r/Me_irl | please respond

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you become a crab but you cannot give precise answers did you do it perhaps [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today we have an episode of painful self-reflection through memes also known as r me irl let's bite right into it me building up the courage to unsubscribe from a youtuber who i've watched grow and progressively become more annoying oh oh dear oh dear starting a fight petting a dog and consoling a child hey buddy works for all three but uh what are the orange green and purple ones orange you want to go outside purple green do you want to call your mommy you know i don't know but if i ever got in a fight i'd probably just shush them to establish dominance brain do it me why brain just do it me okie dokie brain says do the thing i do the thing i just do the brainy pokey doing this without any reason oh my god yes and i used to like try to imagine ways to like staple it in place so it would stay not for any practical reason i just didn't want to have to keep doing it i just got kicked out of the flat earth facebook group because i asked if the six foot social distancing guideline had pushed anyone over the edge yet please keep doing this you're doing the good work class please line up in alphabetical order my name's aaron my time to shine not so fast well what's your name what it's swedish it's the third year anniversary of me becoming a meme my dudes hey has anybody tagged fire guy 12 in this i'm surprised that americans still don't have their own unit of time don't don't you dare don't give them any more ideas wait wait does this work dude i am exiting this game world we call 2020 bile it doesn't work and now my head hurts introverts preparing to say here during attendance oh god oh god oh kyle's next okay all right all right uncle lisa oh god oh god and next on roll call we have lexi hereditarily triscuit sausages my sister keeps photoshopping her cat's face onto bees i will let all of you lovely people watching the video enjoy this i had a bad experience as a kid with bees what happened i said i had a bad experience so the food's free for children under 10. oh that's great because he recently turned 9. but dad i'm 12 kid shut the hell up arguing abortion laws with theology teacher theology teacher i have never met a human being who wishes they were not born [Laughter] gen z culture is responding to well what if your mom aborted you with i wish she did scientists then we cloned the sheep we will discover life in space soon we have robot on mars we will find hiv cure scientists now no the earth is not flat seriously your kid will die if you don't use a vaccine for frack's sake wear a mask yes the moon exists i saw something recently from i think it was a virologist who said well i finally know how climate scientists have felt for the last 20 years swedish tv accidentally puts subtitles from a kid's show over a political debate and it's brilliant i will build the best sand castle in the galaxy well he's got my vote girls tend to stutter due to nervousness when speaking to someone attractive girls when they speak to me isn't this the beginning isn't this where he does actually stutter this could be a very quiet self-compliment or i'm just being too optimistic one another ticket please look i can tell you're three sheep in a trench coat are you sure yes look one two three i had no idea three sheep were so powerful yo why does your bio say you don't have rheumatoid arthritis because i don't oh okay hello this is roger from dordash pick a number between one and ten uh four wrong no food for you what why roger please roger's just happily sitting in his car like i'm having chimichangas tonight in french you don't say i miss you you say to me monk which means you were missing from me isn't that amazing in texas you don't say you all you say y'all which means you all unless there's a lot of y'all then it's all y'all which means all you all isn't that amazing did you mean ain't that amazing he matches his drink and his shirt every day good lord that's some freaking dedication i respect it is that cherry fiji i didn't even know that existed i'm gonna have to look that up now oh i'm sad now it doesn't exist he's just using the bottle for his own drinks oh i wanted to flavored fiji water my niece drew me holding hands with a burrito and i've never felt more understood i relate to this on every spiritual level except tacos but same idea i used to be in class like got 40 minutes left two 20-minute halves just gotta get through ten minutes four times what do you mean used to i still do this for like literally everything i don't enjoy doing mostly laundry which is why i listen to reddit videos during it when your body naturally wakes you up early on the weekend why also those eyes are fracking cursed government we should open schools kids are responsible and we can trust them to not spread coven kids nine watermelon slices equals one watermelon i'm so sorry i cut it oh it's gonna be okay it's coming we're just gonna tape it up okay can somebody call a fruit doctor ah i failed all my exams but the pigeons accepted me as their leader so i have that going for me i feel like being a pigeon queen is a wildly underrated superpower they're freaking everywhere he's pissed because i held him like a burger don't be burger-shaped then idiot ah yes the turtle burger the birdle turgor i like turker better i would also accept crunchy lethargic meat sandwich your boy got asked on a date ya boy got cancelled on you reply to yourself so why are there three reactions i know that's not what the post was intending but i like my narrative better catfish simultaneously look like they possess infinite knowledge of the universe and like they just have the me theme playing in their head non-stop you're depressed because you stay in your room all day every day instead of traveling the world uh thanks i'm i'm now depressed in paris now you're the paris shut up carl oh you guys you guys quick americans are asleep post basic fracking human intelligence and decency send metric spice up any facebook comment with random quotation marks congrats on your baby congrats on your baby congrats on york baby we live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police the pizza guy to the robber in my house your mama dulas tamiya i'm never going to complain about a muppet with a shotgun but uh is it isn't that the swedish of chef isn't that the swedish chef lexi shut up and enjoy the joke no no i refuse this post is technically grood groot groot scientists capture an amazing video of a deep sea fish with feet oh i got nothing i can't top that no next one at least in the 1918 pandemic they had cocaine in their soda and it was probably the only remedy you got if you actually got sick are you sick with the plague try a nice refreshing coca-cola next to the billboard there's just a picture of a polar bear eyes wide and staring screaming ice cold did you know i have a stegma atysma um breathe speech oh oh my god that was some great a stuff that was pure excellence police hunting people for sport a chubby penguin the president ate a baby a kitten why is this the internet right now please fix it me takes a crap the guy i took it from the absolute audacity my favorite character in beauty and the beast is this dresser waiting to frack up a villager with a baseball bat if i was a homicidal piece of furniture i'd probably be a computer desk with a shotgun we're sorry you can't place this building here here you can halo 3 video game 5 out of 5 from microsoft hey we did such a good job fun fact the guy in charge of naming movies at pixar makes over seven hundred thousand dollars a year he got a three hundred thousand dollar bonus for coming up with cars sometimes my genius it's it's almost frightening bro i don't know how much longer i can keep fake laughing at these tick tok she's showing me bro please help everybody thinks they're gangster until someone downloads the house a downloadable house you say elon musk has entered the chat my daughter loves to sleep with her butt in the air and it's the cutest thing i thought she was in the microwave honestly i i i may have to she grew up and she's a mother now this is wholesome and i love it i think you're the nicest guy i've ever dated that's kind of sad wait the dinner isn't ready it never was me after doing one out of the 20 things i'm supposed to do ah time for a break or in the case of adhd time for 17 chrome tabs a snack and three hours playing with the dog safe from all harm extreme risk of boogeyman attack yes i sleep as close to the door as possible facing the door issues i talk about irl crap i tell strangers online i mean initially they're probably going to judge you less i'm no longer using stop lights it's the government's way of trying to tell me what i do with my own car and i'm not going to be controlled you are sheep if you use stop stoplights other people aren't my responsibility they should look out and make sure i'm not coming gonna walk right past that last joke and say go wear a mask game by dad and mr bean cut out for christmas and he's been moving it around the house to scare my mom yeah this is the best that i need one of these earlier my daughter asked me if grown-ups ever cry i sat down with her hugged her and explained that grown-ups do cry and that we feel scared sad angry and everything she feels and it's fine to feel these things she then asked me if grown-ups pee when you pet a dog and the owner says wow he doesn't really let strangers do that this is me i swear i have the nickname of snow white i make friends with everyone's pets like even pets that hate people probably because i'm scared of all the other humans there not today see penis not today when you're dead inside and somebody shows you a meme about being dead inside would you like a nice glass of juice that makes you stop procrastinating yeah just leave it on the table for me i'll get some in a minute when you're the first one to wake up at the sleepover oh my god i hated this as a kid i barely slept even as a kid so i would wake up at like six o'clock in the morning and have to waste like two hours you tried scrambling the wrong egg motherfracker this needs to be an indie game like this needs to be an ultra violent doom-flavored untitled goose game postal chicken eggs of rage violent kfc rated d for delicious did anyone else as a kid sleep in the car on the way home and know exactly where you are by feeling the car turn you know i'm something of a gps myself yes i did this so many times i miss sleeping in the car i can barely do it now when your sister is washing the dishes and you slowly put another dish in the sink how dare you i'm sorry i'm really sorry youtube saying i'm 27. twitter is saying i'm 38. reddit saying i'm 22. me faking my age in every website with no consistency improvise adapt adapt adapt adapt adapt adapt adapt adapt overcome as somebody who works in i.t i hate this madagascar glad a guest car set a guest car slap a gas car study confirms you can make people believe anything if you make it look like a screenshot of a news article i find this post believe it wait seven year old me is seeing an x in math 17 year old me seeing a number in math when you finally found the song you wanted on spotify but it's just a playlist named with the song name my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined by the end of your life odds are that you will have spent over 20 160 minutes kissing no no i don't think i will how does my room get so messy literally all i do is sit on my bed using my phone i have the same question every single day what the hell are you doing lexi girl's buying shampoo it has vitamins rich oil proteins for my hair and a good perfume boys it says shampoo i mean yes i'm going to use extremely expensive shampoo to protect my extremely expensive hair dye job which is now faded and badly needs to be redone covet can you piss off please me browsing reddit highest frack about to upvote everything when you want some brutal death battle oh this is gonna sound great me passing someone you slow [ __ ] me being past okay speed racer relaxing after winning an argument with the wife you have won but at what cost you aren't always gonna have a calculator in your pocket freaking lying ass 90s teachers i really like that image on the left it's hilarious when you check to see how your created meme is doing and notice you made negative four people laugh ugh keep the pain inside ah beautiful monday morning time to get a shower get ready go ahead and grab my coat and everything get out the door for work and no no see uh what you have here is a scientific proof showing that anxiety lowers to your legs during the day now when you are trying to sleep and horizontal the anxiety floods your entire body and is in your brain now enjoy fracking science i swear breaking news bear breaks into colorado house plays the piano but not very well he's trying his [ __ ] best you rich leaf bernie alone new skeleton found in pompeii this guy was running from the eruption when a 300 kilogram boulder hit him right in the face that's terrible but also hilarious i i'm sorry the audience had a question the audience had a question uh yeah uh what's he okay i uh yes he was fine she lied profusely lava really pisses me off cause like i know it could melt my face off but then i see a picture like this end i want to dip my hands in it don't at least not until i get the camera my english teacher says we shouldn't refer to authors by their first name because they aren't our friends will you confirm our friendship and let me call you neil on my american gods book report the actual legend himself neil gaiman absolutely that was so awesome national geographic donate five dollars to save the penguins also national geographic that's right a girl wants to be an avenger how about that that's super duper carol in fact we already have several girls on the team nebula black widows scarlet witch gamora when a cop is behind you and you've literally done nothing illegal but you still feel like a criminal me hiding from my responsibilities if i cosplay a cone it counts as being productive adult person life gets faster as you get older me age ten sounds fake but okay me now pros and cons of making food pros food cons making or in lexi's case cons making property damage oh crap the toaster wrapped my pop tarts saying shark-infested waters is like saying human-infested houses i mean they live there man that's just rude okay okay but hear me out shark-infested houses my brother found this at the flea market and i hoped a god he bought it i hope that's at your house now a german tourist jumped in the freezing water to save my precious little dog who was drowning after he climbed out he handed me the dog and said here is the dog keep him warm and dry him off you'll be fine i said are you a vet he replied vet i'm freaking soaking the u.s how did new zealand get rid of the covet 19. new zealand we listened to our scientists the u.s all right then keep your secrets what's on your mind it's freaking weird that in order to go to sleep you have to pretend like you were already sleeping that is all good night imagine sending your kid to school with a cute spongebob face mask and they come back with a spiderman face mask because they traded with their best friend during lunch oh that's so cute no oh no wait what about newton's third law ah frack right i just found out the average dream lasts two to three seconds bro i'd be going on whole missions same i've had dreams that like go for like three days i've dreamed several days in the span of like four to five hours how did become the thing we say to cats the sound is quite high pitched so it gets cats attention when they're not looking at you in russia we say in finland we say in scotland we say come here you're weak yeah sex is cool but have you ever woken up and cracked every single fracking bone in your body oh that feels freaking amazing ah yes good sex should be saved from marriage send kids to single gender schools to prevent sex everyone is gay wait wait wait wait wait boomer humor i hate my wife millennial humor i hate my life gen z humor damn that's late the worst pain is having a nice meal in front of you but you can't find a good youtube video to watch while you eat i do this with food and with laundry i always have to listen to a youtube video while i'm doing laundry that's actually how i started listening to mk and that brings us to the end of another r slash me irl i hope you all enjoyed the ah oh so that's how they're delivering fan art now this fan art comes to us from best key zero two just an mk fan art with reddit's colors oh i like this it contains multitudes and possibly infinities thanks so much for sending this in beskei02 and uh don't let thanos get a hold of this infinity hand all right if you enjoyed this video in any way shape or form oh thank god the tests work you are human or at least close enough anyways hit that like button and if you'd like to go through more human testing i mean reddit videos in the future smack the crap out of that red subscribe button if you press the bell you'll unlock extra levels my name is lexie kitty but y'all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 339,789
Rating: 4.9295354 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: L3SXdB5_kgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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