r/MadLads · hand in molten metal

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sometimes when my girl makes me mad I upload picture with her forehead edited to be slightly bigger oh dude that's great hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy I'm kookier narrator and today we're diving to our slash mad lads let's get to it I heard you did pretty good today in the afternoon I heard you spent more time today than you've spent all together doing homework okay I'm glad you spent real time working on things keep it up and get more done tomorrow I'm proud of you and you can do this getting used to distant learning is not easy okay can I get more than two letters okay okay a y-your move James Charles I've officially named my y55 G Taylor 200 sent our and the Facebook group associated with my town has been freaking out trying to find out where it is stupid bucks I mean that's funny though man someone call the police I just loaded a six-round clip with seven tarts I did this a bunch and it broke my dart guns man don't do it you're mad lad did you run away from your kid what 14 years ago did you leave so he was pregnant mate I'm 21 sorry looking for my dad oh god that's great you must have at least 32 characters in your title at least 32 characters you must have at least 32 characters in your title lawyer youtube.com slash activate 3.3 Medlen hi I'm an Albanian rickroll but because of poor technology in my country unfortunately I am NOT able to brickwall you please be so kind of search a brick athlete and click top result and then share it other writers many thanks for your cooperation best regards albanian rick wolf he is a man of focused commitment and sheer bucking will i respect you sir at everyone this is very important I made a new YouTube channel all 20s they have a 1 in a big number chance of getting it and I was just pointing that out do you really think something as stupid as the laws of the universe are going to hold me back in my d 20s I played TMT I rule the world one day there may be a company like ancestry.com but instead of your lineage they find your ancestors internet presence social media comments etc that I'll just let all my future relatives know that I don't give a single flying [ __ ] about them don't argue with people online platforms people tend to be more defensive of their opinions and more aggressive with the words it will only ruin your day and waste your time shut your mouth you don't know what the hell you're talking about over here what's the best Wi-Fi name you've seen we're not allowed to have our own routers on campus so I named mine AT&T mobile hotspot well I hope you tricked that campus but then I also don't hope you tricked the campus coz if you're paying that much money and they can't figure it out I wouldn't like that education your car is being keyed the good news is that the damage looks to be B minor get it get it okay I got now how would you feel about a ban on how are you today questions on the sub sure but let's also ban that how would you feel about insert something most people agree with questions such as yours hey I'm all for it the barnacle has the largest penis in the animal kingdom when compared with its size please stop calling me the dog you're cool oh god I love Danny DeVito intense porn with Beetlejuice but the screen is black and there is no sound for cake dawn met xual not actually porn I lied I'm a mad lad my dad laid the breakfast at around 11:45 when he finished it was around 12 then you know what he did next he said oh it's lunchtime and just made himself a second bowl of cereal right after the other day if these how you get the dead bath joke rule no chef-worthy within the server Chef Boyardee pinned a message to all bullied for furry oh look at that name no ho just wanted to thank him my good friend Christian is a real nice guy he brought me food today thanks Christian you're welcome you're welcome someone got the chrome book management password in my district every single Chromebook a thousand plus students now I have PPE as their wallpapers and on startup 10 hours of PPE screaming plays with of course max volume I just wanted to share before the turns into some type of threat and makes it on local oh my god that's fantastic a video not for kids mate an 11 year old hey clicky clicky get off the internet you're the ones who calls Coppa HD monetize most my channel kiddo I am personally subscribed to this man man I think you should too he's an amazing artist and he makes me laugh every day last night I opened the windows and let mosquitos all inside then I closed the windows and slept outside it's called confusing the enemy I mean that's not gonna work but you keep trying kiddo straight up eating Conan amen I've straight-up bomb my friends acting class and that was a great time I pretended like I didn't understand English good times cowabunga it is can you di meet a link for that image I need to make a mean of the top image here ya go choose wisely the link or rickroll which one could it be only one way to find out Cunningham's law in action parody of extremism or stupidity is indistinguishable from real extremism and stupidity that's Poe's long coming hands is the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question it's to post the wrong answer hmm well played you brilliant son of a unmarried couple you mother trucker god I love that oh my god today when I was at the store the checker wasn't bagging my whole milk Mayo and I cooked fast enough there was also a person speaking a foreign language behind me when I asked to see the manager they called me Karen my name isn't even Karen don't call me Carrie okay Karen you're never flying solo when you have a friend by your side just like Butterfree tiger friend below who's always by your side at digimon mad lad hey man he's both a vampire and Batman now of course he's gonna know how to fix him stuff diems are fine she just hasn't responded that hits home Twitter what you have to say that if you correct spelling on a meme you are automatically a d-bag do you see AG bag sir hmm get your memes right English teacher gave us an essay about a free topic I saw my shot and I took it how the death of France oh I wish this guy was in my class I actually turned this into my teacher only the fast of high these are so good I love the dinosaur costume serious writers who previously deleted their accounts what prompted you to do so it just kind of felt like it I see what you did there it is painful to get electrocuted by the chair just curious I don't know man I'll go try it be our B and F remind me one day dude dude yeah he's probably dead this woman is manlier than I am and I respect her for that my idiot furry son has one job at night for cat things and make them go away easy right however a bear has learned that my furry son can be bought this is the third time he's been gifted deer bows in exchange for being allowed access to my trash and he keeps doing it I mean hey man truce is a truce just gotta respect the game of the bear going to the gas station and spraying the gas ever while the cashier practically hands me crisp dollar bills through to the negative oil prices I don't think this would work but I want it to oh man can you just imagine pulling up to a gas station and like Zula a type gas bytes going on that'd be great yesterday my neighbor told me that I shouldn't use vulgar words because those are the words successful people don't use so today I scream heard my phone to her TV and showed her Gordon Ramsay's videos that'll do it I took a crap in my grandma's cat's litter box when I was 13 and my whole family was hiding out to try and figure out why the cat took us huge dump they took us to the vet and we found out she has feline HIV so in a way I helped her the story was wild from start to finish I may or may not have done this it's like me you're old but no comment mother sends son to buy groceries he returns with wife ah yes voila link Ovid oh my god freaking mad lad breaking women in public by respecting their distance and not bothering them I prank my crush in high school just like this I still have another girlfriend man I mean in all fairness this isn't a hand tie hazmat even though that'd be funny cuz AJ's know this is a nahi go face hazmat suit get your facts right lady posting hentai to lose my vCard day to 100 what when people at the gym told me the hot tub was 16 plus I just lied and said I was 16 I was 15 awesome add lads I've done this to respect I don't really see what the big deal is here I mean they didn't technically break the law this right here is a hundred percent true timing is everything with comedy that's why I'm so unfunny you've probably wondered what I've gathered you all here today because we all share the same names precisely Oh for 24 2021 12 p.m. meet at these coordinates we fight whoever wins gets to keep the name everyone else has to change their name you have a year to prepare good luck Josh and Josh and Josh and Josh I will be the only Josh left people have read it how was your quarantine going and ideas while staying at home I have a Kevlar suit that makes you look like the juggernaut from Cod so uh performing daily tasking it like cooking and cleaning so if you see a meme about a guy vacuuming off his balcony in a juggernaut suit that's me ah can't wait to hear the notification that a juggernaut is dropped king cobra shed party he looks so cute with the little hat a little boob snoot what's the best Wi-Fi name you've seen I plowed Jenny landlord's wife I had a friend who had that hated his landlord but the landlord couldn't find out which tenant was broadcasting in the friend had it hooked up to a battery so the landlord couldn't cut off the power to find whose it was this man's a genius and deserves more credit the last thing you aid is what you have to name him will look a bit strange when I'm calling out for your mom but look at the cute little pup Oh with his mouth open don't drag him into this let go no no not Kurt Cobain no light mode burns my eyes out I see you replied with light mobile what's even funny to me is a pic a cow you got your hair covering your eyes so I dad is getting burnt out watching from Japan Wow thank you I didn't say it was good you [ __ ] suck they have in the first half not gonna lie Oh little Nass that fall-off is real buddy I've done this exact thing except with my Godzilla puppet and mr. el mao it still doesn't know it's me suck it mr. el mao if you're watching the go burn mean it's the worst meme I've seen in a long time it's it's not funny ha ha Meem goober ha ha ha ha Gober corey i want to buck you so bad hashtag me too me too Cory cheese I microwave 60-second popcorn for 60.00 1 seconds step up popcorn man puts Hannah molten metal yeah you bet he does except it's covered in water and makes it bounce off I'm a mad lad for ruining the illusion ha ha ha please sure thank you here you go hmm hmm I like Netflix better than Hulu Plus ah fair fair I lost to the champ the phrase I lost to a champ is such a weak mindset you are okay with what happened losing imperfection of a craft when you stop getting angry after losing you've lost twice there's always something to learn and always room for improvement never settle I mean honestly yeah dude this is untrue it's not a mad lad fact it's just truth this is so messed up but I love it because it makes me think of the interview when you accidentally post your meme on our / terrible Facebook memes and it gets 10k uploads oh I left online class two minutes early to watch this video why thank you you should totally subscribe to easy peasy and then you don't have to leave early to watch our amazing videos or just keep leaving all classes and watch our videos on repeat who needs an education when life is easy-peasy oh this is absolutely genius and I love them for it but also no no I deleted what this come and originally said now you will never know how I got this many likes I actually did this once on a sonic video and I still get replies to it on the daily mad respect bro mad respect I remember seeing this back in the day no one would message him and then look at him now mad respek dude keep doing you why is there pigeon at Delhi International Airport mind your own [ __ ] business let me tell you not all of us have to fly ourselves I have enough money I can fly business class over here Anika I wore played doctor mask in a zoom meeting I didn't do that but I used the puppet for the woman accused of leaving porn filled Easter eggs in people's mailboxes those kids are gonna have a great Easter I'll tell you what quagmire turns into a toilet some kid just sent this to my whole school district that's that's great good job kiddo I tell my students in my investment class to get on Twitter for all the great Finn twink content if you do it for those that did the answer to question 22 on the final exam tomorrow is beat good luck on the rest of the test I have a teacher and they mr. oaken solace that does this exact thing and will actually give you the whole test to study with with the answers filled in just just do the work for once kids I am a Muslim it's Ramadan right now and I masturbate oh that's freaking great dude I registered reopen which calm and redirected it to the CDC site on cough cough sniffle sniffle 19 just in case some idiots want to start a movement I mean yeah you're doing God's work pal like when people beg for rewards and the replies get in instead like this one no backfired on you pal never gonna let you see my porn history never gonna let you see what I'm into whoo I can't sing for crap redditors who have actually gotten married how did you get your spouse's ring size without making them suspicious just suck on their finger and keep your mouth in the same position until you get to a jewelry store edit thank you for the awards in my upvotes my award teri has officially popped okay this guy is named Nathan for you and go look up his TV show he's literally the world's biggest mad lad and he's amazing I'm literally savage AF when the vegan Twitter community I'm sorry lmao cuz steak good eh I reported so someone on YouTube has to watch this I mean I hope they had a good time the best way to ask me out is to send me this video Syrena ok 3 no yes new setup guys if you go to duck dude and he got two monitors in the lineup keyboard just go home I mean fair this is what on my office looks like these days and I'm still not getting ducked last week my sister came home and a boy she had a huge crush on and while they were in her room I sat outside the door and played this song really loud she was so you ever raced people in your wheelchair yes do you usually win yeah it's another [ __ ] I slash the thighs before we start awesome is this the equivalent of like taking a crowbar to the knee of a runner how and where did you carry the TV is my question what the brick so funny so laughing oh no more blood Lola mumuga that's just an emoji why did I you have a picture of an emoji why not having a picture of an emoji ah so that's how strawberry cush was made this this kid is an absolute genius and I wish I could meet him in real life if men are agreeing with you you said something stupid you are absolutely right lady renin shouldn't have kids under 18 on it haha I'm a teenager Trump I asked if he'd pardon Joe exotic from Tiger King Netflix series you know what you should and put Carroll basking behind bar she killed her husband social experiment outside of time-traveling what do you consider cheating in animal crossing please be specific enlist as many things you personally feel and or what you've seen other people shame online don't all say time-traveling in your replies I've got that covered I'm looking for other opinions time-travelling i heard tom responds to comments never I you tricked him well I actually really like these movies so I'm just gonna go out look up these titles and have a good time I turn off the water in the middle of porn shoot save the environment you are the best porn set PA in the planet sir breaking news kim jeong-hoon has died according to sources in the US intel another one bites the dust da da da da wow this has been a musical episode I did it for the internet points now it's on me forever my knees now it's on me forever and I miss my family to hell why would you do this man can you imagine how embarrassed this one girl must be right now dolphins ever turn through the canal of Venice meanwhile in Chernobyl yes we are back username checks out well bye know what I'm doing for my wedding one day ha joke's on you coo coo you're never getting married you loser yes but I am a wheelchair user and I'll answer your questions to taboo to ask IRL can I make bad jokes to trust a wheelchair people without feeling discomfort why not what are we gonna do run after you I guess not this man's mad lad and I love him for I mean hey that's the best way to respond to this look at all those Marines I'm sad this only has 64 views my daughter had a zoom class yesterday the teachers internet went out so one of the kids was made the default host he amused everyone pretended to teach the class and then just said fart over and over until the teacher was able to join back it was amazing my god some of the best comedy has come out into the cough cough sniffle sniffle and pandemic and I loved every second of it anyways everybody I've been cougar your narrator thanks for watching another easy-peasy video hit that like button hit that subscribe button and whatever else youtubers save have a great day and remember sometimes got to risk it for the biscuit by that I mean click the subscribe button
Channel: EzPz
Views: 493,437
Rating: 4.9219475 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, mad lads, madlads ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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