r/Me_irl | memes that make you say "me"

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when you start your PC hippity-hoppity your RAM is my property how's it going everyone and welcome back to ma my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash me IRL guess who's watching MK videos instead of spending time with their relatives I'm recording an MK video I wonder where I'll be three years from now I'm in my bedroom used rollerskates $69 nice when your boss finds your reddit account I can explain everything anyone know the frame data on Bernie's forward smash me me me won't lie this is definitely me teenagers and Boomer comics why won't this painting change when I touch it if McDonald's advertise like Apple nugget breaking a 15 year old boy has been arrested for sneaking an army of rats into st. Michael's High School the army of rats was allegedly meant to wreak havoc and also kill that dirty burgeois [ __ ] principal what is Matt Pat's full name Matthew path you of course I'm going to deliver the baby actually we'd like him to keep his liver guys would you give an average looking girl a chance of fewer to approach you first to make the first move that guy would talk to a tree if it approached him first one time my phone went off during the AC T but the good news is I had set my ringtone as a recording of me sniffing and clearing my throat nobody's suspected a thing this is proof that standardized tests don't measure intelligence because that was smart I F and I got a 12 she's broken he's broke don't be an a-hole please be considerate someone in your neighborhood is scared of fireworks the same enough for who B barking all night long you're right bro you smack rats yeah nice rats Macker oh sorry wrong person no let's talk I hate when people ask me what I'll be doing in 38 days come on guys I don't have 20/20 vision uh-huh if you guess the animal you'll be my girlfriend aunt correct YouTube rewind 2019 we'll have at least four instances of someone saying okay boomer in the wrong context you know they're probably not wrong and that's sad slaps her fork are Frick I broke the windows come on Elon Musk your alarm is set for 2 hours and 17 minutes from now this is such a such a personal call-out I hate it Emma Watson was actually riding during the scenes where she had to use a quill and it's the cutest thing this is the zodiac speaking I'm not reading the whole thing not stolen but conquered okay but that's worse you do get how that's worse right what does that mean it's the Louisiana Purchase duh that's mama Luigi to you Mario when you're chosen music application plays three straight bangers in a row that's it's true though I love that post laundry feeling when you've got all the a-list clothes back in the game oh absolutely six-year-old me opening automatic doors thirty-eight-year-old me opening automatic doors it's true though I will do that until the day I die so why do you want to work for our company me I mean yeah well what are they gonna say no you're wrong what is betrayal when you're holding a baby and they put their arms out for someone else damn it'd be like that though adding Lamar does not hide your hurt yes it does lamell cat should only eat cat food cat who wants a little salami during labor the pain is so great that a woman can almost imagine what a cat feels like when you don't give cat salami cat when only cat food cats when haves a little salami it's this new meme I've never seen this until today oh my issue Ken cats have salami catch you an only cat food cats can have a little salami thanks Bernie co-worker posted pictures of himself in random places when he quit found this on the back of a clock he quit two years ago everywhere I go I see his face my Spotify algorithm finally I know what music you like me listens to take me home country roads for an hour my Spotify algorithm huh if you could grow an extra body part what would it be and why probably a heart because a lot of people need heart transplants and not too many are available and I could give it to someone screw that I'd grow another arm so I could jerk off while playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is it too late to change my answer Happy Thanksgiving Europeans minding their own business bro share me the password of your Netflix account I won't give it to anyone else my Netflix after two hours me a non-native speaker proudly watching TV without having to use subtitles British hex and this statue is called emptiness and was created by a grieving parent it describes how cats feel when they don't get any Swami God dampened friend you can't fix the Tesla truck me oh my god I instant Buy if I had the money my cat a little salami gut stop it coffee mug Lisa Simpson I love literal memes I don't know why choose your fighter burger guy anyone who would put food on a public restroom floor fears nothing and has nothing to lose ASMR Yoda goes for a job at Taco Bell but is denied due to be a registered sex offender and Obama's there for some reason friendly reminder that Ed ate an entire slide because there was a pebble in his shoe well what else were you supposed to do dude my mom is in the room and you're talking about shaving your [ __ ] I'm speechless that speech boomers death gen XYZ climate change bad economy gen XYZ oh no when you're sick cave painting of you killing a saber-tooth only gets seven new goo bougas confused Unga Bunga why'd you do this weekend nothing my brain I mean nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli carnivores I only eat meat herbivores my only plants mom divorce food is food hooray I'm helping good for you one tennis balls are 50% oh my god that dog he's ready to kill he wants them my FBI agent after finishing his shift what the first Minecraft Reese's I don't want to be a Minecraft tree me not knowing what to wear the same black hoodie I've been wearing for five years my apartments gingko tree realized it was November and panicked I get these leaves on me gonna tell my kids this was Keanu Reeves I'm okay with it Jerri trainers uh what a wonderful guy do you know how sexy it is when he teases you in bed with a bird leaf bro you mean a feather yeah heartbreak is horrible but have you ever gone into a virtual reality death game and watched the love of your life crumble into digital code without getting her email address damn they really do be like that though did you come here to die nah Mike Cammy yesterday is this called a fappin or a spork if you call this a fappin please stay far away from me not a cellphone in sight just people living in the moment it's true warnings graphic sex swearing French Oh God not French anything but the French girls when they accidentally touch each other's arms OMG your skin is so soft I love it boys gay silence poor little parrot killed by the high temperatures up no it's corn well that that's good cat stands for Russian national anthem you can take cat from Russia but you cannot take Russia from cat step summary you took two steps last week let's two more steps in the previous week fitness isn't just a hobby it's a lifestyle took my I found it wish to learn German language der die das Apple planning to release biggest iPhone ever in 2020 Jesus it's enormous nightclub me shouting over the loud music at the bartender what is the soup of the day we're short-staffed for tonight that's crazy good luck though Karl Marx capital vol 1 when you find out approximately 95 percent of all ocean critters remain undiscovered all right then keep your secrets 13.7 billion years ago nothing everything boom me walking into the gym for the first time in 3 years while I have the tiger blows through my headphones yeah hits elbow in the corner of my desk my entire nervous system how is this so accurate like I can feel this image bro how you get here before me give me that imagine using the lower left and upper burners on a stove this post was made by lower right burner gang I am in the lower right gang sees a funny meme my nose air describe it good strategy for getting fake internet points make a fake test question and write a gay answer with your left hand then correct it right handed in red pen that's dumb nobody will believe that's real bottle during the Roman Empire the oldest bottle of wine in the world remains unopened since the 4th century drinks 4th century wine stomach hurts everything turns to black wake up and horse carriage hey you're finally awake I just want someone to take me out like on a day or with a sniper gun surprise me he's scared so I gotta lure him out with some food you ran that belongs to me you can't discuss the history of Toys R Us without mentioning how the horrors of 9/11 made Geoffrey briefly lose his cartoon innocence when I pass someone to see if they look as stupid as they drive my friends trying to give me their McDonald's orders me the least and well ladies and gentlemen just like that we have reached the end of our slash me RL but we've got some fan art from reddit user sir Joey's a 13 and I don't know if I said that right but hey I'm sorry Zack oh my god I've been trapped in the middle of a is my arm gone my arm is gone it's been eaten by that that monster this is I don't know how to feel about this or wait has my arm been taken and transformed into the giant monster at the top there's a lot to there's a lot to interpret about this image but hey thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button the bell see you notified mmk uploads and until the next one I'll see you around [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,832,585
Rating: 4.9502335 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: dCg-zvuI2xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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