r/Me_irl · this was the WORST

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gave my dad mr bean cutout for christmas and he's been moving it around the house to scare my mom um the same thing is happening here except uh it's a cutout of the conductor from the polar express damn it robin how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're going to be taking a look at r me irl my sister keeps photoshopping your cat's face onto bees you know what i would probably do the same uh that's a that sounds like a good hobby line up in alphabetical order aaron a-a-ron goes first arguing abortion laws but the theology teacher theology teacher i've never met a human being who wishes they were not born entire class bursts out in laughter gen z culture is responding to well what if your mom aborted you with i wish she did improvise adapt adapt adapt adapt adapt adapt adapt adapt overcome youtube's saying i'm 27 twitter saying i'm 38 read it saying i'm 22 me faking my age in every website with no consistency in french you don't say i miss you you say tu me manquez which means you are missing from me isn't that amazing in texas you don't say you all you say y'all which means you all unless there's a lot of y'all then it's all y'all which means all you all isn't that amazing americans are asleep post basic freaking human intelligence and decency awake deep down anxiety trying to sleep it's in your brain now so that's how it works yo why does your bio say you don't have rheumatoid arthritis because i don't study confirms you can make people believe anything if you make it look like a screenshot of a news article oh well i believe it my favorite oh hey it's brock baker my favorite character in beauty and the beast is this dresser waiting to freak up a villager with a baseball bat new skeleton found in pompeii this guy was running from the eruption when a 300 kilogram boulder hit him right in the face well was he okay you can't place this building here here you can he's pissed because i held him like a burger don't be burger-shaped then idiot yeah stupid burger turtle my niece drew me holding hands with a burrito and i've never felt more understood you aren't always going to have a calculator in your pocket lying ass 90s teachers your boy got asked on a date you replied to yourself your boy got cancelled on did anyone else as a kid sleep in the car on the way home and know exactly where you are by feeling the car turn you know i'm something of a gps myself catfish simultaneously look like they possess infinite knowledge of the universe and like they just have the me theme playing in their head non-stop waiter sir the food is free for children under 10. dad oh that's great because he recently turned nine me but dad um to me my dad shut your damn mouth yeah sex is cool but have you ever just woke up and cracked every single freaking bone in your body yes when a cop is behind you and you've literally done nothing illegal but you still feel like a criminal i mean i'd make that face too if i smelled bacon earlier my daughter asked me if grown-ups ever cried i sat down with her hugged her and explained that grown-ups do cry and that we feel scared sad angry and everything she feels and it's fine to feel those things she then asks me if grown-ups pee when you're dead inside and someone shows you a meme about being dead inside yeah i can relate to that one swedish tv accidentally put subtitles from a kids show over a political debate and it's brilliant i will build the best sand castle in the galaxy he's got my vote you're depressed because you stay in your room all day every day instead of traveling the world thanks now i'm depressed in paris wait the dinner isn't ready it never was when your sister is washing the dishes and you slowly put another plate in the sink sister's reaction your reaction brain do it me why brain just do it me you did it a german tourist jumped in the freezing water to save my precious little dog who was drowning after he climbed out he handed me the dog and said here's the dog keep him warm and dry him off he would be fine i said are you a vet he replied vet i'm freaking soaking me after doing one out of the 20 things i'm supposed to do this i don't like being called out like that not today see penis guy he just stopped that thing in midair everybody think they gangsta until someone downloads their house i hate it when that happens i just found out the average dream lasts two to three seconds bruh i'd be going on whole ass missions girls tend to stutter due to nervousness when speaking to someone attractive girls when they speak to me spice up any facebook comment with random quotation marks congrats on your baby congrats on your baby congrats on your baby adult person life gets faster as you get older me age 10 sounds fake but okay me now scientists capture amazing video of a deep sea fish with feet i don't like that pros and cons of making food pros food cons making my english teacher says we shouldn't refer to authors by their first names because they aren't our friends will you confirm our friendship and let me call you neil on my american gods book report absolutely sex should be saved for marriage send kids to single gender schools to prevent sex everyone is gay ev everyone is gay national geographic donate five dollars to save the penguins also national geographic good point you know i've never actually looked into a oh oh my god captain marvel that's right a girl wants to be an avenger how about that everyone that's super cool carol in fact we already have several girls on the team nebula black widow scarlet witch gamora introverts preparing to say here during attendance yeah i'd high myself up starting a fight petting a dog consoling a child hey buddy but what are the orange green and purple ones orange you want to go outside purple shushing noises green do you want to call your mommy saying shark-infested waters is like saying human-infested houses i mean they just live there man that's rude when gf comes back from the paleontology study group government we should open schools kids are responsible and we can't trust them to not spread covet kids by the end of your life odds are you will have spent over 20 160 minutes kissing no no i don't think i will when you check to see how your created meme is doing and notice you made negative four people laugh oof lava really pisses me off because like i know it could melt my face off but then i see a picture like this and i want to dip my hands in it wait what about newton's third lock frick right boomer humor i hate my wife millennial humor i hate my life gen z humor penis light madagascar gladagaskar sadagaskar slap a gas car boy this baby can fit so much spaghetti in it he matches his drinking shirt every day that's incredible actually seven-year-old me seeing an ex in math 17 year old me seeing a number in math yeah the worst pain is having a nice ass meal in front of you but you can't find a good youtube video to watch while you eat that's exactly what i i have this problem ah yes this is how a minecraft melon would be uh constructed in real life it is the third year anniversary of me becoming a meme my dudes how does my room get so messy literally all i do is sit on my bed using my phone when you want some brutal death metal can you imagine if an actual like metal cd looked like that that'd be awesome halo 3 a 5 out of 5 from microsoft my daughter loves to sleep with her butt in the air and it's the cutest thing i thought she was in a microwave she grew up and she's a mother now i'm so happy police hunting people for sport a chubby penguin the president ate a baby a kitten at least in the 1918 pandemic they had cocaine in their soda true i failed all my exams but the pigeons have accepted me as their leader so i have that going for me me passing someone you slow me being passed okay speed racer fun fact the guy in charge of naming movies at pixar makes over 700 000 a year he got a 300k bonus for coming up with cars that guy sometimes my genius is it's almost frightening you become a crab but you cannot give precise answers did you do it perhaps would you like a nice glass of juice that makes you stop procrastinating yeah just leave it on the table for me i'll get some in a minute i just got kicked out of a flat earth facebook group because i asked if the six foot social distancing guideline had pushed anyone over the edge yet me hiding from my responsibilities oh my god we live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police the pizza guy took the robber in my house you mama dear last mia hello this is roger from doordash pick a number between one and ten four wrong no food for you what why roger please doing this without any reason that was me in school i think you're the nicest guy i've ever dated that's kind of sad safe from all harm extreme risk of boogeyman attack you tried scrambling the wrong egg motherfreaker the us how did new zealand get rid of the kova 19. new zealand we listened to our scientists the us all right then keep your secrets bear breaks into colorado house plays the piano but not very well he's trying his freaking best you girls buying shampoo it has vitamins rich oil proteins for my hair and a good perfume boys it says shampoo one adult ticket please i can tell you're three sheep in a trench coat are you sure yes look one two three imagine sending your kid to school with a cute spongebob face mask and they come back with a spiderman face mask because they traded with their best friend during lunch oh no what's on your mind it's freaking weird that in order to go to sleep you have to pretend like you're already sleeping when you're the first one to wake up at the sleepover or whenever you uh you know live with roommates and you're the first one up this is me every morning my brother found this at a flea market dude you have no idea how fast i would have snatched that when you finally found the song you wanted on spotify but it's just a playlist named with a song name my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined i'm no longer using stop lights it's the government's way of trying to tell me what i do with my own card i'm not going to be controlled you are sheep if you stop lights other people aren't my responsibility they should look out and make sure i'm not coming how do become the thing we say to cats the sound is quite high pitched so it gets a cat's attention when they're not looking at you in russia we say in finland we say in scotland we say come here a week when you pet a dog and the owner says wow he doesn't usually let strangers do that issues i talk about irl stuff i tell strangers online did you know i have atsgama atma me takes a crap the guy i took it from i was not expecting that bro i do not know how much longer i can keep fake laughing at these tick tocks she's showing me i used to be in class like got 40 minutes left two 20-minute halves just gotta get through ten minutes four times i i did the same damn thing scientists then we clone the sheep we will discover life in space soon we will find hiv cure we have robot on mars scientists now no the earth is not flat seriously your kid will die if you don't use a vaccine for food sake wear a mask yes the moon exists i'm surprised that americans still don't have their own unit of time don't me browsing reddit high as frick bout to upvote everything when your body naturally wakes you up early on the weekend look if i if i naturally wake up i won't be upset but if i have to get up that's when i'm upset relaxing after winning an argument with the wife damn imagine waking up as a worm taking a shower as a worm looking into the mirror as a worm exiting your home is a worm then you just get eaten by a freaking bird as a worm me building up the courage to unsubscribe from a youtuber who i've watched grow and progressively become more annoying oh man don't even get me started and well ladies and gentlemen that would bring us to the end of our slash me irl thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button in the bell so you notified every time easy peasy uploads and until the next one i will see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 77,915
Rating: 4.9731803 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/me_irl, r/meirl, me irl, me_irl, reddit me irl, r/me_irl ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: j3VUqj30QbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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