r/Mildlyinfuriating · y'all dip pizza in milk??

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where are you waiting for the bus okay hurry up weights faster how's it gonna want to welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zac and today we represent you know look at our / mildly infuriating oh come on man okay you know the twenty thousand emails I can forgive I couldn't tell you how many spam emails I have not answered or opened but a hundred and ten text messages not answered what's wrong with you find negative three plus seven hmm why is it a b b a c d and d c after before why would you put why would you swap them dislike a lot dislike neither like or dislike like a lot like why riley's air pods how do you what how do you get one ear pod lesser percent the other and that much I mean what when is Aleta battle angel to coming out release date plot cast and trailer it hasn't been greenlit at this point the why why would it would not I know why I know why you put this out there because you want the clicks I know what you mean but Americans don't have accents oh man you hate to see it you hate to see when insects somehow get in your screen what what is that what is that I am this I'm disgusted banana hot dog banana hot dog no thanks I'd rather vomit in fact I think I'm gonna go do that this is why I can't find any small basket at the front oh I see there that kind of person oh no no no what is this what is this stop replying and liking my comment my phone is blowing up three point three cakes 156 comments bus stop just a tiny wait is that the is that the the solar power grid thing that I write so it doesn't look like you can get that box out I don't think I don't think that's coming out at all actually come on man how how hard is it to just put the carts back where they belong look it's right there i least say hope I hope that's the the line where the carts go oh god I hated it when it did this why why did it just show the equation again answer the question yeah yeah this this this is normal behavior for cats they don't really use the the house you bought for them of course not um I'm looking at it I'm looking trying to find out what the problem is yeah I see I'm not an owner of air pods or wireless earbuds bubs I said now I'm not even gonna rerecord that there you go there's the raw mistake but I I don't I don't understand what the problem is here the major they're just a missing oh oh no I'm sorry I'm stupid this yeah that the left is on the right and the rights on the way I'm an idiot sorry you have my full permission to make fun of me in the comments oh oh man I had pizza earlier today and this is just this upsets me cheeseless pizza mmm no thanks there's also no sauce on I've just realized this awful oh man why are you standing in the chicken are you kidding me oh oh it's the flag and it the point isn't it's not lining up with the red and the white why is it mm-hmm I'm becoming more than mildly infuriated Oh yuck just yuck yuck better bundle up before I go outside and now for my coat oh yeah that's accurate Goulding's use of colorful imagery colorful but that's how you spell it hmm cookies and cream hey guys I don't think that's video it's cookies and cream Oh the eggs are cracked the eggs are cracked that I mean did you hate to see it that that's just awful hold-hold now yeah come on get your silverware in a in in the you know they have those things you can put the the forks in and then the spoons in and then the knives in come on oh my those are all dead bees dead bees no thanks did Roosevelt died in office did you mean did Roosevelt died in office diploma do not bend come on can people not read oh that's just a bunch of dirty laundry on the couch despicable oh my God look at that truck that is disgusting good lord man treat yourself to a car wash yep all right well that's that's dog crap just right next to the place that you'd probably put the dog crap in after you pick it up oh oh please please I'm begging you move it back move it to the left on the whatever it is the stand please what is wrong with those eggs I'm disgusted oh my god what's wrong with this waiting room that is the worst ever I've ever seen okay so why would you make mugs attached together like that why first named London must be a number what what the hell is this oh of course their printer instructions why why follow me for more recipes fish and chips ha ha ha ha yeah very funny ok yeah yeah get out of here all right uh someone decided to put salmon on the floor I dug hmm not sure why ah yeah I've heard about this poor people with glasses um yeah Oregon man drove to 11 different Wendy's restaurants twice in one day to stock up on free nuggets report says I mean that's not an awful idea oh no the the fridge door handles are uneven why how did this happen some dang fruit from a cup and no lid won't come off oh man not only is this an ugly design in my opinion but there's a gap there perfect this leaving mobile gaming advertisement of garden scapes what ad shows real game oh I mean this you could fix this just by rotating the cube like that the one cube on the corner I mean yeah oh well looks like that handles uh yeah you might want to get no one hat P birthday had to be birthday ooh one monitor on the right is bigger yikes yeah this is why I'm very particular with my monitors they all have to match hourglass salt and pepper this must be awful ah right yeah no one follows the arrows in the aisles yeah mmm I what does this even mean hello Geoffrey unfortunately due to company policy we're unable to offer positions to people with the name Geoffrey since it will not work with our database scheme what this is how my wife opened a Lego box how uncomfortable does this picture make you extremely how does this happen how does one light get off like all of them are in a line and then this one it's just off to the left oh god it just gets worse it's always the lights how how does this happen long mug long mug hmm I don't like how these are packaged at all at all God how how do you have three million five hundred and fifty three thousand and seventy five emails that you haven't opened how these are melted almonds I don't like how it looks no this has to be fake this has to be like I I refuse to believe this is real no one lets their workspace get that bad that I'm I don't want to know what's in those bottles those yellow bottles oh man it's at one two three four five seven the missed opportunity oh can you imagine putting this puzzle together and then you finally get to the end and oh I'm missing a piece I love this game so much I'm going to make fan art of it not recommended though oh come on come on I hate this finish it off don't just leave a tiny little soup in there and leave it in the fridge I mean I like mushrooms on pizza but this is too far you don't say hello it's semi shaven Mario incredibly cursed what the hell what why is what why what is this what it's like a tiny little I don't I don't even know what it is no skates I guess they can't read or something and now they're on the internet for everyone to laugh at good job no smoking and there's a bunch of cigarettes people just don't like to listen at all he tried to steal a slice of cheese so I unwrapped it and gave it to him he loves cheese oh wait no it it's not it's not unwrapped all the way one is wrong the right answer is one disagree with your mark yes what what happened to that orange oh you gotta love when people just leave their crap lying around in stores Thanks oh god this this kind of packaging this ticks me off I hate it so much ah yes you see you need to unlock the DLC to get the other 72 pages in between these me having a panic attack calm down all right first off you don't need that many paper towel dispensers and two why are they like that why why are some higher and lower than others ah yep love that leave my package in the rain please ah nice parking dude and when I say nice parking I mean give me your license what wait what happened here this is I'm confused yes a little paw prints in the concrete adorable Oh what what happened here what did you do my wife putting this peanut butter in the trash because it's empty no it is not you're pouring out of the glass bro you'll spill you blind man ah yes I why why are some of them empty why plaster wax what what is it though why is the why is the packaging like that oh man you were so close so close to lining it up with the square or the rectangle rather play romance fantasy and drama stories along with millions of players every week wait are you pregnant price see price and cart oh why not just show it on the you know the site oh not again not again no why do people lose their puzzle pieces just to hold on to them oh there's just a hold card here all right Oh God come come on why are why are one of your Rubik's Cube things the squares messed up below is an image of a beach in South Carolina what do you think those circular things are just guess sand dollars and correct answers sand dollars or sand dollar Oh No why would you cut your sandwich like that do not stop ooh you hate to see that yeah you're biking and you're run over a nail or screw we're driving you know it's an inconvenience how to start a sentence in 2020 I'm sorry but I don't know who needs to hear this but can we all agree that this Sleeping Beauty cake okay well okay well it's it's a little impressive I suppose now man you almost had it you almost had the c4 Snickers oh okay well this soccer ball why doesn't it line up who did this I will give my students much more work than usual I will give unclear instructions and useless assignments I won't give feedback and answer questions about what they have to do and I will make this quarantine stressful for my students so they don't get a break eighteen percent chance of success yeah oh god lady you gotta fix your headphones I'm sorry please sorry that's not it your answer zero and negative four correct answer zero and negative 4 or negative four and zero ooh when you accidentally refresh the page after spending God knows how long is growing today I lost more than you could ever know tik-tok assignment 1 create a tick tock video and current electricity do following Wednesday May 6 to complete the Google Doc tick-tock planner template the template must be submitted here by Wednesday April 29th 8th at 10 a.m. you're gonna show you a sample template during their live session with you why are you doing a assignment using a tick tock ah I see so whoever put these tiles down they are incompetent got it when two kids knocked down half the shelves of the store you work at and time to quit both underworld that sucks and one has 170 F votes and one has that 26,000 you know what they say it'd be like that drivers are critical to communities right now say thanks for the tip tips may incur a two point five percent surcharge Oh ooh yikes those uh those tires have been through some stuff this this toast is not toasted at all hardly um there's a little bit a little bit a little bit of toast on there but not a lot oh come on just just throw your trash away like there are so many trash cans out and about just find one ooh you hate to see that yikes bye-bye car or at least buy my car windshield hey can you hand me my uke yeah I'm doing changes made to your computer y-yes for those not aware this is indeed an accurate map of the US so yeah if you ever if you're over wondering this is what it looks like you ever see a a delivery truck getting delivered amazing I love it volume 43 mm-hmm you better make that 45 or I swear oh man you hate to see it you hate to see when when the ice cream is all out so sad I'm gonna cry actually right now a beautiful photo he just looks like he doesn't even exist he's being phased at a reality he's being sucked into a black hole I can't identify a single thing in this picture am I having a freaking stroke oh my god same what what my head hurts what's happening these tiles are not being do tiles correctly ah yes thank you candy packaging thank you for not opening at all when I want you to your books are calling you 100% well but but if the battery's not all the way full what is it all right well that brings us to the end of our slash mildly infuriating thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button in the Bell see you notified over them easy peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 112,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/MildlyInfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, mildly infuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, ezpz, emkay, ez pz
Id: z6RqcRz1dVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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