r/Mademesmile | Would you date this cat?

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I tip my head to you horn legend to another I thank you sir [Music] hi everybody welcome to MK my name is Jack and today we're gonna be looking at made me smile golden retrievers and husky meeting their best friends newborn kitten can we just appreciate how amazingly protective dogs are to other species kin like they don't gain any benefit doing it they just do it they just it's just what there's driven to do my brother went on his very first job interview today he is growing so much I'm super proud of him even though he is Down syndrome he lets nothing get in his way I have doubts but downs don't have me oh that is a frickin line above ever heard it yo if you need some motivation freaking listen to this guy me isolating myself even after quarantine ends finally the castle can be to myself no more having to put on this silly voice I can just enjoy some nice wine and dead flesh ah this'll land our animal shelter sources dogs into Hogwarts houses happy dogs go to Hufflepuff brave dogs go to Gryffindor smarter dogs go to ravenclaw and ambitious and determined dogs are put in Slytherin sorting them this way helps people adopt the kind of dog then look for they call the program this is brilliant I am willing to fly to Orlando just to experience as myself that ain't some beautiful inspiration I was just the loyalty to a mentor and respect for so on it helped you get so far but who's considered normal height here one day the super short of super tall there's nowhere between yo that ain't a snail that's a freaking for Haman see this is why you don't feature Pokemon too many candies they mail they can only level up so much my special needs brother has trouble staying at home all day but the look on his face when my parents brought in three foster cats was priceless and made my day in 2017 a dog named Odin refused to leave his flock of goats behind during the California tubs fire as his owners fled to safety days later the owners came back to their property to find Odin survived and managed to keep all the goats alive good boy I'm not wearing a costume I'm here to teach holy crap bull s'eye Snickers never mind Margaret we're good we can't fly but we have each other here I made you this I'm just lazy I can totally fluff hey at least the guys honest about itself loyal dog white leaf spot where owner died in car crash 18 months ago so locals built him a home rest in peace Mannion best dog in the world I'm an alcoholic 18 months sober nice one Congrats Congrats I'm proud of you congratulations my dad is two years sober after I told him that I didn't want to talk to him drunk since I'm his favorite child he hasn't touched a drop of it ever since I still thanked him for it and how proud I am that he chose his kids over whist I got my dad back freaking pulling my heartstrings there okay user nervous what are you into Kelly girl Kelly girl oh I love bad boys user has disconnected good boy showing a game you mastered for many years to someone you care about okay our press space to jump penguins wander empty art museums director says they seem to prefer Caravaggio regardless if I pronounce those correct I love that the directors response is immediately well in their opinion they like this rather than oh my god call animal shelter I gave my three-year-old three M&Ms to have without rhyme or reason she turned around and gave one to a grandmother and one to me I've done a lot of things wrong in my life but I tell you I must be doing something right here ah kids playing the long game she thinks she's I'm manipulating the kid into learning good things but the kids manipulating her to give them more treats and rewards that's why you don't trust kids never praise them never give them any rewards for doing a good job you can trust me I'm a totally qualified kid psychologist dear human being if you are the person going through our bins for your next meal then how about you pop in and I'll give you a bottle of water and a little snack for free you were worth more than a meal from a bin we may also be able to direct you to facilities in the town that may help you chat in the team Maggie's husband couldn't have pets growing up when she bought their first house she got him a little surprise hello little guy why does no one ever shown me the second part of this mean man that's a wholesome sq-- little D right there perfectly I'd like to imagine they went out of their way to just clear out all the scenario on that grass bit and all the leaves and trees this is cute however they're not technically on the suction bits of their bodies meaning they could easily slip and that tree branch is clear wet and that's a pond beneath them as well I'm not making assumptions but clearly these people aren't using the safest state scenario bro you good that username worries me yeah but I kind of do suffer from depression that really sucks man just so that you can talk to me whenever okay all right thanks and they stuck to their word that's a rare thing and props to you can I have a girlfriend I just realize what their name actually since I just found out that some flowers usually face the Sun but when they cannot find it they face each other and I didn't know it made me smile bro where's the Sun you owe my son hmm hey Google do you know my birthday if you want me to remember your birthday you can add it to your Google account I've already added it happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday from Google's happy birthday to you today isn't my birthday it's not your birthday today but I'll sing you this song anyway because you deserve to be treated like every day is your birthday oh yeah that joke wasn't lesson blood done isn't sweet and get a text message whenever their blood is used to save a life the program hopes to recruit and retain more donors by highlighting their importance and getting them excited about making a difference hell to the yes yeah this photos gonna be like a one in a million I'm surprised they haven't accidentally kicked each other in their sleep yet it still really chewed though all a big flu fell asleep next to the fridge what is this Doodlebug ah best name ever an orphaned baby kangaroo was found abandoned on the side of the road when he walked up to a human held out his arms and asked to be picked up his rescuer later gave him a teddy bear and he wouldn't stop hugging it oh that's so cute but also really kind of sad because it would clearly be just desperately wanting its mother Oh stick to the positives cute baby kangaroo and teddy bear it's cute you thought you were only gonna buy one little white kitten from the pound today - dude say he's so nervous can this be how we have to like a dot pitch from now on you actually have to take him out on the date or something and they have to like actually like you I think everyone would just date dogs though because they'd be easy [Music] begging friends just to play with you look you de critics used to criticize Indian singer dalam ND by saying that the only reason his songs were getting popular was because the music videos had pretty women in it so in 1998 dollar make the song tunak tunak tun and is a music video had only green screen clones of himself this song went on to be dollas most popular song yeah take that sex sells logic connecticut teacher takes in students newborn brother while entire family recovers from covert and she continues to teach okay no this is just voluntarily but teachers deserve to be paid for if you ever think you were ugly or worthless just remember the Crockers don't care how are they constantly happy what is this secret ads that thing from an old spongebob episode that i can't remember the details of this old lady often goes through the supermarket to read books so the manager put a little bench for her now that is some high-quality manager skills right there man I love when Street graffiti gets creative I'm so glad public eye has learned to embrace this kind of stuff wow that is just incredible you only see this kind of stuff in photos or movies but to be like that in real life that would just experience in itself and I want to meet an elephant now my just cool and see if my sister wants to hang out I saw this parked his bike by this lamppost just about every day for the last year this morning this sticker had appeared absolutely made out day people can be so brilliant thank you whoever did it there it is an act of kindness not a financial act of kindness but an act Klan is nonetheless dude that is amazing is that edible though oh man now I'm just hungry for sushi my friend's five-year-old daughter is obsessed with Pokemon and she's very attached to a Pokemon girl Clarion which is called flurry so I doodled them together oh that's freaking cute more of this please I am a fifth grade social studies teacher today I spent two hours on a google meet with one student to help her get caught up on assignments in every class not just mine poor kid is usually home all day alone while his mum works he introduced me to his dogs and ate lunch haha we need more teachers like this less teachers who just do it to get a check my niece loves chickens so my dad made her a chicken stroller [Music] you can actually buy harnesses for chickens yes you can walk your chicken den oh that's a thing over in America but here it's weird but she can do it chubby single and ready for a Pringle his pringle slang for something um I'm not caught up president of Poland's made a rap song to promote fundraising to help hospitals bike who I a rap song I guess if you can't sing maybe you just resort to rap I don't know melting it on rappers they're saying it's not my garbage but it's my planet else that's a perspective I've never actually considered before you just want one kitten okay um let me just throw it offer in the LC yeah we think um how about five I don't know about you but military photo day gets weirder every year like maybe bills to commemorate a special day for some people okay that will be a different thing but you know I don't know why I have to kick my leg out like this or to do a handstand against the wall it just it's weird please enjoy I made it from the bottom of my heart remember you are the star that completes the sky whoa what this person needs to frickin write poetry or something where did that come from the star that completes my sky did this kid freaking read Shakespeare or something my grandpa got bitten by a spider and he was really upset so I went to get some cream but before I could leave the room I heard him say at this age I can't handle the responsibility of being a spider-man [Music] [Laughter] [Music] rest in peace of my pop this is exactly what he would have said you okay Gator just one of those days thanks Cooper I always have your back this is going to be the fluffiest white kitty I've ever seen and it's got different colored eyes where do you live fluffy cow where are you from I must know so I can patch you I want to touch your joke okay one photo dad has a baby then has a better idea to get rid of the kid and own a dog instead like a responsible adult put in 2001 Kenny waters a man who was wrongly imprisoned for 18 years for murder was finally freed after his high school dropout sister went to law school to prove his innocence hot damn if that ain't some family loyalty again don't know why you need to color every single word in like a rainbow but okay my mother gently rocks her head in the nursery and I know somewhere in her mind she's still the grammar school girl from Camberwell green dancing kissing sailors in Trafalgar Square it is VE Day and the rest of the century is hers ten-year-old designs a plastic curtain to be able to hug her grandparents safely during quarantine on the look at her face back up that yeah- don't you come out you only get to be outside when a videogame character I like dies this is nilly she's an astronaut please don't interrupt her spacewalk 13 out of 10 that's one small boot for the pup one giant poop for pup kind I'm gonna take you out for a dinner tonight because I think you're cute hey this is what I do my girlfriend hates and I say this too I'll say to him maybe unlikely you want to take this outside huh there's a restaurant across the street bro it really could be great use it as a pick-up line if you want boys you're welcome my dog has been assigned to play with a puppy at his doggy school and they've actually become best pals Oh smiling just beams of happiness everywhere pause this isn't working let's try something new you're nothing you will powerless a little bit of the crafty universe I see serious talk so this is actually a very effective strategy to do for yourself after almost any negative thoughts just come from a force a habit the moment you confront them and question them the more likely you are to be able to overcome them fight the power as they say one time I called my boyfriend dumb because he took the bus instead of the Metro at work bus takes longer and he hit me with I take the bus so I can call you every day before work I don't get signal on the Metro and then I realized I am dumb and I think about that a lot poor boy was preparing that won a bet and I bet he's gonna rely on that thing every single time he's in the wrong you forgot to buy groceries yeah but I I use the bus and so the Metro to call you back nice duck returns boys flip-flop it bill down it good guy dark out there for all of us now photos aren't accurate enough the youngest one should have more of a double chin it's not real fake guys spike happy sixth birthday do you know what is so wonderful about your birthday it is not the cake for the presents it is you I hope your birthday is six times better than the best birthday you can ever have have lots of fun god bless you there's a bird nests in this traffic light like there they are using that light so they simply install a new traffic light instead absolute legends pre covert chokehold safe social distance joke hold my god Star Wars new this entire time the whole saga was preparing us my family predominantly my sister owned horses growing up and this just makes me want to ride them again get big snotty noses and make gobbling on carrots you put them out with your hands oh I've read about this once this little kid would always wave to these guys as they drove past one day the mother went out of a way to try and approach these guys to ask him for a group photo and the kid was so stuck just ah this photo isn't it the kids 21st better yet keep in contact with these guys and have them visit utility pen doesn't seem very convenient to use there my cat says hey my cat says hi back when they added a photo on his signature this time wow if that ain't some high quality dog oh that looks so real as it looks like a real-life Paddington not that it's a real dog I know what the real goal that's very cute but I'm gonna be a bit of a party pooping Karen here and suggest that you're encouraging your kid to enjoy a life of alcoholism unless of course that's apple juice specifically cloudy apple juice I don't know I just really like apple juice right now alright guys that does it for today's video thanks again for watching if you liked today's content please click that like button and subscribe if you haven't already click the notification bell as well have a chat in the comments while you're here I'll say hi to other than that guys thanks again for watching my name is Jack and I'll see you in the next video bye bye you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 725,973
Rating: 4.9617219 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: DM3iXlEK-4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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