r/MadeMeSmile · the rat is flat

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okay here we go is Danny DeVito he's looking like a boss and he's cooking like a hero what's going on everybody welcome back to easy peasy I'm your host David the Baker and today we're gonna be looking at our slash made me smile oh I'm so excited after not seeing my dog for five months i Skyped him last night my mom sent me this after we disconnected oh he fell asleep on the computer just like a human would that is so sweet presenting eight reasons why I want a hamster I'm sure this kid has like a thousand reasons but he has to make it seem like it's concise smart move well would you look at that a whole pile of gummy hamburgers when I was a kid this is what I lived for this was my life this is where I wanted to be I did it I won mom I want to get Stan drew that's great sweetie dad I won did he really win or did you let him win does it really matter oh that's such a good big brother oh my goodness would you look at this somebody sent out this whole table the candles the flowers everything is just so beautiful this is really heartwarming well it's a picture of a baby goat a baby goat Oh a baby goat you've heard of two peas in a pod but have you ever heard of two cats in a banana well you have now and it's adorable I met my best friend on GTA and we recently met in real life rock star featured our story on their website I don't know what's more incredible the fact that they actually met or the fact that they look like their characters nobody ever looks like their characters this is the biggest toilet I've ever seen well like my dad told me one man's trash is another man's litter box my dad was weird you know what's weird day by day nothing seems to change but pretty soon everything's different Bill Watterson oh that's wholesome oh hey dude I'm going bird running do you mean bird-watching no no bird running you wouldn't get it oh look it's a little baby cat I want one actually I'll take ten Bob Ross used to receive up to 200 letters from fans per day when regular letter writers fell out of touch he would phone them just to see if they were okay this man is incredible like how could you not love him in Iraq in the book market books remain in the streets at night because Iraqis say the reader does not steal and the thief does not read hey you learn something new every day just three breathtaking people looking at each other and look the third person is you as the cat hunts down its prey we understand oh they're cuddling oh that's so cute I present to you chunky cat cankles and yes they are super adorable dear Nana and pop-pop thank you so much for a beautiful angel ornament it's like nothing we've ever had I love the fuzzy poodle sweater it's very huggable the ten dollars are going into my bank account to save for a car the scrapbooking supplies are awesome I used them for the front of this card thank you for everything and look she has her car this is so sweet excuse me I think you left your cat outside you know people say raccoons are thief's but this guy's alright today I learned that a cat co-authored a physics paper in 1975 a physicists had just finished writing a paper and was ready to publish but realized he had used we instead of high throughout despite being the sole author not wanting to edit the paper he listed his cat Chester as a co-author this is the cat by the way so they went from playing medicine to working in medicine hats off to this person and hats off to everybody who's on the front lines of this pandemic my wife took me on a date to the movies it was stupid cute and very expensive on it's like a fake movie theater this is so sweet guys love is what matters don't let anybody can miss you otherwise so I work with a guy from Mexico who doesn't speak a lot of English a Canadian goose made a nest by one of the paddock gates and hissed at him while he was putting horses out he comes back to us after and says I do not like the Cobra chickens you know what I don't like the cobra chickens either I adore my coffee guy I always get a large coffee and at first I'd walk in and he'd be like large coffee right but now he just does finger guns at me and goes large and I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the best part of my day my apartment complex has a community pantry where residents drop things off that they don't need for people who may need it check this out you see this is people helping people you gotta love it creamy is concerned that you might not have loved yourself enough today I'll do it for you creamy I'll do it for you oh and we bare bears one of the Bears is crying and this little kids trying to wipe its tears away this kids so compassionate what girls think ill boys just want nudes and naughty time what we actually want just to be held everybody likes to cuddle so the kids presented us with a written declaration of war now I can't read it that well but I think it says we would like to have more power in this house for example we want to control our bedtime how long our rocks are and when we get to watch TV if you do not sign we will declare war on the parents sign here now I don't know about you but I'd sign that you don't want to ever put baby in a corner this dog looks like Bob Ross what if it is Bob Ross oh I would love that dog people would be like oh my dog is house trained I'd be like yeah my dog is Bob Ross this nine year old boy who kept getting in trouble for doodling in class gets a job decorating a restaurant with his drawings you see there is talent in anything even if people find it disruptive follow your dreams guys the patient is cold and unresponsive we need to administer 30 CC's of dopamine stat now that doesn't make somebody happy nothing will this bike may look odd to some but this man built it so that his blind brother can feel the wind like he does now that's quite a brother I have to agree this is just incredible how to train your dog to drive all right you're gonna want to stop at the red light what's a red light I'm colorblind so this duck is actually missing one of its foot and through 3d printing and designing this person actually replaced it and now the duck can live as happy as it wants to that is so awesome hey team today is gonna be gorgeous out my assignment for you today is to get outside do something active observe nature feel the Sun etc I will push all the due dates back a day all right I just want to say hats off to the people who do this the leaders the teachers you guys are great well well well what do we have here a group of seven puppies and two lovely dog owes don't they make a lovely family I sure think so oh he looks like a beach ball that's been thrown into a pool of razor blades are like an acapella student who's tone-deaf get it because he's flat alright moving on I just found out that my husband fills the dogs water dish not from the tap but from the fridge water purifier feature she'd do the same for me he said now that's man's best friend right there my mom is quarantine alone and to make it less unbearable she sets the little timers for herself to do random enjoyable things throughout her day she calls them fun bombs what a creative way to get through the day we hope you and your family are doing well and staying healthy we just want you to know that we are thinking of you here's a small gift for you during this time of quarantine we can't wait to see you again happy reading oh don't we all miss the Scholastic Book Fair I know I do help me a migraine my text oh my gosh viewing you are so cute send a selfie oh my gosh babe Yas girl you shinin you look so nice look at them brows if my grandchildren don't hike me up like this then I don't want to have grandchildren sixty years later my great-grandmother tried on her wedding dress and it still fits perfectly and she still looks just as beautiful he's never seen himself in a mirror so I tell them how handsome he is at least 20 times a day and you do not lie he is a cutie here we have a baby animal who is just soaking in life just enjoying what life has to offer don't forget to close all the tabs in your head - don't get it twisted these are worse to live by in school they called me chickenhead now who's laughing Himalayan marmots come for their regular feed by a caring lady this is a blessed image a German circus is using Holograms instead of live animals for a cruelty free magical experience and it's awesome are you kidding me that looks insane I gotta get tickets for this oh look at this The Four Horsemen of wholesomeness life peace nature and self-love they couldn't have made a better representation for these like mom beautiful oh look at that she's making her own little rainbow uh you know just sprinkling a little magic into her day just a little bit well he's the man's best friend and he'll be here till the very end oh look at him he's in his little wagon with a stuffed animal friends let him be my Japanese cat loves to sit near my rice cooker and smell the steam of freshly cooked rice oh he's so tiny don't you just want to pick him up and hug him and never let go our principal told these two boys that their genes were so nice so they went back to the mall and got him a pair - this guy's putting the pal and principalís is hard it's stupid when people feel keeping it real means hustling in the streets until you die or go to prison screw that part exactly everybody deserves a happy ending as a kid I spent hours breeding lappers and releasing them because the Pokedex said they were almost extinct that's actually adorable I would like to bring up the fact that as of Sun and Moon laparis are no longer endangered this kid single-handedly saved the laparis pea she's I tip my hat off to you sir my last chemo infusion complete congratulations the worst is behind you after watching customers pay money to buy cookies from a store a dog in Colombia started bringing the leaf in his mouth and into the store attendant the staff decided to play along and now the dog comes to buy cookies every day I love how he doesn't get what money is but he's like hey take this and I can get a cookie right all right I got my laptop I got my shirt my charger and my little fluffy babies all right let's go to Florida our maid quit because she used her earnings to educate her daughters and two of them have now graduated and have jobs so our maid doesn't need to work anymore this post right here is pure smile essence at a half-marathon in Alabama a dog wandered onto the race start after her owner let her out to relieve herself she followed the runners after the starting shot and finished seventh the race organizers gave her a medal seventh place whoa that is insane that is just insane this is Margo she's a cat for my shelter and she's got a tiny ear I didn't even notice that oh wow once a little boy sent me a charming card with a little drawing on it I loved it I sent him a card and I drew a picture of a wild thing on it I wrote dear Jim I loved your card then I got a letter back from his mother and she said Jim loved her card so much he ate it that to me was one of the highest compliments I had ever received he didn't care that it was an original Maurice Sendak painting or anything he saw it he loved it he ate it words to live by this is moose he just confirmed that pupils can dilate because of love sneaky tongue flip as well 14 out of 10 would give the world - he looks like a baby scooby-doo my name is Ned now I'm Abed and if I Ruff's I scare the fluffs I cannot move I just play dead my name is Ned and I'm Abed when you really need to pee but your dog is just too comfortable it's the sacrifice for their greater good my little cousin won best costume at school today oh I remember this guy excuse me sir I need my elderly assistants batch oh look at what we got here a cute little pup or being introduced to the mother dog that's their first little family reunion dad started putting in a new toilet walked away for a few minutes and came back to this excuse me sir what do you think you are looking at yay a new toy oh my gosh it squeaks I love squeaky toys so much I must destroy it the brain is a beautiful enigma my ex and I split up two years ago and he still sends our dog Apollo a birthday card in a gift card to pick on his birthday hashtag no bad blood hey he might have broken up with you but he never broke up with that dog I tried to take some photos of an octopus but he grabbed the camera and took some photos of me instead smile for the camera hey bro do you still have that owl for sale owl what owl huh I guess it was a dream lol okay you know what no don't discriminate we all have dreams like this or at least I like to assume we all have dreams like this oh my look at these two best friends they went from pups to grown ups oh this is so sweet so here we have a group of penguins parents they are parrots not penguins oh we got to go to the next meme landlord tells restaurant owners pay employees instead of rent oh that's nice dogs are a stupid lot oh I don't think so I think dogs are pretty smart I think we're lucky to have dogs with us I think having dogs around us has made this a better world oh and he gives him a hug Fillie was hit by a car and left on the sidewalk for five hours until le police officers found him rescued him refused to let him get put down and adopted him as a member of their own family don't you just love a happy ending just deliver pizza to an elementary school and all the kids started a pizza chant as I walked in and put it on the table I was giving out high fives on the way out I felt like the freakin man you know what when you got a bunch of pizzas in your hand you are the man because we all need it here's what happens when your cat touches the plasma ball oh my gosh that looks so cool he's gonna hop on top of crime he's the in all seriousness this is really cute okay someone dressed a Pomeranian dog up as Paddington Bear and now the world seems like a slightly better place to be in than it did yesterday and it is just so cute I can't take it I can't take it my father-in-law was a preacher for 40 years always had to work hard to make ends meet he has never had a fancy steak so for his 68th birthday I made him a two-point five-pound tomahawk oh my goodness he is eating good tonight oh it's a celebration I wonder what they got him I bet it's a squeaky toy Princess Diana broke the Royal rules for her son William by taking part in the Mother's Day running race at her son's school she won by the way I mean who's not gonna let the princess win finally got my prosthetics in and they look so cool like bro don't play bloody knuckles with this guy don't play it it's not worth it if you have a small peepee smile if you have a big one put a coin in this guy deserves the PhD in marketing no this is perfect it's so clever they were placed into this world picture perfect I want to give this thing all my money there was some racist rubbish here but I covered it up with a picture of a cat good on you I want my rats to grow up with positive role models so we watch ratatouille together gravy was really into it you see anybody can cook even a rat eight year old with rare skin condition finds new best friend a dog with the same condition my heart did you hear that it just exploded and who said grandma wasn't cool grandma's cooler than Antarctica alright I am convinced that this is the most fluffiest softest animal the world has ever seen prove me wrong every now and then you got to stop and smell the roses and the Frog he's always watching son has a scar from cancer surgery dad tattoos his son scar on his own head to show him that he has nothing to be ashamed of I'm gonna cry I'm gonna cry don't worry it's paid for kasher pays for senior customer who doesn't have enough money to pay for groceries and was about to return items to the shelves and you know I bet that's coming out of her own pocket that is so compassionate this is Dori he got tired of walking up the hill but that's okay because he brought his wagon then he ate a dandelion 14 out of 10 overall a lovely evening that dog has earned his wagon ride this is odd is out the sky is blue it's beautiful and so are you my grandpa never got his high school diploma because he was drafted into World War two his senior year he finally got it today well first off thank you for your service and second off congratulations on graduating did you know you can't breathe when you smile I just kidding I just wanted to make you smile and it worked okay are all pet owners photographers because these dogs are the cutest things I've ever seen in my life you know a lot of people think that it's their fur that keeps them warm in the snow well actually it's the work that they share when they're together I'm not sure if that's true but it's a nice thought a my boy M&M clean doesn't in the books I'm not afraid and that's in reference to his 12 years of sobriety congratulations and keep it up street singer was ignored by everyone then four kittens came came to show their support we want a song about catnip sing about yarn all right I'm sold all dog owners are photographers you can't convince me otherwise my mind is made up all right my mom was made up until I saw this picture so okay okay so I'm gonna change what I said all dog and cat owners are photographers my mind is made up I'm locked in a hundred percent okay changing my mind one last time all dog cat you know what all pet owners are photographers I'm locked in you made me look stupid but I'm still smiling oh this is that meme where the dog is sitting and there's fire everywhere and he's like this is fine but they reversed it so the fire sitting down that's cheeky I like this one this meteor you know he looks like he came from another planet like you've heard of good boys but have you heard of super boy one sorry three generations I hope I have a daughter to continue this you mean to tell me that's the same article of clothing it looks great simple fact I'm terrified of my toddler discovering public parks don't randomly close TVs don't run out of batteries there is no actual world record for the fastest at putting toys away and chicken the animals and chicken the food are one in the same you must use all of your effort to ensure that he never learns the truth I'm talking into his 30s in Turkey a man named Barack Sulu has been going around dressed like spider-man he drives around in a Beatle buys milking groceries for the elderly and delivers it to their doorsteps when he was asked why he said my superpower is doing good for the neighborhood thank you you're an absolute hero so this man I work with is a single dad with a 15 year old daughter who's recently turned vegan and every time I see him he asked me what I'm having for lunch that day and writes it down for her if he thinks it's something she'd like my heart you know what my heart - that is so sweet to have a supportive father four-year-old me watch me Grampy 4-year old me does nothing Grampy I'm so proud of your son did you fall in the water yep that's water don't worry I'll call for help help you know he really does think he's helping good for him yesterday I stopped to pet a dog and as the owner walked away I heard him say to her you see everybody loves you and you don't even love yourself and I'm gonna be thinking about that for the next five years well hold up she know that the dog doesn't love herself I call baloney she's defeated all the villains and that's why she is the one the only Wonder Woman patrons keep social distance guidelines or Draper city will need to close his park to the dogs woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof wolf you know I actually speak dog and that was spot on the message that they needed to hear my dad telling me the same story for the a thousand time me pretending that I'm hearing it for the first time because I love him oh that's cute too baby cats too baby cats and they're so freaking cute so freakin cute well everybody that's my time if you like this video don't forget to gently caress the subscribe button and the like button I'm your host David the Baker this has been our slash made me smile peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 511,704
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/mademesmile, r/mademesmile top posts, r/mademesmile best posts, made me smile, made me smile ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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