r/CrappyDesign · flesh pocket? yuck.

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toto washlet yeah it's kind of like that kind of like what what this has no correlation to the the image of the woman on the beach how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're going to be taking a look at our slash crappy designs uh i i don't i don't even know what i'm looking at here hold on pizzeria p yeah no nope yeah no well i don't know is that what that was supposed to be pointing at electro world all white center oh no alterations a rep air repair amazon gift card seed 10 i i i'm already lost app rent ice ships oh oh apprentice ships um well to undo this you just gotta turn it this way but just kidding you have to turn it this way but no actually this way but actually okay so this graph you can uh the percentage can go outside of the box but why incoming space rock the monster asteroid 1998 or2 will skim past earth on april 29th oh wait uh is it is it um is it supposed to be showing the sizes compared to the asteroid interesting is uh is that door made out of um the same metal that like storage units are made out of what the hell is this it's a tornado it's a tornado graph bad does nay mini rhona badger sport team and raccoon sport team are they are they different are they the same or uh yes my favorite bar codes are the ones that are wrinkled and you can't even scan yeah check it out my sync has a little mini counter that you can hardly put anything on it's great step two battery charging uh i don't i don't get it that's not what our plugs look like here in america um the blanket in this looking find book is right on the crease nice expert mode ah yes a blind sign so that blind people can see it ah yes the beach body challenge featuring numbers you can't even read at the bottom oh oh that is that is awful that is bad i don't like this i i hate two-face here darkness light compensation point bright light why is bright light in the moonlight what a bus stop on the sidewalk nice one on speaking of sidewalks there's bushes on this sidewalk so you you can cross the street but you're gonna have to cross the bushes i will never understand how this happens there's a shelf or a cupboard here right yeah let's put a let's put a counter in front of it there's a footpath to carl's jr at the drive-through cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day what's the point of the graphs chainsaw massacre salon excuse me um let's go to china [ __ ] for dinner tonight day banana banana day um oh man okay the person on the right looks pretty alright you know the the it's fine it's a cartoon character but on the left what's with the big old black eyes i have this book about humans apparently they decided to put dark red text over a black background and on top of that i'm color blind and had to use my lamp combined with the ceiling light just to read it how corona germs enter in your premises one by infected person entrance two if infected person snooze three buy a small droplet liquid i just had a stroke oh no uh-uh i don't like that four colorful crochet face mask good luck blocking out any any bad stuff ah nice good opening to get dog biscuits out of oh no i don't know about the most beautiful lingerie it doesn't no log in to access your account driver rider uh those should be swapped eat the sheep burn the fat reset possible the word cancer is cut off end childhood can oh my god ah yes let me call you on my fap phone fat fat yeah i want a wristband that says fat on it like dude come on i already know here it is again here it is again a fence that literally serves no purpose because you can just walk around oh no is that like a what is that is this scales all over the ferrari no it just looks like this guy's flipping you off jesus christ ah yeah i love this random fire hydrant just chilling just sitting there oh no what what what happened to this race car i'm what excuse me is that a snake in the background what what's happening i took black iced tea forest fruit plus you what wait um me how are you supposed to get eye to the garage oh how are you supposed to get into the garage that's a great question you just got to go around gill glill grill i would assume grill i would hope grill oh no it's a glasses case and the cat er poor cat glowing in greece is that what i supposed to say i thought i said growing in cheese like cheese rtx off rtx on well i guess i've had rtx on the whole time what is up with that bear uh happy i know it says happy birthday but let's just let's just read it hello happy if uh ah yes i can totally read this white text on the bright yellow plastic um i i don't know if you're aware but um the hdmi cable is upside down it's not going to go in if you try and push it in like that i can't open my bathroom cabinet all the way because of this heater well how does this always happen how does it frustrates me here comes the flowers also look at that good boy in the background i'm a a yort what's your superpower all right look jbelvin your design's great you know the the it looks cool and all that but come on that hat literally just has a png of your design on it you didn't even make an attempt to warp it or uh you know make the perspective correct you know what's wrong with your hands look they're very big germany coronavirus reproduction number rises again what's with the the karl marx uh i don't even know what that says oh my god what is this keychain what is that supposed to be i don't is it is it a windmill it's a windmill king kabob pizza what's with the king that they couldn't they couldn't just reprint the king part they had to like do it themselves and paint it t is for turtle k is for night n is for night time these are very confusing to look at also in the top right peepee i'm confused so this is like a it's a ladybug action figure it's just like a crappy mcdonald's happy meal toy or something lay immated edition letter elevator oh it's not even an order at all at all why switching the trigger orientation on a product we tend to blind fire oh cool album but it cuts into the lyrics page and you can't read some of the words oh yeah what the hell make money from home uh that's a that's a big 100 bill that's a that's a big benjamin right there mountain warehouse sizes things as two to three years when they're for seven eight year olds and don't tell you until you receive your gigantic oversized items that won't fit your infant wow no bikes if only i didn't have to like really look at this to understand what it was trying to tell me when you can't draw hands yeah i just i do this too when i want to hide my hands i just kind of like shove them in my stomach no parking fire lane yet there's a bunch of parking spots there what do you what are you what are you giving me mixed messages here no phones or food don't even think about it no is that you what dude they turned ocd into a game what order ahead and receive one of each three plane two cinnamon raisin two honey whole wheat two blueberry two sesame two asiago bagels but one liz's luxury looks independence consulate for paparazzi accessories wow this i'm sorry liz but this is uh this is a bad design park signs can't make up their mind please clean up after your pets no pets in this area part artist part therapist part stylist all fabulous beauty hair stylist appreciation day p-o-p-o plip play r you know this graph is almost okay except for the fact that the 50 and the 70 are like the same size pisd say no to drugs and alcohol what the hell does the pisd stand for 30 second plank ground yes it's the one day you will be as strong as this man where he can just lift his legs off the ground like that oh god these are never not frustrating how how do you do that how do you mess up that badly and put the light in the road what is this machine portal ti plus is is it a bank machine atm i'm confused oh yeah good idea have the uh have the power near the water pipe good thinking i've never seen such an awful tv guide design yeah like let's let's put all these shows here right but no let's actually put two ads uh right next to each other and they're both advertising the same thing preg made test nancy t g h c h c g t s e t e g h what pregnancy test that's what it's supposed to say oh no you're just trying to print out some little designs and uh oh that's a lot of wasted ink raccoon removal what's the bat doing there oh dude i've always wanted a skittle shower like melted skittles dude yeah oh take a look at this ramp doesn't go anywhere but it's a ramp oh god that is disgusting what is on that fork you know what i don't even want to know we're just going to go to the next image what ricky gervais hates about flying if you crash you die what a thumbnail i mean he's not wrong though ah yes good good thinking let's put a freaking pole in on the sidewalk i've never seen a shower design like this it just dips into the ground because why not what what's up with this shower head it looks like a freaking lamp like literally what why is that in the inside the house the beam the beat there's an elephant in the room oh man thank god this thing's solar-powered but uh i don't i don't think it's getting much solar power my guy all right the this whole image has given me a headache so you got the stairs that are carpeted you got the tile floor below it you got an exposed pipe right there this is this is really not good so this said the perfect vacation shorts i guess they're making a joke like staycation like you know stay at home because you know um but they cut out they crossed out the ac so it's the perfect vestay asian shorts dallas cowboys sneakers limited edition except they're actually for the steelers what the heck is this thing stop that's what it says that's what i want this subreddit to do i actually can't even read what that says does that say storage made ease easier that's what that says wow okay this star wars puzzle had 33 extra pieces uh not only that but jedi i could barely even tell that's what that said hey uh dude i don't i don't think that's how you uh i don't think that's how you eat a taco that's like more how you eat a hot dog even then i'd recommend turning a hot dog sideways that's just going to cause you a lot of pain if your teenager is looking for a job to make extra money they should cook and that's it why is this pumpkin thick man i tell you quarantine's getting to me i'm about to act up don't miss the summer's hottest sale on the biggest thickest thirstiest towels on the beach no other towels can compare with this is my place alright first of all i loved these as a kid they were so fun if i had one now i would still be obsessed with it i i would i would i would mess with it all the time but uh both the trains are preventing so much space to draw awful did you know every 3 000 sheets of paper cost us a re it's your choice for this the owner needs to sign in if this is a trial game or app that expired buy it from the microsoft store close or help tripod grill and lantern hanger twinkle twinkle little star dream come true make a wish oh what the hell is that what is this thing that i am being subjected to ah i don't like this image it just has a very threatening unnerving aura to it not a fan huh cool fallout watch i guess but something about it it seems off uh is anyone going to tell them that the webcam is backwards no i'm not going to we're here you westwood barber and hair salon haircut for men women and children what's with the stretched images oh boy more white text on a bright yellow background wine poor vine cork i'm i'm utterly confused you know these images almost worked but then the boots had to block uh the rest of the image good job and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash crappy design thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell so you notified of them easy peasy uploads and until the next one i'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 895,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/crappydesign, crappy design, reddit crappy design, reddit design, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: iOzTuDGmXfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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