r/iamapieceofsh!t {10}

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okay she's trying to save the ducks from the oil but i have a lot of questions uh number one how did they get in there they're shorter than the container of oil uh how do they get in the container uh number two why do you have a container of oil just i'll be placed in the middle of your yard uh isn't that kind of your fault that they got in there because you're the one that has the container of oil in your yard uh it seems as if you place them there uh and it's just really sketchy in general because um you have everything you need to take care of a duck it seems as if you own those ducks and that you put them in the container of oil and covered them in the oil so you could save them and act like you're a great person am i wrong or you mean [ __ ] in life damn no better way to start this video you're nothing but a glorified maid who needs to jump down off our high horse and learn to speak to people nobody cares about your stupid seat policies or your nose issues we pay your salary and your attitude is unnecessary the very fact that we have to listen toe to toe to nobody who does [ __ ] except collect our trash and serve our crappy food makes me absolutely ill you are a mask and a foreign and if it wasn't for this job you would be cleaning motel rooms for two tips and meth i made sure to write this on a bag label as to what i think your life actually is a waste warm regards a person who hates your guts you guys are smart you listen to that entire tirade you know exactly what this is about a stewardess had the audacity to ask somebody to wear a mask on a flight you know to make sure that other people aren't sick and also just to make sure that the flight goes smoothly but no instead this woman chose to have a tantrum about it and write an entire diatribe about how much she dislikes this person for you know making sure that she follows the rules and that seems so involved it's almost like this person was seething in that seat for however long this flight was and went out of their way to really write this down that's awful it's just awful imagine being that stewardess imagine being that person who has to read this and essentially do nothing about it the person's on their way it's not like you can talk to them and tell them to shut up they just left you this note because they're passive aggressive and weak they'd rather just leave you a note about how awful you are instead of actually being in your face about it if this is how the video starts ah man you guys you guys are in for something today oh my god i had to chain my dogs up outside my backyard and cameron you know to evacuate to new orleans please pray for me couldn't fit my dogs in the car tv was taking up too much space wow tv over a life material things that can be bought again over a dog's life what's what is wrong with you it's one thing if you're evacuating and you simply cannot fit your whole family in the car so you can't even fit your dog in the car i get that that's a horrible choice you have to make and that's that's something that natural disasters do to people but you had space for your dog yet you wanted to save your cheap ass television i can't believe someone would actually make a decision like that you're experiencing a natural disaster there's a hurricane outside your door and the first thing you think about is saving your tv no i'm saving every life in my house i i am sorry excuse me excuse me it is such a nice thing to watch it is such a spectacle to see these people just party and go nuts and be reckless and then hear that they're tick-tock famous like is that what happens when you become tick-tock famous all of a sudden you just you are invited to a bunch of parties and then just lose your mind and literally take a dump in the street why why are you doing that why are you ruining someone's neighborhood because you don't know how to act that is so gross like what it's one thing to enjoy yourself at a party it's another thing when you go out of your way to destroy the environment that you're partying in why are you taking a dump in the street aren't you an adult ceo is caught on camera mercilessly beating his four-month-old puppy named beachy by grabbing the whimpering dog by the throat and slapping it around his santa monica condo what could have possibly encouraged this man to choke out his dog in an elevator it looks like it's in an elevator in a hallway imagine being so weak and so immature that you actually physically choke out your dog because maybe it's misbehaving or because you had a bad day imagine that i hope that this dog has been separated from you and you see some legal consequences for this because no way can you get away with choking out a dog in such a public area and in front of a camera even please do not throw any cigarette butts out the car window conditions are extremely dry and if this fire was not extinguished quickly it could have gotten out of control and cost someone their home these pictures were from late yesterday near i-5 and sr-16 oh my god that is uh that's a fire fire that's a big burn and the funny thing is that most likely the person who threw the cigarette but didn't necessarily mean to start a fire they probably were just littering or just didn't want to have the cigarette butt in their car which still makes them a crappy person but i don't think anybody goes out of their way to start fires maliciously well why am i saying that because people have already been doing that this year like i wish it wasn't the case but people are going out of their way trying to start forest fires in like washington oregon and california i i don't know what's going on it's god damn this year quit smoking in the building stairways and hallways it's making the animals and children sick on this floor and there's a special needs child that lives here it's making the apartment stink and it's making it hard to breathe quit leaving ashes and spit all over the floor it's nasty with everything going on we don't need more germs flying around the office the maintenance men and police have all been notified spit oh no ew don't tell me someone had some dip and they've just been spitting onto the floor that is gross that is some gross stuff i swear i think people just regress anytime they think that they're alone i swear i think these people thought they were alone in this stairwell or in these hallways and they just act a fool they're just leaving trash they're smoking they're spitting that is so nasty that's a shared space you all live there wouldn't you want it to be nice evil mom goes on week-long party spree leaving darrow damn real wow oh god it's an understatement to say that some people don't deserve to have children like i hope you rot in prison you just you deserve everything that's coming to you that just doesn't make a lot of sense to me you you know that you have a kid it's not like you forgot so you went out of your way to be negligent you stayed all seven days away from this child knowing that it's languishing by itself and for what to party to have fun if anything this sounds like you're trying to just avoid responsibility in the world's worst way an innocent life was lost but at least yours is going to be used as collateral i hope when you go to prison you experience the worst now the funny thing is that zoom bombing was kind of funny in like april and may of this year when like 2mad was doing it to people that was that was hilarious but now it's annoying and nearly malicious because almost everybody has to kind of rely upon zoom now the joke is lost because now it's a necessity so if you zoom bomb my class now i'm not i'm not going to class and you're wasting my money and that pisses me off and now you have stories like this where kids are being targeted and that's that's not funny like children should not be exposed to pornography everybody understands that that is like an extremely adult thing and also you could traumatize someone that way very easily so if you are zoom bombing i would i would encourage you to stop because now people are actually you know needing zoom to do things there's people who have to go to class just people have to go to work so if you do that stuff you're really just stopping somebody's life for a joke and really no one is laughing i mean it was funny then because everybody understood that zoom was going to be like you know a temporary thing and people weren't even serious about it before but now since it's late 2020 and we're still we're still stuck inside we have to deal with this so it's a little bit more serious now wasn't all of this rioting supposed to end already but i can't believe that we're past two-thirds of the year and we're still dealing with all of this rioting stuff we're still dealing with people going out of their way to destroy cities and destroy other people's businesses because they're progressive it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me and it really really really doesn't make sense that these people are going to attack a literal home and charity for sick children why would you why would you destroy that what's in there for you to steal i truly wish that all of this rioting stuff would end man it's hurting people people's livelihoods are being destroyed people are getting injured people died portland oregon just recently quelled all of their riots and they've been rioting for 120 days that's that's rough do you not do you not see the issue with that and now there's conversation about them writing again it's just oh god how are we going to make it to december why do females expect us to wash our ass real men don't touch their [ __ ] i had a girlfriend try to shame me because she could smell [ __ ] when we were having sex and i explained why i won't even wipe my ass with what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] boy you are confused dude yay i'm not gay and i know a lot of people who don't real men have skid marks and it's nothing to be embarrassed what the oh what it when did it become gay to wipe your [ __ ] ass when did it become gay to wash your butt that what in the world this this has to be the i can't think of any other guy who no no i've been on this planet for a very very long time no way no no if seriously keeping yourself clean makes you gay then i'm a drake fan in all seriousness this dude this dude's so lost i really hope nobody in the audience especially my men out there if you if you think that it's gay or better to be clean i'm telling you right now that is not the game that is not the meta please wash yourself for the love of god wash your body everybody in that house that you live in is punished by you because you think it's gay to not wash your ass wash yourself wash yourself if anything it's a sign of low masculinity if you go out of your way to not take care of yourself there has been some confusion as of late so i thought i'd take a moment to clear something up i don't [ __ ] dogs i don't penetrate them in any shape way or form they're the ones who [ __ ] me they're the ones doing the penetrating glad we could clear that up okay i'm done uh i'm done i need a break i just need a moment here just need a moment let's just just need any quick thing [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay all right let's move the mic a little bit all right that was um i needed that pop tart i really needed that warm milk and pop tart because um i had to clear my brain uh i did a whole lot of thinking about this it is this could either be a guy or a girl and i'm terrified i don't what's up with humanity bro what is up with us we need to stop someone whoever whoever is responsible for humanity needs to not be alive can someone do as a solid go back in time and just put like three bullets in the fish that chose to get out of the water can we just do that just it's real quick it's real fast and you'll just fade out of existence it's all right it's all right is like yeah you late somebody end up i dumped my ex-boyfriend because he was suffering from a serious disease he is healthy now how can i get back to him yeah that's a good one that's a good that's a good response i can't think of anything better yeah the lion the witch and the audacity of this [ __ ] and the funny thing is that from this question alone i can discern her entire personality she has a low emotional iq and has no maturity she can't handle being with somebody who's ill because there's the possibility that this person will die and she probably couldn't handle that so she just left him in the middle of his suffering and then came back when he wasn't suffering anymore so she could still have you know her cake and then eat it too i hope this guy coughs on you i hope you get whatever he had i feel really bad and should not have shown up for my appointment but i desperately needed my nails done i got tested positive for the virus a couple days ago so please quarantine yourself i asked you even before you got here if you've been exposed to the virus and if you had it at any point you have known i'm immune compromised and legally wasn't supposed to take your appointment if you did i know i was just desperate to get out of the house i was in quarantine for two days sorry i needed my nails done so bad you know say oh my god wow imagine you just put somebody's life in danger because you wanted your nails done and then now now you change the story up now it's because you wanted to leave the house even during quarantine aren't you supposed to be locked down for like 14 days what what you just you threaten the lives of people you are i assume are friendly with or at least associated with it what why would you do that lady what is wrong with you oh god one time when i was about 10 or 11 i went to the local grocery store had to go to the bathroom i usually never went to public bathrooms for obvious reasons especially that store disgusting walked into the bathroom opened a stall and i will never forget what i saw green diarrhea everywhere smeared all over the toilet the walls then there was a handprint of [ __ ] on the paper towel roll it was all over the floor too i ran to another stall while i was washing my hands a teenage worker walked in checked the stall and almost gagged screaming about how she hates her job and stuff like that all i could do was shrug and get the hell out of there i really wonder what the [ __ ] is wrong with people i'm asking the same questions too i don't know if it's the same guy but i've experienced the same thing going into a public bathroom and just seeing people either miss the toilet completely or somehow managed to smear their [ __ ] everywhere i'm like in places where i'm almost cert i can't reach i'm like is that the ceiling is how did it get in the toilet in out what my worst story by far would have to be when i was really young i think i was either 11 or 12 years old i was a part of a baseball team and i had to use the bathroom mid game so i went to the public bathroom that was on like the park where we were playing and somebody just had a full log [ __ ] just big [ __ ] right next to the toilet it's like they squatted next to it and that's and just left and the funny thing is that moment was so traumatizing i had to really use the bathroom i really needed to pee that moment didn't need to pee i played the rest of the game it was like two hours left of the game played it didn't use the bathroom just because it was so gross what i saw everyone's like caleb they don't you literally have coven yes i [ __ ] have coven the whole [ __ ] world [Music] i get that you have to uh censor people's names on the platform especially on our slash i'm a piece of [ __ ] you you have to because these people are scums of the earth and they don't encourage doxing i don't encourage dogs either it's illegal and bad you can hurt somebody really bad if you get the wrong person but what i will say is that if this man's username was on my screen right now i would encourage you all not to dox him but i'm not your parents and i can't stop you from doing stuff and that's all i'm gonna say florida woman what did we talk about stealing other people's babies i seriously feel for you florida people you guys have to worry about crackheads and meth head stealing your children for cracking meth and that's that's terrifying anorexia don't know her anymore oh look at that you gained some weight now you're healthy oh no yes somebody on twitter had to be cruel what do you expect it's the platform look how grotesquely fat i've become oh well you see i would clown on this dude but i think you're the one who's sick man you need some help because that's not fat that's normal she looks healthy it seems like you may you may need some psychological and you know medical help because you might be anorexic too or at least going in that direction you need some support man i'm not going to clown on you it's taking a lot of spirit a lot of my chakra to not do that because i know that you're hurting i know that that's some serious stuff for you so i hope you get your help bro i want to i want i wanna i want to dude dude you gotta go man like dude dude the reason why i don't like you breaking into this apartment is because you break into my apartment you'll bring in anyone's apartment [ __ ] get out of here it's not your apartment dude you don't live there you're not my new neighbor you're going to get arrested in the [ __ ] heartbeat dude dude you're done you're done yeah i'm done once you drive with the glass break through the glass maybe you'll get through that that's what it's done break through the glass not like this how about you [ __ ] off dude what are you gonna get in there there's nothing in there this is my bike everything's in there my whole life my documents and you tell me to get your bike out then oh my god if you know cody call cody dude cody no dude you guys are treating me like i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm talking about you will i don't care what you think you're breaking into my building you're breaking identity yeah you're you're [ __ ] me up here dude you're you don't give me a done to [ __ ] talk why do i need to explain you're breaking into my building dude no no i'm not breaking that your building is up there mine is right here that's not yours though i know cody i know cody like i don't understand cody cody dude what are you doing what are you still salty about in elementary school there is a pencil machine in the front lobby where you could get pencils for 25 cents there was also special pencils that had stars on them if you got one of those special pencils you could take it into the office and get a prize one day i decided to get a pencil and i put a quarter and it popped out two pencils one of them was a special pencil i went to the office and told the lady at the desk that the machine gave me two pencils and one of them was special she proceeded to say that the machine shouldn't do that took the special pencil and didn't give me a prize that was 19 years ago and i'm still pissed this is making me unnecessarily angry this is how can you treat a child like this oh oh there was a mistake you're not supposed to get the special pencil this fast just give it to the kid he was probably seven years old just give it's a child he he thought he won just let him have it i really hope someone put sugar in your gas tank you deserve that you deserve that for being such a crappy person yeah to be honest i was just [ __ ] around i'm not really interested if i'm being honest you weren't cute and i only swiped because i was hoping i could smash like you ugly but [ __ ] is [ __ ] you know but i saw that you were demi and no offense i don't want to have to put out for a shitload of dates just to get you into bed you ain't cut out enough for that so like i said [ __ ] is [ __ ] i [ __ ] ugly [ __ ] but i don't date him you feel me uh anyway no hard feelings i'm sure you'll find someone but it ain't gonna be me you could have told me this before i got ready for our date you know that right funnier this way okay i mean i'm still going out i'm not going to let some want to be eboy with shitty hair hurt me they probably just want [ __ ] too sweetie and this is why i'll never online date it really does seem like tinder and every other dating website is just for hookups and that's not my thing and i feel sorry for this girl she really thought she was gonna find somebody nice and this guy just wanted to [ __ ] and he's pretty candid about it even though it's really rude and mean i hope that this girl can find somebody better because yeah she really missed a bullet this dude wasn't going to care about her and she's extremely better off without him and this guy he talks about how he only cares about [ __ ] yet he'll spend all of his time explaining his motives to an ugly girl right he doesn't care about this ugly girl he only cares about the [ __ ] yet he would waste all this time talking to her right yeah you would swipe on an ugly girl just to [ __ ] right yeah whatever dude phrases oh sometimes [ __ ] no i'm not where this instrument comes from that's what it says [Music] two different instruments thank you very much you are ignorant and you are the problem [ __ ] i'm sorry you gotta deal with that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i feel betrayed my husband is splitting his estate between me and his daughter should i find another man yes please find another man please leave him because you leaving right now is actually going to save him a lot more money you are a greedy [ __ ] and you deserve nothing i wouldn't be surprised if she's new to the relationship like the daughter was from a previous relationship she's the stepmother because what mother would act like this towards their own daughter i i couldn't imagine that before they turn 18 one in six boys experience some form of sexual abuse and one in four girls experience some form of that's that's awful wow if this is proven and true maybe we should go out of her way to figure out ways to you know limit that that's an insane statistic that's a lot of children suffering from this maybe we should work together and figure out a way to better both genders so that neither can experience such a horrible form of abuse um except for the fact that boys experience some form of sexual abuse ever and apparent all cases of male sexual abuse are always from people who lack any understanding of the definition of such terms sexual abuse involves mental trauma males don't experience mental trauma as they're incapable of doing so similar to males cannot experience emotions such as remorse or generosity and therefore the form of sexual abuse doesn't apply to men there should be another term that applies to men but i've been unable to locate such a term it it really shouldn't be that easy it really shouldn't be that easy for someone to just dismiss a whole genders problems especially when it comes to sexual abuse the fact that you could just come up with a reason for which men don't experience that so easily and so simply and concisely as well just goes to show that it just becomes commonplace to act like guys don't suffer and the fact that there's whole ideologies willing to stand behind that fact willing to dismiss male problems simply because we're male and we live in a patriarchal game is disconcerting and saddening it's just it's rough it's just rough woman steps out onto wing after plane lands as it was too hot and gets banned by the airline for life um could you imagine being so entitled and so [ __ ] to just open up the door you opened up the exit do you understand how much that costs i swear mobile ads on youtube are the wild [ __ ] west you can get away with so much stuff was there no review process for this was there no oversight because this is just mad disrespectful this this is insanely deplorable i hope that this ad was reported because the fact that someone thought this was an adequate way of advertising their product they're shitty click an ad and get paid product i think it's been a year and i think people now think they can get away with stuff like this no you can never get away with stuff like this youtube you really need to get your stuff together man you got to really take a look at mobile ads because this is just grossly degenerate and deplorable and i'm i am more than shocked i can't believe someone would actually use etica to advertise their crappy products let my man's rest that's nah no that's deplorable hey guys i bought a mask with a window in it so my clients with autism could see my facial expressions please return it why would you steal somebody else's face mask that is extremely like unhygienic why would you why would you do that i what your whoever stole that almost certainly loves to eat lead paint that's your thing like you just lead paint with cereal every morning because you're stupid you're [ __ ] imbecile newsflash just because i love to fantasize about what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dude no you can't date a miner that's not dating that's grooming you absolute piece of [ __ ] you do not love this child you do not miss this child those are cops you've deluded yourself into thinking that you're emotionally connected to this child to justify your sick philia to justify your grooming of this kid no you are not an oppressed class you're not a hated class you're a lynch appointment stop stop it get off of twitter stop telling people that you fantasize about children i don't care that you haven't had sexual contact with a child the fact that you have any sort of attraction to children is sickening i seriously encourage you to hang yourself because if otherwise the community will do it for you you sick piece of [ __ ] i 17 year old female was a [ __ ] in middle school and the first two years of high school i admit it and i'm not proud of it i don't even really have an excuse for it there was this one girl i was really bad too she was fat weird and kind of obnoxious but she's cool now and she and i recently got assigned to work in a partner project together we were facetiming and she was being weird every time i would say something she would respond with and she was barely talking and i asked her if she was okay and she said working with you not really i asked what she meant and she said i'm still angry with you and i said are you seriously still hung up on how i treated you two years ago and she said yes how she was dealing with binge eating disorder and how her shitty mom and how i made things a thousand times worse i said it's not like i could have known any of that and it would have been easier for if she just would forgive me she got angry and said you're still a [ __ ] [ __ ] and hung up am i the [ __ ] for saying that she was being annoying i was only 11 when i started being mean to her and i stopped two years ago but she still treated me like [ __ ] treated you like [ __ ] what are you that dense do you realize what you're doing or are you being willfully dishonest with your entire post you're trying to apologize to this girl to ease your guilt because you feel bad about what you did and you want her to apologize so that you can feel good about yourself because you know that you're pretty awful that's exactly what this is and you know that because you got upset when she didn't accept your apology and didn't just suddenly start liking you because you guys are together and even then the way that you started this was pretty backhanded yeah she was fat and weird and obnoxious but she's cool now so i kind of want to be friendly with her no that's not how this works you bullied her through middle school and an additional two years of high school she's not obligated to accept your apology she's doing her most right now trying to get a grade you know working with you but she's probably never going to talk to you again and truly the saddest thing is is that you haven't learned anything you're still an awful person because now you're trying to force someone to like you for no reason someone that you've been mean to you haven't learned a single thing okay somebody said make history [Music] [Applause] hey what's up okay three women arrested for attacking a chili's host for enforcing social distancing three women are accused of assaulting a 17 year old restaurant hostess in baton rouge louisiana because they were upset that they couldn't be seated together due to coronavirus social distant rules police said the incident occurred sunday after a large group of women entered a chili's restaurant and asked to be seated at the same table the employee advised the group that due to social distancing requirements the business only allowed six at a table then the employee was physically assaulted by multiple people in the group and she was treated at the local hospital for injuries oh man they yanked out all of her braids i really hope she can grow back her hair if you pull hair out like that you might leave a bald spot or just damage forever they assaulted her just because she wanted them to follow the rules man i really hope the police officers were able to catch all those women because they need to see some jail time i can't believe you would assault a child because they had the audacity to ask you to follow the [ __ ] rules who's next what is the most horrible thing you've seen in a mental hospital i was about 13 in a behavioral hospital for self-harm there's this little girl maybe six or seven years old she was so cute and giggly but had rotting teeth and cavities one of the mental health techs asked her if she got cavities because she liked candy so much and the little girl nonchalantly said no my parents locked me in a closet and only fed me peanut butter do it are you glowing no do it come on no no no come on [ __ ] do it do it how'd that go for you dumbass yeah how'd that go for you okay call me a [ __ ] dumbass 17 year old girl stripped naked shot to death and left in a fast food parking lot 17 year old girl's naked body was found in riley bojangle's parking lot four teens were involved imagine that that is an awful sight she i wonder how much suffering she had that is awful that is terrible it's really hard to comprehend that children you know well i mean well they're not children anymore they made a very much adult decision to kill somebody but just teens in general have the capacity to really be this awful to each other i i seriously wonder what even was the motive behind all of this i actually don't even want to know to be honest she wasn't even 20. she barely lived her life and she's she died violently that's insane i got my matte pride pin i mean it's not like i'm ever going to wear it i have it pinned onto my cork board in my bedroom that i only ever look at but i have it huh i wonder why you can't wear it in public i wonder why you can't publicly support pedophilia i i seriously wonder why you're so scared to wear it on your backpack or on your t-shirt huh why why don't you want to wear it outside you afraid someone's going to hit you in the head with a bat are you afraid that you should be because you touch kids that's what you do what's up everybody it's your boy aleris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed i know you didn't enjoy today's video i know you enjoyed it as in you enjoyed you know being seeing all this awful [ __ ] i don't know how you can enjoy a video like this but if you liked it let me know in the comments down below and leave a like on the video so that youtube can continue to you know suggest this video to as many other people so that other people can suffer just as much as me and you and yeah this is the 10th episode so to those who are on the channel for a long time you know what that means when we reach 10 episodes of a specific subreddit uh there's a conversation about whether or not we're gonna continue it um i might just end this series here because it's just simply suffering it's just uh it's really it's really sad stuff um so yeah if you want to have another season of r slash i'm a piece of [ __ ] let me know in the comments down below uh if you want it to end here it can end here and this will be the last episode and i i'm okay with either decision i'm just saying uh it's up to y'all and as always you gotta thank the patreon supporters so they get a trey muffy lou who brody noah sir teacup ethan john robinson aerolina catherine taylor pixie love pixie r5 keith myers hannah taki bunny boo canned eggplant host mark trenton golden vermont geek master rjn will billy and dustin thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and if you want to help support the channel there is two links in the description one to my patreon and one to my merch store both funds go directly into the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 954,693
Rating: 4.9474854 out of 5
Keywords: iamatotalpieceofshit, r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid
Id: WiQ7ndCf5a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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