r/Hmmm | horse...? what are you doing up there horse?

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custom stitched facemask by God himself good day good evening good night good wherever the hell you are right now my name's jack welcome to MK we're looking at some mm-hmm let's get on to it hmm cat hat or Mouse hat which which name do you really define this as yeah good luck enjoying that beer with that thing on excellent choice of headwear though that'll definitely help stop the it's spreading to your face I don't know what you were taught at school but this isn't gonna stop you getting computer viruses no I don't like this I don't think this is what people mean when they say speak with your eyes guys you can't minecraft in real life not everything works is simply how Steve off my keys in the car can you help me out you need to get in your car no problem I know how to fix that now Steve what are you doing we'll just start zoomed in on the happy little couple getting a photo with the cute kitties they're posing nicely and I can't just start to slowly pan out just a bit more just zoom out some more ah there it is there it is so that's why people find it hard to figure out what emotion she has I don't care what they told you this isn't gonna make your hearing better hold up did you just buy a skateboard for a guy on a wheelchair mum you're one cold-hearted mother finally a golf club with the same density as my crippling self-worth I'll seize on the field who told you this was a good fashion choice don't don't trust them to lose their best friend think this is a joke but this is actually what birds get up to when you leave home don't let your nan see them though she'll call the police on them maybe find something else to prop on top of the door instead of having a giant gas cylinder swollen to someone's head I that's not gonna end well I'm christening it not how that works but okay my boyfriend said he'd always be there for me and now he is my favorite thing about him was his eyes just like I see I found your problem warning demons and classes may appear further away than they actually are okay so guys this does not prevent self undeath from our building we're gonna have to remove this this isn't actually helping it's just not hot is that a tactical light why do you need a tactical lights just garden in the morning geez okay I know this is fake but still it's pretty fun yeah I can't fully tell what's going on here is she like pretending to take their orders or something or they like extorting her for money because she looks so scared I would be too though these guys shriek like crazy I'm sorry was that the chicken or the vegetarian salad yeah of course teri I'm sorry chicken but I even say that ah peace to you as well little mouse here we see a Karen with her son in the morning just at the glocal cafe having a nice treat of the newspaper before her morning poo throwing out the waiter they said I had to take pills with the food they didn't tell me how ah women why the walls melting circa 1936 the world's first cats video uploaded onto the Internet stop you have violated the law that probably is in a safe area to be mocking him right now okay now I'm just theorizing the idea of what Kim jong-un would be like if he was in an insecure world oh that would be like so I'll make an enemy of that who did this and why haven't they been made world leader yet hey mom dad look I wasted my time I'm sorry that was a real mean thing to say government stay-at-home fishermen at home I can see them and they still won't bite I guess you could say he's as skilled as fishing as what he's doing right now happy birthday sorry you six siblings died oh this is cruel there's no way this guy did not want them to do this oh damn is my type of chair I want to buy it I'd also be so scared of my PC though like it'll drop at any moment what did you get for lunch ah my mom keeps trying to murder me for a life insurance what is that is that a real baby's face or a doll or something run away kid I don't want you to be tapping on your crutch just to say hello to me forget the effort it would take to do this without any like mess happening to the pants this is a dumb design as the lockdown lifts the Karen's make their advance I'm sure they're not all current here there's probably at least two Jenny's dude this is genius I got a pool don't you live in an apartment yeah well if they trip that all out of once I feel like they possibly kill someone walking by that wood hits like concrete I don't care this mouse is an alcoholic he has a vest and that's adorable yeah see I told you that kid was the Antichrist and now Jimmy's dead Karen and it's all your fault relationship level bonded biomass ah my favorite pair of sneakers jogger is whatever we want to call them but also not this is one of those things where you'll look at it and be like I want to do this but you'll never bother to do it you won't even bother to start finding out how to learn to do it because I'm lazy I mean you're lazy you want stairs going into the building yes you want this entire wall to be Windows yes and the stairs to curve up to the point that can even be like accessed up to the ceiling yes I've always wanted to be in the crappy design subreddit so hey yes so glad wrap doesn't solve everything can we just make that understood just so we turned through this well it's there as further proof Stalin did in fact love Easter when I grow up I want to be just like you mommy what's that dear I Karen oh man this is just cruel start life jackets me start laughs uh yeah my feelings towards this are exactly how that person is expressing Blue's Clues really went off the rails didn't make there is so many questions with this thing firstly why did you give it shoes did he want to experience riding a cow but didn't want to go so slow like Oh y-yeah very clever design I can imagine that material be so painful on your ears just look at how much that you being pulled in oh that's gonna take but also enjoy your sweaty mouth after like five minutes with this thing oh that's a cute doggy poking his around the baby feeder it's a terrible Photoshop but it's still gonna make me laugh I could get behind the drinking beer in the shower no problem but the chicken nuggets know you're gonna make them moist and soggy dude man some people just can't handle not having some coffee throughout the day I judge them for it but I'm just as bad on men find as a curse or a loss when they go bald but this man has found the solution allow me to beer you brother for my skull is it that too much suction I only show this image for like a second okay what did you think you just saw a bunch of people sitting around watching something you will write 50% of it the other 50% is the fact that they are all sex dolls do I risk dealing with water damage that could have costs up to thousands of dollars to my interior space or do I appreciate the blissful joy my dog will have for about five minutes I think we know the obvious answer hey man so got an engine to work for my car oh that's great dude yeah it's it's an engine it's a gadget know the stethoscope was there at first I thought this was just some robot punching a dead old woman come on get up wimp I'm not finished with you yet this photo looks exactly like some sort of weird surreal dream you'd have hey on the bright side at least you only have to pick off the mess now instead of using rags amateur photography classes be like this is not the place to put up a playset or even place a playground for that platter wait what are you doing how does that make you more comfortable every hand is a child that has placed their hand on the floor here well what did you think that I murdered them on my way to work to make some bacon literally I work at a bacon Factory so you want a rocking chair but you want to feel like you're on a ship okay this is exactly me when I'm about to go to bed and I hear a fly buzzing around the room I don't know if it's safe to say but uh this has given me some Tiananmen Square protest vibes the CIA will never confess it but this is the real reason they actually assassinated him he was too much of a weeb just sitting on a chair hurt just fine yes well why don't you get a chair made out of your spine and pelvis and for some reason painted it gold I can't tell where my loving it begins and when my fearing it ends yeah let's permanently lower the value of our car instead of fixing this easily cheap repair we'll see greens are healthy so if I were this than the healthy this will help counteract the virus whoa what I kind of want to know what it's like to live here is this place on air B&B Alice damn bugs gotten stuck under the thing again I gotta pull it out thank God it was just this though at least my car isn't on fire I guess no no no this is on purpose so you meant to run in through the window part of the contract that the house is only your's if you manage to break through the window without breaking your legs yeah I'm talking to you turn no I don't care what google map says I'm not going down this road we get it you don't want to stealing your paper tests oh yeah okay uh next time let's just eat out what even in the hell is this for God's sake adding teeth - it won't humanize it we laugh and make fun of this but we have dolls everywhere humans aren't any better by the way ever heard a tortoise make love ah you're welcome that's not a face mask it is it's not it is it's not a fake it is paint we can see it's paint I don't get it if and I think the funeral industry should be loaded at this time of the year [Laughter] looks like someone plays a bit of favoritism on leg day hey it's me and the boys when we want to go to the skate park but we have no skateboards this interior garage space is giving me Mythbusters vibes especially with what's happening with this car I miss Mythbusters just taking the babe for a casual stroll through a casino I look at all that wasted produce quick babe let us get some babe this is exactly what happens when you speed too much guys you try to put the brake on but up you've warped into separate dimensions I think I can recall this story what was happening was this goose was attacking and stealing stuff from people all around the bridge area so they literally brought in the police to detain her - said you couldn't have a jumping castle in the middle of nowhere no one you're damn right laugh at him all you want this guy's living in the future wait T see how he uses the kitchen sink and toilet by judging how well suspension was back in the day I'd imagine living in this house was like a constant earth questions that make you go what's the point of having rearview mirrors on the handlebars up there you can't even see them photographer gave these to me Terrance I love how Terrance is still slightly spaced out as to what the hell's going on oh god what why is this why you trying to throw me away Jessica now I will throw away your spleen both rooms just up the stairs face to the wall face through it again they got the other flight of stairs you'll be up there battery-operated picnic bear it drinks it's also seen things come on man was it really that hard just to go find a table first oh hey yo so uh maybe they don't put the candles so close to the laptop remember kids anything's a ramp if you dream hard enough I don't need to look in the background to tell that he's not in America right now looks like somebody forgot to bring the microphone to work okay first there's the raccoon with the machine gun and now they're able to ride steeds this is not good the possum tribe can only hold them off for so much longer uh-huh no you see they're gonna be looking for a body in the car hey has anyone seen my horse it's his name Sally she's a bit of a climber that's the sound he'll make when he eats that bit of cake is it slightly perverted of me that I now feel like eating cake this is awesome however unsurprising fun fact if you put all 600 of your muscles to pull in one single direction theoretically you could pull along 25 tonnes easily that's about to cruise ship anchors are about 40 Rex's just so you know what you're capable of this is an image you can just feel oh my head oh that's right just stay there buddy I'll come help you in a sec I'll use all 600 of my muscles hey what did we say about flocking into the bathroom I think there's someone on your mask there buddy you sir just rub it off is this cotton candy or hair what it's making me salivate and I hate it something somewhere changed ever so slightly I wonder if this is spraying into anywhere other than my mouth I do not approve of it far out is that just a normal rat cuz that is a chunky bunkie buddy see this is what the Illuminati doesn't want you to see this is what they do to the beach when you're not looking hmm some old lady hands with black nail polish eating some weird cheese and peas and nuggets while enjoying their dollhouse with snails just a normal day in my dimension all gone a cheetah's of cannons I mean some of those advances the recruits with the machine guns but it's still concerning you had all this space and you still crash the car some people have been saying my cat's kitty house looks a bit nightmare fuel ish but I don't know what do you guys think oh look at the time it's the end of the video this is a part where you have to now like subscribe and keep updated on future content by looking at the notification bell did I say licking yes I did why did I say licking doesn't matter who cares life's meaningless anyway hi guys my name is Jack SIA [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 533,638
Rating: 4.9432225 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/hmmm, r/hmmm best posts, r/hmmm top posts, reddit hmmm, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, reddit blursed images, blursed images emkay, thanks i hate it, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it emkay, reddit funny, r/hmmm emkay, hmmm emkay, emkay
Id: 6bT8bmPXWvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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