r/MeIRL | Memes that may make you feel attacked

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Tuesday's 67° lots of Sun Wednesday 68 degrees Pleasant Thursday 69 degrees nice sorry / me IRL no one asked for it but here it is oh here's a disclaimer girls sleepovers oh my god did you hear about Amy's boyfriend boy hey what's trending right now kids are you smarter than five day her happens no no no the founder of Wicca feet personally threatened me after I left hundreds of one star celebrity foot or views that all said not enough toes and today I learned that Wicky feet is a finger I [ __ ] hate this place man sues himself and wins a Kentucky man who threw a boomerang that flew back and hit him on the head and suit himself for three hundred thousand dollars and why men donks something's wrong with my cousin hey hey guess what what no you have to guess I don't know grandma in the hospital why would you make me guess that what is that it Java kado toast whoa listen are you coming to pick up the cam it's not someone we know is possessed by an owl who waiter cease clean to plate my dad yeah we really hated it waiter barely audible chuckle my dad [Laughter] [Music] more than the Bose ha ha ha I look so nerdy and dumb with this filter thank God I don't actually look like that you ever had a cereal bar yes when I was 12 look okay yep yeah now the do they work if you ever make the Minecraft villager sound while working again I'm breaking up with you hmm [Music] oh there goes the ad revenue I tried taking a selfie while I was underwater love my foul little mass wow man last year I was sleeping on my sister's floor had no money struggling to get plays on my music suffering from the daily headaches now I'm gay yeah by any chance when you said I've got the horses in the back to do uh you mean something a little different little mess anyone else get cute texts like this embracing figures at Pompeii could have been gay lovers after scan reveals they are both men be me drinking wine with best bro stir up ten years an army together save my life once named my son after the guy mountain [ __ ] explodes find house and hide for shelter give each other one last bro hug ash buries us both nineteen hundred years later get found ah gay boys I have my phone in French what the [ __ ] is wrong with you I am French oh I'm sorry are you interested in paying for nudes Rachel I don't need to be an economics major to explain to you the concept you are charging for a service that is one provided for free and a higher quantity and quality so really you should pay me to see your pics because frankly viewing them for free is a net loss in my book did you know left-handed people will have a higher chance of finishing their exam on time than people with no hands my mental health mike wazowski torquing would be the same as him nodding like the most unholy image in my head always watching Mike Wazowski oh is watching huh oh yeah I dated a guy with the same name with my brother and when we had sex I refused to moan his name so I I moaned his gamertag was it an xbox live gamertag or his steam gamertag there's a pretty big difference time traveller what are you playing me half-life 1 or 2 me a girl at the gym waved at me so I waved back as it turned out she wasn't waving at me so now I'm gonna incorporate the hand wave into my exercising routine until she leaves you ever been talking to someone and go to lean on a wall that's like I have three inches further away than you thought did you go to the liquid zoo where you can walk inside do you I you meet aquarium yes it's a aquarium that a liquid zoo okay [ __ ] I forgot [Laughter] Price $109.99 sale 109 98 stops mom how is this semester going honey me sorry that's not correct sorry your answer is not correct correct answer your answer 17 literally no one in this entire God forsaken planet Caribee me checking electric bill please don't be high electric bill I have a hot house to protect me from the cold outside inside my hot house I have a smaller cold house to protect my food from the heat of my hot house show off take some cold food out of the cold house and places it in an even smaller hotter house why are you so happy you know a reason for for no reason how the [ __ ] I don't get why people are against busty women in turtlenecks literally who cares if you have uniboob to whom to you Oh separate and define kitties only cowards and fools fear the breast monolith do you ever just suddenly learn there's apparently a whole discourse you've never heard of before all crickets do is scream in the middle of the night and I wish they didn't but like I get it are you busy on Friday that entirely depends on the rest of the information you're about to give me too afraid to ask are people actually going to storm area 51 I've seen a lot of memes talking about how people are going to storm area 51 but since it's the Internet I can't tell if it's a joke or not well wouldn't you like to know mr. secret government agent me I used to punch the clock but now I'm starting my own business Dave that's really brave to quit your job to pursue your dream me ah actually I was fired for the clock maite thinks I have a secret boyfriend and said word for word to me you've been consistently single for us a spacious amount of time no dad please just don't like me thanks for reminding me on this nice Saturday morning I'd like a lot of for someone who can't choose route dialog options and games because I'm scared of hurting a character's feelings mechanic you use subpar feel which corroded your injectors an intake manifold ah in glitch bro low quality gas damaged your engine dumb it down for me kemo sabe bad go-go juice make your vroom-vroom machine off but here Oh No if you ever catch me staring I am one admiring your piercing tattoo hairstyle outfit two trying to figure out if I know you three you're gorgeous and I can't help myself or for just staring into space and haven't realized I'm staring at a living person almost always the fourth one to be honest my confused dad dropping me off at area 51 me looking for my discord friends five hours of sleep ten hours of sleep wake up tired wouldn't you think you're depressed but you know you're probably just using depression as an excuse to be lazy and self-loathing but then you realize that that in itself might actually be a symptom of depression well gang it looks like we've got another mystery on our hands before Coffea depressed after coffee depressed but like faster oh boy it's the outro guess what the gaming channels coming back again finally Windows game DVR has been simultaneously screwing me by corrupting every goddamn footage I take so thank you windows for screwing me over in more ways than one anyways if you enjoyed this video do the liking and subscribing and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Oz Media
Views: 1,762,590
Rating: 4.94735 out of 5
Keywords: MeIRL, me irl, r/meirl, r/me_irl, me_irl, reddit, reddit cringe, reddit stories, best reddit posts, funny reddit, memes, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, best of reddit, reddit reddit posts, top reddit
Id: zyTK494Ur9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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