r/Hmmm | now THIS is science

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you know that phenomenon where people say that they look a lot like their pets this guy just proved it's a rule no not a rule a law a law of nature [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash hmm there's not really much else i can say about this sub it's just quite thought-provoking isn't it alright without much further ado let's get right to it speaking of thought-provoking i feel like we got a guy over here that needs to earn some kind of nobel prize in what exactly i don't know we just gotta get him one whoa that is a fantastic photograph edited or not it's perfect oh delicious i'm gonna take a handful and put it in my mouth ah x x x and x what console is this for whoa whoa whoa just a minute i know for a fact that riding scythes and brooms was banned by the geneva convention so this guy is committing war crimes honestly it looks like something right out of a tf2 halloween event why hello there you massive boy pray do you know what day of the week it is well i'll give you an a plus for creativity but i feel like you'd need a whole lot more heat than that in order to get the intended effect which i assume is a 10-minute shower with warm water which you're not gonna get from that little emergency candle my man see i know science isn't it crazy when you get to see behind the scenes of something as ugly as war to see what it's really like look how visceral this is well i don't think it's that effective but at this point kovet would just take one look and give up that's just too much work again i know science well how about that why don't you just take a look at what you did there mr tree always making a goddamn mess well you know what they say dress for the job you want not the job you have for those days where you don't want to contain your crap smell to just one room you want it to waft throughout the entire house for real this can't be real right it can't be [Music] i think you might want to recheck everything about this setup my guy now that's what i'm talking about i'm just kidding this is awful who the hell in their right mind would have this in their home for when you like to cook but you're expecting a duel around any corner at any time this might just be the perfect product for you oh looks like someone needs to lose a little weight huh we're gonna put him on a diet make him run 20 miles a day on the treadmill he'll be back down to peanut size in no time oh that's high stakes guys one wrong butt touch and off comes your ear alright let me take a stab at it we got facebook mcdang dangs mercedes and oh what could this be i wonder now what could you be up to here oh no oh no no no oh you are one sick sick bastard but hell even i'll take an autograph satan i mean it's a name people don't forget what in the world could these two fine young gentlemen be up to on a day like this i really hope they're wearing underwear oh so this is what motorola's really been up to finally a flagship killer so we humans celebrate shark week does that mean that the sharks are now celebrating anime week i mean we don't just celebrate that once a year during one week right that's year round um yes how much do i owe you yes i've definitely lost it i'm asking a dog no no no i do not like that at all get this out of my face escape rooms have been getting creepier and creepier haven't they fee fi fo fum i'm gonna get ya all right i got a couple of questions here first of all where in the world do you get a million dollars for a bouquet of roses that big and second here is that a geforce rtx 3080 cardboard backpack some kind of limited edition joke he's pulling here i don't think the questions are ever going to end on this one you may be one of the first people in history to actually finish a box of fruit loops you didn't eat them but you made some good use out of them okay i used the term good loosely but i digress making citizens oh good lord what could this have possibly been used for are they going to send out the baby from who framed roger rabbit to go test for mines out on the battlefield oh this one creates a lot of questions none of which i'm going to ask because i know i'm not going to get any answers i can respect it i know that people might look at you like a weirdo if you eat pizza like this or eat fries with a fork or whatever but hey if you're like me you don't want to get goop all over your face yes i do eat like a monster when in doubt go break your bicycle so that you guys can cut your pizza a little easier i'm just kidding this isn't helping you any at all oh dear god i've got nothing to say about this one why don't you leave pikachu alone huh he can't even drive the little rat has a hard enough time as it is now that is the perfect way to train your dog to pee all over your toilet every single day because you know he can't aim eh whatever the sneaks are pretty cool though okay i can't tell which is worse this lego pc case that's completely open and has really bad airflow or those full cardboard pc cases that people have been making well i guess at least the legos might be a slightly lower fire hazard hey man as long as you got one of those tempered glass screen protectors go ahead you chop anything you want on that pile of crap oh how whoa you know i could use somebody big enough to do this to me i feel like my neck needs a bit of a stretch not that far just enough so that explains why mice are so danged expensive we have to retrofit them with little gas masks that can interface with our computers well you know what i always say the only good minion is one that's welded to the back of a truck and clearly oxidized to death i am getting really creeped out at how many of these old photos of me y'all have been able to dig up where are you finding them nah man he vibing though we're going to play a little game which one of these is on crack and which one of them is on catnip you have 10 seconds to comment down below go let me guess you're planning on becoming a friar in medieval england well i guess i've seen worse things done to a car once it stops working once and for all yo this woman don't give a sh about your riot shield dude she's got places to be that don't involve you mofo yo is this dude walking his little hamster onto a crowded train he sure as hell better announce to the world once he gets in there what's going on or he may not have a fully three-dimensional hamster once he gets back out and yes i say hamster when given its size it's probably a guinea pig who cares the guy is still walking it onto a train what airport is this in i feel like i've walked down this exact hallway before and it was definitely in an airport somewhere ah see what i mean cardboard computers although this one's covered in pizza grease so minus 10 points from gryffindor i'll see you rocking linux on there what distro is that dude ah evolution at its finest look at these fine specimens millions upon millions of years apart you know it's nice to see jesus making a point to get with the younger generation it's been what 2020-ish years give or take since he's been on earth it's about time he learned how to use a camcorder wow i don't know what to say i genuinely don't know what to say here oh this is one of those paintings that's gonna freak me out kind of giving me a headache let me guess japan right no seriously am i right okay okay slay it up dude dang him step on me with your nike heels okay come on that's just adorable and actually kind of a nifty little idea might keep some glare off your phone not much but a little bit not that you really need an excuse to give your phone a cute little hat but you know photos like these remind me of just how grateful i am that cats and dogs don't have little tiny hands they could do a lot of things with those hands you know it i know it we just don't want to think about it okay okay which one of my house guests thought i invited them over to sit bare-assed on my new couch and it looks like they tried to spread their cheeks more oh that's just dirty right there is this what it's like to work in it when you've run out of ammo and you really need to make do you roll up to a small village in ukraine and see this guy standing guard what do you do do you try to bribe him do you try to take the guns or do you leave as you should oh you are gonna run up a big bill with that one my guy i am highly confused here i mean i know i'm confused a lot but we have a nun riding on top of some buff guy with a violin bow in her hand about to attack a flamingo not even to mention the guys in the background oh shoot it's about to go down quick everyone in the comments place your bets do you think the raccoon hog team or the possum i'm going for that wild card possum over there oh very very sneaky i don't know the practical applications of this but sneaky nonetheless now wait just a minute i know for a fact it's against the rules to clone yourself so that you can play for both teams so that you can win either way that's just not right this is actually kind of nifty and adorable and i want one right now dang okay must get really really boring out there most days cause that is one detailed drawing hey man ain't no shame in wearing something that's significantly more comfortable if you feel that you're not gonna need to chase any perps down that is i see nothing wrong with this unless this guy caused the accident he's just having a good day okay hell maybe he caused the accident and is having a good day you ever thought about that alright guys i'm bringing my new dog home from the pound to be honest he looks a little messed up but i think we'll get along just fine anyway somehow i don't feel like any of the men in this photo would appreciate this shop job and if it's not photoshopped bravo to them for their fantastic sense of humor someone did something to piss his commanding officer off huh am i right come on anybody in the comments in the military am i even remotely on base with this one i mean i've got to be somewhat close i've heard stories about the new guys doing something stupid so they have to sweep sunshine and mop rain nice try you fool but you neglected to notice the glass in between you and the muffin yeah this one i couldn't tell you there's absolutely no guesses with why this guy is doing this oh man the fire department's gonna have one busy day today well i didn't ask for any scary photos in this subreddit so how dare you throw this demon in my face okay okay this ain't that ugly i mean don't get me wrong it is pretty dang ugly but it's not nearly as despicable as i would have thought after seeing what the front looks like it's like trailer park batman up in here oh the bird's plan is almost complete now all he has to do is close and latch the gate without the cat attacking and he wins how much protein is in this delightfully frightening looking pastry looks like it would scream bloody murder if i tried to take a bite i have no words wait a minute does that guy's helmet say neat god dang it now as somebody who eats their fair share this is a perfect robin-sized portion all right it's perfect it's all i need for at least two hours finally some good food well let's just say this guy isn't constipated anymore um just one quick thing uh no actually you know it's been a fantastic week when at the very end of that week you find out that a hamster is thicker than you which scp is this and why has it not been contained okay come on let's be real i can rock a pair of these pretty damn well right come on mother of god he's on a rampage everyone run beans i'm actually quite impressed that somebody seemingly found a pizza place that was able to put beans on there as an option anyway hola sainor can i have one bunch of bananas please look it's basically the size of a raisin to me anyway how much you want well halloween is over first of all so please take that off okay what did i just say what did i just halloween is over oh my god that is the cutest little thing ever look at their tiny teddy bears and their little slippers why would you behead the teletubbies they didn't deserve that okay impressive shots but we have a little bit more to work on just saying my first time ever posting fan art i hope you like it like it i absolutely love it and it's making me want to play chess for some reason can't quite put my finger on why though and just like that we've come to the end of another video ladies and gentlemen always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 281,573
Rating: 4.9666042 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/hmmm, r/hmmm best posts, r/hmmm top posts, reddit hmmm, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, reddit blursed images, blursed images emkay, thanks i hate it, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it emkay, reddit funny, r/hmmm emkay, hmmm emkay, emkay
Id: BZ0jZ1iXGoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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