r/Me_irl | why did we all do this?

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baba what can I get you guy give me one such that ah say no more fam it does seem ridiculous but if you actually look at it it does sort of look like a haircut possibly implying that barbers are amazing mathematicians in disguise good day everyone welcome back to mm my name is Jack and me IRL time man dressed like dog to avoid police during lockdown the man more goals are beyond your understanding rest in peace and peace Eddie the sea otter that could dunk a basketball and suckers so what are your two qualifying trades teacher how do you read your own handwriting me I was there when it was written hey if historians and geologists and stuff can appreciate the old timey of ancient texts and stuff of old civilizations then your handwriting should be equally respected and adored mac and cheese what mac and cheese that's an egg that's an iPad oh look it's me attempting a joke in a social setting my dead relatives watching me whip my meat out for the seventh time in one day hmm yes do you have any books on turtles hardback yeah with little heads yeah those things when you die too many times in the game and have to switch to easy I've never never experienced having to do that I'm a pro game after cut relate want to order pizza I don't eat cheese growl of judgment for medical reasons jeez you should have stated how weak a blood line was in your tinder bio oh I changed my mind about having kids I'm gonna have one and feed it to this bear because I love him so much ah that's that's one way of caring about something six-year-old me drinking apple juice from a fancy glass [Music] fancy-son just starting to brighten up birds cops you can't use your phone while driving cops while driving yeah yeah heck you gonna heck your Tesla make America great again make America great make America make there are no accidents how the Fricker you verified as Master Oogway there are no accident why don't they make bulletproof vest etc out of diamond if it is the hardest metal because it's too heavy one gram of diamond weighs something like 15 grams math bits see nothing good technically again tongue with just board I said I want to look again but with lowest standard hey professor we haven't had any classes this semester learn from online videos then but your fees are fifty thousand dollars overlords apologize will reset simulation to 2015 he sits wanted to see what you would do explain spokesman oh well that's nice of them be kind to others you just never know what someone is going through I'm okay ani ani horny horny when you were walking home in the dark and you have to look like a tough guy to not be assaulted just clench the fist clench the fist really broaden out the shoulders yeah there you go act like as if that kids stole you tying the sandbox you about to go slap him to get it back four year old me falls down and starts crying my dad hits the floor what are you doing this to my boy 4 year old me hmm man in glasses playing Google Docs how the brick are you playing Google Docs remember there are no accidents my anxiety thinking that everyone hates me my depression telling me no one cares enough about me to hate me this an endless cycle of doubts and self-loathing when you feel guilty for not studying but still not studying look at that how is even giving us an F for respect honey my water broke the baby is coming now it's too soon it's the due date we've known it for months it's way ahead of schedule I'm telling you it's coming on the due date impossible hey don't dig on tradies and builders they're doing the best they can at delaying stuff by months we are falling I'm overly aware of how annoying I am and I don't know how to freaking stop when your dad unpacks this move you know that your car will be parked perfectly cool but I'm not gonna notice that over the fact of how yellow this guy is in his car jeez what is with his lovely yellow bro where I live is peaceful AF I swear for a hot minute I thought your place had raw meat as furniture ah nice man you ruined it I cannot unsee that you ruined this guys slay a Titan to kill this furniture six-year-old me watching Cartoon Network when it turns eight pm uh I gotta get out of here Betty it was the point in your life where you finally got to watch those kind of cartoons without being told to go to bed by your parents ah freedom then of course was all the anxiety and depression and the responsibilities of being a young adult and can I go back to my little pony I love you I have a boyfriend you are so beautiful you deserve to boyfriend ah yes the negotiator hey is a good strategy nothing my ticket 3:00 a.m. very hard getting followed on Facebook getting followed on Instagram getting followed on reddit getting followed on a dark street well thank goodness your eyes have been replaced by torches otherwise you'd never be able to see them it's clear to me that all these hot single milfs in my area aren't taking this quarantine seriously me planning what to say in every possible conversation before making a phone call but don't you dare try and figure out how the hell he's using chalk underwater don't you do it don't you think about it stop it stop you're trying to divide by zero stop it when I was younger I thought cops were legally allowed to commit crimes and get away with it and I got old her and found out that wasn't true then I got even older and found out it was it's the circle of crime he corrupts the soul if you tell you going to jail when you're taking a shower and your stomach stop bubbling oh man that's some intense lathering it is is that how other people shower themselves have I been doing it wrong X 12 misbehaves crimes that's enough for today you're gonna get punished X a a 12 please don't stop the work crime citrus the Wi-Fi off when you and your friends are doing drugs and your parents in the door but I digress sir Mary Jane would rather exquisite this afternoon wasn't he Steve oh hello mother after 10 minutes with the girl filter on snapchat I finally understand why girls take so many selfies it's fun to take pictures of yourself when you don't look like a literal human garbage bag yeah boy feed into that self insecurity that you want desirable enough and that your pule facial looks are older than that is yeah so hot I just want to see the goth waitress hit Olive Garden again ah yes I relate I am human me and childhood without any reason yes you brought back memories I forgot I had with this thing we did if you didn't were you even a kid no image has ever described my life quite so well we must stop eating cry toad as he ate another yeah have you guys tried almond bread or almond biscuits before my girlfriend's mom makes them quite often and oh my god is it impossible to eat clean when those things are around oh you know the cap here Oh a touch do a little fun factor with this painting called the Creation of Adam if you actually look at the painting you'll notice that God and all the Angels are actually around something that looks like the symbol and shape of a brain to possibly insinuate the idea that maybe God is merely a figment of our thoughts and imagination help deepen insightful yeah that's your education for today guys you don't need to do any school or homework or assignments anymore today you're done you've met your criteria well done Anonymous hackers feel Isis's social media accounts with gay porn again it's even funnier the second time oh no really it is this is great pink absolute props to this guy to having a rainbow flag with the ISIS logo stuff on it to that fool that would be very daring just to do someone pointed out that screaming [ __ ] during sex is the same as screaming parkour while you poor core and I haven't been the same since I fail to see the problem here hey you still have that MacBook Pro yes what's the lowest you'll take lowest I'll go is $750 250 sure why not okay where do you want to meet a hundred and one Maine in Burlington be there in 10 minutes sounds good hey I'm here cool head inside into the comedy club yes then head up on the stage and tell your jokes to somebody else oh I so hope this actually happened the absolute skill and that kind of message oh this person belongs on Mad lads four year old me seeing a leaf with high crunch potential 24 year old me seeing a leek with high crunch potential low key one of the reasons I'll enjoy autumn tears Wednesday your grace milady when was running invented 1748 running was invented in 1748 by thomas running when he tried to walk twice at the same time what makes less sense that's description or the picture battle it out in the comments below for me woman in the 1600s mmm-hmm no I was having this exact conversation the other day of how easy it would be to get rid of people you hated back in the 1600s your brother keeps hogging the game console just say he's a witch I mean they didn't have game consoles back then but that my point still stands all right stop disagreeing with me elephants are smart I said he was smart and found a way out of his death elephant clearly you're not smart don't give a freak not my mother tongue rich son God even doing the voice is annoying Jeff I think you should play the role of my father I don't want to be your father that's perfect you already know your lines this was by far one of the best episodes of community anyone who disagrees with me deserves to fall in the lava I'll get a paintball to the face don't get those references well you would if you watch the show coronavirus underpaid risk of injury pizza delivery guys hey bro who's your picture me well hey we've got priorities how to drive a roundabout do not look back do not turn fasten your seat belt speed up and pray a good life hack I found is if you actually try to follow the same track that someone else went through hopefully if people have already gone through the roundabout in the past all the trees that were there in the first place would be knocked out of the way just hopefully no cars got stucked in the first place but yeah just go straight forward guys when it's your 18th birthday and you realize that now you can legally watch porn what kinda will no longer watch from the shadows as far as I'm aware people still watch their wakanda in the shadows just because you're 18 doesn't mean you're allowed to do it in the public areas just just let the you know just be to be prepared remember these kids this is them now feel old yet not old proud baby born without penis in extremely rare case Wow exact same thing happened with my sister ciao what's a girl the Bible verse that got me through high school lunch 1135 mmm the sweet release of freedom for about 30 minutes me sleeping peacefully my cat at 3 a.m. break through the roof play some drums knocked that vase and smashed the keyboard is it the weekend yet asked Pooh yeah it's only Wednesday said piglet NPC asking a question my character waiting for me to come back from the toilets he's been asking me the same damn thing for 30 minutes why is your [ __ ] taking so long there is a German word for when things go smoothly many times but then go wrong exactly when people are watching live off your effect did I just google how to pronounce that no when you're trying to remember if you dreamt it or if it actually happened and now you're questioning reality itself this guy's motivated me to read more look at that that guy's responsible for getting the Tooth Fairy to read more game is after gunning down dozens of innocent people on GTA game is when a dog dies in an RPG I'm personally proud of people who game who have the ability to like shut off that part of themselves that shows empathy and sadness for when someone dies and like a game like GTA but then in an RPG like a character will cut themselves and get slightly sick and you're like oh no oh gosh oh what's gonna happen I'm so worried oh god the pointing it's growing oh no this is gonna be something that's just gonna keep building I feel it's breads day my dudes media there's absolutely no positive lessons you can take away from video games Dark Souls age only affects appearance and has no bearing on ability gender has no bearing on ability everyone has imperfections prejudice birth smell contempts become a dark spirit time for crab yes the last ones the most meaningful of all hi my name is Jason ah nice to meet you Jason hey Jarvis how the Frick did a robot become the elemental master of ice did this comic just try to tempt me to look up Ninjago law as a way of understanding this and therefore actually being subjugated to look into the Ninjago storyline itself and therefore become an actual fan of it too well it didn't work me watching my phone ring until I missed the call yes because who immediately closed it off is too obvious that you have your phone in front of you ahoy spongebob I've overdosed on ketamine and I'm going to die click here to watch college teens get pricked hard click your student loan is approved your interest rate is at seven point zero eight percent what are you doing in the profile picture from you more of this stuff needs to be on Twitter just the creativity is amazing me weird history facts innocent people oh they're historic too when you play RPG games and just put on the best gear you find at the moment a whole like who designed this ok that's enough you spicy hooligans that does us for today on m'kay thanks again for watching guys you've been a blast please like the video it's the least you could do for me in this trying times if you're new here please also subscribe you can get some more content on the daily for you it is a matter of fact that my name is Jack and I'll see you all in the next video to turn
Channel: EmKay
Views: 985,337
Rating: 4.9254251 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: MLAPLmm5dk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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