r/Madlads | THE POPE THIRSTY 💦💦

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some kid did this to the principal of our school sorry for all the info covering i thought you died of ligma uh what even is likma who like my boss [Music] oh hello welcome to mk my name's jack and you are a face with a voice that is not using it right now and instead using the ears to listen to my voice as we uh yeah intros uh mad life's time let's go a mate of mine was fuming that an actor he loathes was voicing an animated version of a book he loves so he watched a copy dubbed by french actors instead and put the english subtitles on rick astley you son of a gun you've rick rolled us all the entire of youtube is rick ruled try playing polytopia in your tesla great game multiplayer online version coming soon try playing this ratio oh i don't get it meanwhile in nature is freaking lit the quick red fox jumps out of the very crazy brown hole in the ground they're their entire alphabets used in 55 characters can anyone improve upon this uh yeah ab kadafrika hilde could not pull the crush that you've ever exist oh freaked him right up big dummy yeah he had it coming good morning merry christmas dad good morning nico merry christmas what's the picture say it says my son is a freaking a-hole my friend and i pushing stock around walmart in yellow vests we don't work at walmart are you the ones that posted that you have a lifetime ban and have an eye appointment at the walmart next week and your mom doesn't know yes that's me oh block me chef i dm gordon ramsay a picture of bad food every day until he blocks me well so far it looks like you aren't trying hard enough i spent six hours building a 16 by 16 cobble pillar in my friend's yard because he joked about my house being small this tower is 50 blocks tall right now and it took me 12 800 cobblestone i will build my house on top of the pillar so that i will always look down on him every time i awaken this is showing dominance yes also your virginity which is pure and sacred and must never be touched lied to her that i could play chess now she wants to play me online how do i learn chess in 30 minutes make her use white open another chess app as white play her moves and reply with whatever the computer plays this stuff is too easy because nothing proves that they're a good match together than lies and deception i've been alive 20 years and still haven't found the right thing to say when someone knocks on the door of the public bathroom you're in i said come in one time and that person went what reported for sexual content so that a youtube guy would come and has to watch the entire 10 hours honestly i feel at some point they just let it be i poured red kool-aid in my sink i'm gonna scare someone to death i've seen that scene in it to know where this is going posting this video because i forgot the name and the copyright claim will tell me ah finally some use for the copyright abuse my portrait of sir philip greed sorry green taking on his arcadia office balcony on oxford street he was unpleasant and rude to me and my assistant when we arrived to photograph him for guardian weekend so i thought well if it's okay for you to act like a prick it must be okay for me to make you look like one so i did ladies and gentlemen mr jake walters the legend new challenge make an e i'm proud of you guys meanwhile in r vaccine autism evidence this subreddit is dedicated to archiving all of the evidence for vaccines causing autism oh well would you look at that wow such empty wilma rudolph was 20th of the 22 siblings born prematurely at 4.5 pounds she suffered infantile paralysis polio and scarlet fever she wore a brace for a twisted leg she eventually became the world's fastest woman winning four olympic medals no don't share stories like this ah see now i have less of an excuse not to try things thanks wilma for inspiring us live updates from governor hogan we're getting hogan fatigue please make it stop hi heather i'm getting fatigued with your stupid comments every day if you are tired of seeing what i say on my facebook page why not just get the hell off my page and you won't be so bothered by listening wow can can we get more politicians like this please just just be human snap back when it's deserved thanks finesse the chipotle sign wait like you stole it how did you achieve this when i was in first grade emphasis on first grade i got sent to detention for doing a finger gun a freaking finger gun i was in detention for like a week and i was pissed as frick i only found out about a year or so ago that i actually was damn near expelled for it then that my dad got pissed and went up to the school talked with the principal and did a finger gun on his way out epic dad moment i'm still ticked off about it to this day okay it is currently almost 1am and i am just saying that since covert means i can't taste this is the perfect time for me to eat an entire dehydrated jalapeno but then you're missing out on everything that makes a jalapeno good okay yes but either a i get to say i ate a whole jalapeno even though i didn't suffer the consequences or b i only get the spicy part and get to know what spice feels like without flavor to balance it i think you definitely still get the spice because capsicum ain't a taste thing cool so we're going with option b well you get one benefit and that is clear sinuses oh rad i'm totally doing this okay update so this is definitely like if you ate fire and it didn't like burn your mouth off yeah yeah this is what fire tastes like now it makes me wonder like hot sauce ooh let me go get it would it just be like spicy water yes screw the vaccine scientists this is the real science we should be doing with covert so it turns out it is the exact same sensation with a different texture y'all i switch yes i am fine my family eats spicy things a lot it's tradition in my house to have ghost pepper curry and cauliflower rice as a first meal in every new house and i've lived in 11 houses i do not regret my decision fire in my mouth was actually kind of rad i chose jalapenos because i didn't know what would happen and i didn't want to die he is a monk rush username fishfricker69 literally any user with fish in their name i think i'm safe he doesn't go to any of the subreddits i go to hello 2020's most googled games one among us two full guys three velerant four genji an impact five oh stop never giggled any of them and i don't understand what the hype is with among us uh so you need friends to understand the hype with that game fact you are not watching this on full screen i did it just to spite you because i think you don't deserve to have life your way you think that's cringe italian moms wait nine months just to end up naming their kid giuseppe hey a bit for you i hat women but what if they don't want your hats millionaire books helicopter ride to eat burgers at outlet 725 kilometers away a russian millionaire on vacation in crimea booked a helicopter ride to eat burgers at the nearest mcdonald's outlet which was 725 kilometers away my girlfriend and i were tired of organic food if mcdonald's didn't feel like they were a successful chain they sure as hell should now every year our aunt in maine sends us little handmade chocolate lobsters this year they are soap guess how i found out i'll have the lobster ah i'd played the long con yeah to be honest i definitely think she was playing the long con here that why lobsters exactly is she like a huge fan of jordan peterson or something oh lobsters at colorado rockies we typically have positive and encouraging words when tweeting the final score after losses or some kind of clever approach not tonight we lost 23 to five it sucked good night well hey at least you're honest guys on a brighter note i remembered my first day working retail on experts eve store closed at 6 pm and store staff was only supposed to go home when the store was spotless and returns were empty we expected 8 to 10 pm as that's how shifts normally go but store director went home at 5 30. so at about 605 the manager left in charge said if bossman wanted stall perfect he could have stayed himself told everyone to go home and have a merry christmas and that she would take any flack herself rumor said she told him to quote shut your grinch butt the frick up and fire me dip poop but you're too puppy to do it because you know you need me her adamantium balls were apparently fortified as she already had plans to quit she got a better job early january and big boss apparently learned as new boss to replace her was actually pretty chill and reasonable for about two years until we got a new stickler grinch a-hole for a big boss later call your parents do it can't they're dead whip out the ouija board then stop being an excuse mommy misses you cringe and blue peeled huh refrain from adding junior mod in your nickname shadow caesar you're not a mod fine thank you hey i'm trying to learn how to do this when i get onto the stage for my graduation take the diploma then hit the moonlock update i did it in the parents cheered my nail guy got no freaking chill hi dear hi kong how are you this is kong life just let you know that kong passed away two days ago what yes just kidding it is me lol kong what the frick please continue on the next page not hanks i'm good dancing lessons for the advanced in age is a 1964 novel by the shikhtlov writer nailed it it tells the story of a man who recounts various events from his past and in particular his love life the novel is written in one long sentence wow i'm gonna have to take a huge breath to read that book well i find this super comedic i will pee on your children updating over a year later to reconfirm i will still pee on your children this dude sold pictures of a ps5 on ebay and got so many people because they didn't read and i'm crying y'all please read this new one sold two available item description from the seller you are buying a piece of paper with an image of a p5 printed on it this is a brand new sony ps5 console image fresh off the printer this is an image printed on paper folded and shipped in an envelope if you are a human do not purchase if you are an rbt this is a great value again this is an image printed on paper and folded and shipped in an envelope well i can foresee the newest business strategy for online sales planet caption this person flew transatlantic and flight simulator while taking the same flight in real life yo dawg i heard you like old memes roses are red the future looks bleak school bands valentine's day after six-year-old tells teacher he would plow her into next week i got muted in my english class we had a review about our favorite site and i just asked who's taking pornhub so we don't repeat ourselves and the teacher decided to be a butt to show you the power of flex safe i saw this post in half i did it i counted every single prequel meme and tallied them up almost 300 memes from six hours of screen time well done absolutely studios you've achieved what is clearly nothing that's amazing honestly i why why did you do this what what was the benefit here what were we trying to discover exactly everyone in this subposting memes freely me posting a meme from albania risking going to prison for one year because it is illegal did we really stand outside for almost 10 hours for a ps5 yes we did uh what a waste of time you could have spent those 10 hours waiting outside for the newest iphone when it releases i mean come on priorities guys hi ryanair i have a question of urgency sure how can we help hello how did this dog disguise as a woman managed to make it past security please explain i gave security a good time creditors whose job requires them to go into other people's homes for a living what's the most bizarre thing you've seen or found realtor here i was showing a house that was supposed to be empty i knocked and rang the bell to make sure once inside i walked into a bedroom and found the current tenant but naked absolutely slamming on an electric drum kit in what was mostly a soundproof room he never noticed i was there but i'll never forget him not the person he was attached to am i right big peepy joke 105 for a basic gamer hoodie some of y'all need help pocket change for a guy like me you stole a keyboard from your school because you couldn't afford one act broke to stay rich you won't understand okay but seriously that's actually a really good tactic to being financially independent i'm just saying a man arrested in russia is accused of building a fake border with finland 15 miles from the real one and charging migrants 11 000 to whoa okay con artists these days are literally being just impressive at this point florida man not bad kid learn today about the time a guy brought a 2 22 card yugioh deck to a national tournament to demonstrate why the game needed a deck size limit yeah i'm pretty sure they called this the delinquent duo deck i gotta look into this they had some tactic with the deck where they just had to keep drawing it was just a pain in the a-hole for everyone this is what happens when i am left to clear the driveway unsupervised yep that's it my job's down this is the way i'ma send this to the anti-master subreddit wish me luck so just found out you could be banned from a subreddit in under three minutes leonid in vanvovich for gorzov performed an ambadin on himself in antarctica whoa what in 1961 leonid ragozov a russian doctor had to remove his own appendix after it burst because he was the only doctor stationed in a remote soviet research station in antarctica and he survived how how did they do this gosh i remember needing some like heavy numbing stuff just for getting my toenail cut off like jeez i am a wimp compared to this guy ah the pope francis does it again likes another bikini model's photo on instagram oh buddy oh just accept it you're a human being who knows what he likes she jokingly says i am going to heaven i mean if there's one way for approval don't get me wrong i love kevin's life tips but they can tweet titties and get like 500 likes i actually make a dick in post and it gets about 20. like the frick is this how you treat the og love their tweets though titties i post my weight loss picks on reddit to motivate others a few redditors are upset my posts keep hitting the front page and send me mean messages and comments so naturally i got some of them printed on a shirt to use in my latest post don't upvote this it'll upset them and i'll have to get more shirts coronavirus i told why man walks 450 kilometers after lockdown rail with wife an italian man stepped outside to cool off after quarreling with his wife and ended up walking 450 kilometers italians have nicknamed him forrest gump on social media after the slow-witted hero of a 1994 movie played by tom hanks who runs thousands of miles across the united states so that's clearly a very healthy marriage daniel says stahl is not good this guy said that he would reply yes to every single comment he did not disappoint do you support segregation yes wow he actually did it yes ah slash ask men men have read it who don't comment on posts why don't you like for real it's fun and what did you expect yeah you wouldn't wow such empty hey it's the time of the video where we look at fanartiness yay fanart today's works by amico373 they're really proud of this one they put a lot of work into it and they really hope jack sees it oh i'll go grab jack then and get him to see it hey jack jack you got one what man jack you're i'm coming all right who's drawing me without blonde hair again whoa that's actually really cool wow wow that is detailed that is beautiful work amigo i'm questioning the background though it looks like some sort of card looking for a sleeper agent oh second jack what's that what's the gun for man task complete amiko and guys if you'd like to see your future fan art in a future mk video as always mk subreddit it's there put your work there we grab it from there yeah now you have made it to the end of today's video and if you're this far in well clearly you enjoyed yourself or you forgot to change the video don't do that before you do at least like this one please please make my worth be worthy if you're new to the channel or want to see more lovely content well why not subscribe and click the notification bell do it do it your little what anyway i recorded this entire content without actually needing to pee yet so i desperately need to do that so i'm gonna do that now my name's been jack you've been lovely person and i'll pee you tomorrow see you tomorrow bye oh god
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,213,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Id: HHVj1hLlNgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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