r/Cursedcomments | CURSED WEDDING

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your heart rate is zero beats per minute [Music] Hajime much dip to objected s and welcome to M K hope you're enjoying a wonderful day / evening / eternity in hell and let's get straight into the cursed comments do boys who are virgins exists redditors allow us to introduce ourselves technically we all had our wieners in our mother but why why would you say that why first person I already want to shower we're home to a great start no.1 biology students pppp pppp the beat the beat beat so the secrets are having a massive peepee is having a moment of dad with you see that explains it my dad's into futa I mean what Android 2d cartoon iPhone high quality texture it's funny because the iPhones battery dies before Mufasa does Oh easy mate easy ejaculation is murder it's not murder if you eat it afterwards no then it's cannibalism my lips forgot what a kiss feels like my arms forgot what a hug felt like my heart forgot how love feels like my dad forgot what a can debate is oh that's not cute and cringy Steve from minecraft 7 something is rising in at ain't my XP level huh who wants to see me skin a Furby Oh thought you said furry got me excited for a second when I was a kid I thought vegetarian and lesbian was the same thing how well both lifestyles do lack meat okay yeah I can see the correlation every woman's biggest nightmare is late marriage yeah sure it is mine is sitting on a toilet and a hidden snake attacks my pajayjays but okay see hers I believe if you could eat one food from any animated movie what would it be mine is the eggs from Shrek Jessica rabbits act that's not what the question is referring to meanwhile in our / dad jokes why is the ocean so salty no one ever waves back I thought it was because whales jizz in the ocean social distancing is important it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye oh yeah got poked out by those teeth yeah that's exactly what I was thinking - your jawline is stronger than my will to live that's one way of giving a flirt / compliment I guess fun hole why that does not sound right ruin a musical by changing one letter The Lion King let me tighten your masks I'm gonna stop there before I go way too far if humanity sent another Rover named attention to Mars after ours you had my curiosity but now you have my attention ah hahaha thanks dad every 60 seconds in Africa a minute passes okay what's that got to do with the post so does ten children ah how come people can snap KitKat bars and nobody cares but when I snap someone's neck I get sent to prison hashtag fix America okay the difference here buddy listen here cat cats are meant to be eaten humans and not the not meant the not meant to stop Billy Eilish I'm so depressive Kurt Cobain Oh my shotgun now actually give it back what's this this way cuz cometh brings out the west of me step one catch squirrel step two breed new domesticated fancy squirrels step three step four take my freaking money I followed your instructions I started breeding with the squirrel but now that I'm pregnant he wants to make it official and get married I am NOT ready to settle down would you rather have a cute girlfriend or a hot girlfriend no majority says it's huge probably because they're too afraid to hug often believe them personal experience what oh we have a third option living yeah that it'd be nice for a change how do you get into that situation I wish I had a living one what shower thoughts if bookies have a four hundred year lifespan then han Solo is basically like Chewbacca's thirds don't Han would have lived longer if Joey had gotten him muted and it's true meanwhile then I'll slash teenagers if this ain't relatable I meet someone we talk I explain why I have two lego indiana transport they leave every time i thought everyone did this in my family they do but I guess my family is weird when your Secretary's math massage was so good you almost told your wife Oh Hilary I had a wonderful day okay VeggieTales facts when you die your voice is added to the chorus of children yelling aye aye captain in the sponge loving trill how would this book from you people I can't hear you okay best one by far men of reddit your pee pee is now prehensile means you can control it and use it like an elephant Trump what are you most excited to use at 4:00 I extended my house naked listening to classical music and pretend I'm conducting the orchestra with my peak I couldn't even think of that answer all the name stop saying I wish start saying I will buy my own line to class I will I wasn't broke I will I had parents see you guys it works get out of yourself dude with a pointy tool stabbed through the heart with some force are you feeling it now mr. Krabs this is like the Game of Thrones version of Spongebob Squarepants I'm selling a deer nine dollars I'm selling a deer sometimes he box because he has awesome that no that's not what that means nine bucks is a cheap meal even comes with free toothpicks no Ice Cube that fits in a water bottle no this is the freaking staff that would qualify this year as the future ever I've tried these and it's all fun and games until you take a sip and get deep-throated by a four inch ice rod just hanging kind of turns me on sure buddy you do that with your ice I was blessed with a 9 inch PP that priest is imprisoned s-sorry bike anyone have any tips on how I can shoot myself without making noise I believe the suicide hotline can offer tips on that the anal cavity is a natural silencer firstly what secondly how do you know yeah doof doof EDM music the beat dropped harder than my grandma down the stache oh my god new chandelier was installed in the apartment below Oh surely they'd have to pay to fix that that is some sort of breach stomp on the screw so blood drips down and they think it's a sign of Jesus yeah okay what if they're Satanist slow and they think it's some good thing so they start drilling more holes into this here we may have had more in common than we first thought plants now the way my genitals in the air of humans mean fragrance so that's the way to pick up you don't you know wave your testicles about guys that's how you pick up women allergy season is caused by plants performing [ __ ] upon the whole of humanity why'd you make me read that with my eyeballs meanwhile I've had a fun fact to share at parties now aircraft curbs aircraft fly across water craft earth craft where's the tower craft that one's my favorite it's been 19 years we could talk about it now me dying in a video game why is it when something happens this is always you three lagged Packers bs you forgot the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse they're your teammates my stepsister doesn't let me concentrate I feel it's worse because it probably is a very innocent comment but it we can't take it innocently anymore thanks Internet foreshadowing literally every step relationship out there man dies after freezing self an iceberg an attempt to beat avatar aang record what this can't be serious dead Frick sposa one Hank easy teens a DBC wife I have returned after killing multiple people teens 20 20 mom help I'm scared of a mozz never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with wait y'all don't kill multiple people and have a wife at age 40 many more I do but I'm still afraid of moths you'll never escape them off they'll always get you your mom is angry she calls you by your full name she calls you by your gamertag she calls you by your reddit username then she calls you by your premium username that'll confuse things a bit because everyone in my family uses the same club account spittin straight backs the human body is 90% water so we're basically just cucumbers with anxiety I have to agree with him so does that mean using a cucumber as a dildo is closer to where's a scientist we need this figured out stat forget koo koo kachoo 19 we've got more important scientific matters bridesmaids hold rescue puppies instead of flowers know how cute it's all fun and games until the bride throws the bouquet please don't do that Harry Potter would be a good anime never mind I've lured Dobby munch on mine I'll be here mr. Potter Master has given Dobby a sock to put on his master's cup breaking Japanese politician busted for looking at alligator pics during debate what did he do wrong though he pulled his pants down and started massively debated what he was debating during the debate just because he wasn't doing your code two paiting dozen people but a man who had a stroke in 2004 permanently lost the ability to feel sad dude that is such a win oh my kitty I'm sure there's some repercussions to her that makes her not so great but still I'm always a little happier for a few seconds after I have a good stroke - he saw us meeting the Ducks and pretended to be one qua why were you feeding the dog to the Ducks no homeless men set on fire while sleeping under a bridge okay light a fire for a man you keep him warm for a night my demand on fire you keep them warm for the rest of his oh that is bad this car comes with a glass floor who's asking for this stuff this car even comes with a glass floor so you can look down and see if the guy you ran over was a friend or not I think you'd be able to tell when you go up and drive over them honestly meanwhile on ask reddit what two games when combined would make the best game ever Monopoly and strip poker seems like you can't afford my rent start stripping her family game that just got twisted I'm sorry stepsister but you landed on my boardwalk with a hotel I swear Hopper cursed comments is just incest jokes six-year-old me when I dig down seven feet but I don't see China wire well I have a fans where my siblings hmm well my pasty posterior pistachios that does it for today on m'kay thanks for watching like this video if you enjoyed the content really helps us out subscribe if you are not already subscribed what are you doing we got more content every single day through that hole now though my name is Jack I have been talking to you today and I'll see you guys next time bye bye [Music]
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Views: 562,319
Rating: 4.9539652 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, emkay cursedcomments, cursed images, cursedimages, cursedimages emkay, noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, r/noahgettheboat emkay, r/noah gettheboat
Id: B-8y2dflcuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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