r/TIHI · cheese cake

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and again i kind of like these real life version of cartoon characters but this one that's a little far from me he it's like arnold's gonna eat your soul hello everybody and welcome back to your favorite channel easy peasy my name is cougar and today we're gonna be reading on through r slash thanks i hate it so you know what i say when i look in the mirror let's get to it anime girl gets bumped into anime girl i can't i can't read that i thought about doing it in the curse voice that's just too much man read this shelf of condensed milk and get soaked no no it's baby jesus it's baby jesus and i hate it this right here is um is something i think it's like maybe a piece to a pepper i or i don't know just no no teeth what if the balls got hard too i would be much more uncomfortable you are dead so i fly away all the bird oh dear god no no no no no pokemon mewtwo strikes back 1988. the machine that clones pokemon is made from the bones of the scientists that created mewtwo excuse me that's actually not correct it's only correct for the subtitle version the dubbed removed the scenes that would have shown and or implied this that's right who needs emojis when you've got pepperies they've got all the emotions like i wanna die how's it going that's that's about the only five emotions they got and they'll haunt you you know in mother russia we don't have birthday cake we have processed plastic cheesecake enjoyed my friend doritos crushed mountain dew cheesecake with mountain dew jello tapping ah f in the chat gamers check uh wish i could help you oh damn castle came and folded off baby oh boy time to eat lunch and sit next to my best friend chicken multiple choice question be like i'm going c all of the above it was never a loincloth thank you thank you for ruining he-man it was me skeletor no no atomically correct spider-man i remember this video god that brings back memories what if we kissed on the cow no no no no no my first attempt at creepypasta beginning here go easy on me carpeted kitchen what the frick dude all the stains are gonna be on the floor new snapchat filter makes your dog look like a disney character now they look even more freakable especially the one on the right no no no no stop oh dear god no this is the worst thing i have seen ever it's people made from people no donald trump this is the best golf course ever donald trump trump shrek how are we gonna get past this dragon donkey we could frick it shrek i'm gonna frick it and make some mutant kids drag woof ribbit yeah i kind of like it it's kind of cute actually okay he's cutting his nails he's saving it oh okay he's burying it maybe it's for memento oh oh no oh there's a finger sticking out um uh no no no no no no no no no to this whole comic this is what a sheepdog looks like if you shave just its head retweet oh it's kind of cute but terrifying are you lonely don't be domadex is a type of might that lives on your face friends forever give me kissy while i eat your skin cell and oil i think i'm being haunted by a furry why do you say that i mean see what i'm saying it's a furry wait aren't i a furry wait a minute i'm so confused what in the ever loving frick is this it looks like choc a cheeto dust no thank you when gamora doesn't tell you she is a squirter no i'm slimer van gogh you don't understand my art is me god mom sleeping in the grass expectation reality this is my favorite scene from king kong and it's an homage to the original where they cut the scary scene ah that was a fun scene but scary and scarred me as a kid all right he um he flicked a coin oh and his rooster oh he wanted a bigger he wanted a bigger [ __ ] all right then also why does this guy look like danny devito day four and still nothing to eat i'm not gonna make it huh you you are bear grylls oh thank god i'm saved it's a jungle out there might okay make a wish oh god i didn't need to see that well hey sexy how you doing whoa whoa whoa i'm not gay neither am i i'm a heterophile i'm only attracted to stray people oh phew okay then pregnant horses are faster because they have two horsepower my physics teacher i don't get paid enough to teach you idiots alright this is just a big no in my book the one on the left cute cuddly the one on the right no no no what have you done to my brother eat up there woofy eat up and enjoy okay i don't really understand what's going on with this photo but oh it's the dog's nose is pooping and but it makes it look like a cursed trevor henderson creation no thank you if it's not incest if you say no chromo look at the things i that makes it even better gosh dang it kirby yeah barbie kirby well i guess she really loves uh kfc i don't love her it's not faker looking good it's not finger licking good hmm let me take some blood there we go you eat that and leave my legs alone okay i would straight up do this for the mosquitoes if they would stop biting my legs and while i'm trying to sleep tattooed my first nipple on skin i'll be covering this tattoo for free once it's healed i'm learning this so i can tattoo in surgeon's office and help breast cancer survivors that they have mysterectomies mestamectomies i don't really know how to pronounce that either way it's creepy as hell and i don't like it but i respect what you're doing crazy how your nipples are older than your teeth yes it is crazy now i'm sleeping with that okay just you you're cooking up so oh no don't feed that to the baby don't don't do the airplane damn girl i'm dick as hell baby phineas facing forward makes me so uncomfortable yeah yeah it does i grew up with this show and uh yeah this was the worst part hi how are you i'm doing okay i guess what are you doing yeah just taking care of business can i come over uh no i'm busy right now hey listen i need to call you back some idiot in the other stall keeps answering all my questions oh come on man i thought we were bonding a friend on facebook posted about how emily dickinson used the comma meter and so her poems can all be sung to the tune of the pokemon theme song and because i could not stop for death he kindly stopped for me the carnage held but just ourselves and immortality we slowly drove he knew no haste and had poop i don't remember the rest of song but yeah that really does work and it's kind of creepy but i i support it wake up son we need to have a discussion about the type of pokemon you've been catching lately elaborate what they're just buff pokemon dad you got something wrong with that no son but i'd like to get a little alone time with machamp over there pokeyman fart completion 4k hdr pokemane fart completion 4k hdr why why why stop just stop me before watching a movie about the person getting super powers me after watching a movie about the person getting superpowers why me no get super powers i want to be deku i want to be bakugo i want to be todoroki so bad anime life would be so good you're such a weave cougar all right no i just like my hero academy it'd be cool to live in that world if you got a power otherwise it kind of suck just a coincidence i think not 720p 1080p ooh for oh damn rtx on yeah and go back to 4k here we have a dog hot it's delicious and wrong and there's penises drawn in the mustard i just realized i saw this once it's like birds right when they get ready to pounce or like move with their arms it's so freaking great and terrible the magic school bus could be flying around in your butt right now and you'd have no idea oh i have an idea me and miss frizzle have an agreement francis bondage booty ebony hentai niche close asian hairy granny solo cosplay vintage these are a bunch of cute boys but uh it gets ruined by the sheba hub and uh thanks for going off snapchat um yeah i don't like anything about this i really don't why would you want to be a barbie doll i don't get it it's just silence but it keeps getting faster oh god this is stressing me out can you feel the love tonight ah that was great i know i just wish our dad was alive to see us wait our dad didn't you notice there were only two males around and my dad is clearly not scar oh god 1930 helen adelaide shelby presented an apparatus for obtaining criminal confessions the police put the suspect into a docking chamber where they are confronted by a human skeleton with glowing red eyes that questions them with a voice transmitted from the in terror behind it through a megaphone in its mouth a camera concealed in the skull was to record the confession what confess your sims to the crime skeleton there is a magnet in its brain that prevents an onyx from losing direction while tunneling as it grows older its body becomes steadily rounder and smoother alright i'm at onyx onyx ah next kill me i look like anal beads it's a cursed snail cat no thank you oh it's gary in real life i get it no no no no no don't tell me you did that you monster a zombie spider spider covered in fungus have to add half alive which can crawl around come on brah like regular spiders ain't enough i like spiders this i don't like it's like that worm that takes control of uh the one ant's body no thank you oh oh i did not need to see spongebob's ahigo face thank you for that i love star wars pew pew lightsaber darth vader and luke skyscraper and obi-wan cannoli and r2b2 and three pco and tobacco i love star trek and i hate this coming no no no this is freaking awesome this is cthulhu my dude he's supposed to look this terrifying this dude is the ruler of like some underworld third dimension crap i don't 100 remember but this thing's awesome when you discovered that laughter produces 10 times more energy than screams monster stunks incorporated stunks licks a knife to clean it everyone else in the surgery what the hell doctor if you absolutely had to try one product below which one would it be ketchup ranch barbecue coca-cola garlic pizza chicken wing um um i don't know they're all terrible but i kind of want to try the tic tacs the chicken wing and the coca-cola but definitely not the pops me rips up my drawing cause i messed it up the guy i'm tattooing i hate spotify ads cause i listen to the podcast in the shower and there's nothing scarier than being naked and hearing lebron james say i'll tell you what makes me thirsty it's your booty fun fact this person the narrator did an ad for spotify not too long ago so i'm gonna be the voice ruining your spotify listening privileges nobody youtubers in their thumbnails oh except us here at easy peasy because we're one classy classy youtube channel i kind of think this is cool but i'd piss myself if i saw it in real life i am legitimately not afraid or scared of anything but ticks and it's mostly how gross they are this this verbally made me gag when i opened it kiss me and i shall be human prince once again ah okay yes it's working keep kissing don't stop please come back i'm not done darting how do you feel about using toys in the bedroom oh my god i thought you never ask whoa that's the greatest ramp ever baby someone says trip red looks like greta thornberg cosplay lil wayne and now i can't unsee it wow she uh really does yoda is probably thick as frick under those robes imagine slapping his thick yet tiny booty cheeks this tweet made me freaking sick stop being dramatic i know you imagine the shockwave ripple across his booty gee cause you give it a good smack and you heal let out a soft moan in the toys enjoy this i do he slowly whispers i hate you so much tick the birthday boy ha ha ha i'm gonna eat your soul little boy i guess you could say i'm gonna eat dick oh it's a i nicorn i don't know what to call this again i'm making a cryptids in kaiju so i think this is cool fill the pinata with goat intestines to teach children about the brutal consequences of violence yeah yeah the way culture's going this might happen one day don't forget to wash the foreskin billy okay mario wait what here i'll do it for you it's me a mario ooh it's a fight for the spaghetti oh dang he freaking whooped her booty i kept trying to think of a chicken breast joke because chickens have wings and he put them over his breasts but i got nothing and yes guys technically it's called the breasts so yeah and not just women at breasts they're pectorals but still oh it's cool it's xenomorph pikachu i own one of these and they're pretty cool zump i am the greatest facebook creator ever my dick is one atom wide but an unknowledgeable amount of light years along monofilament dick gang i roll over in bed and slice the milky way in half okay then tammy cat good for you i love honey wow you know what else i like what bacon that's right i did it so what's the deal with the flame on your tail it gauges my health the bigger the flame the healthier i am oh i have something like that watch see that all blood that isn't good i'm dying over here char char char you're dying aren't you charmander well if you made it this far it's time for another fun fact about cougar the narrator um i just lost about two thousand dollars because my friends drove to colorado broke down i had to rent a car and then go pick them up because my 97 honda accord wouldn't do it and it was very expensive and their car was junked so yeah i'm out two grand anyways thank you so much for watching feel free to like comment subscribe let us know we'd like to see more of have a good day be good people and remember stay safe out there
Channel: EzPz
Views: 78,178
Rating: 4.9242053 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/tihi, r/tihi top posts, r/tihi best posts, tihi, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: KaAx84CKqKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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