straight at it my entire day-to-day life summed up in two pictures you didn't have to call everyone out people born into wealth and privilege if you work hard you can achieve anything the children of poor people yeah brav you were born a millionaire shut up don't get me wrong good for you you're said for life but your opinion on just about anything doesn't really matter to me asking for help online i'm having the same problem gee thanks bro let's drown together my mom says she likes rami malek because he reminds her of our dog and i cannot unsee this it's adorable update there's a family of rats living in my bathroom no pets allowed in the building also rent is due okay fat man you want to play that game let's go i'll never buy graphics cards from wish.com again rtx 4090 that thing might actually be more useful than an rtx card though come on how much you get it for like six bucks one rule no wishing for infinite wishes i wish for infinite genies there are two rules me replying back i'm fine and you a week and a half later i don't think they're going to talk to you anymore me saving posts knowing damn well i'm never going to look at them again yeah a couple years from now you're going to look back through all of your albums though and go holy crap these are gold then you're going to be in a big discord call and all of y'all are just going to be spamming all of your favorite memes don't worry it'll happen when you're anxious but trying to act cool ah it's how my face looks whenever i'm out in the real world with real people doing real things six year old me going to school because my mom didn't believe the story about my heart attack well you're not supposed to start that high up on the totem pole come on to take it down a little bit where am i i'm sorry steve you left me no choice this is the show i've been telling you about it gets really good after season two i feel like the skeleton wants to screw so bad but his pickup lines are just awful what food makes you grow how long are your guts i'm gonna try these pick up lines on my girlfriend and see if they work cause i feel like they're genius it's all about subverting expectations folks how to sleep eight hours in three hours mental hospital wants to know your location nice try mental hospital they've been trying to get a hold of me for years give me something disturbing yep that'll do no it won't no it won't get it out of here look i don't use it for much but i would like to keep it snl realizing trump is gone and now they have to make actual content you know how old snl is right like do you realize how long they've been on the air blows my mind that since trump was elected people started complaining about snl being too political or some crap have you seen snl jesus it's 46 years old come on also completely random but bill hader will be the best person snl has ever had or ever will have sorry deal with it checking the fridge a second time just in case some new food spawned you never know it might i have seen it happen although i was high are you straight no i have scoliosis you might want to get that checked out brittany no really the world is a cruel and unjust place there is no harmony in the universe the only constant is suffering minutes later omg a duck shout out to my immune system that mofo been doing its job teachers in normal classes stop talking teachers now please guys say something yeah i genuinely don't know which of these would be more annoying to deal with therapy has been amazing so you don't want to die anymore no i do but now i can articulate why that's step one you've got like 40 more steps to go through on your way to recovery my friend me looking for my phone in my bed blankets thump every freaking time dude holy crap that's the most relatable one i've seen yet me when my final exam is tomorrow me doing research on a topic to prove someone wrong on the internet it's amazing what will actually work for huh although i'd like to know what game the spaghetti guy is playing seeing as how he has a wiimote in one hand and i'm guessing the nunchuck is down below what is he playing just seems like he's defeating the entire purpose of a wii how it started how it's going so now even trucks are getting more love than me well the trucks are cute i'm just messing with you man you're way cuter than those trucks me trying not to eat a bunch of cheese a bunch of cheese oh never mind this is the most relatable one i'm sorry i'm white i like cheese i'm gonna freaking dye disease symptoms tummy hurts a bit too much for a bit too long supervisor do you have any special skills me look a turtle what if an actual turtle is just a 3d shadow of a 4d hyperhuman i don't like to think about things like that my anti-vaxx mom i didn't get my son vaccinated and he is still a healthy teenager my dad who got me secretly vaccinated dude go dad wandavision is so good i still don't get that show no please don't explain it in the comments no no stop didn't you wear that last week me ah yes the long lost concept of washing your freaking clothes also i'm just gonna say if i wear the same shirt three days in a row that's okay i'm not that nasty the shirt's not disgustingly soiled and gross so get over it we gotta stop freaking out and treating people poorly for wearing the same shirt a few days in a row when they ain't nasty i didn't go crawling in the mud i'm good now that biden won watch me not wear his name on a hat or fly his flag on my lawn for four years like a [ __ ] weirdo my favorite part about this is i live next to a dude that just put up more trump flags he has about nine man that copium bro the wii remote normally the wii remote when you forgot to attach the wrist strap that's right it is designed for maximum death so the earth started out with just rocks and water and some mofo made bluetooth out of that yeah we're pretty smart aren't we although i'd still say bouncy castles are the most impressive thing we've ever made introverts whenever they get the order wrong works for me i guess the only reason i could think of for that is because by getting the order wrong oh no they put pickles on my burger when i didn't want it i'm gonna go scream at them for 40 minutes no come on i don't love pickles but i'm not gonna freak the hell out like a four-year-old because you put them on oh no yeah that's usually the extent of them quote unquote messing up the order so whatever be ready to meet muhammad ali outside is that a threat yeah he's gonna kick your it's like jury duty it's your civic responsibility to get your butt kicked every now and then me heal my disease brain no takes pill with no effect you son of a i'm in isn't the placebo effect incredible college group projects be like but what does the guy in the middle really provide is he the one that's really really smart and does all the work which one of them's the presenter you know what i don't care i hate this don't catch him at all syphilis hepatitis gonorrhea don't worry i don't plan to why don't you pokemon go get yourself some witches my dog is 16. so i figured it's time for some driving lessons oh boy 16 good god he's so old hopefully this didn't stress him out too much i know driving can be a heart attack inducing thing you ever go to someone's house and see every family member just being happy and getting along like damn y'all live like this no i've literally never seen that one single time never and just like that that's all the posts we have for today folks although before we go let's take a look at this fan art don't ask me what this is because i don't even know made this at 2am on a school night kinda just lazy with this lmao but it still looks pretty damn nifty and i don't like him it looks like he's gonna eat me always remember folks if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you're feeling super adventurous my personal channel is linked down in the description below and i'd love to have you over there as well alright before i go on any farther i'll catch you later folks
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,405,420
Rating: 4.9419227 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Me_irl
Id: f0n2czKR8Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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