r/Mademesmile | GET EM GRAMPS

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my daughter beat cancer today best xmas gift ever can i get a motherflippin [Music] i did a lehone burrino what you doing over there oh feeling the big sads i see well if there's one thing i've learned in my psychological degree it's that the best cure to stopping sadness is to not be sad i know crazy who to thunk that don't worry that therapy session's on the house in the meantime if that doesn't work i don't want to do this check out our slash made me smile by the way my name is jack this is mk hello welcome i'm sure you're aware of that already but let's get started today is the day this little lady becomes my daughter happy adoption day best christmas present ever though i'd say honestly that's uh that's gonna leave a lot of hair around the place and let's not even get started with the dog social media has some great gems of holiday advice praising social media in a good way that's um that feels weird my younger brother is trans my parents have been horrendous about dead naming and misgendering him at thanksgiving i used an air horn to correct them i fixed a two to three year long problem in two seconds 10 out of 10 would recommend this training method absolute genius it's like a perfect blend of being violently disruptive while not being physically violently disruptive what this really exposes to is the fact that clearly the parents could gender and name their child properly they were just choosing not to ah what am i doing this has made me smile not made me sad and depressing about reality ah next image growing up i didn't realize how poor we were my parents were amazing at providing for us we loved watching baseball games and i wanted to go to a game so bad we could never afford it to make up for it while we were at school my mom made up tickets to that night's game and money for us to spend when we got home she had set up chairs in front of the tv and numbered them gave us the tickets and money and told us to go clean up before the game come game time we lined up at the doorway my dad took our tickets and told us how to get to our seats after the game started my parents went to the kitchen and had a tray of hot dogs candy and soda hot dogs get your hot dogs we got out the money and my mum made and brought whatever snacks we wanted best baseball game i've ever been to when i was 13 my mother purposely burnt a blue teddy bear i had to teach me a lesson for the past 10 years it haunted me my girlfriend surprised me with this bear as a pure gesture of kindness now i am a 23 year old male with a teddy bear and have no shame i am so grateful for my girlfriend oh so your mother mutilated your childhood friend that's it is that is that a lesson somewhere there i don't i'm just too big you guys will look really small in the photo with me let's try another way i knew those weekend photography classes were useful for something almost six years ago before my dad passed he gave my sister this ten dollar bill to give to me on my 21st birthday so he could buy me my first beer cheers pop having this one for you you're welcome son what did you get apple juice good boy keep it healthy one time about five years into our relationship my girlfriend now wife and i were in separate rooms in our one bedroom apartment in early december from the other room she hollered to me what do you want for christmas i had been working full-time taking part-time university classes to finish my degree and had been volunteering as part of a youth mentor program so i said all i really want is a break three weeks later i'm unwrapping a very heavy shoebox after getting through the mountain of duct tape and several layers of wrapping paper i had my very own brick i really didn't understand what you wanted it for she said but you sounded so sure of it so here you go cue about 10 minutes of laughs and now that brick sits proudly on my desk every time i am overwhelmed or feeling like i've taken on too much i look at it pick it up have a little laugh and put it back so i can carry on best gift ever you know they say communication is key to a good relationship but i mean this this couple's really challenging that my sister's dog was at the park and another golden retriever ran up to play after talking to the owner it turns out they're brothers yes i was losing my hair due to anxiety and it made me feel sad and powerless then i said frick it and buzzed it all off here's my first hairless picture no more powerlessness hair or no hair i'm still worthy of happiness damn right you are you beautiful blue white seriously why your eyes so big and blue they're so mesmerizing oh my goodness blue eyed beauty canada just announced it'll provide the new covered vaccine to every canadian who wants it for free canada has ordered more vaccines per capita than any other nation they're planning to donate excess supply to impoverished countries humanity see that's how you take care of your people cancer-free last surgery showed no more signs of cancer yeah man you destroyed that star sign i really hate to brag but i have a private chef that prepares my lunches uh hello rich people troy's joining you yes i'll halt meanwhile in good news my 11 month old son just came off his ventilator this morning following a ruptured brain aneurysm 12 days ago what he's going to make it to his first birthday on christmas eve oh no a christmas baby ah child you were gonna make your parents so poor what's the single most important item in your home that has value of one dollar or less a brown plastic realistic cockroach named freddy we got it over 20 years ago i don't remember where or why maybe a halloween party anyway my wife and i have been hiding it for each other ever since it could take months for freddie to pop up but he always does she will find it buried in the sugar pot i will later find it inside a pair of shoes i rarely wear it often makes us jump and give us a small fright i'll hear my wife let a surprise gasp and go oh freddy for me freddy is a great symbol that our relationship is still solid after all these years and that we still take time to have fun to surprise each other so what kept your relationship strong well just a bit of live laugh and cockroaches i graduated college today first generation low income and first from my tribe to graduate from stanford wild hell yes you be proud of that i know in the grand scheme of things this is really just someone becoming another statistic for the sake of progress but it is progress that they are contributing to like you proudly wave that flag my grandma who is in isolation accidentally dialed a wrong phone number yesterday and spoke to a random lady also isolating for 20 minutes about her life they've exchanged numbers so they can keep in contact and meet up once this is all over and i think that is lovely yo why hasn't someone set something up like that yet like some sort of app where you just get to look up people and you can like try and match with each other to just chat during isolation it's like tinder but without the d-bags and only fans plugs i have covered and my fiance leaves food for me and then sits in the hallway so we can eat together tonight i got surprise hot cocoa why did that trigger me jesus don't worry i've been tested it's the negative it's not covered it's just something else that's killing me my favorite part about opening gifts labelled from mum and dad is that my dad is just as surprised to see what his insiders i'm just going to overdub myself here ha ha ha yes why is our daughter crying she won't go to bed unless we find her elsa dress just tell her to let it go yeah no i'll go look for it after not seeing my grandparents for months they finally figured out how to work facetime this was my grandpa's face when he saw me hey diddly honey marino you can seriously tell how happy is just based on the fact his eyes are literally shaped into rainbows we are open christmas day from 12pm to 2pm if you are alone pop in for a hug and a mince pie you don't have to buy anything we are family hey that's not covered safe mince pies are very transmissible with this disease my eight-year-old is battling her uncle in a prank war last night she delivered this devastating blow you're not dealing with an average eight-year-old anymore uncle steven for as a pre-teen i have more access to far greater and obscene words behold this fart is merely the beginning of the chaos about to be spread this is what 50 bucks means to a small business 50 is nothing to a billion dollar company start shopping small um whoever just placed a 50 plus order in my shop thank you so much that literally just paid for half of my groceries tomorrow what's your biggest flex that you'll never tell anyone i was in the grocery store and saw an older woman standing in the aisle comparing what was in her cart to what was in her wallet obviously counting to see if she could afford everything based on her body language as she walked away i could tell that the answer was no so i took a 20 out and walked up to her and said man when you were over there just a second ago this fell out of your wallet i handed her the bill and just walked away so she wouldn't be embarrassed if she figured out i was lying i did hear her say thank you so i half turned and told her you're welcome have a nice night it was only twenty dollars but i think it made a difference to her and that felt amazing oh my god so i signed up to this organization thing where uni students studying french get paired with old people in france who are lonely to have conversations over skype i just had my first one and it was the most wholesome thing my french grandma is 91 and she likes knitting and lives in a retirement home and asked me at the end i'm not boring you too much am i would you like to call again next week i just got this message from the organizer oh my goodness i'm gonna cry it says thank you for the conversation it was really nice she can't wait to call you again ah i mean say what you want about how technology just makes people more distant and not social like freaking technology is amazing dude let's let's be real oh welcome back dad notes wife pregnant 10 months breastfeeds 12 months quit's job to stay at home with our daughter me pretends to go downstairs behind the couch daughter survey says that is my best friend ah men making women go against fellow women i'll be honest i'm kind of disappointed they didn't keep the same theme color of their clothing but i'm also very thankful that all of them are in the same photos even after all this time i know this is pandering but i've been depressed for months and haven't hit the gym during that time mr schwarzenegger can you please tell me to get off my lazy butt and hit the gym i swear to everything i hold dear that i will snap out of it and go i'm not gonna be that hard on you please don't be that hard on yourself we all go through challenges we all go through failure sometimes life is a workout but the key thing is you get up just move a little roll out of bed and do some push-ups or go for a walk just do something one step at a time i hope you feel better and get back to the gym but don't beat yourself up because that's just useless talk it doesn't get you closer to the gym and don't be afraid to ask for help good luck oh by the way that was from schwarzenegger himself too so you know it's uh wow whenever my parrot flips out and gets angry i say hey in this soft oh did you put your name in the club on fire dumbledore asked calmly hey in this soft comforting voice and then talk to him gently he calms down within seconds now i just got frustrated enough at something that i went ah my parrot said hey all softly and sweetly like a dozen times over the next minute it made me feel better instantly my parrot is better at conflict de-escalation than most people okay to be fair parrots are cute and adorable and beautiful creatures if i if i kept saying to my girlfriend hey like over and over again for 12 minutes i'm pretty sure she would beat my face 12 years ago i was homeless today i'm a homeowner okay the one thing i find trivial and frustrating about home ownership is that in reality it's never immediately possible to achieve it there's no cheat or shortcut to do it it's just time and effort and i hate that i hate that i have to be patient well done job to uop i am absolutely envious in the most supportive of ways this is chester when i was in afghanistan i got a care package from one of those adopter soldier programs that lets family send care packages to service men and women who are deployed overseas anyway i got this care package and it came with the usual stuff baby wipes crackers peanut butter the dad threw in a pack of cigarettes and there was some jerky but there was also a little beanie baby goldfish and a handwritten note from a seven-year-old girl that said dear soldier i wasn't even mad i hope you were doing well i'm sorry you have to miss thanksgiving with your family this is my friend chester he keeps me safe from monsters but i think you need him more than i do i hope he keeps you safe from the monsters you're fighting take good care of him for me you bet your ass that little fish was in my pocket every time i went on patrol have what thoughts you have on soldiers and war as you like that is an adorable story and clearly by the look on that clownfish's face he's seen things this is a picture of my grandmother with one million dollars she worked for city federal savings bank getty images now owns the picture she passed away two days ago and i just wanted to show off my amazing grandmother mary reed look at her there just chilling next to what is like the most difficult thing to ever experience attaining for most of us just another day for me after leaving an abusive relationship being homeless unemployed no family except my two-year-old daughter i get to hang this on my tree and it means so much wow well freaking done honestly that is an achievement especially in that year i mean i think we can all agree that year was very difficult for us financially well unless you're in some of the industries where actually they gained a lot of money from it but let's not get into that drama shout out to men who haven't felt okay lately but you still get up every day and refuse to quit stay strong kings hey this one's talking about me george county animal shelter big muscly madman driving away in his big pickup truck what did he adopt why the mouse kiss freaking adorable thing i've ever limited ah that's a cake give me the 5 000 subs so i can brag at the elderly home ladies and gentlemen we did it no matter what life has given us we've always found something to smile about i'm proud to finally call you my wife oh i well i didn't know this was happening guys i'm well not prepared um i'm flattered thank you oh oh right this is a post about your okay no no it's cool it's cool no it's fine i'm sorry that was that was my mistake i i completely assumed wrong no i'm happy for you really i hope you and that cow have a lovely future together a parent's love for their child a year after my granddaughter was born my daughter was telling me how wonderful her toddler is how smart she is and just all around lovable she is she then said i don't think i could ever love anyone as much as i love my daughter then she paused for a moment as realization washed over her face dad is this how much you love me bingo kiddo now you know meanwhile in edmonton at some 7-eleven we understood that schools are closed and that some families rely on school lunches so monday to friday 11 a.m to 12 p.m kids 18 and younger can have a slice of pizza and a banana with a bag of gulp on us yep i said bag of gulp i'm committing to it that's literally what they get a bag and some culprits my wife is making chicken nuggets and fries for our daughter's lunch and she laughed and said it's fake mcdonald's so then i said mcdonald's and as she just stared at me not laughing all i could think of is man that would have gone viral on twitter my 64 year old mother told us on thanksgiving that she got accepted into a phd program at upenn it's never too late to do what you want yeah you know what you're right screw this i'm being an arsonist my father turned to 90 and wanted to do a photo shoot to be posted on social media even though he isn't on it and just look at those fashionable poses oh look out vague i've always wanted pink hair but just never had the courage to do anything but blonde i'll be 46 in january yes good on you present yourself how you like to present yourself of course there is a limit especially if you're a nudist speaking of expressing yourself in pink hair my grandmother promised all of us if she made it to 90 she would get a pink mohawk well she made it to 90. rock on grandma i think what i love about this most is that she clearly won this like she didn't find this a bad thing at all my dog chewed a hole through his towel and stuck his head through it now he wears it around the house like a poncho hola big floof my wife's conservative religious high school wouldn't let me take her to prom 10 years ago because we're both women so i threw her one in our home for our fifth anniversary oh damn are you like a freaking functions event designer or something because you that is a talent after 70 years of neglect my dad decided to start taking care of himself he's lost 75 pounds this year and i've never been prouder of him yeah nice work daddy oh sure it's a late start but it's a good start nonetheless for those who are interested schwarzenegger is quite active on reddit especially around fitness and is endlessly encouraging uh you could just say his username bro say three times to summon our king works every time i hope you all are having a great day can you imagine how fun it is for me to get these notifications every other week with some memory from decades ago i am not the type of person who looks back too much so these posts are heaven thank you all i suffer from major depression these rings represent three days in a row that i have met my workout and movement goals it's not a lot but it's a start oh you must tell me what app this is that looks very satisfying to accomplish my dad was going to bed tonight and he needed to inform me that santa was in brazil i'm a full ass adult and i can't tell you how much i love my dad calling to give me center updates merry christmas everyone i'm being a bit late to be sharing that one but that's still good still lovely so was just looking through my phone and turns out these goods uh female genitalias took some banger selfies after they took my drunk butt home bloody legends oh i love that they're smiling but you can see in their eyes this is just like another day for them on shift my son begged me for this stupid shark at the souvenir shop then photobombed my pick it's now my favorite pick from our visit to the oregon coast wow what a beautiful view that's my house my son asked for a new xbox controller for christmas i didn't think about why he needed a new one until he opened it up and got all excited because now his sister could play games with him he didn't want the controller for himself he wanted it so they could play together as someone with a sibling i can absolutely vouch for the total joy you get when your sibling can play games with you oh my god my voice is not healed i know things are dark but i just watched the fedex guy pluck a snail from the sidewalk cradle it in his gloves and find just the right size tulip in our front yard to set it aside yeah well that's good for the snail but what about me where's my gentle cradling from a fedex guy for the very first time in my life a tall person stood in front of me at a concert looked back asked can you still see and then answer themselves with of course you can't i'm like six feet tall and then moved i wish so many blessings on their house i am trans and transitioned almost five years ago my family has been slow to come around but this year my uncle made a family tree for my grandparents and included my new name on it now that's just beautiful they're not trying to make a big parade about it they're not trying to draw attention to it they're just accepting it it's just it's family maybe this doesn't belong here but my grandpa passed away from covert he was a lifelong christmas tree farmer looking at these pics of his farm the simple beauty of his life's work put a smile on my face through the tears he was a great man you know without the context of the post this photo just looks like any other normal photo you take in a field but with it it turns from just a simple normal photo to something meaning so much more really ruins the whole point of this subreddit though it's made me smile not made me feel ah the first number in my scale has been a two for the past 21 years but not today ah take that freak you too i have a confession when my husband gets stuck on a part of a video game for a long period of time i will look up the solution on my phone and then give him vague suggestions to push him in the right direction i've been doing this for six years okay that right there that is a that you cherish that sir you cherish this woman people from 40 different communities showed up to this man's call at chicago i need 10 volunteers to help me shovel for seniors tomorrow i'm getting too many emails from elderly folks that need help meet me at 79th street red line stop at 10 am tomorrow i got hoodies hats and lunch for anybody that comes through oh imagine the awkwardness of arriving with preparing 10 lunches but having to get like three times that amount grand gesture nonetheless though what's that can't stop laughing moment where you're in a situation you shouldn't be laughing visiting my grandmother's grave with my grandfather for the first time a few years ago expected tears and a solemn day instead we passed a grave marked wanda and my grandfather said well i wonder what killed her none of us could stop laughing my grandmother would have loved it after coming home from iraq tyler's dad had nightmares so bad he feared closing his eyes tyler designed a smartwatch app to detect their onset and disrupt them with a gentle vibration it just won fda approval to treat ptsd related nightmare disorders okay so basically tyler is an amazing badass man and i hope his father is very very very very very very very very very proud of him yesterday i overheard a little kid asking their mum why i was using a wheelchair and the mum simply replied well maybe his legs need a bit of extra help you can ask him if he's happy to tell you more no shaming the kid for asking no treating disability as a hush-hush topic yes please more of this my papa lost my gran in february after being married 50 years and it's broke my heart how lonely he's been since and today came to me all pleased with himself tell me he'd gone and found a group of men widowers that meet up each month to do woodwork and they're letting him join yes please also more of this i was offered a random day off due to an overstaffing mistake and took it i decided to have fun with the pets i got all ready for work like i normally would and they did their usual job of trying to persuade me not to go and i made a dramatic show of letting them win they've been on a happiness high for the past three hours hey 2020 ain't all bad i asked this handsome fellow on the right to marry me and he said yes wait you're right am i right it's it's can't clarify i don't know which one you're clarifying here well you demonic offspring it is that time of the video where it's finally time yay today's beautiful work is by not alive undead 489 they're a brazilian 11 year old fan tried to make a handmade zombie thing and that's it enjoy the art well i will but only because i choose to you don't get to tell me what to do you amazing drawing person you thanks for the lovely work not to live undead i love the details because who needs skin anyway ugh that's so 20 20. remember to folks if you'd like to see your future fan art in a future video be sure to post it in the mk subreddit now you have reached the end of today's rambly smiliness i hope you have eventually smiled at some point in today's video if you haven't well then no refund suck it you'd you'll be sad forever now i'm sorry i can't hear you but what i can tell you to do is to like this video and subscribe with that notification bell clicked on so you can always be updated on the latest goodie videos but of course that is all for today so i must say farewell my name has been jack you've been a lovely person to ramble at as always love your face and i look forward to seeing you for the next one until then bye-bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 720,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: aAx_GImu5bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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