r/Mademesmile | FIRST BATH WITH MOM

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why can't I find someone who's cute short and thick I'm literally right here [Music] that's going I'm gonna welcome back to Mk my name is that container we're gonna taking a look at our slash made me smile we were playing catch and look what he brought back oh my god it's a Labrador he's worthy oh my god sea creatures those are adorable Japanese fan tried to talk in Portuguese and the crowd left Rinaldo stood up for him saying you should be happy because he's training very hard it's good you have now entered the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Silly Walks commenced silly walking immediately oh look at that showing us cat the moon look at it it's beautiful take what you need leave what you can and please don't forget to sanitize your hands legs going on over there do not remove stick this is for the lizards to get out fair enough oh my God look at that cross-stitching that is amazing that's impressive look at that social distancing perfect thaw beauty kit look at that first fish I'm proud I'm very proud oh they carved her out with a heart that's adorable just chewing on his tail just chilling kittens don't care if you're a tough marine to them your daddy my daughter is a big studio ghibli fan do you think she'll notice my tie as I walk her down the aisle this weekend hopefully that's amazing my sister and brother-in-law gave my wife and I a date night wallet filled with gift cards for local dates best wedding gift to give if you can look at them we're gonna wear the seatbelt good boy oh a cat and a lowercase cat this bunny was born without ears so its owner decided to make it some oho so the police and fire station are right next to my library which is a Pokemon Jim and pokey stop the cops are blue team in the firefighters are red and they are constantly fighting over the gym I found out cuz I was adding a Pokemon to the gym and some cops know to be playing Pokemon and they asked what team I was on and I told the blue and they were like damn right told me about this situation today by five-year-old laughed at this painting in the middle of a museum for like six minutes I can't blame him saw that Care Bear that's so cute look even the cat wants to watch movies this slipper girl thought a bride she saw on the street was the princess from her book I'm crying oh this is Ted he went on his first boat ride today hope you like his draft fest he picked it out himself 39:10 oh my god Kat latte that's impressive holy cow September 9 2018 vs. September 9 2019 I like how he's happy in both me too I'm happy for him very inspiration now everyone remembers doctors nurses and pharmacists and all other health officials but no one cares about IT guys who works 24/7 to keep everyone connected very true oh happy turtle now I am happy left my dog at my grandma's house for some days oh I'm this old is that a laser pointer looks like it not look you never stop liking laser borders this veterinarian has a comfort dog assistant that lets sick dogs know everything will be all right everyone like that a grieving dad designed this tombstone of his paralyzed from birth son climbing out of his wheelchair and reaching for the sky my son is bi I don't ask why my mother straight but she don't hate my uncle grandma on their way to a pride parade in the 80s oh hell yeah going to grandparents house leaving grandparents house very very funny hey what are you up to tonight babysitting how is it ha ha a rare sighting of the North American snow loaf my god have you felt unsafe on campus discriminated against friend afraid to walk around campus we will walk with you nice eating breakfast at a small cafe when this little guy hopped on the table Oh 10 signs you're doing well in life get roof over your head wait today you have a good heart you wish good for others you have clean water someone cares about you you strive to be better you have clean clothes you have a dream your breathing be thankful for little things but they have the most important why do dogs float in water because they're good boys do you guys know any neckbeards that you actually like I lived with an amazing neckbeard kind and friendly just loved computers and coding and anime it was very friendly the people he met but he was a apprehensively to strangers extreme social anxiety and depression basically made him a shut-in but he was very helpful to me as a friend and confident I haven't talked to him in months I think I'm literally gonna call him right now how'd it go we have plans to get sushi tomorrow that's pretty wholesome have fun never judge people by their appearance there's a lot more than meets the eye a 13 year old boy opened the hotdog stand in front of his house in Minnesota and someone complained to the health department instead of shutting him down the inspectors helped him bring his stand up to code and paint the 87 dollar fee for his permit out of their own pockets this business to companies been selling up to 150 hotdogs a day nice huh man with dogs in his pockets walking his duck which has shoes on nobody is in danger however you can pull the lever to make the train get closer just so you can wave it all the people as I was saying goodbye if my dog did this oh so happy breaking news local rock and great mood today that's good my parents are having a little party downstairs watching a movie and eating some crisps and I'm studying for a reson my dad came over to my room with these and just said since you can't come over to the party the party has come to you it's so sweet I was honestly tempted to procrastinate but now I'm back on track a father held on to his baby as he ran on stage to dance ballet with his daughter after she suffered from stage fright during a performance oh my wife convinced me to stop in at the Humane Society just to see what the adoption process was like long story short we ended up leaving with these two meet Tucker and Mike hello Tucker Mike's the first bath with mom aww nope I'd like to use my card leave me the [ __ ] alone card good for one day off from life yikes get some rest see you tomorrow Thanks there's a dog behind you what does he look like I finally narrowed it down to a few possible reasons the human is home all the time now four can't stand being away from me si loves me so much one my presence is a gift put lettuce dog lettuce dog Media video games cause violence meanwhile final fantasy players hold online funeral for gamer killed by coronavirus ball Aamir Khan donated bags of one kilogram flour to the people in need since just one kilogram only the poorest people came to take it but he had hidden $200 worth of rupees inside them so the money went to those who really needed it a Victorian couple trying not to laugh while they get their portraits done that's thurible here's a picture of my cat no one asked for this absolutely what I asked for thank you I keep the quarantine with you it's okay it's okay please can you write a silly joke on the pizza my six-year-old loves jokes and is feeling unwell Thanks what is a dog's favorite pizza pepperoni some heroes wear hardhats indiana construction worker Jason Haney hit a giant Where's Waldo cut out all over his work site for the children in a nearby hospital to find it once he received word they they found him he'd move Waldo to a new location so they could start looking for him again I've been drawing grumpy animals every day for over 100 days and this week finally my dream came true and my book 100 grumpy animals was published all over the world of cheer have a nice day sincerely Gary this message is proved by my wife Helen oh my god they're all reading a different book from diary boobie kittens I love this way too much after losing their own child this couple now for his birthday parties for less fortunate kids oh it's a smiling cheetah but that's it smiling cheetah told my granddad I was taking him for lunch my dad just phoned him and he said he's been up in showered since 7:00 a.m. already for our lunch date my heart this man left his 40 year long career in another airline to join AirAsia and fly as a junior just so he could fly with his two pilot daughters he wants to spend his remaining gears as a pilot by his daughter sides I watched her girl on a sundress kiss another girl on a park bench and just as the sunlight spilled perfectly onto both of their hair I thought to myself how bravely beautiful it is if sometimes the seat wants the city even when it has been told its entire life it was meant for the shore explain your smallness I'm no good I was walking into the unit's a day and I was telling two of my co-workers that were walking with me that I have never dreaded coming to work more than I have today and as soon as I walked through the door one of the patients got excited and said there's my favorite nurse silver linings even in the darkest days sometimes there's still hope dog felt lost in tornado returns home 54 days later all over that look at that army dog oh the clover is finally grown enough for her to munch on again imagine a kindly giant of unknown species in origin just picking you up and carefully placing you in a pile of chicken nuggets all chilling a bunk bed there was a cat long ago there was a cat who swallowed a ball of yarn when the cat had kittens they all had sweaters on cute redditors who have actually gotten married how did you get your spouse's ring size without making them get suspicious no joke I felt the fingers and held the hands of co-workers and friends until I got one that felt like my wife's and that's what size they were I've been holding my wife's hand for so many years it's almost a muscle memory kind of feeling sure as hell it was spot on oh my god wet cat versus not wet cat my girl wanted to piggyback picture on the beach and a random biker watching the sunset city 101 - fair enough hello I am Japanese the singing voice is very beautiful I have subscribed to you because I liked you I will support you good luck the force is strong with this one this girl was paid $1,000 to shave her head she donated money to Cancer Research and gave away the hair to make wigs for cancer patients Oh 20 years later and I just became a nurse at the same hospital I survived cancer science teacher from rural Kenya who donates most of his salary to help poorer students has been crowned the world's best teacher and awarded a 1 million dollar prize beating ten thousand nominations from 179 countries got flowers from my girlfriend this was the first time ever receiving flowers in my life was just embracing them and my mom caught me looking so she wouldn't do a photo shoot a girl my sorority once ran across campus to bring me a battery for my insulin pump because I was in lab and today she pulled out a handful of batteries and said she carries them around just in case I need one and it's honestly the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me in Turkey a man named Barack soy Liu has been going around dressed like spider-man he drives around in a beetle buys milk and groceries for the elderly and delivers it to their doorsteps when he asked why he said my superpower is doing good for the neighborhood friendly neighborhood spider-man Wow a dog Oh sniffing the flower got drunk cut all my hair off and sent it to charity hell yeah dude oh they gave the mail lady a gift and my favorite undrafted free agent story ever negotiated with player directly no agent told him we had a deal bonus would be a thousand dollars he said no joke mr. brand I only have $200 now but I promise I'll bring the rest when I get there I said no no we pay you this woman's husband might not be able to be with her during her chemo treatments but that won't stop him from supporting her Oh where there's a will there's a way though look at that heart antler pandemic rising unemployment looming food shortage crumbling social safety net by 2020 worries my daughter smiles at me for the first time my 20/20 Joy's looks is so happy when someone says that they had to abandon their pets because they moved maybe for a new job in the new city show them the example of the Syrian family who escaped from the war and have traveled at more than 1,000 miles as refugees with their cat his family lost nearly everything in war and had to move and leave everything behind but they did not leave their precious cat behind as part of our family they revealed as simple as that a little Easter egg in the circuit board of a guitar pedal made the music passing through this device somehow helped to bring just a little more peace to this troubled world a quest I'm sorry dear I don't have any quest for you West I mean is that a Dragon Quest look at the curious dog oh he is wandering what's he thinking about customer with a full shopping cart in front of me you go first me with only two items my husband and I are surprising our six-year-old by taking the disney for his birthday tomorrow we've been in the car for four plus hours and he still keeps thinking we are on our way home from school he keeps saying looks like we're almost home lessons look at that rent just chillin himself in the Sun you know easy easy staying cool flower crown dog Oh beautiful gorgeous stunning the woman who can command me hasn't been born yet four years later have you ever seen someone paint with their feet was a first time for everything seven-year-old me waiting for my dad to finish his call from work to tell him that I love him oh you really think your job is tough I'm sure you're right most jobs have difficult aspects to them kudos for you to sing with him bourbon dog oh my daughter and her neighbor friends spend a lot of the day sitting 6 feet away from the sidewalk shouting compliments at strangers walked by it's the right mood for these times just overheard your shirt matches your dog and I like that about you you look at these three the stair squad that the big cat is a blue right eye and a yellow left and the little one has a right yellow eye and AB left blue one that's so cute dude they're at home all day it's heck and amazing thank the ones who feed you thank you the Queen promotes captain Tom Moore to honorary colonel on his 100th birthday a home hike looks like someone who's a little too much bubble baths don't you think after needing 13 liters of blood for a surgery at the age of 13 James Harrison pledged to donate blood once he turned 18 after discovering that his blood contained a rare antigen which cures rhesus disease James Harrison for six decades donated his blood and saved the lives of over 2.4 million babies this picture is of his last blood donation to be surrounded by mothers whose babies he helped save true legend sorry wrong number no worries thanks anyways I tell you there's something about baby just love Cheerios look what's one what is it oh that's cool that's so cool like the Terminator that's awesome these cute little elephant statues was a cute wife remarries her husband as she falls in love with him again after losing her memory you did it you crazy son of a [ __ ] you did it oh look at those blue those cherry blossoms you gotta love them look at that happy baby that is a happy baby a punk stops during a Gay Pride Parade to allow a mesmerized child a touches jacket spikes but that's awesome that's wholesome these are these are perfect images captured at just the right moments that's so cute just resting his head on his owner said hi I'm from USA Texas so high hope finds it from Texas bite you're a good person please don't throw away that that's so you too sister love brother fall that's that's wholesome breaking news local Fox goes I'm not sure how to pronounce that but look at it look at that adorable fluff ball strikes again on this table every day at 11 a.m. free lunch for anyone who needs it made with love by a neighborhood mom wow that's so good and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash made me smile thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button in the bells to get notified mmk uploads and until the next one I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,332,711
Rating: 4.9717913 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: B7zzJPJJUuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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