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my meme who made seven people laugh me [Music] how's it going everyone and welcome back to MA my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash made me smile run like you stole something this is good advice but don't steal anything stealing is bad nothing wrong with a bro helping out another bro learn to surf you love to see it my girls thought I needed a new look to the hard hat what y'all think I love it it looks fantastic they did a great job this image has shown me what true love and happiness looks like I love it this is the I listen this is my favorite subreddit I've said it once I'll say it again just chill with your dog just using it to prop up your Kindle I mean they both look comfortable Jim Carrey making Stephen Hawking laugh I love seeing celebrities just goofing around and this this is this is good this is some wholesome content now look at her look at her she's having a great time you know you look great the flowers they just fit perfect big ding dong is back in town I love it he's back ladies and gentlemen look it doesn't matter how old you are you can do anything look at this guy Lee I don't know how old he is doesn't matter he's getting his black belt and he looks damn proud and happy of himself I'm proud dad can you teach me how to build this model tomorrow absolutely bud just come to bed still he really googling how to build models he still thinks I know everything and I'm not ready for him to find out I'm an idiot yet hey this dad is willing to do anything no way they're playing battleship over video call I love that dude battleship is my favorite board game period this is awesome oh look dinosaurs need love to that she looks so happy it's gonna be hard to tell her to let go man builds custom game controller for disabled daughter with spare parts a Jersey based man hen built a custom video game controller for his 9 year old daughter who cannot use fiddly controllers because they condition affecting her motor controls Rory steel used spare parts and built the 10,000 200-pound controller I think those are pounds with two joysticks and flashing buttons hooked to an Xbox adaptive controller in a viral video ava is seen playing games using the device this is fantastic I awesome technology is so good what do you think happens when we die Keanu Reeves I know that the ones who love us will miss us that's my bets my Keanu Reeves I bet whoa look the cat is exiting its home and I'm sure it's gonna go right back in there in a couple of minutes I can't blame it new review for Mac's tavern came to Mac's with my mom Maggie she lost her firefighter husband and we lost our sub dad this review isn't about how cold the beer was or how good the food it's about a bartender who looked at my 74 year old mom and shushed a bar for him for a second to honor Randy's honor with a toast salute to him the bartender was in tears as was mom we will never forget this it was a beautiful human moment I am forever grateful ty this is good I love that five stars from me as well it's a weakened kid oh my goodness I I'm smiling so hard right now big cheese from me I remember when you were small enough to curl up on my chest and sleep I was afraid I would break you with my big hands back then you have taught me a lot over the years I hope your day is the best I hope you have a good day too I'm out of the some 1.3 million words in the English language there aren't enough to describe how much I love you dad I googled why cats sleep next to their owners and apparently it's because in the wild sleeping at night is dangerous so they're just trying to protect you oh also I hope you won't take this experience against me no it's not your fault you were just lucky you want to answer my chat low you're welcome you know what today is my first day a job you are my first valuable customer and that I'm assisting with I hope I have done well today well congratulations on the new job you did great keep it up thank you for your kind words uh-huh and every scene you are my star Michelle Obama happy birthday baby this is good this is wholesome what a what a good guy that Obama look at that look at that the young and the old bonding also give that kids hair that's it's pretty wacky oh my goodness oh man the kittens the kittens are coming out and I had up then so are the big smiles this this is so cute dude oh my god I just I just want to look at a little longer okay okay okay we're good we can move on this old lady goes often to the supermarket to read books so the manager put a little mention for oh that's so cute that's so nice and sweet what the heck oh man but cats the cats get me I'm sorry they I just love them too much he's hung his hug in the arm it's good the goodest boy a girl could wish for wolf eat the hero dog stayed by missing three year old side Jack Russell puppy wolfy has been described as the goodest boy by a relief family member after staying by the side of a three-year-old girl who wouldn't missing in an outback in outback Washington the goodest boy in bead kids are told that inside these special bags is a super formula that will help them get back into crime-fighting shape that's so good that's so so good I go to the same gas station every day after work for beer and burritos today when I asked for my burritos the guy said they're hot I know you'd be here so I made a fresh batch and that's the most thoughtful stuff anyone's done for me in a while that's good that's so wholesome yeah you gotta love when people just know you're coming and they're like you know what let me prepare this thing for them look humans get sleepy dogs get sleepy they gotta you gotta sleep no matter what you are phone now I can't remember what animal this is but it's still cute dammit I I that's what I can say for sure I love it the year the Cubs won the World Series thanks Frank is that cat high-fiving that is that's so good that is that I thought the other can add some wacky hair this this is something totally different that's so cool I love magnets and stuff do you want some fried potatoes don't know I don't remember what it means is it a smile look at the way it's lowered its lips that means sad then you do want some potatoes a West Brom Van won tickets to their game versus Stoke last night however because he is already a season ticket holder he kindly donated them to a homeless charity this man sean has supported them all his life but has never been able to go to a live game just look at this happiness he is happy and I'm so glad he is he deserves it toddler is melting down in the library that mom is mortified a stern old lady approaches and I hold my breath it's okay she tells - mom I've been there you're doing great and then to the toddler you're doing great - you're doing your best oh this cat looks like it just got woken up and it I can't tell if it's happy or not but it's cute that's for sure are you on a date that isn't going well is your date not who they said they were on their profile do you feel unsafe for even just a bit weird we're here to help just go to the bar and order an angel shot meet your bartender will escort you to your vehicle with eye your bartender will call a taxi or grab for you with lime your bartender will call the police will handle things discreetly and without a lot of fuss always stay safe this is good this is incredibly smart this needs to be in like I assume this isn't like a bathroom or something the Board of Supervisors Department of Human Services in a standing room only crowd recognized that Linda a hearing last night for a near nearly five decades of serving as a foster parent to more than six hundred children in Johnson County Iowa that is incredible holy moly oh my goodness look how small it was and it's so big now that's a big boy I love them did you know that you can text the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art at five seven two five one and they will send you art tech something like send me happiness or send me a landscape and see what you get I said to send me shoes and got this Masumi kura Yotsuya from the series men are beautiful 2014 that's really cool courageous Border Collie leads 900 sheep to safety during Australian bushfires he is a dog of focus commitment and sheer frickin will so we played B and D with my 11 year old cousin yesterday and it was his first proper session he had real bad luck with his dice rolls and his elf just died after a solemn pause looking over his character sheet he writes Junior next to his name and proclaims I am here to avenge my father this is so good I love this I I still haven't played Dean D so I don't know like how everything works but I kind of get the gist and that's that's adorable a dad and son are here at the airport waiting to go to LA they have a bag with muffins kid says can I have one of these dad says you're on vacation buddy you can have anything anytime they both take bites dad says Wow mom did a good job the son says yeah Oh what do you get when you cross a computer and 1 million mosquitoes a gigabyte ha ha good one oma sorry couldn't respond right away I just got out of the car that is ok I put a smile on your face what's the scariest lake in Canada Lake Erie this is so nice to wake up to this is home so wholesome I love it again nailed it Thank You Grammy oh oh look at that that is a happy llama I'm happy for this llama kids I will be home after school today with my own nerf and ammo last one I get will not have to do chores all weekend good luck and be ready mom oh boy oh look at that it's playing with his dog that's that's wholesome it's a simple things she still thinks this picture I got as a joke as a picture of the Tooth Fairy she's going to be pretty upset when she watches Pulp Fiction for the first time Oh Oh got my first date of 2020 already lined up I mean it's a court date but it still is a day and I'm dressing up well that's that's good Kimberly Wilkins ain't nobody got time for that woman has overcome her drug addiction got her life on track and is now glowing I didn't mean I didn't even think about what happened to her that's really good I'm happy for her this young man I hired as a temporary helper off the streets no home no clothes living under a bridge seven months ago well he is not missed a day has never been late not one complaint has reunited with his parents has a car has clothes on his back and now he's officially a WM employee with benefits an amazing story an individual God is good I am incredibly happy and proud of him big dog Oh small dog oh but big dog will protect small dog Oh small dog oh happy she doesn't look very happy with that carrot what did that carrot say to work it wasn't the way that it looked at her I don't know I don't know oh yeah Jurassic Park Jeep that's so cool I love that I would I would freak out if I saw that in person a small joy in my life is that my sis is dating a guy with the same name as her cat and human Nigel hates that we call him human Nigel sorry Nigel but um you'reyou're gonna be human Nigel from now on I ask more animals protecting each other you love to see it this guy looks like he's been caught in the act what was he doing was he sleeping on the job he's probably been out of jobless it's a cat look look what can we say donated stem cells check donates blood regularly check donated a kidney check yes you read it right Azim is an incredible person who not only donated stem cells to save life but also donated a kidney to a stranger a lovely three-year-old girl from Newcastle this is the stuff heroes are made of love generosity and bravery good Anya good on you azim little girl sings you are my sunshine to our cat as he passes away oh I'm I'm gonna cry I am nope I'm fine I I'm all good oh my goodness is this another baby kangaroo what are those I don't know what those aren't I don't want to get it wrong and did like look like an idiot but this is so cute preschoolers make hot cocoa raise ten thousand for classmate battling brain cancer that is fantastic $10,000 that's good what is that is that a little snow dinosaur I don't know what exactly it's supposed to be but that's what it looks like and I love it wasn't sure which stick you threw so I got him home and a ball look at that that's that dogs putting in some work every year since I was little on my birthday my dad would pick one of our irises and give it to me and my sister with breakfast in bed this is my first year I haven't been home for my birthday and you thought I forgot your flower here it is birthday girl oh that's that's wholesome you didn't forget he found a way to do it this is a good image I love this no matter how old dogs always be at the best a night you'll never forget Congrats Noah so proud of you Noah congratulations from Grampy and nanny words can't describe how we felt seeing you achieve yet another career goal keep them coming first in a NHL goal way to go Noah Dobson that's that's wholesome Jen Ellis a teacher from Essex Junction made the mittens and gave them to Bernie I put in a little note I believe in you and I've always believed in you and I hope you run again and now he's running again he's wearing two men's I made for him that's so good I love that how lovely that we humans a race that loves petting things live in a world full of creatures that love being petted truly marvelous I agree I love you mom oh that's you love little notes like that just you know simple things again I love it I know I say I love it for a lot of things but what can I say well what else do you want me to say I just love a lot of things and well we have reached the end of our slash made me smile and made me smile it did but we do have some fan art from user who inked King Arts some youtuber fan art I've had this in my files for a while and I decided to finish it MK has given me many smiles throughout every video and I love to hear Damien and Zac having fun and a little blast from the past I also made a reddit account for this oh I saw this one on my Instagram shameless plug a follow me on Instagram Zac X fuller but this is really good I remember seeing this I love the old gmod player model so those were the days super super super duper cool art right here very much appreciated thank you so much and hey go follow King and K Arts on Instagram I hope I said that right but go follow when they're good there we go there's their username go go go check them out good art thank you so much for your fan art and thank you for watching if you enjoyed what you be sure to that subscribe button and the bell see you notified every time m'kay uploads and until the next one I'll see you around you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,507,231
Rating: 4.9530129 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: 5QwOpcES9P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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