r/Me_irl | same lol

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me and my son doing his math homework all this format has so many uses what's up sexy I'm Lexi and welcome back to ma today we've got some delicious me IRL my dad you need to start liking manly things me starts liking men dad I mean men are men Lee while some of them things I hate one vandalism two lists three irony four lists five repetition seven inconsistency this makes me angry and I'm not sure why oh that's why the seventh backwards that now all that's bugging me fire air water earth pasta the five nations lived in harmony until the linguine Nation attacked a bird landed on my girlfriend's head whoa what the hell is that that ain't no bird that is an omen of death grandson that is a herald of the Ancient Ones than a specter of the Dark Dimension your girlfriend is now an eldritch horror I'm sorry I don't make the rules they got old oh oh my god oh that's so weird oh I don't like that I don't like that at all games whose daily rewards reset every 24 hours games whose daily rewards reset at midnight yes when you play video games at 2:00 a.m. I mean yeah family how come you never sit and socialize with us me sits with family me gets insulted by entire family good blow everyone I'll remember you on therapy oh I felt that one everyone gangster till the 5g cell tower starts walking I work in networking and you know just want to clear up some of the confusion around 5g cell towers oh they can do this they can actually move only when you're not looking at them though so try not to blink around them this is actually the newest stall Kerr model of the 5g cell towers it will hunt you down in perpetuity just to make sure you have at least four bars can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that we grew up with this and not this oh come is that what they look like now Oh what what do they do to his chin why does Fred look like a pelican eighteen year old me laughing at how stupid I was ten year old me 25 year old me Oh if you only knew as a child I promised my mother I would win the Nobel Prize in Physics 50 years later I said to my mother see I have kept my promise I won the Nobel Prize no said my mother you promised it would be in physics Kenzaburo OE award at the 1994 Literature Prize ah Nobel Prize in Literature whoa Kenzie Burroughs mother this is worthless read you tube progress bar gray YouTube's progress bar the gray ones always slightly faster but just remember that meaty red one is right behind us when the game shows your custom character in cutscenes I played Saints Row I have no idea what you're talking about I forgot the word for butchers so I googled meat man and god bless the internet I feel like the steak with biceps should be like on the front of some sort of fake supplement also I really like the Iron Man on the left just covered in steak when you're watching a movie and people keep asking questions instead of paying attention oh that exact face just are you can you can you not do it on a forum that had the same problem twelve years ago me yeah I work an ID that's exactly how it goes this photograph I took up this bird in the sunset looks so peaceful am i higher does that bird look like a rabbit on skis in the middle of a long jump oh crap I can't unsee it now oh that's beautiful initially I kind of saw a flying rotisserie chicken but I'm probably just hungry I'm probably still thinking about that eight-piece bucket of chicken the volume of a cylinder is found using the formula volume equals pi radius squared times height using pi equals 5 radius equals 10 and height equals 10 find the volume v pi is what what I don't oh wait what ha did they just try to redefine pi oh my god they just tried to redefine what this what the ever-loving [ __ ] well they did cut educational funding if the words you spoke appeared on your skin would you still be beautiful the average person who speaks 15 thousand nine hundred and forty two words a year yeah I'd probably just be covered in where did I put that and I should go to bed the cover of World War Z that day I was frakking crazy I would listen to a speech from this cat I don't care if the only qualification he has is jumping for Ala copter great white shark in South Africa I just thought it was trapped in an iceberg it's still in the display stand it's just it's on a clear display stand that's just floating through the water Oasis Wonderwall at guitar lesson plus tutorial I'm learning this so I can get laid boys it worked well done Ryan finally put up the 6g tower in my town again as somebody who works in network engineering this is entirely true the reception of Mordor is amazing and the signal almost reaches to the shire what you thought Sauron was going to be detecting the One Ring using gone doors crappy Wi-Fi Congrats it's a boy I have a son now he's cute what do you want to name him name hmm hmm name your baby Optimus Prime name your baby Optimus Prime to give you guys an idea of health fracked australia's post is right now with corona i paid for one two two day shipping and the item is 30 kilometers for me the estimated delivery date is five days away the average speed of turtle is 0.2 7 4 kilometres an hour it will take the turtle 4.6 days to reach me ah wrecking a turtle ok I see your point but turtle in a postal best turtle in a postal best turtle in a postal best I played a cello like a guitar and surprise surprise it sounds like the whole sad guitar show hey he's doing pretty good he's got 1,200 subscribers me looking for spelling errors in the meme I'm about to post me looking for spelling errors in my final research paper also applies to arguments on the internet sister needs glasses at 16 parents gets her glasses me needs glasses at 16 parents video games ah yes that's why I'm legally blind was video games caused it all and it was worth every minute waiter would you like a super salad Clark Kent laughs nervously a super salad I'll just have a regular salad please waiter all right Clark Kent loudly a regular salad for a regular man hello yes I am regular man I do not eat super anything interviewer tell me about yourself what are some of your hobbies me realizing I've done nothing but look at me and said refresh the same for apps since 2013 uh the biggest introvert problem I face has got to be being asked on loop if I'm okay because I'm quiet when most of the time I'm just in my own little world thinking about how much I love garlic bread I've never related so hard to a collection of pixels I get asked this all the time oh my god I'm just quiet and shy stop asking me it gives me the big anxiety no no he's got a point this template should be on top because crock is looking down you remember that whole clarity thing I think that takes precedence drawings like these in textbooks are one of the things I missed most from school you son of a [ __ ] I told you I'd do it you're next I remember the magical day I found out that some textbooks are erasable you can literally just take an eraser to some textbooks but you shouldn't probably is your milkshake really worth it Oh God oh no no no no no no no no no no no that is not how you make a milkshake please stop normal people on mushrooms me on mushrooms all right oh [ __ ] myself imagine training in the military for 10 years just for this to happen doink well I know it's getting added to basic next year I just heard my mom say you were very naughty and then a meow and then another softer okay but next time there will be consequences and then another meow and then you're right probably not I try not to do this to my dog but I do she's just so cute I can't she's just too adorable it's dark I'm scared don't worry baby I got this stomps foot Skechers light up Skechers scare the unknowable cosmic horror away he saw his feeding the Ducks and pretended to be one quack I didn't know I needed that image of my life but it really did it's dork it's walk which goes quack duck goes quack soldiers named an army tank crippling depression I don't know it's past 2:00 p.m. and that thing's out of bed so she's broken because she always believed sopran best always bad uh-huh when he is falling into a bottomless pit to his death Mario says Wham whereas while Luigi says that constantly while Luigi is constantly painfully aware of his own mortality and he deploys that awareness as both lament cry of defiance and justifications for his actions let's hear it for waluigi the philosopher we didn't know we needed redbull was founded in 1984 planes in 1983 I am tube yeah before that they were just sausages filled with people that flew out of sheer spite helicopters actually do this too but they never got wings they're just so ugly the earth repels them when you get cornered by the school bullies so you send one last text to your Minecraft girlfriend but his phone vibrates this is a thousand better than any Hollywood movies twist ending I agree me calm like swimming in the ocean me seaweed Frank and every time the sea meets always moving very slowly just kind of grazes the side of your foot just just enough to be like is that a crab is that a body has Cthulhu finally come to reef his own sunglass dog says take it easy frack your job money is fake society isn't natural and the Sun is going to explode sunglass dog for president 2020 this message approved by sunglass dog 20/20 ineffective facemask bingo the schnoz the sideways the feedbag the neck warmer the chinstrap the plague talker the hanger the hostage the wadded up in their pocket I work in retail and I long for the day I don't have a blacked-out card before lunch either wear it properly or stay home seriously wear a freakin mask it's not that hard and nobody's entirely sure they aren't a diseased meat bag they're coming back the world is healing we are the virus DeLoreans they came back from their hibernation they're breeding again maybe they won't be endangered virus alert high-risk Norton AntiVirus has detected a virus on your computer virus named Norton AntiVirus again I work in IT this is accurate frakkin Norton I don't know if I'm allowed to say that but frakkin Norton oh my god don't use Norton toddler when I grew up I want to be a princess conservative dumb sorry kid boys can't be princesses liberal also dumb you can be anything you want me leaning and really close let me teach you something about monarchy you reactionary little when you clean your room so well that the only trash left is you ha ha ha this is why I keep my room dirty wait hey keV how was your weekend good i watch TV for 14 hours I wonder if he's thinking about me I could totally snipe that guy from here my friends coming out of quarantine with new skills and deeper relationships me with depression and a mustache what I tell my parents what I don't tell my parents oh yeah yeah that's exactly how it goes y'all ever be laying in bed and just start doing this yeah actually yep been there done that place that makes your back feel nice damn dude act natural me highest frak okay us uh yes a perfectly normal giraffe and a perfectly normal draft totally thought that was a top at first and that brings us to the end of me IRL if you enjoyed that video or smiled at least once go ahead and hit that like button and remember to subscribe for more content my name is Alexa kitty but you can call me Lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 287,667
Rating: 4.9282112 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: xNIDxgnufSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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