r/Mademesmile | this horse is sitting

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this very miracle is adopted this was her reaction to the first toy in her life oh my god [Music] hey there guys welcome to MA my name is Jackie my voice is a little cracky and I apologize in advance if I slightly lose my voice by the end of this I currently have the flu don't worry I've got checked it's not the bad thing but it does make me feel bad which is why we're gonna look at some made me smile to brighten up my day but before that gotta give a shout-out to some fanart this one's by Jimbo Jambo 595 all for Jack that's me who I feel so special you said you wanted to see the coin bird in a game I did my best oh my god what I [Laughter] love this oh my god I'll be honest I uh I don't exactly remember what this is about I do a lot of videos throughout the week but I still love this beautiful work one of these attack moves we got flower burst further punch coin is that coin poison no zooming coin prison oh I like that attack move and the cats moves are paunch and rainbows oh my god okay you've made my day already alright done thank you the redditor who sent me a fancy fountain pen for getting my GED thank you so much number 73 it made my day I want this I want a fancy pen I would never use it but I still want one look at that fancy ink bottle to look I would use a pen if it came to me like this and nothing like a cheap pack of 10 a kid in my school learnt that my wife and I are having a baby and used her pocket money to buy us this all that is one sweet child see now you're obliged to name your kid after this person otherwise you're terrible person so apparently sparrows imprint on their caretakers my friend found a baby I mean like a moment out of the egg baby baby on the ground he took care of it and now he is dad I'm at uncle ladies and gents meet bub hello bub so apparently in Australia the dolphins are used to people visiting them they seem to be missing people and have been coming to shore bringing coral to people as an offering where the hell is this happening like my own backyard I don't even know this was happening that's no fair I want a cute slightly sexually assaulting fish - come give me coral stop-attack don't bring up the predatory behavior of dolphins it's made me smile not make me feel uncomfortable after seven years of addiction I finally recovered good on you and might I say for someone who had seven years of addiction you've recovered very well of course all I've got to judge her is my looks if you're giving kids wedgies on the street though then well I think it's fair to say you're an even awesome a person an 87 years old woman called the a police emergency number in Florence Italy slang she was alone and hungry what is with my speech anyway this was the result good idea Italy specifically the police in Italy mum paints face to match daughter's facial birthmark to be just as beautiful as her that is very cute and sweet I love this as much as I'd hate to encourage hiding imperfections I think it would be really sweet of some makeup company we're willing to sponsor this kind of girl when she's older just to help her with the kind of issues with her skin tone I don't know if I was running a makeup company I think that's something I'd like to work towards doing as part of my business because if you're gonna make money off people who feel like they have imperfections you can at least give out to those who actually have legit imperfections but then again that's a very broad statement to say I guess because I mean we all have imperfections to a degree I mean fun fact both my pinkies are deformed and bent inward does look weird if a high-five anyone will wave at them blood they also fit perfectly on the sharp keys on the alto saxophone sorry you know I found a benefit to it after two years of steady work I can finally wear an undershirt around the house without being overwhelmed with shame I'm smiling under the mask I swear hey good on your body you could tell he's genuinely smiling because his eyes are slightly squinted fun little face factor there for you Johnny Depp always travels with his Captain Jack Sparrow costume to make impromptu visits to sick kids and hospitals with all the drama he's had to recover from over the last few years I really hope he's still finding time to do this for kids granted I wonder if Captain Jack Sparrow is even a recognized character still these days but hey he's doing more for Sick Kids than I am during her battle with cancer and after she beat it people like this are the reasons why I'll never question my body's ability to achieve something like yes cancer does defeat some people but then you just get some people who suddenly beat the odds and most of the time you can look this stuff up it's purely just because they had the will to keep going they didn't focus on the cancer they focused on what they can do with their lives right now to make their lives fulfilling I could talk for ages about this kind of stuff it honestly is so to me but I digress wonderful work woman I'm so glad you're still here with us you are beautiful today my wife is officially under 200 pounds and I was finally able to do a chin-up for the first time in my life nice work god I'm loving these posts today they're just all uplifting and motivating this is the thing we need to realize especially with people who are trying to lose weight after being at such a large size themselves if you weigh more you're gonna require more strength and get tired much faster doing exercises than someone like me who only weighs like 79 kilos at the age of 25 so you should never ever be comparing yourself to someone who might be skinnier than you or larger than you based on what they're doing when they're working out themselves you should always go to exercise to celebrate what you can achieve not to shame yourself because you ate an extra cookie today you can only do two pull-ups and ten push-ups great you can do two pull-ups and ten push-ups you didn't just do it and get it over with you achieved that don't know where I'm going with this I've just found that to be a very effective mindset to help me when it comes to going to the gym where often bah bah bah dah dah a while ago I posted a picture of my son in the hospital smiling at me after a scary situation yesterday he came home a hundred and fifty five days after being born oh look he's already giving you that look as a teenager word to their parents like oh really dad you're such an embarrassment stop taking photos of me my best friend and I got tattoos to celebrate 20 years of friendship won't meet Maurice he likes to peek out from under my sweatshirt to make sure I am having a good day hello just checking in again are you all good just about to make some lemon and ginger tea is very scrumptious would you like some the people of Derry Northern Island in silent protest for George Floyd and the countless others killed through police brutality we hear you we stand with you my mum and dad were t-boned in that truck was totaled but they're looking far too happy about that this is them with the newest car they've ever owned oh okay well that explains it we set it up for the insurance no they did it there's no proof of that I got to see my fiance today after two months of being separated by lockdown they must both be so wholesome for each other right now but seriously that is the cutest of cuddles I've ever seen my parents in 1975 and again in 2020 they've been married and playing music together for over 45 years now far out that is one incredibly aesthetically pleasing looking old photograph I don't know if that's a real thing to say but it just it looks so artsy I don't know why it's like that American Gothic portrait thing but with musical instruments with love from Syria we support and sympathize with people suffering police brutality in the US we surely know how it feels far out this thing has just reached far and wide hasn't it they're dealing with post and current civil war issues and yet they still want to go out of the way to help out with other country's problems it says stop me if you need medical advice this is a new men did I say that right amen amen amen amen yeah yeah I feel like I'm saying the same thing over and over again I feel like this wouldn't work in a more Western country though where most of the time people go to the doctors over the smallest things hello my toe feels funny I think I'm going to die I don't want to take the 5g vaccine what pills you recommend to stop it now I don't have any problems doctor I just wanted to say hi and chat for about 30 minutes even though you're about 10 patients behind today source my friends mother who is a doctor at the local GP during the protests in my country people have helped stray dogs that got caught in the middle of the attack with tear gas took them to a safe place and clean them oh good boy don't know why I'm saying go the good boy they're the ones with a good thing for you but you're just cute after a two-year battle I finally beat cancer thanks for all the support through these hard times it feels good to smile again and now you get the excuse to wear whatever crazy awesome wigs you want my six-year-old daughter she sees what's on the news we explained what happened to George Floyd and she was mortified today she made a sign and is doing her own peaceful protest out in our front yard I'm so proud a six-year-old is showing more morality and care for someone than people in their 40s do of course people's beliefs and judgement is heavily influenced by the environment and what they're brought up around but still it really makes you think dad build a stage right in his driveway to host college graduation for his daughter that is awesome and someone's made a smiley face in the sky looking a little bit deformed to that a for effort please don't talk to me I have no self-control and will talk to you for two hours and get no work done hey it's honest and hey the fact you put the Sun and the shirt goes to show that hey he does have a little bit of self-control after all we believe in you sir you'll get that work done and get that raised the guy next to me on the train was watching the office so naturally I'm not so subtly watched along he noticed me watching with him and turned on the subtitles I hope he knows that I would die from TV yeah this is a new tactic that pickup artists use they watch the office and wait for people to sit next to them on public transport and then it will subtly put on subtitles and before you know what they got posts all about them they don't even aim to hook up with a person they just want to get Twitter posts made about them this is the post with that good old Arnold Schwarzenegger what was he doing here seven years ago though I joined an AMA about a movie then I did another AMA about fitness and one where I screamed movie lines you guys requested but that point I love the conversation in humor here and people kept tagging me so I never left aha good guy Arnold Trump lover Clinton lover none of the above black white red brown or some other color each woman is a sister here and every man and brother let us put our judgments down and love one another this son is a good way to test if someone has an Australian or American accent bottom ranked sumo wrestler burst into tears after winning first championship Oh Oh my heart just melts for a new beautiful bubbly man sorry for the inconvenience we are trying to change the world if that ain't the truth so last night at like 2:00 in the morning my boyfriend who thought I was asleep rolled over just my forehead and whispered in my ear I love you so much I'm never going to leave I promise excuse me while I cry feel free to take that sound bite of me saying that and put it on your phone in the morning whatever you feel sad lover when they do day it do what move I love it when they move too it means they're alive I gave my three-year-old three M&Ms to have without rhyme or reason she turned around and gave one to a grandmother and one to me I've done a lot of things wrong in my life but I tell you I must be doing something right here joke's on you she just gave you the ones that she didn't like the color of ha ha ha little boy invites his entire kindergarten class to witness his adoption last time I ever gave me a menu on what kind of ride I wanted who eleazar zoom in and have a little look-see here we've got this stand up I tell you about things that are funny to me at least from prison stories to other poor life choices I've made don't get a love his name tattooed on you ever the silent ride there's nothing on it the therapy ride got something on your mind let me help take it off talk to me the creepy ride I don't say anything I just look at you from time to time in the rearview mirror Oh creepy like the rude ride I be as rude as possible safety comes before anything please wear your seat belt I have charges for every type of phone if you need one thanks for riding with me so I work at a photo lab but in woman came up to payin after each transaction I have I asked could I help you find anything else today she responded with a million bucks the elderly man behind her said ma'am if you want a million bucks just look in the mirror her jaw dropped and she was completely spitting ah ha ha ha old man still got the moves while watching a movie with her boyfriend's family I fell asleep in the sounds of the film I passed gas so loudly it woke me up everyone heard it that young man claimed the fart is his own that's when I knew he loved me I married him today we celebrate 15 years together no see the problem here is now he has something against you you were at his bidding else he tells everyone that that part was yours every time DeAndre Hopkins scores he finds his mum who lost her sight 17 years ago and gives her the touchdown ball one of the best traditions and sports make me smell don't make me cry whoa that is one colorful is that a real tortoise that is far too colorful for real tortoise that's a fake that's gonna be fake my cat ripped up in his favorite toy this is my grandma sewing it back together on the cats just they're eagerly hoping that it'll be okay it's like a family member waiting outside the surgery room just will it be okay doctor he's extremely proud of his painting ha good boomer after a woman was taken to the hospital with hypoglycemia yeah I got it right low blood sugar two policemen stayed behind to prepare dinner for the five kids who were still in the house afterwards they also did the dishes in Netherlands I don't know if it's my document but I'm just imagining a plot twist where like they never actually had five kids they just had to stay back and just have some free food I volunteer for a dog rescue we love seeing updates of the dogs and their new homes this one made me smile oh that is a perfect companionship there whoa I wish I had this costume when I was a little kid I loves dragons Who am I kidding I still do this man took over 1,000 children of fallen soldiers to Disneyland free of charge how much money do you have sir and thank you for using it in such a positive way gonna tell y'all what I can hear now that I got my hearing aids but they chirping it's so beautiful far away cow Moos my friend has this his backyard and to say I cried is an understatement oh it's a beautiful little waterfall pond my best friend singing voice chickens chicken noise me sobbing the filter for my fish tank bubble bubble bubble it's such a basic sense that a lot of people have but you really forget just how beneficial and beautiful it is to have it our ability to hear and even see things is such a gift just reading this post reminds me of that seriously go outside at some point I'll go listen to some music and just really listen to it like appreciate the fact you can hear that and just imagine what life would be like if you couldn't my friend lives above a punk bar and sent us this pic of her dog in the regulars that punk bar should be paying you for all the extra customers they're likely getting because of your dog yay casual selfies blind man and his armless best friend planted over 10,000 trees in China I am his hands he is my eyes if this isn't the best friend golfing I don't know what is I would not dare challenge these guys to some sort of co-op game they would just destroy the competition as a casual garbage truck they're on the road and they go for his swing cute I bet they thought no one would see them do this it'll just be a quick 5 minutes they'd be fine but now it's on the internet and everyone will see your beautiful cuteness have a photo of some people hugging to remind us that not everyone's being a pothead I work with a guy from Mexico who doesn't speak a lot of English a Canadian goose made a nest by one of the paddock gates and hissed at him while he was putting horses out he comes back at us after and says I do look like the Cobra chicken Stacey called danger noodle we're calling geese Cobra chickens that is a thing now well that does us for a bit of m'kay today guys I'm surprised my voice is still alive thank you all so much for watching and listening to my rambling Asst I absolutely appreciate it if you could like this video and subscribe hey if you new to the channel welcome aboard come along and see some fresh daily content for your feed that doesn't for me though guys my name's Ben Jack and I'll see you guys next time you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 550,591
Rating: 4.9472113 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: w8MoFGxifxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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