r/Suddenlygay · we are gay

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mac crankshaw i like my coffee like i like my women i don't like coffee oh hello everybody welcome back to the one the only easy peasy it's your boy coog and today we're going to be reading on through our slash suddenly gay anyways let's get to the joy dad i have something to tell you i'm straight son we're happy for you no matter what we have something to tell you you're adopted yeah i know i'm glad we had this talk dude why does the orange one kinda look pregnant are we sure he's really a guy seating for four bottoms please hmm wait wait i got this there you go oh yeah this is gonna be a good dinner my friend was going to a party where his ex was also present so i gave him a hickey to make him jealous we're both guys we're both straight we were both sober hashtag bro code ucla yup yup that's what you expected that school trust me i would know points at your bulge is this seat taken girls are so bold that's such a turn on i'm a guy oops uh lol no thank you um i never offered to give you anything sweetie you need to get a bigger bulge for that you said you were a man oh my god i can't believe i was in love with a chick dammit why do you gotta make me question everything dude rip state county superman fellow tone fountain 2017-2017 no bring it back dude that was so cool naked dude walks in then you remember your bye this is where the fun begins is it though wait stop scrolling the post above me is pretty gay and that's okay girls coming out as gay hey i think i like other girls oh my god girl it's okay we all still love you and support you guys coming out as gay guys i'm gay dude we know we've seen your search history on pornhub it's all right bro just you enjoyed it cool i freaking did it i just kissed a guy and he kissed back and i'm so freaking happy i feel warm inside i'm about to ask him if we make it official wish me luck at it we are a freaking thing i did it and we're together his mom really doesn't like me purely because of the place i'm from but whatever she's not part of the relationship so freaking i'm officially no longer single which is kind of epic another edit i've got multiple people asking my gender i'm a guy it was gay we are gay and it's beautiful dang straight it is buddy dang straight it is you're so hot i jack off your dad just to see where you came from oh my thank you thank you jim i'm not gonna lie to you in high school i rocked a man bun and i get into a scuffle on the baseball court guy went straight for my hair and i whispered yes daddy that was my fastest fight ever i have long hair and i can tell you for a fact this definitely works also some guy threatened to beat me up and i was like all right well i'm gonna kiss you and he literally ran away my parents who told me that i'm not allowed to date girls me dating a guy oh yeah got your parents i was looking through medieval drawings of demons the other day and i found the demons that make you gay this is what an ally looks like dude look he even kind of looks like he's got a cool little uh tie on him that's pretty sick every person you've ever thought about while masturbating suddenly falls over dead under suspicion circumstances and detectives are trying to piece things together how screwed are you not at all when i start jerking off over the detectives you're going down man just give me like five minutes in the shower this chick asks for a dick pic can you send me yours to show her yeah man no problem sends it thanks dude it's the biggest i've ever seen you're a life saver no worries good night night love can't wait to see moria tomorrow me explaining to my girlfriend about how to suck a dick my girlfriend wondering how the hell do i know about how to suck a dick well you gotta try everything once and i'm not gay but 20 bucks is 20 bucks is what some dudes say hey that rhymed cool my dog consoling me because it's this 584th time she's seen random men breed me but i still seem unable to have pups oh what a good pupper what a good pupper oh no i forgot to wear pants this is probably just a dream i'm sure you're right man thanks oh oh it's his dream i like your haircut dude a major milestone in men's maturity is when they stop putting up with annoying ladies just because they're hot i quit doing that my first year in the military after going to the club after club getting asked if i wanted to buy them a drink buy me a drink get cheapskate well that and i'm gay but it's a principle of the thing damn it fabulous i read that as jfk from clone high because he has two gay dads and that's okay there's more straight guys than gay guys in this subreddit and that's a fact or is it why divide people by unrational things when you could divide them by whether their word for cotton candy is valid or not examples american english cotton candy good british english fairy floss not valid spanish german sugar cotton french that is bread i'm sorry the french kill it's what oh we call it uh how you say that is bread would you like some that is breath that's the most standard fake french accent i could do my dad could beat up your dad no way my dad would win okay dad get him fight dad kick his butt ah god i love cyanide and happiness by the way i'm a voice actor for them in some of their shorts from last year so you should totally go check them out after this video and all the other videos on this channel hi hello how are you uh are you male or female no i'm gmail you mean gay no no i mean gmail part one of three things that don't mean you're gay i don't know wacky how that looks pretty gay to me she does look pretty happy and that's okay that's okay gays are using windmills to waft homosexuals into your home who told i think it was dave it was me sorry i just wanted to share the fabulousness what a stupid article i hate i hate the internet you could basically write the joel biden speech by typing here's the deal and then hitting the predictive text 20 times here's the deal we are all gay you gay i gay we all gay yeah love him or hate him he's not good at speeches i'm not gonna lie boys have read it how do you stop yourself from looking at her boobs while talking to a girl i remind myself i like guys more than girls but i go both ways stop with these he she is braver than the military for doing this post nobody is braver than the men who lay down their lives for the country period except for jake gyllenhaal who bought him with no lube and a booty full of beans and broke back mountain did he really have a booty full of beans oh my god yeah because that's all oh he raw dogged it bros and pornhub comments saying crap black she's sucking all wrong okay throw go go help her then okay i will do where you at ooh damn hey man henry cavill i don't care if you're gay or straight that is one sexy man love reading about men in history like unfortunately he never found a wife his elaborate scarf collection sold for 1.2 million in 2011. he and his closest male friend chauncey with whom he shared a bed died within weeks of one another they were known for their dinner parties i love that too what does this emoji mean ask me out for dinner first then you can find out all your tweets to me are either hitting on me or abusing me some are both and i enjoy it what if your first name was holden and your last name was barry's and you'd be like i'm holding berries and everyone would think you're holdenberry's lmao excuse me sir i feel attacks i feel attacks cause i'm holding [ __ ] over here forget that i had asked miami what kind of teddy grams he wanted honey yeah what's up just realize you were saying the flavor you wanted not addressing me endearingly i'm sorry there bud well you know what i guess i do got feelings for you calling a male character hot means you're attracted to males listen buddy when i see tony tiger on screen and i call him hot does that mean i'm attracted to him does that mean i want him to raw my booty until it's nothing but floor does does that mean i want him to call me his big hungry bungie and hold me in his big strong sexy arms actually this is a bad example can i start over it also means you're a furry hey man some dudes are hot some chicks are hot it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight you can admit that give me some inches then height height i'm short please take my tan turner uh i'm i'm kind of afraid of intimacy what just happened here um this is from the timmy jamie power hour part two i believe this was my jam as a kid they need to bring back this right here bye dude sends pic to his crush her sends one back him hey joke's on you i'm into that crap bro you talk a lot of crap for someone with such soft kissable lips now let me get to them baby oh i freaking love this even if you didn't mean to do it it's awesome hi how are you has lockdown treated you okay you back to work yet x who's this sorry it's bedx but think i got uh wrong number now ben from where my name's harry from blank uh i'm bristol mate i thought you were claire i think she gave you the wrong number mate ah seems like it bud frick's sake can't take you on a date can i do you want for a free meal mate nice booty question mark i have no idea what's going on but i love the kind of on off again flirting they have there such a double standard between men and women like when men have sex with lots of women they're players but when i do it i'm a lesbian hey man i like that joke i like my women as i like my coffee i like coffee but i would not any sexual relationships with it i like that mcdonald's ain't messing around oh i'm loving it girl hey man i i do this to everyone i see down the street i'm like i wonder how buff they are underneath the shirt careful fellas 2020 is wild oh damn you trapped them and they liked it let's not lie when you're exhausted so your bro lets you nap while he games oh isn't that so wait a minute blur school hey bro nice dick she looks so angry okay so i was reading the news story man survives the weeks in remote alaska wilderness after cabin burns down writes sos and snow so far so normal right but then like what and then like i think alaska state trooper ken marsh wants to be a romance novelist he really does jesus that's great you are somebody's reason to masturbate no i'm not got you homie yelled out ashton 260 midway oh ash2 260 you get me there bud i just almost fell backwards from lack of breath why are you gay no you are no we are das vadanya bunny wtf dude like no no henry sets up his pc straight men spread an eagle for you baby peas taste the penis don't mind if i do don't mind if i do don't mind if i do not sure if i should peel the sticker off i think you should i think you should if you're into eminem porn kiss me and i'll turn into a prince no kiss me and i'll turn into a prince hey why don't we need her let's just kiss each other just a little bit more come on i like where this is going aliens have arrived and set up medical facilities around the world that can cure any disease however for each visit you will be only probed for about an hour a day as the cost how would this impact the medical and healthcare industry now that doctors in medicine are optional oh dude kill my diabetes and free anal probing sign me up right now it's a win-win bud there's a hundred dicks on a wall how many are choking on it what none and you must be a professional i am going to punch you in the mouth with my mouth softly because i like you huh i like you too bud i'm not gay but pyro is cute af edit never mind i think i am gay edit 2.0 it's been a year and i'm out as bisexual and i have a boyfriend thank you pyle for my homosexual awakening uh pyrocynical on cold ones one of the greatest podcasts of all times especially when it was wearing makeup oh god it might be coming to comment oh god i'm all right with that if i am if you come into the store without a mask we will have to take your temperature ps we only have rectal thermometers sounds like a win-win to me there but straight guy you're just a lesbian because you haven't had the right ticket lesbian and you're just straight because you haven't had the right ticket no i don't know where i'm going but i'm gay this is probably like an old book where gay men happy but you know what i'm okay with either one i don't know where i'm going but i'm gay how do i get a six-pack every person with a six-pack got it from trying to suck their own dick well i guess you guys know how i got my abs how i imagine gay sex at the age of ten there's a snake in my snake it's called docking and it's a real thing when you drop the soap on purpose in prison and all the inmates say ew hell not oh man i just i i frick men be gay the post is applicable to wlw and mll solidarity all right then if you don't spot your bro like this are you even bros um actually this is a very good way to spot believe it or not i do it for my bro tyler and he's not at least that's what he told me oh god oh god what are you doing step duck hey villagers we've heard your feedback and we have dedicated to allow you to move your resident services building to begin moving resident services follow the steps in the tweet below 1. suck my booty ah tom nook 10 out of 10. anyone got a time machine i can borrow swallowing didn't mean you were gay in the roman army oh yeah baby i'm going back there as soon as they're created so teach them throat code this generation of females cannot suck a dick for crap well well sweetie you're gonna learn from the master wash your hands like you're watching jason momoa mate who the f washes their hands with their tongues give me that party baby hey yo i got a banger tweet for you this is your moment give it all you've got oh boy dudes call me [ __ ] but won't stick they dick in me he made a move and i appreciate that i'm gonna make out with my homie and a lock 100 risk mark i'm posting that to reddit and now it's on easy peasy well it's come full circle there but i hope you're watching there mark i just got off the phone with the president of gay people he said karma is now gay sorry karma [ __ ] you guys just got caught the big gay can't argue with facts edit one stop of voting i like women i mean it stop george michael's music ain't bad you know oh freddie mercury wore some uh top hands when you get cornered by school bully so you send one last text to your minecraft girlfriend but his phone vibrates this is a thousand times better than any hollywood movies twist ending and a thousand times better than any twilight love story is it gay to watch gay porn asking for a friend by the way i mean not necessarily if you're just watching it then like no big deal if you're aroused by it though then it's gay oh cool but is it gay to give your friend a bj while watching gay porn hmm yeah definitely damn it oh well guess i'm gay drop your weapon me ooh drop that don't die homophobic klu klux klan leader arrested for having sex with cross-dressed black male prostitutes ah sucks for you my friend hello master i am the genie i only grown up to three wishes max i wish to have a beautiful singing voice granted for my second wish i wish i am an expert in playing the guitar got it third whis my last wish from you is i want you to be my boyfriend i want you to be my man oh why thank you as you can tell the wishes didn't apply to me i i'm not a great singer remember when you're making out with your first girlfriend and you came right she touched your leg it was me barry i jerked you off a super speed so it seemed like you nutted that just a woman's touch you are gay barry gay girl zelda is hot guy actually his name is link no i'm gay the dude went in like time to humiliate another fake gamer girl and got chemically castrated instead i just put 180 tabs of acid in my booty hole can i eat your booty not for the acid but for that sweetness baby i will never call them bananas again yellow dick trees that's right yellow dick trees put them in your mouth put them in your ear put them in your butt if you're so inclined to if sucking dick doesn't make you feel like you've become the god hidden though blowing the great horn khaljara to call the warriors of valhalla into battle do you even appreciate dick no i don't but i appreciate that rainbow yeah dicks are pretty cool sorry if i mispronounce that i'm a girl and i remember being like 14 15 and my mom not letting me watch something because it had boobs in it i was honestly bewildered lmao like i see boobs every freaking day what is the difference between my boobs and tv boobs so weird huh that's funny that's what i tell my dad whenever he walks in on me looking at pictures of monster [ __ ] come on dad i have one too so what if i want to look at a giant hard girthy and veiny tick your vagina looks like ew wtf stacy nice [ __ ] thanks bro same to you it's pretty girthy and sick oh let it grow let it grow pour some water on your boyfriend's dick of course pyramid head is so slow he's dragging around all that cake damn boy you thick they took his cake away in the new re-release or something and that made me upset i'm so excited for this movie huh what the heck bat nipples um okay so i'm definitely not straight uh the butts and the nipples man rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will that's right unless you're a power bottom because then you're basically both give it to me baby bubble tea company needs a better translator i'm bubble tea suck my balls i don't need a better translator suck my balls anyways if you made it this far it's time for another fun fact about coog my voice is completely shot today if you couldn't tell and i just got back from a 20-hour trip on colorado i was having a great time yup yup cost me two grand awesome anyways feel free to like comment subscribe let us know in the comments what you'd like to see more of have a good day and remember be good people
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Views: 152,920
Rating: 4.9426856 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, reddit truth, truth, r/suddenlygay, r/suddenlygay emkay, suddenlygay, emkay suddenlygay, funny, reddit memes, Ez Pz, Chris Cross, reddit readings
Id: HA-qggx-tRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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