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without ugly in this world there would be nothing beautiful thank you for your sacrifice [Music] hello you scrumptious quesadilla welcome to mk my name's jack but most of my friends like to call me a public embarrassment so that works too it's time for some mad lads does immediately washing your mouth with soap prevent you from getting infected after someone with cover 19 forcefully french kisses you no too late you'd better get tested i'd also recommend questioning someone about that whole uh french kissing forcefully i'm no expert but i know enough about my condiments to know that sounds like a self how are you i'm good but i would be better if i had you in my arms mood also smooth you know what else is smooth what the transition to today's sponsor glasswire monitor your network activity and protect yourself from harmful sites i'm not going to lie that was smooth no don't do that what's wrong i will never be with a girl like you i'm too ugly no you're not everyone is beautiful in their own way i guess so hey send me nudes yes nothing sexier to a lady than her knowing about your psychological trauma i mean do share that stuff of course but don't use it as a method to get laid i mean come on hidden beach one star review it is not hidden anymore you just played yourself how can you each these precious creatures is this rhetorical or are you looking for recipes because i i have a bunch here you're doing it wrong the real double wrench method oh sir i'm doing many things wrong in life don't you worry thanks now i can break into my neighbor's house toast all the bread and put it back in the bag just a quick update everyone lockpicking lawyer has disabled their accounts and removed all their videos as they feel they've encouraged too much evil upon the world china makes criticizing cpp rule in hong kong illegal worldwide illegal for anyone in the world to promote democratic reform for hong kong i hereby promote democratic reform for hong kong and by quoting that i think i've lost any opportunity to work at some sort of theme park as a performer in anywhere in china there is actually auditions going around for universal studios beijing as performers and uh yeah i don't think i'm gonna want to work there now uh after quoting this besides if i'm having to camp anywhere i prefer to camp in australia actually that was a really dark joke i shouldn't say that i'm sorry grizzly bear sounds played this in the middle of the night on the camping trip and freaked everyone out great trip an arm wrestling contest between a father and son turned violent and led to an eight-hour standoff with deputies authorities said jesus what happened man pulls gun after losing arm wrestling match with son uh oh oh that happened god created you for a reason he created you to be special he created you for a purpose god created me to kill him i could be that girl for you carson what oh carson why do you tease me so why are you doing this i love you no this week is emmy voting week if you're an emmy member and you're not a pedo please vote for me as best actor in a comedy thanks and he went on to win nothing because all of them were pedos no but i could imagine the voters there just being like oh god if we don't vote for him everyone's gonna think we're a pedo but i i don't really like his stuff ah a man was nabbed for impersonation after trying to write his girlfriend's exam for her in zimbabwe what a legend i know someone going to call this simp but i'm going to call this true love city officials in san francisco are introducing the karen act to outlaw racially motivated 9-1-1 calls it stands for caution against racially exploitative non-emergencies ladies and gentlemen we have done it we have made karen's illegal i am i am honored and humbled to exist in this moment in the world history that's one small step for hospitality and retail workers one giant leap for basic respect meanwhile in our slash what cars should i buy is a 1990 honda civic x worth buying i wouldn't buy it unless you also get some type of long stick to keep the swarms of horny women at bay when you park it yes get those man catcher things that the police in china and japan use better to be six feet apart than six feet under truer words have never been spoken this song makes me want to make me reply to my own comment with a couple other accounts named after two other members of the trio trio far out people are really committing to this kind of joke aren't they bikes still for sale yes it is what's the lowest you'll go on it two miles per hour anything less than that and you'll tip over i love this response ooh cool snazzy photos of cyberpunk 2077 is that last building ea's headquarters in 2077 yes and if you zoom in closer you can even see concept art from fifa 78 it's said to be the best fifa ever [Laughter] wow they're just really digging into them aren't they can you send me your handpicks i'm a part-time palm reader here's mine oh nice how old are you 21. you're 21 and still believe in stuff like palm reading every time you feel stupid just remember plankton's plans to escape prison no you see plankton is on the next level none of them realized that he could easily sneak out but once he did it's over the next time he's in prison it'll be one that's made for him by breaking out of prison like any other inmate he redirects the prison's attention away from the obvious floor creating another problem for the prison to solve by doing this he could escape prison if recaptured easily when he absolutely needs to okay dude you're getting far too deep for a spongebob reddit okay keep that stuff on rick and morty he smoked a joint with half a kilo of weed to prove to the cops it was for personal consumption he is a man of focus commitment and sheer freaking will the part that fascinates me jennifer is the part where you assume your respect is something i might be craving what happened exactly to give you the impression that people you've never met might care about having your respect god damn i wish i could write as eloquently as this guy oh my man the true power of the avatar procrastinators most of the time procrastinators 30 minutes before an assignment is due college speech class final presentation wrote the speech and made the powerpoint in about an hour the night before my topic was literally how to fail your final speech only person he's ever given a hundred on over 10 years of teaching the class well you can't just boast something like that and not link proof of your powerpoint and what you did as well as the speech you made i i gotta see this man since i can't post to our slash mad lads without it being a social media post i have to put this stuff here some dude is selling an actual street sign and it's 50 off how do you even get to that point like just casually steal what is technically government property and sell it in your store and like no one's questioning it next i'll just be taking their neighbors cars and just selling them on the lot so this is from a dj a music loving mad lad held in a poop for 45 minutes because i couldn't let the vibe die okay sir that kind of stuff needs to be put on your cv or resume or whatever you use to advertise yourself because that that shows commitment chinese boys armed paralyzed after gaming up to 22 hours a day for a month far out a teenager in china has been unable to move his aft arm and hand after binge playing computer games for a month 15 years old named zao bin i probably said that wrong indulged in video games for up to 22 hours a day while staying at home during the coronavirus lockdown his mother said he was rushed to a hospital in southern chinese city nanning after suddenly passing out at home god i need to know what game he was playing just so i can play it myself before he comes back online and absolutely destroys me and makes me lose interest in it all over again comment on lego star wars 3 minikit guide shadow of malevolence how do you do a flip i'm doing it on wii press joystick twice six years later appreciate you homie are you comfortable answering political and ethical questions on here if so what is your stance on masks and donald trump from marcus brownlee i don't get into politics as much as i get into track records so on that front masks have been pretty good and trump has been pretty bad it seems you can read upside down or maybe you cheated and turned your screen over either way i thank you for liking this comment and reading it also get back to watching the video why are you reading this anyway have a great day i cheated and turned my screen i even liked your comment when my screen was upside down this isn't a mad lad this is just annoying well i want to speak to a mad lad manager this is this is unacceptable meanwhile in hydro homies hi guys how how dare you show us this this horrifying nothingness this is my husband y'all be easy what did i say about posting us beer we can't monetize off the sims if they know you're dating india banned tick-tock but not grinder the boys can have fun what is grindr you should download it and find out with 23 likes i don't like this foreshadowing if we catch you rubbing peanut butter on your crotch so a dinosaur will suck you off you will be banned from the park immediately what doom crossing eternal horizons music video featuring natalya nachon wish me luck guys i'm gonna show this to my eight-year-old cousin who is playing animal crossing right now on a side note i've just found a new song that i'm officially in love with i will not shop at costco until you remove your mandatory mask rule thank you for taking such a brave stance sharon we look forward to the documentary they will make about you someday wow not a very professional response costco looks like i will be getting a membership refund myself it should be a choice we've chosen not to refund you jack mate what are you doing stop ruining our name youtuber anything for views leaves girl because she watches jake paul did you leave yeah i frickin did why did you leave because your [ __ ] ass was watching jake paul and it woke me up also bring my jewel over tonight i left it by your bed okay i'll bring it next time thanks boo okay so we didn't leave her like leave leave her slept over at a girl's place last night i was sleeping in her bed with her the next thing i know her phone is blasting and she's watching youtube i look at her phone and she's watching freaking jake ball i did i said nothing and got my stuff together and walked out her front door kind of weird to publicize this but i'm not gonna stand against what he did there were many beneficial things the creator of twitter had in mind when making their platform connecting people faster a larger surplus of discourse and conversations to have with one another about various topics but no twitter is not that anymore twitter is you telling everyone that you have masturbated for 10 years jack dorsey biz stone evan williams and noah glass are not dead yet but i'm sure mike here makes them wish they were congrats gentlemen on creating the first online public masturbatorium someone changed the google description of a church after they had a racist freak out over a black girl studying on their lawn saint paul's first lutheran church monster public bathroom in los angeles california red bull ring on google maps right now is fire timmy's tire kimmy's tire memorial ah this has gotten out of hand oh god it's everywhere i can't with british people they need to chill with the makeup i can't with american people they need to chill with the guns okay a bit of a weak comparison because only one of those things actually kills the makeup of course ah you are killing it girl i did this when i proposed to my fiance i got down on one knee told her i had a rock in my shoe she turned back around but i had the ring tucked in my sock the whole time she totally bought it and it was the perfect surprise proposal my god that's genius okay am i the only one that was kind of disappointed that it didn't end up being some sort of like prank get out of here with your beautiful romantic gestures i'm 14 years old and i'm gonna do a freaking party if tiktok gets shut down worldwide i'm 15 and i hate everyone below my age i'd like to say i relate to that but uh i'd be siding with a racist though it's okay i still relate to 50 of them fanboy says what doom eternal this music makes you want to go downstairs and turn off the light then come upstairs slowly hey tone down the tenacity you crazy shrek well everybody that does us for another mk video thank you so much for watching and being a total mad lad however if you want to secure your mad loud position you do need to like the video make sure you're subscribed and have that notification bell clicked so you can always get the latest mk videos when they are released and if you would like to watch some other videos on the channel you are free to do so in fact if you do it i will give you a little kiss there that is your kiss your kiss for watching another mk video thank you for watching no don't leave me anyway fair that i'm being a weirdo my name's been jack you've been a lovely person to talk to you today i will see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 487,392
Rating: 4.9602065 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Id: R2saoelBx64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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