r/Crappydesign | overly complicated sign

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[Music] hello all you and glorious igloos welcome back to mk mama nema and today is all about the terrible designs you thought of but were too embarrassed to own up to don't you deny that all this stuff has your name written all over it wow first image and already so many issues why are all the buttons different colors for blind people you've got the braille the color difference makes no point i feel like the elevator going from one to negative one just shoots it straight down at lightning speed you just smack your head on the ground when it reaches the level oh but that's nice you can turn on the fan as an option in an elevator what student expectations when it comes to zoom classes use appropriate language be present no music or tv in the background be respectful do not use all caps do you maybe see the irony whoever did this you are chaotic neutral eat sleep reek into the shirt design repeat annie's we love bakery to bank okay yeah okay it's terrible photoshop but can we just appreciate the text dogs brand design 101 folks try to make sure your packaging doesn't get mixed up with a completely different product i mean technically you can still eat the bath bombs it's just you you'll probably die superheroes wear masks why did you include batman he's like the worst one at least you got close enough with iron man i mean batman come on hey can you best sneeze in bedroom your colors sleep for sleep hey maybe restructure your mobile website format hey boss why don't we just use one color and then use different shades of that single color to show the availability better oh no we can't do that because we can't do that oh boy so many places for me is a tree to grow in this foresty place um i'm gonna grow right truth get out of the workbench okay now to be fair i actually prefer this okay but look i don't know about you but i much prefer looking at luscious green trees than slobby sweaty people jumping around oh look at that majestic beast run by nature is wonderful ergonomics and ultra slim design the ultra slim body and adjustable bracket allow you to maintain the most comfortable posture when using it oh nice can you show an example no have a photoshop look i appreciate the different visual spin on it but i bet you 20 bucks they aren't even separated this stop sign i almost hit my head on why would you just you could have saved at least 80 percent of that material and the stop signs not even correctly angled this has to be some stupid rc thing there is no way some genuine builders would have been like oh yeah let's let's play could be the game with snakes and ladders without stop incredible his powers enable him to squish my fish a mop bucket that tilts when picked up oh and you left the brand on there for us to all see thank you i will make sure to never buy this oh oh smokey the bear would not be proud of this lamp two unmarked big red buttons in the back mono a 250 000 single seat supercar the top button is the master power switch the bottom button activates the halogen fire suppression system geez okay though 250 000 car that you'd be pretty obvious which one's the one to press properly surely oh my god i i would not let anyone else drive this car i know you can see a difference look at the fire suppression button we gave it foreskin that makes it different so in the kitchen now we have some lovely bench tops and a cabinet space where nothing can ever escape wash your hands like you're giving candy to a baby that is something i would never do i don't like that this sign makes it sound like such a common thing doradora the transformer dora awesome new wallet okay let's just put this card away and then try and close try and close the what and you said there were no refunds the nissan cube has a 300 option that adds this shag carpet what the hell is that who in their right mind thought this was a great marketing it looks like cubes [Music] oh my god for 300 we give your car some pubic hair oh no uh genie that's hot i wish for you to do whatever you can to remove the stain on the toilet floor that's hot oh thank you genie i think this is worse any architects want to own up for this one no i didn't think so no no see this works perfectly see if your mate needs to answer their phone all of a sudden you can be right there to help them out by grabbing their phone you sick freak drugs and work a recipe for disaster only do drugs i'll be crosses i win they really didn't think this one through this covert social distancing illustration looks like a child being force choked [Laughter] harder daddy what a what oh two meters now i always thought it was 1.5 i have altered the distance pray i don't alter it any further oh there's five dvds quick i just write in that they have clones this stop button that i keep on accidentally pressing with my elbow well maybe you should stop doing that [Music] i'm hilarious laugh at my jokes uh beautiful sunset new merging game you can merge at the entirety of europe to greenland oh my i can't wait to see my face in a magazine don't the food with bare hands use the concerns what's a concern just like waiter i'm a bit concerned oh right away let me get one for you don't forget to wear your mask again i guys you know it's it's not our foreheads that are in danger right where the foreheads aren't the things that transmit it oh it's nice they're promoting inclusivity for satanic offspring sorry that's the incorrect term uh children is the right word i believe we got a crab a crane a forklift track one two three four hippocampus yo why are you gonna throw a curveball of a scientific name like that on my kids tryouts dogs out you'll relish the flavor huge gun misses lights enticey fun fact underground iron racing is a thing come on red my kiddies are on the line here ah a trick ramp for the professional wheelchair artists go no lawn care or stay in your home wow look at this totally legitimate oh my god did they lengthen her or shorten her which one's the original image back to school in brazil free masks [Laughter] at least you're getting free masks i mean just try to focus on the positive maybe not wear them when you're riding a bike microsoft teams together mode for calls is just awful i wish i could share a screenshot of my work calls really creepy also it's surprising that a professional tool with so many flaws and lacking several basic features is prioritizing this terrible stuff now look on paper this is kind of cool and quirky and fun to do but it just doesn't work with video call conferences and the like everyone's equally as loud as each other you can't tell who's properly speaking or who you're meant to be focusing on also just like how extremely huge some people are while others are just small little heads ah wouldn't be the subreddit if we didn't highlight at least one minion thing mock-up plage doesn't hear now see misspellings actually the latest fashion trend and lacking any actual effort in the design it's like saying i'm just too cool to want to bother putting any effort in it's definitely not the company seeing how much we can get away with a traffic control box that blocks the neighborhood name oh you want to know where you are huh well you don't get to you're in my neighborhood now buddy and guess what i'm keeping it red on your side for another 30 whole seconds so we want to create an aircon remote but we also like game boys so no more fun i'm going to slowly question this image hopefully by the time we get to the end of it someone has already watched the screen over your shoulder and is wondering why you are watching a video that is a still image of some childhood toys private parts and okay you're now a weird person in their eyes moving on paris or python tower arrest parent or guardian needed as you are under 16 we need parental consent please ask for a parent or guardian's help now parental guardian please confirm that you are the parent or guardian and complete this calculation okay oh my this is so obvious this game's aware that calculators exist right worse than that though how easy this is to solve anyway geez 378. wear a mask pass it on wait as in the mask don't do that oh ray what have they done to you hey the bike break doesn't look like it's actually there on the floor or anything we can cover it up to make it look more real uh yeah we're just adding some pets and uh perfect who wants some happens pies to ensure your privacy we've put in these two cubicle walls so you can pee in in secrecy and how much plastic do you need for your product packaging this would make me flip a table but crying out loud just pick a single demographic come on so many times i've used the pump to this lotion only to have the lotion come out the other side of the pump because i've mistaken the back of the pump as the front of it new smart pump it's smarter than you hey stop focusing on the keyboard's tiny flaws okay it is beautiful in every other way for papyrus bryo ant definitely got that in the first try yep maybe not you only got one bucket of paint didn't have any money left are we supposed to paint the entire thing that color don't worry i'll figure it out a good idea uh sale normally this much now cheaper ah the most comfy thing for me to wrap my feet in cat scat lawless teeth whitening pen removes all unwanted stains and makes your teeth crystal white without causing any discomfort it's suitable even for sensitive teeth okay what about a normal human teeth and not this monstrosity hey first word you see describes what you're wearing shat damn it even with the arrows this is still so difficult to read spirit friendship effort which was the first word effort or spirit so happy i'm 21. you've got to be doing this on purpose come on you cannot be proudly posing next to it like that without knowing what you have done do you see it it's the w it's not brass like the other ones ah makes the whole thing look like spinagappi that's where legally you should be allowed to refuse paying plumbers until they actually get you the tap heads that reach into the sink then again if you're purposely being cheap on the plumber you deserve this if you were this waiting for is it a sign where is that what the hell is that i can at least tell that's australia although it looks rather dissolved this is what true uw looks like can you handle it grand best before and after use make yourself a brand new literally we we'll just buy you a new one this shirt while a very compelling message for breast cancer awareness people more often than not read it as stranger than yesterday well i mean it would still be somewhat factual if i wore it yeah i'm proud to actually eat honey i love that you're a handyman but please stop this tomato is harder than you think yeah there's probably a reason why brilliant step one deep cleansing toothpaste and then there's the second step a 23 to circus to pets the only way the second step does work is if you take it upside down ah first class viewing experience good morning ashrams this bike line separates the wizards from the muggles well fish carcassonne hey how's our ad doing it's great uh you made great suggestions and i applied them for the record i did what you wanted okay just just want to make that clear hey do you have wheelchair access oh yeah gotcha fam your tribe to make a difference your tribe to make it so when did learn about your kids losing their innocence so as per the law your room does include a window oh great does the sun get in a bit much yep your room includes a window these are words apparently allegedly oh wow great design there just one problem the darts not the right way around all right you were kid youth or fatty you're fatty you're big fat chungus you big fat boy you're so fat or are you photo burrow on field highs cool home oft eagles oh you called your yearbook perspective that's a bit ironic isn't it now this wouldn't be our crabby design if we didn't end it with a bit of fan art from you guys and today's work is by totally not a killer don't know if i want to roast your art today now this is their first fan art and they would love some constructive criticism i will oblige ah and look at that just absolutely terrible with the really perfectly done sketching outlines and just ah look how dumb the beautiful jawline is it the scruffy hair and that great gradient background dumb what is that outfit looks like something i want which which makes it bad somehow i i hate it it's dumb so bad thanks for the artwork if you'd like to see your fan art highlighted in the next video be sure to post your work in the mk subreddit that's where we see it and that's where we grab them from to put them in the next video the pish-posh you should know that by now already now it is the ends of the vids today thanks for watching and listening to my husky rambly rantness what's that you don't think my voice is husky well no i actually eat a husky every morning before doing these videos so it is therefore technically husky always get the throw between my teeth though it's so annoying make sure you like like this video not licks don't like the video uh to show your appreciation and if you are not subscribed already click that red button and that notification bell so you're always updated on the latest videos but that is everything that needs to be said it is my time to scoot off my name's been jack you've been an amazing person to talk to us always love your faces though i can't see them i imagine they're beautiful and i'll see you next time bye you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 329,462
Rating: 4.967062 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: WJRd6wyWcVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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