r/Madlads · i'm so scared

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cows of india how do you feel about your cow privilege and how much easier your life is compared to that of other animals [Laughter] how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're taking a look at r slash mad lads a lot of people think they can burn belly fat by doing crouches or slim their arms down by doing push-ups but targeted fat loss is impossible and there's no evidence to suggest it is yeah ab workouts just build up your core muscle and burn calories the kitchen is where you lose the belly fat noted do abs in the kitchen am mad lad i don't turn on airplane mode in airplanes but i do in helicopters a nigerian man tried climbing onto an airplane's wing to hitch a free ride well i mean did it work any plans today david yeah i'm so busy i just don't know how i'm gonna cope with the excitement ah i see imagine if there's another comment that says his animation still sucks his animation sucks yo can we make a petition to create an annual purge there you go oh yes an answer key at last i can cheat on this t oh son of a k-pop fans spam dallas police snitch app with videos and memes to support protesters thereby spawning future college papers on the intersection between antifa and k-pop arceus uh arcouse i did that okay thanks localizing aurora borealis entirely in my kitchen your username is the universe's hint at the next event of 2020. how disastrous is it well for starters avoid water killer robot fish uh nah i think it'll be business as usual robot or not i got this fisher king 13. all right well we're in safe hands i broke the chain frick face someone post this in another server someone posts us on another server blah blah blah blah blah in my history class we were learning about the amendments one day a kid in our class came in with a tank top on this violated our dress code our teacher said to change his shirt he said that he had the right to bear arms not safe for work how far have you ever gone in a game of truth or dare this is probably when i was like 12 i got dared to pee behind a bush as revenge i dared that person to walk behind the bush barefoot i know i'll get a lot of down votes for this but i don't even know who kobe is i don't watch basketball and no one in my country watches basketball or plays it so i don't know who he is i only know one basketballer which is lebron james and i haven't seen a single basketball match in my life so i don't even care who lebron james kobe or any basketballer is say basketball one more time basketball well he did it if you are a controller player you are bad at everything you touch in life except cheating guess who's crying about aim assist instead of being good unfortunately i work in his hometown at a store that sold his book one of our favorite stories is when he came in asking where to find it and we all pretended like we had no idea who he was and mispronounced and misspelled his name he was not pleased bottleneck your pc at great expense boot windows 10 from an ipod classic have some cake please only take one takes two put it back fat ass looking straight at the camera for one hour one minute and two seconds my god so you're saying they stole your art no that's my id just people are saying that is stolen because it was reposted from my this id so you and planet underscore squawk are the same person i'm so confused uh chunky user yes planet squiff no you're not i'm the only one an original artist ask me on my instagram planet this is confusing towns teen pregnancy spike due to one impressive youth i just want to thank everyone who supported me over the years ah the anatomy of cody thank you cody can't believe it's still march hitting me with confusion for a second scam artist caught police arrested scam artist john young who tricked people into buying some sort of substance which himself named it the elixir of immortality upon questioning the police discover that jon has a criminal record being arrested for the same felony in 2004 1965 1923 and 1866. wait a minute nine year old me after saying bad morning to the teacher ah the bad boy what should i do when my cat deflates there's an inflation port right below his tail so should i delete it never delete your posts and comments it's cowardly deleted if this random picture gets 1000 upvotes i will delete my account oh and it was deleted bad ideas copic can't find me because of my location penis enlargement cream and pills thank you doritos you saved my life phew yes yesterday my respirator stopped working luckily i had a bag of doritos next to me and as you know it contains 90 air lays are you challenging me this music makes me want to go downstairs and turn off the light then come upstairs slowly what's one thing about you that makes you different than most people i like to open people's windows at night and put dozens of geese into their rooms while they sleep that is a mad lad for sure i don't know anyone irl who cares but i hit a 500 day streak on duolingo behold my extremely edgy post posting a uh which has 120 edges to see how fast the mods are moving it doesn't matter what ethnicity you are you all taste the same please never say this again it doesn't matter what ethnicity you all are if you all taste the same to ward off their evil eye andra farmer puts up sunny leone poster to keep crops safe he says the trick has worked and nobody's looking at his crap now my friend's dad is such a mad lad i tried to face time with my dad and he kept pressing effects and doing this while i'm trying to tell him my feelings what a mad lad in love fenn's fight woman paints fence neon colors after neighbor complains to county please don't spam first first well at least he wasn't spamming it he just sent one i think i could see the latest changing oh yeah look i can't deny this is mad lad behavior but it's also the perv behavior don't don't do that can i get a follow while y'all at it promoted damn it he wants those followers mathias rust german and teenager who flew to red square in 1987 a west german teenager shocked the world by flying through soviet air defenses to land a cessna aeroplane in red square he was jailed for more than a year but a quarter of a century later he has no regrets posting on reddit until i get a girlfriend number 66. two australians named morgan ruig and evan shea fold officials into letting them play in an international golf tournament at north korea's only golf course for five days they were treated as honored guests and taken on official visits around pyongyang before being exposed as frauds due to their poor golfing skills nice i'm sick of all these fake good higher fps videos on youtube 99 of them don't work the only way i've gotten better fps is looking up this program on my computer and deleting it retweet to spread awareness ah yes that worked for me too matt peterson conceived the extreme metal truck after his own bad experience with an ice cream man as a child minneapolis ice cream truck plays extreme metal serves no ice cream what would you do if you found out that everything is made up and the points don't matter improvise adapt overcome your nose is the biggest thing in the world jesus christ you should see my ding dong someone remake this as a jojo reference here you go someone give this mad lead gold title about king jedwick of poland she was named the king of poland because there were no ruling queens allowed but the rules didn't specify the king had to be male there's no rule in the book that says that giraffe can't play football we got ourselves an airbud situation my dad has cried twice in his life when his mom died and at the end of charlotte's web you can imagine why the latter one happened ladder maybe she fell off a ladder today i was cleaning up on lake and i decided to go inside the target and some kid was there in a target uniform doing a bit asking people if they found everything okay roses are red violets are blue god made you gorgeous yeah but what the hell happened to you oof size large i'm only 13 and this is legendary oh no all the people that like their own comments seem to get on my level link here's one did you just think right back here no tick tock one out of five stars promoting bad things one out of five stars guys i'm in the grocery store and i lost my mom mom if you find this please find me i'm scared oh a yearbook quote i lost the game unfortunate i blame pixar for my milf addiction i blame your mom for mine drops mike playing google snake and not doing homework my god notice you're so far behind you might run over yourself i don't know how to use auto clickers so i found an onion that pushed the enter button just enough for my afk farm i am actually only one fish says two fish i feel a little betrayed orange juice boot chug after brushing teeth man badlands chugs more like mad lads chugs i'll see myself out guys guys guys earlier today no joke i jumped over a rock holy cow the longer the syrup is on the pancake the soggier it will become i am my own 69 like nice what's something you've gotten away with as a kid but they're young and don't know what they're doing when you really you knew exactly what you were doing my parents had weird schedules so for school my mom usually packed my lunch in the evening and my dad would give me lunch money in the morning not knowing that i already had lunch packed i continued that scam for a couple of months until i had enough money to buy a wii which is when my parents noticed that they've been tricked by a seven-year-old but of course they didn't think i did it on purpose penis this is no time to meme please don't ruin the song for all of us thanks penis when he said no one can stop him i paused the video if i hit 16 million subscribers i'll do whatever the top comment on this story says paypal everyone who likes this comment and like this story pineapple tastes great on pizza reply if you disagree damn i see what they did there passing joggers in my motorized porta potty well i gotta check that out after i'm done with this rick rolling is not a bad thing i do it as a profession pubg cheaters trolled by fake cheat software you love to see it i just finished this puzzle that doesn't have a picture this person's a psychopath pilot flies private plane to wales and lands at closed raft base so he can go to the beach jesus i remember in year two there was a girl who had literally never had a haircut so her hair was ridiculously long imagine rapunzel basically and she always complained about it but her mom would let her get it cut so one day at recess she put an entire pack of chewed gum in her hair at the exact length she wanted to cut to she came in the next day with her hair cut how she wanted it and a smug grin on her face and i knew that girl was going places i want to become a teacher just to accidentally leave my pc open on an exam i will make a file which is named exam solutions and then put this video in it ah yes rn right now yeah people today abbreviate everything because it's too much to type out the full thing i know right roast ten dollars paypal me ten dollars and i'll comment you wtf on your ex's profile picture you know how bad it looks to see an indian reject you e f h it's supposed to be a g i make the rules kid in loving memory of my wife's sense of reason last seen just after we got married in 2006 sadly missed swedish tv accidentally puts subtitles from a kid's show over a political debate and it's brilliant i will build the best sand castle in the galaxy my brother's ex had been stealing our netflix for the past two months now by disguising our account as settings and honestly i ain't even mad i'm just really disappointed in myself for actually believing that an account named settings would legitimately be netflix settings make a penis ball shaft ball user governor schwarzenegger show yourself you got me i love you he'll be back wish i could give you a silver i got you fam thanks fam get me too no dude got silver for saying no can't blame me for trying i can someone put four skeletons at a table in an arizona lake for divers to stumble across that's amazing i love watching these in bed while my parents think i'm sleeping my personal hero is this girl i went to high school with who turned in sonic the hedgehog for every single art assignment the art teacher hated her and tried to fail her but our principal came in and said she technically followed every assignment's instructions so she couldn't she made a sonic the hedgehog mosaic out of broken glass for one of our finals that's incredible watch a spacex rocket blow up during a boar test i played this instead of the rail launch and my parents went crazy often seen as a martyr of the royalist cause favrez was executed for his part in planning against the people of france under the comtadib provence he is known for his last words i see that you have made three spelling mistakes upon the reading of his death sentence warned found this today should i pray for stamina or health your gf wants you to pray for stamina damn the neighbor who has lived directly across the street from the school for about a year took a marker in cardboard and made his own sign uh and the sign says shut the f up nice wish you guys did as much work on the game as you do tweets wish you'd stop complaining and shut the hell up damn okay dead by daylight oh very cute night night kitten xx did you just send night at six am yes pardon me madam i am in dire need of ten thousand to get an office set up with a pc monitor sound system chair and all that good stuff would you be as kind as accepting my offer to be my sugar mommy the always sometimes never sunglass matrix always sometimes never ha so i was watching super nanny and this kid was putting time out so he took a scooter and just booked it good lord super nanny was uh quite the show got suspended from school for four days after this picture was mailed to dozens of parents it was worth it always stay grateful for the king too many taylor swift fans reading this never forget this man made her famous be grateful i 46 male promised my son 18 that his mother and i would match whatever he saved for a car upon his high school graduation he ended up with a lot more than we could have predicted and now we don't know what to do hacked you left yourself logged in at the sprint store timothy nice this song makes me want to break into my neighbor's house toast all their bread and put it back in the bag oh there's nothing more beautiful than the unspoken relationship between the original poster and the guy with the top comment in the post frick you meanwhile in germany a pilot decided to draw the troll face amazing sick of this channel being full of nothing but useless information a solid 10 minutes of useless information the biggest troll award goes to this van oh that's awful can this video get the same amount of likes and dislikes oh that's unfortunate warning this guy was supposed to buy our washer dryer machine for 150 pounds he wanted to see it working first and ask if he could do a load of laundry after he finished she said let me go get the money got in his car and drove her away with his clean clothes i'm sorry blake this is awkward but that's not a police car you vaped in front of a water service vehicle plot twist the weather map wasn't broken i'm gonna like your comments so i'll force you to like your comment to make it seem like you don't like your comments what an evil idea the mad lad does anyone need artificial grass i stole out of my ex-boyfriend's mom's house last night after she chatted crap about my dead nan selling it for one pound but will take any offer going up from five hit me up should have took her wheelchair too sound designer here back in the 90s a friend of mine recorded someone taking a crap i don't know why like the wilhelm scream it became a thing where we try to sneak it into commercials whenever we could i found that one of the farts in the recording made a great sci-fi door opening sound used it twice in this commercial the far is the door opening and you can hear the actual crap as the room contracts when he says up there we smoked a lot of weed back then edit thanks for the silver this song makes me want to play my wii without the strap on i see this person likes to live dangerously why would you talk to your poop oh well i know this is a joke so don't you dare whoosh me r slash whoosh listen here you little y'all used to think the xbox one was going to be called xbox 720. i didn't forget hi squoof hello hector how was your day just kidding i don't care violation of these rules may be met with a warning a kick a ban if you get banned we will sell all of your personal information on yahoo jesus christ emily and well we've reached the end of our slash mad lads thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell so you get notified of the easy peasy uploads and until the next one i'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 274,867
Rating: 4.9565854 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, mad lads, madlads ezpz, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: RdE6LRbdxuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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