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I told them to write a joke in the box and they put a mirror in it Oh user get big noob 87 from the subreddit says I don't know if this counts as fan art but whatever made this out of a Lego mech yes that absolutely counts the span art and it's really cool man what's going on everybody welcome back to MK my name is of course Robin and today I'm gonna be perusing through our slash mad lads oh boy pretty soon we're gonna stop backing currency with precious metals and we're gonna start using toilet paper getting kicked in the balls is still worse oh that's a take i just got banned from ask reddit for spamming rick roll links AMA ah sounds like a you problem bro this song makes me want to cross the street without holding my mom's hand whoa slow down there in a separate split from the Catholic Church the Church of England split from the Roman Catholic Church this was over a different issue King Henry the eighth's wanted to divorce his wife because she did not produce a male heir for him but the Catholic Church would not let him he decided to split from the Roman Catholics and create his own church called the Church of England which would allow him to get a divorce didn't he also kill like two of his wives to I mean this can't be a surprise to anybody right yelling minecraft in class go god you're gonna get in trouble for that one dude I don't care whose house I'm at I'm drying my hands on your decorative towels go right ahead I don't have any cuz I'm normal you know I wouldn't mind having that t-shirt really I kind of want it I have a very annoying neighbor can someone teach me trumpet that's the best part you don't need to learn to play the trumpet to annoy them just try your best and have fun oh wow you're so right thank you do not share personal information this includes emails location phone numbers okay I'm watching on a 3ds they said he was a madman now you did I didn't dear people who give the I'm deceased award to serious posts screw you how long can you survive in 2020 is like the question everyone's asking this comment had 69 likes I ruined it oh hey hey I ain't doing nothing yes I've been good I've been chilling too that's sweet of you nothing I'm staying home cool talk to you later okay if someone comments who's here in quarantine I'm a scream who's here in quarantine ha it's the pinnacle of the comedy cancel culture has gone too far you cancel the whole month for Fricks sake rest in peace Jun take down 5g towers they're military weapons the 5g towers will help you download your conspiracy videos faster oh good point I changed my horn to gunshot noises and now people get out of the way faster smiley face how I destroyed my school with nice [ __ ] posters no God who's here just because matpat mentioned it in 2020 no I got here when the video was released in 2011 I just hung out in the comments for nine years dang man guys this deleted guy is stalking me he keeps replying to all my posts oh god sorry man the meddler did it what a lad I like to leave threatening messages to college boards on my paper and then put a single line through them so they can see it but can't count it against me woman arrested for masturbating in public continued in cop car and she hadn't finished yet man dead just took a run at 4 a.m. I'm a madman now you're just working out properly you're under estimating the fatness of Americans can you not insult someone for 5 minutes mister tea and crumpets and crusty teeth I'm not British but ok I'll insult you in 10 minutes edit you ugly Facebook user gets bored decides to fly a large underwear kite in the sky have fun man I'll delete my account if I get a gold for this hahaha fools I tricked you when are you deleting your account I think we've been ripped off quite possibly bamboozled you're all dumb on the way back from the liquor store a man bites a snake to death and is arrested the incident happened a day after the sale of liquor resumed in Karnataka on Monday it was arrested for basically eating a snake some guy said Karan's are awesome I would never did an hour slash beetle juicing just happen username checks out I've been mentioned once again I see no you've got that one three five at the end of your name nice try though first lol I'm one second earlier than this guy looks like that blue hedgehog energy from his picture didn't really help him too much never forget the legend you checked a can of beer when he couldn't board with it I'm sure he'll be loving what happens when he opens it hour / mood double mood you just played me triple mood you you just made that sub you're the chosen mad lad yeah today one of my fourth-grade students renamed himself reconnecting on our zoom call and pretended that he was having internet issues to avoid participating in our lesson why do men not so fast gotta get home to the woman I love you can't post videos here but literally nobody is freakin stopping me from posting the full B movie and a compressed enough gift that reddit accepts it happy Nutting stop I once joined a war community on G+ for the lols because it had one member and got permission to become mod and then eventually owner I forgot about it until a year later when it became one of the largest bore communities on the entire site and used my owner powers to delete it nah play in the long game I see can you adopt me yeah send me all the paperwork and I'll get right on it Phil I don't think you should be just adopting random people okay you don't even know what he looks like Francis Pitt Francis was a First Nation soldier and the most effective sniper of World War one credited with killing 378 Germans and capturing 300 more he was also a scout known to sneak into enemy lines and steal pieces of the Germans uniforms while they were sleeping in their own bunkers good lord and when your hair is longer than your prison sentence oh Jesus everybody spammed the word salsa in the comment section mayonnaise yeah he a little confused but he got the spirit if I ever made a horror game it would be a psychological horror game with only one ending entitled ending two British drug suspect who successfully refused to poop for 47 days is free to go oh oh he's gonna be in so much pain or rather is immediately in pain and gonna be an even more pain seal farts after looking directly at me wow what a video this is content folks you get into any kind of political dispute with an American and they start talking about how easily they could bomb your country bold words for someone within bombing distance when I was about nine years old my mom forced me to go with her to the funeral of a friend of hers that I didn't know when we got there I stayed in a corner waiting for the funeral to end then a man approached me and said enjoy life boy be happy because time flies look at me now I didn't enjoy mine he patted my head and left before leaving my mom forced me to say goodbye to the dead person when I looked into the coffin I was startled to see the man who was talking to me when I was in the corner was the same one that was in the coffin for several years I was not able to sleep properly because of nightmares years later I discovered that the dead man had a twin brother there it is Japanese cosplay Queen shocks fans by revealing that she is actually a man makes it all the more impressive in my opinion good morning to everyone except people who asked for follow for follow follow for follow get him boys so let me get this straight Elon Musk is willing to subject his factory workers to Kovach but won't subject himself to criticism on Twitter no I just think you're a boring idiot I guess that's fair moustache transparent moustache real mustaches what holy cow one of my favorite new hobbies is to walk past anyone in Austin walking a dog say hey to them and completely ignore the dog blows their mind do a Lipa is that how you pronounce her name was criticized of not being able to dance and released a whole dance video what a Power Move dang I kind of don't know who this is Jesus Christ you freaking killed him dude I waited 118 days to reply to this because that's how old Mavis turned in Hotel Transylvania whatever floats your boat I guess someone in the Ohio discord last night was very unhappy with not being able to add everyone so he pinged every person in the discord instead wait wait the Ohio discord do we have state discord x' 261 how have we gotten this far 262 no knows this is why this server is one of the best LOL 263 264 i wonder when we'll hit a thousand we won't one ah buzzkill waffle houses really do kind of be on another plane of existence huh i like how you got a gold award for this i like how i got a gold award for this this is the background photo I now use on Microsoft teams calls with work it's my actual background then I blow their minds by disappearing when I walk out the door without opening it you are a mastermind if you're so rich then gimme gold ho nobody has ever become rich by giving money to poor people rich and spirit iceberg in Switzerland before you judge please note that 90% of it is under water that's right this iceberg is a grower not a shower Elon Musk's sons not gonna have birthdays he's gonna have updates batch 1.01 added ability to walk fixed midnight cryin bug fixed hunger bar version 3.0 removed for skin attachment @ @ 3.0 some men just want to watch the world burn oh I get it cuz it's posted an hour / red and it's the Sun I'm blue that's so funny talk faster please no in fact I'm so slow it takes me four years to respond to a comment lol real mad lad moment gusher sandwich with fruit by the foot bread this is what I became an adult for to be able to go down to the store and make this without anyone me I can't believe me if I was your friend I would have told you that you can't you would have done it anyway but that's not my problem nor is it my dentist bill one issue with me streaming now is I'm inevitably gonna accidentally say a racist slur so can I just apologize in advance now Oh God it sounds more like you're planning on doing it on purpose man this bread wants something give me a freakin award oh hey it's bread sorry bread I'm poor I told my kids I liked Subaru Outback s-- they said they were for old ladies who want an SUV but need low entry I said cool dudes drive them for a solid year they counted cool dudes versus old ladies and out backs final score 342 old ladies and 30 cool dudes okay and what's the issue here you'll be joining the minority in this which makes you even cooler I found Deadpool two on one of the selectable movies on a plane when I was 14 whoa it's mad lads I watched both when they first came out I was 11 when the first one came out I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with Elon Musk but he's absolutely correct please arrest Elon Musk Tesla's restarting production today against Alameda County rules I will be on the line with everyone else if anyone is arrested I ask that it only be me all other car companies are allowed to manufacture except Tesla you knucklehead no wonder you got crushed by a computer the size of a pizza box oh please tell me this is real I never knew how much I wanted a few between 10 Jennings and Elon Musk and with that ladies and gentlemen we have hit the end of the video yet again always remember if you enjoyed hit that like button down below and if you really enjoyed make sure you're subscribed and have clicked that Bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing you you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 532,687
Rating: 4.9556818 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Id: 0vFNhR6KKf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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