r/Me_IRL · can i get uhhhhh.. log?

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hey I've liked you for a while and I was just wondering if you'd like to go out with me no sorry my Cameron across my keyboard how's it going over to welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zach and today we're taking a look at our slash me IRL oh yes a chocolate egg I'm so happy oh wow there's a surprise in it oh oh no it's a 5g antenna mom I'm not feeling good if you had six minutes left to live what's the last song you'd listen to I'd spend the whole six minutes trying to pick a song but y'all not ready for this conversation got air pods sorry if I believe in aliens then somewhere out in space there are aliens that probably believe in aliens too which means someone somewhere believes in me my mom introducing me to her friends this animal sleeps its whole life away wait you guys actually watch anime I thought it was a joke me all day yet night this one this one is relatable yeah five stars I'm the author and I think I did a pretty good job with the author the author it says that it's no longer available for me alright try now works now thanks cool I didn't actually do anything for 24 24 20 20 bleaches healthy it's mostly water and we are mostly water therefore we are bleach please don't inject or consume disinfectants sharks according to media and pop culture sharks in real life I'm gonna do a swim with a teacher take out your books thirteen year old me searching for it in my bag even though I knew I didn't have it yeah oh this one brings back this one brings back bad memories this happened multiple times teacher please rate each other's work yourself me and the boys people who say bruh people who say oof contributing nothing to a conversation when I use thank you for waiting instead of sorry I'm late to dampen anger butternut is a master of psychological manipulation me I'm not very hungry I just want something easy server maybe the chicken strips for six dollars me maybe it does but that doesn't help with my hunger random dad across the restaurant good one when you finally go to bed and you hear birds chirping come on you dint it you didn't have to call me I like that teachers when they realize that not all classmates are friends impossible every boomer comic I hate my wife father I cannot click the book current emotion dogs who are stuck but pretending everything is fine dating someone is like gathering information until you realize you don't like that person anymore yeah I suppose so my hands look like this so her hands couldn't look like that declined write your name in Reverse it's your demon named Ana Ava Hannah Bob Eve we were good but now we're bad oil is dirt cheap in USA right now breaking news American maids America who needs a girlfriend when you have Disney Plus me I don't want to die I want to be dead why is that so hard to grasp dominoes guy please sign so I can leave realizing you don't feel depressed anymore realizing you don't feel anything at all anymore drugs do not ruin your career drug tests do World Health Organization I use dude as a gender-neutral term everyone is my dude even women so you freak dudes sometimes I feel like I'm dumb and then I remember I actually am left ear right here I assume like wind because you know like I don't know OMG my dad is an electrician at the zoo and look how he spent his morning I'm crying your dad small when you have a question for your mom but she's on the phone so you follow her silently waiting for her to end the call boss your voice is breaking me there's absolutely nothing now boss yes I can hear you now the engineer typing an entire ran and deciding not to press send yes like when you make a bad tweet you realize maybe maybe I shouldn't don't boil your iPhone 6 in coca-cola damn there goes my evening plans stop imagining fake scenarios and hurting your own feelings no I don't think I will whoa who do we fight anyone not wearing a primary color this is my favorite line in the show my tears friend when I woke up I meditated and did 50 pushups and went for a 30-minute walk me when I woke up I spent an hour just waking up yeah me as I say right after taking a shower looking at myself in the mirror and wondering how I was ever able to trick you know and into having sex with me these huge companies all started from a garage what's your Excuse Apple Disney Amazon Google I don't have a garage there is one person in the u.s. named gay bowser there is zero person in the u.s. named gay bowser hey I just moved to South America don't worry The Return of the King if you [ __ ] up in school you had to meet the teacher after class freak up more and he had to meet with the principal in 2004 I used the strategy to go all the way up to the chain of command and meet george w bush mom can I ask you something why are you getting angry yeah German ghost tank designed to produce a loud woooo sound to make Allied forces suspect the forests were haunted by spooky ghosts Berlin 1943 how I used to begin work emails hi how I begin work emails now I hope your family is in good health looking for some good movie on Netflix my girlfriend put makeup on me for Halloween and I had a guy at the bar yell at me your makeup looks good i F bro you killed it now I understand how girls feel when other girls do the same to them it was incredible I felt so freakin beautiful me you want to hang out later her sorry I don't talk to guys who are under six foot me please mom I miss you please guys adding no no he's got a point meme to another meme doesn't make it yours no no he's got a point why not work at home forever by a dog America needs to get back to work by a cat human body I can grow a fully formed human baby in like nine months I'm talking brain functioning respiratory system eyeballs everything me cool cool how long will it take for my twisted ankle to feel better human body seven years and it will never be the same hey James I'm hungry do you want to go out to eat hi hungry I'm your son hi adopted I'm not your dad I can't succeed I can suck are you an idiot no I get it Land O'Lakes got rid of the Native American woman on their butter but they kept the land things never change let me get a log I'm going to set fire to something you love really a long sad chapter of the drug wars brought to a close as investigators finally arrest marijuana learning had a play mary had a little lamb please don't make fun of me having too much sex can cause memory loss I read it on page 37 in a medical journal in November 2006 at 4:19 p.m. me giving mental health advice my mental health teacher can you count backwards from 100 for me six-year-old me dub 159 58 teacher that is incorrect who taught you that my microwave once in the fourth grade this guy got a 2% on his math quiz so everyone called him milk for the rest of the year eight year old be ready to move out of my parents house cuz they yelled at me when someone changes the TV volume to an odd number that's not a multiple of five symbol of sodium and nickel oh my will moistened Oh none eat I am the Plus National Geographic of every party I've ever been to orcas are a natural predator to moose explain please removed the sacred reddit texts when you discovered a new thing and then you constantly see it everywhere for no apparent reason yeah that's true my 84 year old grandmother apologize for having to wear her nightgown in front of us I said it was no problem that it actually looked very comfortable so she immediately offered one to me it's not like I could have rejected this generous gift hacker and movie typing zero one one zero one zero one zero people who are non-binary most guys send nudes my boyfriend yeah I'm showering oh nice send me a picture if you hair up in a giant spike lull now if this ain't goals I don't know what is I love that she made it her Twitter icon - does anyone remember when Lowell meant laughing out loud instead of this is to indicate that this brief text isn't hostile me as a child walks into the kitchen covered in my own blood holding a rabbit I fought from a hawk my mom on the phone mouthing my child's hams look like this so mine can look like that when you accidentally breathe in while walking past someone smoking half of my respiratory organs were destroyed me over thinking about how I'm overthinking sometimes I talk to myself for no reason me too papaya peach pineapple banana spring water maca powder and raw honey post-workout smoothie obtuse rubber goose green mousse guava juice giant snake birthday cake large fries chocolate shake researchers taught African Gray parrots to buy food using tokens then paired them up giving one parrot ten tokens in the other zero without being rewarded parrots would give some tokens they're broke partners so that everyone could eat I serve the parrot Union I was today years old when I realized this meme is a guy wearing a Perry the Platypus hat with his shirt up and not some high pigeon toy imagine your boyfriend is a photographer and instead of saying 1 2 3 he said I love you and you smile genuinely now scroll down because you're single secrets revealed I sure do love pizza I hope nobody comes on it an eight-year-old me opening my eyes in the pool without goggles I am the son of Poseidon Power Rangers introducing themselves one by one the bad guys waiting for them to finish I wonder how they'll get a confession out of him they're using reverse psychology he's been walking us oh god I committed the murder when you realize you've gone the wrong way in public look at phone act surprised turn around me this quarantine shouldn't be that long the quarantine when a robber threatens to kill you but you're in the living room get a load of this guy when you say things are Roger Roger but they're not Roger Roger I hope to become a great conjurer one day sadly all I can summon now is disappointment what's the worst pronunciation of your name you've ever heard sad as Frick food debate square or triangle I don't know why but triangle sandwiches hit different computer save this image as six six oh six four nine nine f 1e 5c 8 4 D 7 C 30 PNG me yeah I will beat all of you in rock-paper-scissors you go first paper scissors my boss called me a discordant he's asking me serious work questions but I'm nearly choking to death and he keeps asking what's wrong but I how am I supposed to be professional when this icon is this doctor looking at my x-rays this is exactly what I was afraid of what skeletons when you're the first one to wake up at the sleepover that's me right now because I'll wake up in the mornings and my roommates are still asleep smashing people's androids and then giving them iPhones breaking people's legs then giving them wheelchairs yeah smoking kills hmm oh when I'm eating a soft food and something crunches in my mouth yeah has anyone stopped to wonder why the Frick this guy's standing on a stage just a spider-man stalking when two people go for a long romantic walk together but only one of them knows about it History Channel there's no way a primitive civilization could have built the pyramid supposed to have been aliens this guy with a stick you're invited to suffer join why are you so happy lately hey son it was earth day recently it's once a year and they named it after me so I guess you could say I'm rather important okay cool hey earth what day is it again today oh you're so confused sometimes it's Sunday hmm Wow look at that moon I'm gonna take a picture yeah that's how it be sometimes picaxe food oh crap torches my biggest struggle with this whole virus BS only people with glasses 'my parents why are you always laughing at your phone me nothing also me modern well and if you wave it the ocean it might wave back when you need a weapon I need a weapon this is me when I need a weapon finally white avocado what's your Wi-Fi password it's on the back of the router router what if we uh what if we held hands on the the Wii Menu the perfect quarantine furniture doesn't exist sit and sip a refillable wine bag chair my brain can't decide between these two the world is ending the world is ending I don't never forget you are someone's reason to smile because you are our joke I finally found a good zoom background for word meetings very nice and well that brings us to the end of our slash me IRL thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed all you saw be sure that that subscribe button and the bells to get notified ever that meets appease the uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 133,403
Rating: 4.9657335 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/me_irl, r/meirl, me irl, me_irl, reddit me irl, r/me_irl ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: zw0IQ-ckeXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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