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so i found a door in a tree trunk and it was full of a pile of money and a single frog so you broke into his house no i'm not sure hey guys welcome to mk my name is jack i'm the snack that smiles back and while you're traumatized about that image we're gonna look at some me irl mimi's teacher gives us an online exam mean my friends solve it together on discord teacher so looks like the exam was good only four failed me and my friends who did it i swear it was me me i'm suicidal my manager no don't kill yourself we're understaffed so like what are you doing right now you want to cover a shift how most people see america stupid idiots stupid idiots stupid idiots stupid cowboy idiots florida trash it is no that is very true florida has its own place as most people i can agree this is a very factual statement i trained this chicken to talk let's see what's a male deer how much is 200 pennies this is stupid it gets better it gets way better susan yeah i mean me when i suddenly forgot a word in my native language but i know it in english see that's why you don't learn another language so you never forget the first one huzzah my lack of bilingual skills is excused let's clean the house today no okay a day of relaxing it is no relaxing only guilt health experts please wear protective suits in space americans what's that deny my freedoms well i can't allow that i'm gonna go i'm gonna i'm gonna go out tigers have false eyes on the back of their ears to discourage predators from attacking them from behind i am slightly less terrified of tigers and 1 000 times more terrified of whatever the frick a tiger considers a predator how lazy are you me i figured you don't actually have to assemble these things oh my god okay okay but is he wrong to do this i don't think so i failed a student for their midterm grade and they just sent me an email that just says bruh deadass can we appreciate that respectfully though it was 1997 i was outside mcdonald's on queen street age 15 an old lady barked speak english at a pair of young korean men and without missing a beat one of them goes oh i want a nice cup of tea look at me i'm english i want to eat plain toast i miss him every single day i just bought a 400 000 house ohio california though i definitely have the highest of knowledge when it comes to a state value in america i'm kind of confused here is ohio more expensive because only rich people can get it or is it or is california more expensive because that person's poor i'm i'm not sure what to think is ohio a rich person place or is it just everything's cheap there so you feel rich i i don't know are you bearing the weight of the full spectrum of human emotion with no chemical buffer son yes nine-year-old me being labeled as gifted and intelligent present to me with no social skills relationships achievements and thomas brick oh i hope these two images go along together to become a very long-term meme this is this is beautiful shower thoughts at one point someone probably saved your life and you don't even realize that you would have died well frick that guy ah all those ambulance workers and firefighters they're just so selfish a 45 minute nap should set me straight four hours later what day is it i'll stop making jokes about mental illness when mental illness stops making a joke out of me ah the old get a girl to hold a picture of your meme to make the meme more popular trick rick rowling has taught us to be wary of random links more than any cyber security course ever has okay but could you imagine the effectiveness of a cyber security course if they just made so many things be links to rick rowling i feel if anything the frustration would be the huge major factor in teaching these people how to be more secure i support it someone hurry up and make an anti-rick rolling course make millions such a beautiful day danger danger danger man memorizes french dictionary to win french scrabble tournament does not speak french oh that by far is going to win the gold medal in something other than just a scrabble tournament come on he deserves more what the frick do single people do give relationship advice okay we can make fun of this reality all we want we all know that we rely on our single friends to give us advice let's let's not let's stop trying to excuse this and if any of you are going to type in the comments that oh no i don't listen to single friends i listen to my friends who are dating now you're a liar you're a liar and you know it stop it me doing the speed limit someone in a bmw hey i'm in a bit of a hurry i need to get home and poop hearing my voice in my head versus hearing my voice on recordings me trying to avoid eye contact with the crackhead at the gas station now what she said i didn't say anything there is no easter bunny there is no tooth fairy and there is no ds card inserted oh what a world hey babe i met a guy today he was really handsome and i think i'm in love with him his name is roger show me the dog no and i think we all can tell why you fell in love with him teacher why are you laughing nothing my brain i don't even know who this guy is but it's it's why does it work so well how normal people see it how karen's see it how we see it of course we do how people with glasses see it well maybe you should just not wear glasses you know i mean come on stop being such socks honestly it really sounds like a you problem i don't know why you guys are being so ignorant about it oh it's my favorite comedy of the mid-2000s how i stretched a 15-minute story into nine freaking years to be fair that was nine years of a dang good show so i i will allow it i'm so depressed maybe i should get bangs or maybe you should get a therapy this freaking duck costed two hundred thousand dollars of taxpayer money all it does is float around canada he's doing his freaking best okay leave the big chub duck alone dang i gotta find a way to lose weight first you and 58 of america man i missed the day when kids cartoon shows were far more scathing in their comments on society pokemon according to my parents yeah you got pick a choice kakunichu pika queen polychu pikachoke machukoo pika sprout tentachu pickler picomite don't you skip through this mug chew hip patchoo pingler peek only picosaur chuto pikatops i spent about 30 seconds unnecessarily naming all of these pikachu hybrids and if you don't hear them in the video that's because the editors took it out they forcefully silenced me without my consent and i don't think they should be allowed any longer i will not back down as my creative work is thrown into the garbage let this be the day that you almost silenced captain jack hi everyone my name's jack with a cque i'm a new narrator for the channel let's continue on shall we my blanket when i try to find the long side at 3am ah my most exciting hobby to do at 3am in the morning deep complicated maths the brainiacs who watch this channel will be like that's so easy to solve and i'll say shut up sir don't you dare insult my knowledge specifically it's lack of a good sleep my terrible mood why didn't you change because frick off when your friends start watching a new show and it's not the one you keep telling them to watch i swear to god if you're three episodes in our friendship is over meanwhile the ladies just like there's a weird reflection of a man on my laptop this is a weird netflix show when i realized that i'm wasting another year of my life but this time it's not my fault yeah just got rickrolled by a motherfreaking ad okay but does this count if you're forced to watch it i mean you didn't actually click on the ad to watch it on youtube did you did they did did you did you actually click on an ad what the hell is wrong with you the trees can't be harmed if the lorax is armed man i am not keen for the dystopian version of all these novels i just came back from the doctors and they've told me i'm very sick sick of everyone's bull stuff if you see this straighten your back you banana shape hey hey i take that personally sir stupid freaking meta meme i can't believe we stayed up and screamed happy new year for this bull smack sounds like someone's having an eventful 2020. scientists find 33 creatures living in a cave that was sealed off for 5 million years seal that cave back up and walk away this is not the year man but guys i want to know what the future rock's going to be about uh i mean the latest climax to the killer hornet arc was really disappointing you know and they need to make something a bit more exciting and just really out there wait you can lose karma yes allow me to demonstrate a small price to pay for nine awards i love how they did nothing but just make a comment and it got all the down votes five-year-old me after saying no we can't to the bob the builder theme song nice block specifically that building block i also think you have a nice cup when you sleep to avoid your problems but end up dreaming about them ah they're not solved at all when someone asks me why i can't hang out i have to rest 22 hours a day oh no my toaster fell over there there you go there's some toast for all of those wanting us to look at memes on the bread staple to tree subreddit there you go you i hope you're happy that's as close as we're getting i love you dad gay a true father and son relationship with just a sprinkle of homophobia i'll ever just exhausted this person standing in making this meme a relationship or something i don't know i've never been in one they're their meme creator one day someone will notice your amazing talents unfortunately it will be when you're 99 years old but hey keep positive haha i look like a surgeon i can hide my face in public without feeling strange i like the left guy's point if anything it means you're always ready for a costume party doesn't mean you've put on the best looking costume but you're still in a costume when you spend the night at your friend's house but to wake up earlier than them hmm i'll just uh yeah look at those teapots that's hello me could really go for some nutrigrain right now now before we end things today we've got some fan art to shout out for by user that name is taken i guess that one isn't though they've done some very mediocre fan art uh they know it looks bad but they want to share it with us all and i bet you it's not that bad at all and i was wrong it's terrible lee good ha who do you think i am someone stupid enough to judge art objectively bukka thank you for the very groovy pixel art that name has taken and remember guys if you'd like to ever submit your fan art to us make sure you do so in the mk subreddit alright people that does us for another bit of mk today thank you all so much for watching if you're listening to my annoying voice that means you liked today's video so why not show that appreciation by clicking the like button for us and if you have not already what is wrong with you subscribe you fool you won't be a fool though if you do click subscribe and tap the notification bell so you always get updated on the latest videos maybe even i don't know like check out some more videos on the channel i don't know i'm being crazy it's crazy isn't it but with all that said my name is jack with the cque remember and i'm signing off now so farewell you're an amazing person and i'll see you guys next time goodbye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 413,209
Rating: 4.9506412 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: gKnl5NoqVoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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