r/Iamverybadass | so scary....

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try and make me wear a mask and the same thing will happen don't have to do what you tell me i also don't have to explain my reasoning i was just ready to die man beaten after confronting men for not wearing masks dang a lot of these dudes are super secure with their quote-unquote masculinity hey how's it going out there you sexy sobs welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're looking at something a little different yes that's right i'm going to be taking a look at r slash i'm very badass oh i've been waiting for this moment a long time you have no idea it's my favorite type of cringe all right without much further ado let's get to it shall we this whole system is rigged the people have been deceived if we don't come to arms and fight right now the united states of america is done the elites have won it is a sad day for our republic tell us when and where i could bring at least 30 our men at any moment they could each bring many more we don't lack the will we lack the leadership and the ability to fight the united states military [ __ ] you won't come up to me and talk cause i put my sharp blade right through your [ __ ] eyes okay but what did i do to you though also don't step up on me frodo baggins i can tell you a shorty kicked out still too scared to fight lol damn right geez rough time in my life i remember picking fights with bouncers in wilmington just to see how many it would take to beat me god i was stupid and had the grammatical skills of an ass the answer is four it would take four to beat me why are you an anime character but the worst written anime character andrew what can i say that the courts already haven't if you've gotten this far then you've looked beyond the photo so welcome and come on in yeah that photo's real spooky my dude what's so cool about communism anyways put me v50 commies and blood won't be the only red thing on the floor what the [ __ ] does that mean what else is gonna be on the floor that's red that's right i ate a bunch of red crayola markers before the fight and i'm gonna [ __ ] myself this is like my third controller that i've broken in less than a year due to my anger issues and you know what i'm perfectly fine with smashing the bottom of my controller against my chair so hard the batteries don't even stay in anymore i'm also fine with the fact that the controller won't turn on anymore i'm a-okay what's wrong nothing just love breaking controllers so much it's so fun whatever kyle you don't know what lurks in the dark go and search he makes a pretty decent npc are you sending me on a quest what's the reward here bro i'm 11 and can deadlift 230 pounds but everyone wants to fight me maybe that's because you're 11. you're three foot two and you're stupid death walks amount us but i'm not scared of death he is scared of me i remember when i used to talk like this while playing runescape jesus christ dude cool but still wow i have a dark side too don't mess with me or you're next no one cares do you know how many people died while hanging out with me so don't act cool or i'll find your home address does it look like i give up oh this is the type of cringe that only gives me more power give me more excuse me i'm getting a little caught up in this i once hit a wall like eight times bare-knuckled breaking my hand in six different parts didn't feel a thing until i went to the hospital and they moved the bones back into place bet that wall didn't mess with you again and this kids is why you learn to control your emotions and how not to punch walls that'll break your hands well you're real dumb for doing that apparently most people have had dreams where they're falling i've never had this dream in my life but it sounds really fun like a free no risk skydiving trip why do people describe it as a nightmare sounds like a blast then again i rarely have dreams at all my sleep is mostly dreamless a black abyss explains a lot i guess dreaming in general is undignified and unmanly real men never stoop to indulging in such fantasies fellas is it gay to think while you're asleep fascism right okay then good luck out there in the real world whenever you actually go there i bet it's not often i'm nearly two meters tall and weighs 73 kilos i kicked the [ __ ] out of two bouncers there were easily 1.9 meters and over a hundred kilos in the street there are no reels dirty fast fighting everything is allowed hits to the groin to the throat i don't care even if they could they who wants to fight on the street must be ready to die that was an utter roller coaster very hard to read i want to stress that very difficult the guy everyone tried to mess with to try and prove how much of a badass they were all of them failed and the guy who pissed off all the senior football players in 2010 lol yeah i'm homophobic the heck you gonna do about it i'ma kiss you i'ma give you a kiss right on your pretty face but i'll only kiss you with your consent and i've got a sneaky suspicion that you're actually a little bit more into it than you're leaving me to believe screw with the one i love my family my friends and i am going to [ __ ] you okay um let's slow down maybe pizza first hello there red white and beautiful are you tired of weak beta males that drink soy lattes soy is for [ __ ] and i'm here to grab yours i like my women like i like my coffee hot and ready in the morning every time i get an erection a bald eagle cries out in american pride and the flag flies a little harder i don't negotiate with terrorists or toddlers i'm a free american and i want to know if you're free tonight if if that doesn't get him at least one date i'll be pissed dropped out at 17 started learning to fabricate natural stone commercial fisherman and tugboat captain now got on a motorcycle reckon 05 took out my spleen and stent in my renal artery for a year after pissing blood and still working got an infection in march of this year amputated all my toes and most of my fingers started back at work this past august no pain meds at all just willpower and not being a vagina always helps when you want to work trades are where it's at i don't know why i keep slipping into some kind of crappy pseudo-southern accent with these but they all fit the bill about me i'm a jackass get used to it because if you start first or trigger my anger issues or any of my disorders either i come for you or i get worse people to come for you that's right come for me yeah that's right i believe they're called razors i care about my knife so much everyone is scared of me even when i don't have it so think i'm gonna be a murderer someday do i need therapy again lol random it's good to see that some of that has survived the myspace age well i can't very well legally go out in public and kill liberal [ __ ] at will like i can on a video game can i jack there's nothing quite as satisfying than hearing a whiny little liberal cuck crying because i shot him in the face over and over again but i'll gladly give it all up for legalized murder of liberals and their squads of pansy ass followers well oh good lord there is really no good place to start with this one all right we're just gonna say parlor and move on you know it's kind of cheating on this sub i own a nine millimeter it's loaded with hollow point bullets i know mma when i'm out with it damn near nothing scares me that's real are you real best way to take away all these people's ammo is just to get a little bit uh you know gay with them you know what i mean that really freaks them out oh what you're gonna shoot me i'ma kiss you starbucks refused to serve me with my face covering apparently mesh masks are against their policy i asked to see their written guidelines and they couldn't provide them for me i walked out and ripped their sign off the door on my way you know that's not the first time i've seen a karen demand written rules like we don't need to give you anything this is a business today a 100 pound five foot four teenager called me an [ __ ] for not wearing the muzzle i'm six three and weigh 260 pounds yeah that's right i'm going back into a bad southern accent i know it's terrible i apologize i've never worn the muzzle not even once and this was my first time ever getting harassed no one had ever said anything to me before so this little 16 year old looking boy whose entire body girth was smaller than my arm comes to me inside the store and said you're being a real [ __ ] not wearing a mask i chuckled and said why are you being so rude and hostile he says because you're gonna kill a lot of people i smiled and said that's very sad but remember not everyone's going to be as patient and as cool as i am and you get the wrong guy you might get hurt he walked off real fast i'm still smiling about the whole encounter as i think about it but one thing's for sure that kid was brave for talking to me like that it's sad that it was the wrong kind of bravery he's still scared of the common cold right that's what it is he was going real hard trying to sell the fact that this was a teenager it's probably just his mommy yelling at him for all who know me would you feel comfortable approaching me as a complete stranger and blaming me for your daughter being sick i like to think i'm a nice guy but i can also be your worst nightmare hashtag food for thought yeah that food don't have much nutritional value if you could be born any time in history when would it be explain for me 1900 fight in world war one roaring 20s great depression fight in world war ii then experience the 50s and the 60s in my 50s and 60s enjoy my twilight years with the modern conveniences of the 70s and die in the 80s before all this internet begins close second place would be 49 bce campaign with caesar and the gallic wars this isn't casey neistat nah my brother isn't like that he would backhand a girl i would punch a girl bro you might be 17 but i can flip your ass i can ruin your life instantly man you don't believe me i dare you to try me i hear the certification to become a keyboard warrior is getting easier and easier is is this supposed to be emotional if so then i'm afraid my tears and emotions have been dried out because i've watched so many sad animes yeah but i'll drop her as i have no care for life calm down there satan i'll make satan look like a child when i'm done oh there's the badass you found him no one 45 year old out of shape dudes in a world of sheep i am the wolf i am the wolf around and find out you know man you look just like the one pictured everyone talks big behind a screen yeah he just he just doesn't get it does he i am an [ __ ] i love freedom drink beer i love my nurse wife i protect my family i eat meat and i own guns if you don't like it move i mean i'm fine with moving you want to help me with moving costs i'll go really anywhere man oh no it's jake paul you know what since you dumb enough to run for president you dumb enough to get knocked out where the hell you at about to knock your little wig the [ __ ] off donald trump little [ __ ] let's do the ppv where the [ __ ] you at yo joe biden put the gloves on why you being a [ __ ] when i'm trolling i really gotta hit save draft what i think we're all waiting for jake's trip to japan doug ford says nobody's being forced to take a vaccine but encourages as many people as possible to take it what he thought i was going out without a fight i'll smoke anyone forcing me to take a vaccine okay hey the more y'all that refuse to take him the faster the rest of us can get vaccinated and that's fine with us honestly just don't come crying to me if you end up choking on a ventilator tube don't move there's a rattlesnake lmao it's just a snake i skinny dipped in a lake swarming with copperheads a couple times have you ever noticed that the people that talk like this are the same dudes that stay in your hometown their entire lives but their entire life ends at like the age of 42. first thing i'm going to do is stab the person administering the shot right in the neck with a freaking ballpoint pen and subsequently stab anyone else in the neck who attempts to forcibly inject me with anything do you think do you think a nurse is just gonna run up behind you she's hiding in a bush she's got the vaccine ready and they're just gonna administer it like that on people you know like jump on their backs you're kidding right these people absolutely need to be heroes somehow and they picked the worst thing the worst possible thing to think their heroes about it's a very embarrassing hill to die on we call that hill big dumb stupid idiot [ __ ] poopoo head hill i have anger issues and i'm serious stay away all right no need to tell me twice you freaked kicked out of store number one lol what wouldn't wear a mask lol so we had to leave they don't kick me out of stores i bow up ready to fight for my freedoms the sheep back down real quick he says as he's crying being escorted from the store by an overweight manager how much you want to bet this that same dude that went viral recently for just laying on the ground at costco oh my [ __ ] right here until i do what i want i'm having 11 people over for thanksgiving come arrest me yourself puppy okay him don't drink until 21 me 13 year old drinking a can of monster and how in the world did you make something scarier than four loko be a freaking wolf be a freaking lion take no set goals smash them eat people's faces off be a better person okay right show people who the hell you are never apologize for being awesome stay the mother freaking course one of these things is not like the other my home is protected by many items that sling hot lead water and power are essential therefore i would consider this a threat to myself and my family and react accordingly los angeles to shut off water and power to homes hosting large parties or gatherings you deserve it yeah that's theft i paid for utilities i'm gonna have utilities even if i have to hook them up myself okay good luck with that i suppose uh also utilities are not a prepaid service they're metered you you don't know what that means whatever give me one week and i'll bring that bridge down okay why though what did someone challenge you to do it are you just bored this is so wholesome you know what isn't wholesome pain and you're going to be in a lot of it soon pal name checks out i guess lmao this is after lack kind of i can't stop laughing either okay well on that note we've come to the end of another video ladies and gents fan art for mk i got bored so i drew a stand for mk hope you like it insert weird noise from jojo's bizarre adventure here still haven't seen it regardless great art though so don't forget if you even somewhat enjoyed this video to drop a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well consider getting subscribed and clicking that bell icon and until next time until next time i'll see you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 429,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, emkay, r/iamverybadass, r/iamverybadass top posts, reddit very badass
Id: zChb_TZgFyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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