r/Rareinsults · when you pour coke too quickly

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i look like howl from hell's moving castle can't wait for my waifus maybe hal's moving hairline more like it there bud hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy it's your boy cougar and today we're gonna be diving back into our slash rare insults and just like last time i'm a glutton for punishment so please rip me to shreds in the comments i really enjoyed you guys making fun of my cracky voice but can we come up with some new ones i really want to cry in the shower tonight anyways let's get to it ethan smith if idiots could fly this place would be an airport ah that's how i feel about my school ethan we could be buddies or i'd just be another airplane at your airport he looks like an american student who went on a field trip and never came back dude he really does he's even got the right outfit pk russell is like a 91 angle he's obtuse and never right and super annoying to look at well kinda kinda sorry bud this old lady witnessing technology is the equivalent of a dog barking at a vacuum cleaner hey turn off that damn cell phone and stop hacking me then don't call me karen that's uh that's what i imagine she sounds like never mind went through your other comments and realized it's pointless to argue with you because you literally have the brain capacity of a microwave bar of soap fun fact about microwave butter soap it makes it float seriously go check it out but don't put metal in there they've survived for 600 million years without a brain a ray of hope for some of my bbc colleagues ah but none for the narrator you are like the heel of a loaf of bread everyone's touch you but no one wants you except in my case no one touched me and no one's ever wanted me see guys i'm doing your job for me come on rip me to shreds please this dude looks like he is a mix between a b from the b movie and the ladybug from a bug's life christ that is accurate james looks like the guy behind the mcdonald's who sells cigarettes to kids hi james and janiece here welcome back to buying cigarettes behind mcdonald's what can i get you today marlborough newport eagle red one hundreds come on okay all jokes aside james and janiece is a fantastic man and dead meets an awesome channel almost as good as mk and easy peasy oh adam is so deep in the closet his mailing address is in narnia fun fact i went to an emmy party because i know a famous person last year and met adam during it and i asked him hey ruin this party for me and he just walked away this is a true story and now he hates me i saw him at another party and he refused to talk about just like hey boy looks like a cold glass of coke fizzled over but damn is he our best damn player we got on the field critics say watching shia labeouf's new film feels like having your face dragged across asphalt hey don't you insult my boy shia he's one of my acting coaches at his acting studio and he has helped me endlessly in my career don't you diss this man he's amazing except for maybe the last two transformers movies charlie's eyebrows have more definition than my life critical role here i'm like a small version of keanu reeves and i was an extra in the hunger games you look like a cult explaining how everything works to the new girl they just kidnapped it's okay guys man remember this guy was only vine famous now he's roasting people on the internet and i love it ea never disappoints us when it comes to disappointing us that is damn straight thank you once again for another crappy sports game you never realize how much you won the dna lottery until you watch tick-tock cringe yeah i'm not a fan of tick-tock please ban it please get rid of it he looks like dollar store christian bale hey stop saying that i'm the real christian male batman white girls get dream catcher tattoos and wonder why their lives are going so crap like i don't know sarah maybe ask the thing inked on your body that attracts bad crap you unseasoned chicken wing oh it go but it goes perfectly with your [ __ ] stamp girl dak shepard looks like if benedict cumberbatch evolved on dry land i don't even know how to reply to that i do like dax but yeah that's accurate dumb booty someone who looks up the word dumb booty in a dictionary wait a minute how did this happen we're smarter than this are you are you really edgar looks like an oppressed 40 year old father who just lost his job and i just want to hug him for it look at the sad puppers david guetta or gouda i'm sorry if i mispronounced that looks like the exchange student who doesn't know english but is still there vibing yeah dude me understand me do music yeah me no math class yeah sick bro i don't understand you but uh sounds dope holmes i don't know tennis man i don't trust guys who are fifty percent face and fifty percent forehead damn i haven't seen a forehead that big since watching code lyoko seriously pull up a reference image look at their damn foreheads from the cartoon i really like the show but damn look at the foreheads it's like the same thing here this man looks like an adult charlie brown who's also quite bad at reviewing music how dare you give oliver tree and joji sevens they are solid tens my friend the owner looks like he just fought it and doesn't know if he craft himself yeah yep i feel some poop coming out oh boy my wife is extremely pretty and i look like i was set on fire and that fire was put out with a pitchfork i'm aware but you know what i'm rich and i'm verified on twitter what you got going for you there bud it's like you were only born to add the scent of garlic to fried rice oil please leave is it weird that i sold my mom for gems how many gems how much eight hundred it's weird that they paid that much if we all just switched to cursive and stick shift cars we could [ __ ] an entire generation i love how y'all talk crap about a generation you raise like it's their fault and not yours and also you guys ruined the planet and caused me massive student loan debt so thanks machine gun kelly updated their profile never forget that eminem dissed mgk so hard he switched genres that is true but his new album is pretty fire dude jake paul is the kind of guy who would climb a glass wall to see what's on the other side and also you know um throw a party during covet and spread the germs to god knows how many people thanks there jake paul by the way we all know designer wrote your latest rap that's the only reason it's good berlin look like the big bad wolf when he was trying to be grandma oh berlin what big shark teeth you have oh god i am cute today oh man nothing could ruin post malone's beautiful day looks like he's cosplaying as both his grandparents at the same time well hope you've done it caption waited outside our hotel for 46 hours straight for this opportunity worth it i bet his forehead can be scanned at the grocery store oh dear god it really could jake paul is the type of guy to stand outside in the sun to dry his sweat yeah yeah he is i have never been a violent person but if someone laid a hand on you i will drive their skull to my kneecap until i see red yeah yeah okay then fella dude looks like princess leia on the bad hair day no no no no no no that's an insult to princess leia this dude looks like if noah cyrus got hit by a bus 50 times justin roberts six figures listening this cured my depression i found someone who i hate more than myself not just that this guy left team 10 and then he's vanished from the internet for the last year and stay gone there bud you're giving off hot dog water vibes right now leave me alone okay i'm sorry i'll leave bye actually can't process this ha he looks like the ice age baby grown up dear god he really does look at the venket dead stare in his eyes look they're the same freaking person over here he's the same guy who would say i got kicked out of the army because i beat the crap out of the drill instructor for getting in my face but uh actually got kicked out because he couldn't wake up early and uh dishonorably discharged how do you all be 27 plus with no kids seeing you all be 23 with five kids will do thank you very much that's why i'm never having kids not that i can't get a girlfriend or boyfriend or anything yup okay bye i bet you're a lesbian why else when you fall for my manly charm only when i talk to you you disgusting freak now get away from me thank you this is why we need a lifeguard in the gene pool yeah yeah this guy is bad person hard pill to swallow just because you need something to live doesn't make it a human right now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go drive my daddy's bmw all the kids who were born on third base and think they hit a triple are saying this yeah yeah they are this guy tried to put lsd in the la water supply if post malone and weird ali yankovich had a son yeah yeah but look at how happy he is he was just trying to spark some joy and weird hallucinations for people come on let him go so this is what mark zuckerberg did before facebook the zuck zuckerster was a wannabe frat boy i find that funny well well well if it isn't fake jake our competition in the r slash meme community we're coming for that sub count buddy now to the insult he looks like if someone tried drawing tom scott's face from memory yeah yeah he does but he does have some good commentary but ours is better why does it look like he has a mustache even when he doesn't it's not that cold well i think this is just after he shaved it for cold ones if i'm not mistaken but i may be wrong translate this sentence un petite infintre deit sun stylo candy instructions envelope capital i'm going to choose those four great jobs sweet also please don't roast me about my spanish pronunciation i took german instead condition forecast stone is wet rain stone is dry not raining shadow on the ground sunny white on top snowing can't see stone foggy swinging stone windy stone jumping up and down earthquake stone gone tornado steals the rock to watch everyone go crazy i hope both sides of your pillow are hot and you can never sleep again there bud hey ben would you let go for 150 today how about you go find a nice ponies women cause you're a silly goose if you think i'll take a hundred and fifty dollars for a 900 computer now please leave my let go page you're as useless as oh my god this is one of the simplest ones but it's just so damn savage she's had enough black dna in her she probably has some assassin's creed memories of slavery not only is this song complete garbage but hey hey honey hey honey as a professional voice actor and audio engineer your mic's not plugged in and that's an xlr mic you idiot sorry i get a little testy when i see dumb people working with good mics paul heyman looks like the rich politics guy boomers always draw in their cartoons my god he really does name someone hotter than justin bieber probably anyone to be honest he looks like a roofer to disappear on payday after you give him his check he really does i don't care what anybody says this is a valid reason to refund the game your mother probably wanted to refund you but even satan didn't want you because your first words were smoked briskets are yummy fair i didn't know my septic tank could talk i guess wap really stands for watery poop i don't know i i'm not good with words i'm not a rapper okay but neither are they my wife dreamed i cheated on her now she wants an apology your wife is the person who washes their hands after taking a shower and you should leave her she's ben shapiro's sister and she looks like a default sim pick a struggle oh dear god yeah that's a little rough there dude because that's what heroes do dude from comcast fell asleep during my install and i did let him sleep because bro needed it who the frick sleeps like that bro looks like a unity assist or me during some of my classes chris jericho's band fozzie plays in front of packed crowd at sturges no face mask or social distancing despite kovan 19. imagine having such bad taste in music that you're willing to get cove in and die just so you can listen to chris jericho's band one of the symptoms of covid is a loss of taste makes sense and a loss of sense of smell so you can smell it coming off him name a better trio the bathroom a toilet and a pepto-bismol because they're the solution to all those problems damn he could trip somebody in a different state what is he freaking bigfoot over here opinion france and italy's rising tensions are as high as world war ii should we be worried considering how useless both countries were in world war ii no not at all hey man france put up a good fight and italy did their part too for their side i'm an organ donor but they're all so fricked up it's more of a gesture thing i'm told i basically can't donate organs or blood i have a hereditary blood disorder that makes my insides incompatible with other people that's the best excuse i've ever heard for being a virgin poor guy already has a rare disease but still got burned to the ground guys have read it what is socially seen as sexy but is actually a huge turn off for you the kardashian look have you ever seen a front view of kim she looks like a crushed water bottle dude she really does let's have a quick check in on alex jones to see how he's handling covenanting restrictions alex is uh maybe the only person on the planet who gets winded taking a breath so probably not well this guy permanently looks like a kid about to tell his parents he broke a window um mom dad i uh i'm famous on youtube but i broke a window posing more cuz i can really won't go while the children are dying in his chocolate factory dude's glasses have better zoom than the nasa telescopes i mean look at his eyes they're bulging out of his head over here shapiro sharing with the world that his wife a doctor told him that wet kitty is a symptom of a gynecological problem is the greatest cell phone in the history of cell phones it will never be surpassed other people can stop owning themselves because there's really no point maybe she has two kids maybe i'm just too old-fashioned i had dry sex exactly once nothing today will be funnier than hearing ben shapiro has the sex appeal of a folder with a free plastic calculator on the inside and that means none i've seen pornhub heads more trustworthy than you there's more plastic in your butt cheeks than there is in a common turtle r slash rare insult and then r slash reddit and then it's ending up on our slash easy peasy by the way subscribe to easy peasy john mcafee arrested at airport wearing lacy thong as a face mask in fairness it is the most appropriate way to cover a beep i can't say it because youtube is american women of reddit what gives you an instantaneous ladyboner a good joke that men makes up in a course of a conversation an unexpected smart play with words you single my whole life's a joke how important is the smart part sorry ladies i'm taken taken as a joke that is please date me i'm so lonely anyways if you made it this far it's time for another fun fact about cougar i have lost 20 pounds in the last two months and i'm excited to lose the final 16 and be the most attractive sad person i can be anyways thank you so much for watching feel free to like come subscribe let us know in the comments what you like see more from us here at easy peasy have a good day and remember be good people
Channel: EzPz
Views: 70,437
Rating: 4.9418797 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rare insults, insults reddit, reddit insults, emkay, ezpz r/rareinsults, ezpz, ez pz
Id: zu9WjCySvRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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