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introverts finally enjoying places they normally wouldn't go yes [Music] hey there guys welcome back to mk my name is jack let's get onto the me irls oh phineas and the the girl person kiss that was not geometrically possible this still shot's actually an x-ray vision see his nose is actually going straight through her skull right now it's a romantic part of the story but she's dead now that moment right there she's dead when life gives you lemons make lemonade 20 20 lemons no lemonade for you boy you have sour skin 10 p.m to 6 a.m 5 5am to 2pm look at me i'm the sleep schedule now man am i thankful i haven't done this to myself my account me guessing my own freaking password yeah this is why i just constantly use reset password it's just easier than bothering to guess please note the post-apocalyptical fiction section has been moved to current affairs oh oh this library hop what the hell was i even trying to say just then brain farts people not even once cops police brutality police brutality when you clean your room so well that the only trash left is you beautiful now i'll see myself out and never enter this room again you can't post or comment for three days this is because you previously posted something that didn't follow our community standards this post goes against our standards on hate speech and no one else can see it so what was the post every white cop looks like this oh my god it's true [Laughter] what do y'all think about this first notification pays for dinner yeah i like this i'll never have to pay for dinner yeah i'm immediately going to raise my hand and point out the fact that people can put on do not disturb mode like i'll happily encourage this in a social setting i'm just gonna put my phone on do not disturb or just turn it off i mean ah yes me my girlfriend and her 500.4 foot tall maureep that right there is a smart purchase god so fluffy me touches a body part that hurts my brain do it again anne frank's diary an animated feature film i thought the thumbnail was had lo-fi hip-hop girl oh my god breaking news foxo does a face how he do that i'm like post malone but the person is silence ah damn feels man why are you doing it on microsoft word two people of the same gender wrote love letters to each other frequently gave each other gifts lived together until they died were buried together historians oh my god they were roommates people at the beginning of the quarantine learning how to make banana bread on youtube troy in our bed in the morning people 12 weeks later ready to abolish the police and i didn't even figure out how to make the banana bread epic game store gives gta 5 for free to everyone america one week later cool winky dinks i think not as the media and every single karen out there i think this makes perfect sense i gotta go walk my dog brb i'm back after 10 years the return of the king well that looks like a combat helmet [Music] how to draw a rose step one draw a lettuce step two paint in red you're welcome okay but how do you draw lettuce step one draw a rose step two paint in green okay i'm stuck on step one i'm trying to get this rose but mine just keeps looking like a disfigured butthole top ranked player who plays 12 hours per day you after a hard day at work trying to have fun please sir please let me live for 30 seconds more i just need to achieve a five kill streak for this little achievement i just please i beg of your sir no no if we use outdated memes maybe we can trick the world out of 2020. that's not how time works sir but i appreciate your effort for trying i mean hey if we're bringing back the plague the great depression and swing and jazz why not bring back some old memes too yeah okay this is just so true now for us all i think we can all unanimously agree that we're all just so used to sully's face being on mike wazowski most critical's reactions are absolutely spot on with this i think we're all genuinely scared when we watch monsters inc now like seeing my single eye just freaks us out when you can't fall asleep and you start hearing birds chirping no i didn't even get a chance to sleep [Music] a strange creature that tastes like almonds has been dug up in russia why the frick would you taste it that is exactly my question what what are you trying to achieve by eating it turns out the person just had a handful of almonds for lunch today folks no but seriously almonds do they even really have a taste i they just taste like nuts oh god that's gonna be taken out of context me after guessing the password of my own email all right boys i'm in bethesda bethesda uk bethesda brazil bethesda a nz bethesda middle east why are you gay who says i'm gay you are gay white church girls poor children oh my god this has changed me spiritually and you will know about it on my instagrams otherwise there's no reason for me to be here if i don't get that clout globus polsky wait it's all poland [Music] always has been [Music] man arrested for putting down fake social distancing arrows in ikea and creating a labyrinth with no exits you can't just leave us with the title and don't show us how they did it or like at least a bird's eye view of the mapping they created that is that is beautiful i mean move over professor doofenshmirtz well well well if it isn't the problems i tried to escape by taking a nap the us coast guard rescued a sea turtle and tangled in bundles of cocaine off the coast of florida yep i said closed i'm owning it don't at me while that turtle was moving wait and hit the coast guard with i just got tangled up legend yeah i think it's pretty obvious that turtle's dealing makes sense they're trying to drag us up before taking over the world without these people can't imagine the meme world black lives matter oh man i just i forget to realize just how many people out there are now memes like how many of these people are literal celebrities now in their local area hell i wouldn't be surprised if a-list celebrities becomes a dead thing in like the next 50 years and the only way to be a huge celebrity is to be a meme looks like this pigeon had a pretty intense phone call just look at that constant strutting now you need to inspect the couch nearby see how many times they've gone to lay down on it because the conversation just got too intense to want to stand up for i can't wait to grow up it looks fun to be an adult oh yeah it's great all right work bill stress back pain ah yes the d the p and the s the three things that make being over 18 worth it for about maybe three years max 40 of cops beat their wives 40 of cops get reported for beating their wives oh well thank you for clarifying that i feel much better i fought the french three times i thought them 26 times yeah cheers what was that punk in the tears when you lose your friends at the club and another crew adopts you as their own wow i remember kiss being a thing hey that is a interesting look the world comforting america through police brutality and oppression okay have we though i feel like we've been making fun of their situation more than anything chilly still in flames chili that's been going through this for eight months why did everyone assume stuff calmed down in chile why can't you protest peacefully white people when they couldn't keep slaves no am i right sir stop i'm glad we're more forward thinking with our society these days and don't have slavery just building stuff for us instead we outsource it from other countries so it's not actually our fault if there's slavery happening still yay loopholes opening mom's phone brightness generation z will be afraid to ask a waiter for ranch but will body slam a cop and it's all the left leaning education systems felt you see i know my friend told me they're actually teaching kids how to body slam at school this is not right police hunting people for sport a chubby penguin the president ate a baby a kitten oh i thank you extra fabulous comics but i don't need an autobiography made of me at this time perspective oh look at all these people with their ingenious ideas as how to use this tree and then there's the kit where does it hurt headache stomachache when you make a super funny sentencing card against humanity and it gets read out and nobody laughs oh call a doctor can kahoot frick off with the bright red screen after i get a question wrong i don't need everyone behind me knowing i'm a freaking idiot well i see your problem it's cause you named me that's why you suck self-deprecation oh yeah i hated when teachers put on graded work b i don't know what's going on either i always thought it was so condescending too like okay i didn't really know clearly myself so why are you looking at me with a question mark like if i should try to explain it better like i don't know either that's why i got the question wrong every student after graduating school now what yeah yeah this was this was it aliens right now be like we're up next freak i'm nervous the fall of civilization me trying to get a job yeah for this isn't a perfect economy for you to start trying to get your first job into have fun our mom peels potato how i peel potato wait wait where's that tesla truck come from that one looks so freaking better than the other one is this a new model design or something did he just cave in from everyone saying the other one sucked i need answers my cat is cuter than yours fight me ha my rules were successful now i have hundreds of super cute animal pictures to look at when i'm down you stupid idiots fell right into my trap feels bad knowing a donut operator is more conniving in vilnius than i'll ever be oh a tweet by clearly hinton's definitely legit guys i can't believe racism is still a problem in today's society hahaha you freaking canadian go sleep in your igloo she said no so i'm wearing this stuff yo what a great way to get back at him imagine if this was a legit culture thing where like if you got rejected from proposing to someone you just walk around like this and if anyone else looked at you were like damn you're fine they'll take you instead of course you'd feel extra terrible then if you walk around all day and no one approached you the most popular battle royale maps of all time fortnite pub g warzone usa get it because societal instability yeah bunnies see we don't we're not comforting usa we're making fun of you guys i feel bad my school is a historical landmark yeah where where's the plaque there on the wall just like signify that this is a historical piece of art that needs to be recognized for years to come just make sure you wear it carefully otherwise people might mistake it for something that needs to be thrown into a river would you like a balloon how many gigabytes of ram does it have haha get it because young people are dumb old people smart they know better why are the balloons five dollars each inflation oh you're still awake i guess the sleeping gas didn't work this time no worries always try again with another video thanks for watching everyone always love having a good chat with y'all on the interwebs if you liked today's video please leave a like for us and if you're new to the channel why not subscribe and click that notification bell so you can always keep updated with the goodies and if you haven't habitually left by now because it's obviously the end of the video i love you you're amazing say peanuts in the comments i don't know something to prove it my name's jack i'll see you guys later you're the best bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 706,101
Rating: 4.9121909 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: 5u8Vt3CDZYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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