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[Music] say goodbye to ads remove ads between moves for 30 days receive two hindsight two swap plus two word radar and 200 coins wait only ads for 30 days but i'm paying 13 to remove ads for a month you're ridiculous 2019 like 2019 2019 anyone shut up those comments are annoying but ultimately harmless [Music] it's just really annoying when i'm listening to like a weird house song like white and nerdy and i just see it i refresh by noon they're like if you listen to this in 2019 click like like of course we are it's it's eternal music it's gonna be around idiot let's see we're connected by what one two three three usb like extenders just for your chromecast ai chihuahua that's a lot of connectors right what's the stitch here what's the deal touch the screen no it's oh you got a bug on the inside of your monitor that's the worst my guy i'm so sorry that's the worst man baby dolphin killed after tourists pull it from the ocean to take selfies i've said it before i'll say it again i hate the human race when they do stupid things oh he's caught his backpack [Laughter] uh it sucks bud tough luck the beach near my house after the tourists left oh my god oh that's that this is wow are there's a bunch of birds there too no get out of there there's plastic it's not healthy two years ago i dropped this teabag dish into a mug to carry them both to the dishwasher i've not been able to get it out since oh i know exactly what they mean okay yeah there's the mug uh drop it like it's hot i mean they did it really had it's a it's a tight squeeze what i would reckon probably is like a something that has a similar shape as like a shoehorn might be able to do the trick there so then that gets under it when you go to london to see big ben sorry pal under construction big band is starting to feel a little rusty when we wanted to rejuvenate and make him feel young again when the nurse doesn't apply pressure after a blood test days one through four oh god that's the worst i've never had that happen to me i've only like drawn out blood once in my life that i can remember that sucks man that's a cool looking burner but it's off center like on one hand i've never seen a burner that's purple like that that's is that like induction that's really neat i'm more interested in what the burner type is than the actual infuriating part how my parents fill up the soap bottle with water over and over until it's just pure water soapy water is not soap it's just water with suds oh that glass is gonna wait wait wait what oh there it is i was impressed at first i'm like wait a minute it finally smashed at the end it finally came together that is not how you replace a brick oh that's gonna smell so bad if it wasn't taken care of what i'm more curious about is how this happens more than anything else at burger king you're not the taco king it looks like one of those microwavable like empanadas god it looks gross it looks like it's going to give you stomach pain was this one of those chocolate lava cakes yeah it's supposed to be a lava cake isn't it that is that looks way too difficult to tear open though there you go you get it open and it's not wow wow [Laughter] oh you were the that is you and me both guy we are both shocked the city of cleveland installed the freaking brightest street lights i have ever seen in any front yard oh wow those are that is ridiculous too imagine trying to get that hurts my eyes and i'm just looking at a picture of it gg guy this coca-cola bottle doesn't fit in my coca-cola mini fridge it's cause it's for cans bro it's for coca-cola cans also that is a really tiny fridge it's not center it's not center and i don't like it one bit co-worker wanted me to look at why a cpu cooler was not working properly well there's your answer you didn't take the plastic off you dumb dumb these freaking youtube ads crap i forgot my gf was coming hide under the bed or maybe she can join us hmm hey there baby i know you saw me participating in some infidelity but listen listen listen listen how about you just dip your toes in the water happy birthday i cut the cake in the worst there's so much wrong with this cake and is my man eating what is that what is that is he eating cereal birthday cake and cereal i do you man oh i was about to say as soon as i saw like the animation type i already figured was going to go on this is those like diverting expectation things i like the nail one that's cool those are those are always really cool to look at for me oh we got oh that's why would you do that why is that one dice special why is that one die special disney man's grieving father from having spider-man on son's grave and stan lee is all like don't make me come down there you punk love stanley rest in peace stan stan the man is the door gonna be close and weird it looks like it's not gonna close at all there's a lock at all huh okay we got one lock two seems like it's you know useful but then just it's a sliding door these freshly opened doritos all right pull the dorito out of that bag freshly opened you say okay all right uh oh oh no why why are they malleable this is dry [Music] [Laughter] nice [Laughter] why are there so many fake pockets on women's clothes why why why why because it's for the aesthetic and not for the function which is dumb i installed these usb outlets when we renovated the kitchen and my family still does this it's because they're used to it just give them some time they'll understand they'll get used to it it's okay just give them some time what did a fictional character say that stuck with you a thirty seven thousand upvoted comment fourteen awards was it say i was removed oh okay finally someone to chat with oh no you're fake why do you think i'm fake is there a lot of fake girls on tinder or something are you programmed to say that when i say the word fake say meatballs so i know you're real why do you think i'm fake is there a lot of fake girls on tinder or something god damn it but why is it on imessage my controllers wouldn't connect and then the switch decided to catch fire all right so what are we i'm trying to get the shot oh yo i see the smoke dog are you kidding was that oh it's straight up a fire holy hell that is gnarly how why is it what the what that is so weird my dude that five is off center and i don't like it very much i love my girlfriend but sometimes she sends me crap like this they're just hearts bro oh i see one heart isn't the same poker heart let her go get rid of her what's going on here i don't get the whole like point of this one it looks like it's gonna get caught there's no way this is gonna be a perfect shoot yet there it is there it is [Laughter] my grandparents refused to take out the thermometer out of the packaging why would you take it out of the packaging it's working just fine that's their thought process i admire that all right it's a car cup holder oh he's got some yo there okay so a little industrial trying to use the card oh dude that is the worst that is such a perfect fit too it looks like no that's not plastic you can't just take it out oh no bud first of all what a filthy bathroom second of all why would you not just use all the toilet paper the lettuce in my chicken caesar wrap is just a second tortilla a green one hey you know don't mention it don't mention it's what we do for you [Laughter] my reusable metal straws came individually wrapped in plastic [Laughter] ah nice job protecting the environment stupid ordered a toaster at a slightly discounted price due to having minor cosmetic damage it looks like someone ran it over what do you mean cosmetic and minor looks like a major utilitarian damage ah 5-minute crafts do i want to follow this company absolutely not i hate these so much how many likes for you to keep the office on netflix 5 million likes and we'll make it happen for the fans no you won't package now expected by december 23rd 2020. we're sorry your package is late we're working with a carrier to get your package back on track and we'll let you know when your package is out for delivery please come back december 24th 2020 if you still don't have it and we'll help you out was expected tuesday july 23rd you're telling me i have to wait over a year despicable i hate when people who don't wear glasses ask me oh my god you're blind how many fingers am i holding up like bruh i see this not this it's very true when i'm not wearing contacts my eyesight is terrible but i can see how many fingers you're holding up i can also see your dumb grin oh your poor palette oh my god what the dude your palate's so destroyed there's words i want to say that i can't say or else youtube gets mad at me but oh man well can't you fix this that's just slightly off-center this could be fixed this isn't ruined there's potential here we couldn't drive through because somebody parked like this they deserve the worst just break in put it in neutral push it up a little bit further it's okay i knew there was something fishy with my pencil sharpened perfectly yep it broke off ended up putting pepper in my pasta why is the pepper white and the salt black that is weird why oh nice dude good job the pill bottle requires two hands to open but i broke my arm that's when you get a friend the way my grandmother eats pizza does she fork and knife it she does fork and knife it i mean she's just trying to be polite but at the same time it's hand food my dear another another two people eating pizza the rock why he's eating around the crust and she's just all laws are gone with this girl i can barely even play it practice i suck at it because you don't practice because i don't think i'm good at it you won't be good at it if you don't practice because i suck because you don't practice you're not going to be good at anything if you don't practice you think i came out the coochie day one telling jokes not took me time oh people leaving the movie theater with their popcorn just strolling about people don't get paid enough to clean that stuff up some quality people right here why would they do you're the worst kind of person i bet that's all just one dollar bills too it's not even worth my while there's a special layer in hell for these kinds of people my first thought is that you've never worked a uh a service industry job they've never worked food service if you worked food service you wouldn't do this campaign flyer planted on my windshield just for heavy rainfall thanks buddy appreciate that now it's ruined my windshield that is well there's my ranch for my wings i already ate right in with my cookies why does pizza hut pair the ranch with the cookies that's weird they pre-sharpened the wrong end of my red pencil oh they did that sucks serious what are some of the creepiest declassified documents have been available to the public well i guess they must have been classified again because no one's allowed to talk about them she's in a medically induced coma i hope she gets just one share because i could really use the impressions on facebook more than a hundred kids are waiting to see this historic team train in england all right let's see it's obviously a a train of some sort let's let's get it moving let's get the train moving there it is there it is it's steam train too neat up thanks i appreciate that nice going ruin this perfect beautiful is it gone it's gonna be gone by the time there it is there we go with my 400 vip ticket you can't even see the stage wow nice going idiot good ticket my roommate never finishes his water bottles yet constantly gets new ones this is like my brother with soda he'll never finish his soda but then go grab a new one my wife eats the toppings only and then puts this thing back into the box divorce her i just noticed this in a friend's bathroom i will now hate this bathroom for all eternity yeah that's fair i'll hate it too my brother threw chapstick at me and it missed looks like your brother owes you a new laptop am i right my stuff is circled the other stuff is my sister's there's no excuse for being a slob cindy my wife didn't know how to open this pen so she pulled really hard to remove the cap this is not a pen but a wacom tablet pen that cost me a hundred dollars to replace why did it cost you anything to replace stop taking creepy shots of celebrities having family time it's gross diane kruger puts on a leggy display during oh that's just gross go screw yourself this large box in which this small five pack of batteries was shipped alone from amazon sometimes the people that work there don't give a crap i should know my brother works there he doesn't give a crap i park better in gta the only time i let a parking job like that slide without leaving a passive aggressive note on the windshield is if he's like all the way out at the back of the lot at walmart after 11 years i just realized it says lives not lives how we spend our days is how we spend our lives ooh looks like some of these are a little bit more than mildly infuriating these obstacles are almost invisible on the bike lane that just means they work that much better you learn a valuable lesson when you almost die someone stole my artwork and is now trying to sell it as a real thing it's thirty four dollars and has six probably botted five star reviews oh that's a yikes from me bud my neighbors put spikes on our shared fence to stop our cats from jumping up ooh i think it's time for some retaliation don't you here's what you do you put up a bunch of cat statues along the fence like 45 of them just to piss them off the strip of lawn between our sidewalk and the road is just too wide to mow in three lanes well looks like you gotta do a fourth my dude don't you have this job the way my partner's mom opens the bread good god what kind of alien animal creature is she my rubber band ball exploded ooh that's unfortunate it's like glitter except you've actually got a chance of cleaning up all of that a woman let her three kids push and throw the chess pieces around she didn't even make them pick them up and put them back one of the pieces is now broken wow she sounds like a failure as a parent if you do this then screw you literally yelled at somebody in my local grocery store parking lot yesterday about him doing this the chessboard at my school ah that doesn't seem right what's the answer a c or b i messed my brain up a little bit more than i like to admit i edited my comments so you don't know how i got this many likes why do so many people do this it's not funny anymore all right says there's one comment let's take a look yep that sounds like reddit that is indeed a tough break my dude new from ikea the voyeurism bathroom set would you look at that it's r slash mildly infuriating a place to post the most midly infuriating things come on guys you couldn't have got like maybe a slightly larger sink no really you missed it by that much my dude come on wow now that is a misprint and a half i don't see how this would help you in any card game maybe it'll help you with the trick though oh my god one of the spots on the car window is trying to escape quick it's getting away okay this is where i have to stop and take a moment who let the four-year-old place the lighting in what looks like an airport of some kind maybe an office building with no offices i don't know that's beside the point who let the child do this oh it wasn't a child do you think that makes it better why kids love fascist cartoons like paw patrol and thomas excuse me i've seen people screaming acab at the paw patrol guys but uh haven't heard someone call them fascist yet i'm gonna ignore how gross your bathroom is just to say that's actually not a terrible solution how have i never thought of that before i mean it's the ultimate in lazy mechanics but still i thought everything was accounted for before they even start building the house guess i was completely freaking wrong aw thanks so much for putting a paper-based sticker on the end of my lens 15 fascinating chemistry experiments uploaded by the channel top fives something seems a little out of whack here i just can't quite figure out what it is if i walked into a house or an apartment that i was potentially thinking about renting and i saw this i can tell you that one thing is gonna cause me to walk right back out the door sorry i'm moving on if you do this you sure as hell better be a toddler because if you're a grown-up i'll kill you my mom loves my cream my mom loves my little brother's cream what the hell is this do you want one chair for sixty dollars or four chairs for three hundred dollars oh hey you can save five percent with your red card i know i do add one of two 39 minutes if i have to watch an ad that long you better be paying me not youtube me that happened when you were using a ruler it's time to get a new ruler ah yes this is what i always wanted feels so good this looks like it's on a blanket so i'll tell you this now get rid of it it's probably cursed and you might die before you turn 47. seattle coronavirus survivor gets a 1.1 million dollar 181-page hospital bill i know we didn't actually have to pay that but holy god 12-month membership for 69.99 or a one-year membership for 49.99 oh wait does the second one say in canadian dollars well you have a lot of pencils do you take a lot of tests or write a lot of essays woman orders iphone 7 online gets an iphone 3 iphone 4 and a yu-gi-oh fusion card in the mail instead look you and i both know that this is a win well least it's easy to spot your house number inhale exhale very very true i don't even wear glasses and i know how infuriating that's got to be still no excuse not to wear one though put it on it's october 1st i don't see how that's an excuse for this abomination you just took out of the oven i don't know what this is but much like that blanket i think this thing is haunted i've got nothing clever to say here i never have anything clever to say but i really don't have anything clever for this one you're just dumb what we thought 2020 would be versus what 2020 actually is you think that's bad just wait until 2020 part two that's right we're never leaving this year at this point it's more like a feature we all come to expect from our cardboard food containers oh my god this is even worse than that last one holy crap people how do some of you have jobs oh i see it's a fake pillar as opposed to an actual pillar that helps keep the building more structurally sound now i understand enriched with vitamin a containing zero percent your daily value of vitamin a oh my god that's like a 5 000 camera setup that that kid just destroyed i'm dead inside guys it killed me why do puzzles suck so much seriously i need to know why are they awful ah yes when you're on a budget and you have to get the store brand paper towels rather than bounty every single time guys they always gotta leave that little rat tail on the end oh yes the days of the week friday monday saturday sunday thursday tuesday and of course everybody's favorite day of the week wednesday oh boy crappy mom came through this store i repeat crappy mom was here um help no dude you're on your own man this one's just a crappy joke not really infuriating in my opinion this is not an entry-level job bring some experience to the table seniority level entry level i feel like i've played this board game before and i never win what the hell happened here did someone grenade the path and no one bothered to really fix it right channel i don't watch stories from channels i don't watch crappy over sexual ad for a crappy mobile game it's absolutely disgusting how much of this crap shows up on our feeds now hell on snapchat they subscribe me to random influencers you don't get to do that you were so close you were almost the chosen one god missed it by that much you know what whatever this stuff can't have been done on accident 100 not possible this was so close to being perfect just like that little vacuum space before this was so close i don't know why you chose to cut it like that does it make it tastier somehow do triangles hit different from squares what happened here seriously what happened to my bread what'd you do zack i sure do love me some little wavy bricks i am almost the type of person to come in here rip this up flip it around and be satisfied with my day seven years from 2001 to 2008 gta 3 gta vice city gta san andreas gta 4 and then 8 years spanning 2013 to 2021 gta 5 gta 5 gta 5 gta 5 i do like how they say through 2021 like they would expect gta 6 to come out next year or something when we all know it's gonna be nine years before we see it absolutely my favorite style of thumbnail and titling ever all caps weird stuff that 99 of people don't understand amazon prime using pirated subtitles oh boy oh who cares that's amazon they can do whatever they want they practically own our lives at this point this would take a little bit of getting used to for sure let me see let me see how the heck are you supposed to get a nine on a six-sided die why the heck is there a line you know something is wrong when i never signed up for your emails is one of the options oh boy isn't that just despicable ladies and gents my brother's plato collection oh my god no no that's illegal no what it's like living with lazy people or like what it's like living with gross people jesus man that's the bathroom garbage there's even worse crap in there than the kitchen one heck zach told me once he poops in there sometimes so we can save water oh no way someone got a photo of them filming the new pixar planes movie bruh i posted the same thing two days earlier and yet yours blew up for those who went viral on reddit what was it like to see your posts with thousands of upvotes and comments ah don't you love it it's all the luck of the draw or those people that pay to have their posts pushed to the front page i've seen this building a hundred times now and i'm no happier than i was before ah yes another perfect example of that's not my job the way the o key is not centered i've had this laptop for two years and just now noticed it it pisses me off more than it should no i think it pisses you off an appropriate amount this airplane bathroom i'm five foot two for scale holy crap i'm six foot three i'd have to walk on my knees in that room and in an airplane bathroom i'd really rather not do that this ad bomb that's guaranteed to wake up my baby uh when you go to pour some milk that's not brand new and some milk crusties fall off the container into your glass ah don't worry about it it's good for your bones drink up friend seriously there's nothing wrong with a little bit of dairy dandruff my brother putting his glass of water on top of his ps4 clearly he's more of an xbox man huh my amazon package arrived with nothing in it you know that did actually happen to me relatively recently happens a lot more often than it should but it's always more hilarious than infuriating in my opinion the times on a kid's kitchen set they don't match she watched five hours of shows on her ipad with the browser bar and progress bar showing that small potatoes if she doesn't care why do you care delivery guy put plastic fork and knife underneath the hot food good god how hot was that food ah dirty shoes on the clean white bed sheets you animal me and my friend were mining on a server and there was diamond on the border you can't build or break blocks in this area wow kids in vehicles and that's a hefty little vacuum to be able to suck up all them goldfish also yeah kids are just nasty you should know this by now although to be fair when it comes to cars most adults i've seen aren't much better my brother's trash can why are all the recyclables in the trash can how my dad uses his ipad well your dad likes to live very dangerously especially sitting right next to it on the couch my classmate destroyed my pen when i gave it to her i wouldn't want it back one percent pizza flavor 99 original flavor oh that's disappointing i want my money back pringles plastic straws are not the problem what the hell that dude that much plastic for just a little baby adapter are you kidding me plastic straws aren't the problem jesus mobia what are you thinking is that the brand i don't know this allen key tightening tool was bent the wrong way oh fella uh you've messed up now is the a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s g v w x y z what's uh what's the problem here t u v w hey i don't see the problem here i don't know what you're getting mad about is it not in cordy format is that the problem if you ever meet someone who calls gatorade flavors the actual name of the flavor instead of just the color they are 100 a cup yeah but you gotta specify frost glacier freezer cool blue you can't just say blue because there's more than one blue blue and light blue nice try officer yeah nice try copper try again later man can't get us cool kids hit that straw oh my god i don't like that at all [Laughter] step in i dare you is that a fake bush i kind of admire that the city doesn't have enough greenery and you don't want to plant any sort of plants just you know fake it oh i thought that's kind of cute that's cute of you city that's very cute of you my window isn't centered on my ceiling oh it's not oh oh either get a new window or get a new roof my friend made a screen protector out of clear tape nice you see that's not how that works that's not how that works uh like i'm pretty sure it's a life hack channel it's not how it works at all i have my mom's car for the day she keeps earrings in the cup holder i'll do that thing oh my god wow wow at least it looks like it's a rubber car uh cup holder so you at least take it out and wash it be a lot worse if it were yeah it looks like it's a rubber cup holder so i think you'll you can be fine cleaning it out but wow you know it's your mom's car her car her business but still it's the one piece of ice that won't get out of the cup it's the worst piece of ice i always yeah you just like try to bang the cup on the tab like there's just nothing you can do it just is it's it's back there the the suction the water and the glass at least i think that's how it works how my stepdad decided to close a box of cereal after eating edibles last night [Laughter] nice this upside down eight eight seven six eight five four wait one second here how to fix ssl protocol errors on google chrome okay well how do you fix it well right never mind i guess you know how when you're a fast walker and the guy ahead of you is fast too but only like 90 as fast as you so you must pass them but to pass them you have to walk comically faster than your normal speed or else you'll be in his personal space for too long as you pass that's annoying it's how you assert dominance you have failed your first attempt at the assessment you scored 100 but you need to score 100 to pass go ahead and retry the assessment stupid now i have to unplug my lamp at night because this furry bastard learned how to turn it on and he turns it on every time he's hungry in the middle of the night feed him feed him in the middle of the night give him a late night snack the way my friend keeps his games i spent the night wanting to play a game he said go ahead well how does he keep his games what's so wrong let's see peel that bad boy open star wars battlefront 2 star wars battlefront 2 grand theft auto 5 fallout 76 doom all right doom what do we got here mortal kombat okay what about mortal kombat let's open that bad boy up uh rage two okay what about rage two open that one up uh is nothing there's nothing in there okay what about the next game wolfenstein opened that bed's dying light okay well so what's in what's in the dying light no borderlands what's in there uh wolfenstein too okay what's in what's in the next box says what's dying light that's borderlands okay what about what's next now portland another borderlands get what's in there the the evil within two will get that box out okay there it is what's in that one borderlands uh uh okay look at the next game bioshock what's in there hey nice what's in this one well i think you ruined it all right so starts out we got what is that link who is that little tiny guy isn't it oh oh this is like one of those like impossible mario games [Laughter] yo this isn't this like this is intention yo oh this one goes after your whole career oh my god you gotta just dodge it you gotta jump higher than it that's what it looks like so jump higher there you nice gg let's just there you go nice there's gonna be another spike somewhere yeah no no no chance buddy no chance he's gone there you go be quick about it oh dude you're not being quick not being quick it's gonna stay there until you jump there you go oh dude he almost had it he almost had it he's learning i like it i like that he's learning there you go no you should have known i think this is the one i think he's gonna get it yeah there you go oh so close this game just cooks you wow there you go oh you fool groom and bride would have made it rhyme smh choose a seat either side you're loved by both the bride and groom oh okay i can leave now i guess all right so what we got going on here you place a cup that's like a blender it looks like it's a whoa whoa how did yo what oh that's cool that's cool no wait no no no you ruined it you ruined it [Laughter] that's not how you should have rolled up the hose that's not right at all correct it's 145. you said it's 145. all right another non-cordy keyboard i understand people don't like these i'm personally indifferent you know you could cry about it all you want but i'm just not i'm not bothered by the non-qwerty keyboard like go ahead and cry about it coward but i'm fine couldn't find my keys gave up and was headed out the door there's your keys dumb dumb did you find him did you find him told my neighbor's kid to knock it off when i caught them throwing rocks against my fence and siding found this in my backyard 30 minutes later i have a dog yo that kid is evil whoever made those lights are evil that's not how you should why is it like four different lighting like lighting fixtures why did you not have enough money for just one of them i i don't understand ah see well you should have moved it a little bit just move the move the bricks stupid message failed to send almost a full year ago thanks for letting me know imessage when the middle of your ice cream is filled with air i didn't know lace chips made ice cream that's probably mcdonald's short selling you it looks like a mcdonald's cone you know that that looks like something they do i'm surprised their machine wasn't broken everything about my mom and pizza well i'm already looking at the thumbnail and she's eating it with a fork so already something's wrong is she okay yeah your mom has a problem your mom has a genuine problem eating a nature valley bar oh dude that's the pro not by your razer rgb gaming keyboard no you're now unsubscribed from newegg also from newegg 24 hours only 10 off all g skill memory holy crap by the way you're never going to be unsubscribed go ahead sit on the bench think about life can you sit on if you can you're a certified creature starting the day off right oh you poor soul god i feel bad for you dude or a guy wow just geez ah yes pee pee for pepper and salt but the p is silent how does the rapper even stick to the back of the candy like that i've never seen that happen before in my life damn being six three needing to pee on a small plane dude i'm going okay so that makes me concerned because i'm a tall boy and i'm flying out to vidcon am i gonna have to i don't want to have to go pee now i don't think i've ever oh sorry i'm stretching and mid recording it's very unprofessional but i don't think i've ever actually used the bathroom on a flight i really hope that vidcon that my vidcon flight is not going to be that flight where i have to pee my pillow said washing machine and dryer safe i opened my dryer up to this the lied backspace and delete keys next to the power button on my laptop just in case you want to turn it off oh here we go okay what do we got going on here turn the water on oh oh that's that's a that's a weak little dribble it's not impressive at all the remote oh is that like wait is that caught it's like it's like a comcast remote i'm sure it doesn't matter but what matters here is that the wii remote protective case is on it what do we got here couple of bears looking at each other get in line nice okay that line's just filing out quick so he's moving to this one just stay in line dude it doesn't matter it's all good just make up your mind dude this isn't okay what's infuriating is this guy's lack of um lack of decision making oh oh wow dude just dude this bear is the stupidest bear i've ever seen and because you were impatient and indecisive you didn't get to buy anything that was that is the lesson be patient g that made me mad it wasn't him not being able to get a spot in line it was him being indecisive about where he wanted to sit the length of this receipt it was for two monsters my friend for scale i don't even have to look at this for too long to know that it was a cvs receipt cvs is notorious for disgustingly long receipts ma'am get your hair out of my face i'm trying to watch thomas in the tank engine thomas and the magic railroad did you just peel all the stickers on that rubik's cube looks like he peeled all the stickers on the rubik's cube oh hey wait a minute you didn't do any of that the unsolvable cube protect your information but enter your zip code by uh showing everyone on zooming you'll find out that one eye of reddit's alien logo is not a perfect circle and it hurts my brain oh it isn't yo that ah it does mess with me dude fix it ready your billion dollar company fix it so pier 1 imports it's pretty visible that this candle was 7.99 on the portion ripped but they put the 999 sticker on top store closing sales are a joke sometimes store closings in general can be such a joke sometimes there are stores in new york city that have been closing for six years straight what i ordered left versus what i got right okay when you have a design on the mug you're supposed to print the design on the mug not print a picture of the design on the mug on the mug we're clear good our fortune cookies have advertisements inside it's almost free real estate it's free real estate this video is brought to you by the ridge wallet with its sleek lightweight and industrial design the ridge wallet fits perfectly in a front or back pocket without folding or bulging most people carry around old wallets that are full of crumpled receipts hotel keys and used gift cards i know that personally i always have a handful of receipts a few expired transit passes and that two-year-old gift card that still has like a dollar left on it but your friend gave you that gift card and you feel bad throwing it away so you stuff it into your oversized wallet and cram it into your back pocket while the design hasn't really changed much since the 90s and while everything else we carry has gotten smaller your everyday bifold and trifled wallets have remained bulky and overstuffed monstrosities that's where the rich wallet comes in it's designed to be a slim little solution to overloaded and disorganized wallets and it's shiny with ample room for up to 12 cards plus storage for cash it's got enough room to carry pretty much everything you'll need while still somehow being way smaller i'm convinced it might be a tardis but a really small tardis that just holds more cards on the inside the ridge wallet is available in over 30 colors including rose gold carbon fiber and my personal favorite burnt titanium i personally love the design especially since it's rfid blocking and available with three different cache clip options my last two cloth wallets claim to be rfid blocking but after testing them they still let signal through the ridge's internal plates block any would-be thief from stealing your information but don't take my word for it this thing has over thirty thousand five star reviews and a lifetime warranty so you could technically buy this wallet for life honestly i might get my dad-in-law one of these he would absolutely love it it's got a really solid build without being hefty and the rugged design really adds to that i don't even know if i could keep up with this thing for my lifetime but hey if i lose it i can get it in another pretty color the ridge team is so confident that you'll like it they'll let you test drive it for 45 days you can send it back for a full refund if you don't love it get 10 off today with free worldwide shipping and returns by going to mk that's and use code mk link in description my girlfriend opens new water bottles without finishing the others first send help please i mean i wouldn't touch a water bottle if it was like left out overnight or something but if all three of these are on the same day this is incredibly wasteful and annoying get your girlfriend a filtered water pitcher and steal all the bottled water still a good 20 seconds left in this video but i can't see because of this recommendation i can't turn off as a youtuber you can choose how long these last please don't staple them all over your videos for minutes before they end i only got one chopstick oh that's the worst i don't think i've ever seen a package with just one in there time to stab some food someone stole a stepping stone from the side of my house just one why why did you do this these are like five bucks at home depot did you need that specific one did you have a sudden and urgent need for a stone frisbee what is the meaning of this ah yes cranch the first letter should be read not the first three because this is supposed to be ketchup and ranch not cratchup and ranch kratchip just sounds like old really bitter ketchup in my day they called me katsa oh i hate this bananas are already fairly durable on their own they don't need to be individually wrapped let the bananas be free thank you oh yeah that makes perfect sense go ahead and put the back pain relief on the bottom shelf clearly nobody with back pain actually tried this out on my new controller there's a tiny detail that is wrongly colored oh no somebody forgot to paint that oh you dingbat somebody didn't have enough coffee that morning and completely overlooked that sure you can camp in the backyard just move the tent every two days four days later your grass is dead i think that's just one block you can just punch the block and replace it and it'll grow back clear thumb tacks on carpet okay i i'm legally blind i can't see them at all like i'm sure they're there but this is how my feet die this i'm just resigned to my fate 100 perfect that's that's that's not 100 hey random number generator can you give me a number sure 68 419 you were so close and yet so far this this belongs in our slush crappy design because somebody clearly didn't put enough aluminum into the tab so it just bends just wildly oh this is dumb oh i hate it i hate this oh i hate it so much i don't even know i do would you like just drill that out oh is this a oh it's not oh it's a wrap oh so it's like a sticker that they put around the bowl oh oh that's annoying oh and somebody just didn't do it right and they just slapped it on there ah orange tangerine tangerine orange apparently i was mistaken by this i thought tangerines were lighter than oranges too the colors have fooled me oh why is the why is the crosshair down and to the right oh who did this who did this and where can i find you there's so much wrong with this there are so many things going wrong in this post that you would think i would be the one cooking there's there's shells and there's an egg on the and the burner's still on and why fried rice five stars two stars four stars one star three stars breeding food should not be this complicated i should know ah this is just too intentional like somebody goes around you we all have one friend you know that does this red dead redemption 2 character red dead redemption 2 character mission red dead redemption 2 character death red dead redemption 2 character grave thanks google for spoiling this character for me somewhat satisfied somewhat unsatisfied very unsatisfied very satisfied neither satisfied or unsatisfied again i would have made the argument for alphabetical order but it's still not right i am very unsatisfied with this rating system also what was enforced across your experience this is a no break bucket i broke wait wait wait no no no number one did you actually affix a toilet paper roll to a valve or whatever that is and two why are you just shoving the new roll on take the old rule off what is wrong with you people somebody skipped math in architecture school oh that's horrifying i hate it mom why don't you do things my way it's so much easier her way surgery on a hershey's bar my biological parents did this it drove me nuts oh okay all right fine fine ah i have feelings about this one there's such a thing as light color temperature and i have to know this for video stuff if any of you run maintenance for a building please buy the same color temperature of bulb that you bought when you put the light in otherwise you get nice warm and cozy light nice warm and cozy light turkish prison okay rant over sorry next post ah i see this so many times i know a tile broke but you don't have extras although i guess it's better that they do this than try to like match it with a tile 10 years later that's like a slightly different shade of orange screw it make it a contest have somebody submit a painted tile make it art recycle landfill it's all going to the same place whoever did this shame on you you soggy zucchini did you it's got the letters i'm legally blind and i can read them both i don't i don't see what's oh oh wait did the ah the plastic came off oh that drives me nuts this happens all the time in lunchables not that i'm a fully grown adult that still eats lunchables but you heard nothing people that do this deserve to miss every bus they try to catch if you work on retail and have to put up with these i'm so sorry dear when a branch cracks run dear when two tons of steel are coming at them at 140 kilometers an hour huh i wonder if that will kill me yes deer actually sound like that deal with it [Music] okay okay okay from the hummer on the left i'm assuming that these two cars parked like this to try to take up as much space as possible i really hope that somehow the subaru got under them just to piss them off because that that's a level of petty i can respect who does this is desecration of fine delicious art how are you supposed to have an equally proportioned slice you have no respect for pie go eat a hostess donut instead you clearly don't deserve this confectionary you selfish entitled insensitive genetically dummified pesticide laden radish you suck at parking and i hope somebody keys your car fillet of fish and upside down cold fries oh boy i would be so upset my favorite thing from mcdonald's is fries and ice cream so just having them all dumped out would make lexi very sad wait is this one of those bars the chocolate and like wafer ones cause i'm i've never seen them packaged i'm not sure if this is how they're normally packaged or not if it is it looks really annoying if it isn't then i'm just too blind or dumb to figure this post out it's a shame to see ign stealing my deep fake videos and trying to cut my watermark out and then uploading to their facebook page and getting millions of views so making bunch of dollars without even taking my authorization i spent three weeks in average to make each deep fake and they just didn't bother and re-uploaded my video without permission i filed a dmca takedown and facebook protected them if they stole a 500 subs channel content i wonder how many smaller creators were stolen by the ign and not even noticed what a shame so yeah i know the grammar this post is a little over the place but ign this is really really really not cool if this is true you should be giving credit and royalties to anybody that's creating content that you're using to promote your own platform that's just my take oh these are freaking annoying yeah no this is this is garbage this is just fake advertising you could have just restarted at red you didn't need to just decide to give up after you ran out of colors for the number of stripes you needed or you could add the trans flag colors or you could add the brown and black stripes but no you gave up and went home good job minimal effort diploma finally came in stunning presentation vcu oh come on they paid that much tuition and you couldn't have stuck it in an actual box what's the folder made out of tissue paper jeez oh look it's stainless steel scissors no it ain't that there's a rust bucket you got yourself hoodwinked i walk this lonely wait wait where'd the road go minimal effort again we do not accept boobs suck or licks money all sales final no returns no refunds to be fair who is licking money please don't do that even when there's not a pandemic on hey look my first call-out post yay [Applause] but seriously if you ever do closed captions and you do them like this you deserve to have all of your candy bars melted but i like my candy bars melted shush all of your candy bars are now filled with spiders oh i hate these the key to getting these off is going really really slow with any sort of sticker going from a corner and just working really really slow but you still sometimes end up with ripped paper goo gone is awesome for this though what the chick-fil-a chick-fil-a what is this this is not a chicken sandwich this is a chicken nugget sandwich honestly a chicken nugget sandwich sounds really good but only if it's intentional ah i hate this although this usually happens on like really old containers so i'm not sure i would eat that cheese or at least check the date on it why did you change logo colors size format paper format and also why is it the pan flag but yeah i'm guessing there are like two editions of this and they were slightly differently sized and that third book is from the second edition that that's not how you uh the water's supposed to go down the drain good job now you have more mosquito breeding ground these what are these garment mellows they're like flavored marshmallows i realize the mildly infuriating part of this is that they're individually wrapped but also if there's flavoring and stuff in the marshmallows it might actually get mixed in together or they start to stick to each other either way i kind of want to try these and review them once again we see a sacred object the pizza being desecrated by pizza anarchists with pizza cutters who just don't care you cheesy heretics this is blasphemy this is what happens when you get contracting work off wish that is one special repair job wow target parking lot 8 30 in the evening dang near empty what in the holy hell the cars are just cuddling okay look you don't want to see this go any farther this is how you end up with a mini cooper what in the oh this is you don't need to social distance your cars people i'm legally blind and i can park better than this and i can't even get a license don't shop adopter visit tata your local animal shelter i mean if you're going to go with a spelling mistake you may as well commit for anybody here that has to work in retail i am so sorry for the people that lean around the sneeze guards they're there for a reason people why why why this is entirely unnecessary potatoes keep for like weeks this adds nothing if you need to add a barcode to a potato just slap a barcode directly onto it you can put stamps on a potato is that packed somebody left bag salad somewhere where it's not even gonna be seen for hours and it's gonna go bad you motivationally challenged pineapple oh come on you aren't although this looks so bad that i'm pretty sure it's just somebody running in but still don't do this to handicap parking spots handicapped people actually need them stop this is what happens when you have a text box and you accidentally put a return character in it and you can't figure out why it won't center correctly but in that hypothetical you don't set it off to get printed oh that is oh wow i've never seen a hammer actually do that that's actually kind of impressive but i also wonder what you were doing before this ah it's right there there's a garbage can right there you don't need to leave it on the ground why takes two seconds are you female needing to lose 5 to 25 pounds having no luck with diets between 14 and 18 years old are you pandering mlm crap to freaking children oh you deserve a special kind of hell i believe in you retweets comments and hearts perfectly balanced 420 421 and 420 to be fair it is perfectly balanced but if you apply it to the image then it's it's off to the right i've misspelled tomorrow so many times that both suggestions are incorrect spellings and it doesn't autocorrect anymore my keyboard does this all the time to me at this point i just sort of smack my phone keyboard and pray number one number two pick a format please wine does to solve problems but neither will water that's my new favorite word hey does this car have air conditioning why yes it does forgot to add soap to the shopping list so now i'm stuck trying to shower with this ah yes the tiny pebble of cleanliness the way my sister takes a piece of butter oh you uh this this is blasphemy the not fully plugged in 3.5 millimeter jack on pewdiepie's headphones yeah this actually happens with a lot of audio gear it's like slightly offset and some of it's really annoying a photo i took at a coffee shop i title it a 2020 tragedy but also who's gonna use this oh no is that hand sanitizer oh i had one upside down in my pocket and it just drained lexi was very sad but her jacket was clean i made this and words can't describe how annoying it is after a hundred plus times never ask a woman her age a man his salary a colorblind person what color something is after you learn they are color blind ain't that the freaking truth also when you learn somebody's legally blind don't say how many fingers am i holding up cause we'll make sure it's less because by the time we're done we'll make sure it's less that is that is not a no that is no that doesn't count go out and get a real fire extinguisher i was actually on a job site once that had gallons of water with posts above them that had the fire extinguisher sticker on them and all i could think was no it ain't this has to have been intentional like why just why you godless heathen let it finish or hit clear i'm really really really guilty of this so i have no room to judge uh moving on my in-laws do this oh my god just throw out the old ones they're not gonna you're not gonna use them for anything you're not wasting anything just throw them out my employer handed out masks and sanitizer the mask was not wrapped but the sanitizer was on one hand at first glance this looks dumb but also these guys tend to come in like packs of like a hundred and the whole dermal contact thing doesn't last very long so slightly irritating this teacher doesn't erase the board fully and continues to use it ah yes it's so easy to learn off a board that's filled with artifacting static my brother is an absolute sadist ew that's gross it's gooping it gets all dried that that noise that's all i have to say about this is just that noise the office is closed daily from 12 o'clock p.m to 1 o'clock p.m for lunch thank you my appointment was scheduled for 12 45 and i was encouraged to come 15 minutes early somebody didn't do the math my friend's bathroom lights oh god no no in the name of jefferson's crabs this is blasphemy oh no what was i just saying about color temperature way too much packaging for a small cord yeah this is really dumb it should just come in the bag or or a sealed box so that you know it hasn't been futzed with not freaking both i reserved an airbnb with seaview can't complain i spotted technically the truth post oh i hate this i recently got an exercise bike that had a display on it and the connector was one of these 3.5 jacks and when you pushed it against the wall the first thing it did was immediately break the 3.5 jack on the back of the display day one immediately broke i was so pissed it looks like they did a lane widening project with like the wrong asphalt somebody didn't order the right bricks oh that one oh that one right there oh there's one in the top right hand corner too why just swap the two just swap these two and it'll be back to normal this ant and roach killer is like three dollars more than the ant killer but they have the same exact active ingredient at the same amount you facetious advertising bastards how dare it's been stuck on this for five minutes everything's working properly estimated time remaining seven seconds are you seriously expecting anything in windows to give you an accurate readout of how much time is left estimated time remaining three minutes seven weeks 15 seconds four years if you like the fireworks clean up the mess and seriously chill with the freaking fireworks already it's like weeks after fourth of july and people are still setting them up i have no idea why my rental came with two sets of keys but they are crimped together with metal wire is this their way of like making sure only one person drives the car that's really irritating my grandma bought lucky charms then took out all the marshmallows and put them in a jar because she didn't like them this is not mildly infuriating this is great you have an excellent grandma you can hang out with your grandma and eat just the lucky charms marshmallows that's just the best thing ever apparently my siblings need to open a new bottle everything they drink i'm a tiny bit guilty of this with milk but not for these size of containers like just buy smaller containers your account paypal is disabled confirmed why the hell would you try to scam 18 people at one time listen throw some crap out of the wall some of it will stick oh i have no words for that oh don't like that the alt key is upside down like a okay i'm not it takes a lot to upset me effing ants decided to nest in my router oh no that's gross oh there's little ant eggs in there dude oh time for a new router buddy that one's that one's done that one that's owned by the ants now oh no poor guy his glass is completely shattered oh no it was wait that's apple that's apple cider vinegar no no it's just a couple of bananas i don't see the problem the boomer generation needed just 306 hours of minimum wage work for free to pay for four years of public college millennials need 4459. the economy today is rigged against working people and young people that is what we're going to change thanks bernie i just realized why is that mildly infuriating searching for basic things and having to specify because products and characters bumblebee insect [Music] no i meant the thing that flies around not the speaky car prince of rats you get your feet off them cables right now the cart corral is literally right there just just push it over the side at that point is that a spy look at that look at the uh just just dangling off the end and it'll be fine my phone's gonna drop and shatter my friend you're made you're playing with a devil when people don't clear the microwave timer they were using i don't see that as a problem thing i think you're just being picky bud i think you're just being picky [Music] 22 genius tech hacks to make you say wow i turned two earbuds into one useless earbud why is it that your clothes only get caught on the door handle when you're in a bad mood because the earth is out to get you makai it's 2019 and we still have to take programming exams by hand gross oh no i've had this happen to me not the guitar pick that's lost brother either get some tweezers or cut your losses you're gonna have that thing banging around in there for eternity this tick-tock of a girl holding bleach to her eye says it changes your eye color has 500 000 likes this process causes permanent eye damage if i didn't know any better i would say this is a coordinated attack against children smarter every day the things people will go for to get better colored eyes i don't know what upsets me more the different colored handles or the fact that's all mish-mashed listen you can't be mad at that it told you what was gonna happen the difference seems pretty clear to me yet i had three people wiggle the door handle and two people knock while i was changing vacant in use you think you think anyone in this day and age is gonna look at a tiny red sign no we don't look at that we don't like that there seems to be a hole in your polish man [Music] oh gross when you realize instagram doesn't let you double tap to like anymore that makes me feel some kind of way i don't like that brows i don't i don't get it what oh hi ellen hi ellen how are you doing this damn near invisible ball of death was on the floor thank goodness i had shoes on when i stepped on it oh my god it's like a mario villain start your two free months no commitments cancel any time by the way can we get your credit card number guess price is going to spike monday justin trudeau's new carbon taxes kick it in more details here i don't have a car i'm 13. maybe you should do research before buying a bunch of phone numbers off telus and spamming them i find it infuriating that this guy makes heaps of money from 10 year olds by clickbaiting his girlfriend nearly every video listen that's the youtube game baby you gotta wait you gotta fake it till you make it gotta do it you gotta do it that's the youtube game baby and he's just playing the game everything adds up to 99 and the two 26 are different sizes thanks i hate it thanks i also hate that just just just pull down the projector screen a little more it's all you gotta do teach don't don't do this to us teach just drove to class early in the morning through pouring rain and crappy traffic after sleeping three hours last night only to find this how's your morning going dear class dear students class is cancelled due to illness sorry for any inconvenience imagine how is touch the sky what the hell does this say imagine how it's touched the sky touches the sky imagine how sky the touch is how imagine i'm seriously confused good morning to everyone except grandpa joe who sat in bed for 20 years and let his family while in poverty but hopped up like a mother effort to go to some damn candy factory don't talk about my man grandpa joe like that oh cause the key yeah okay yeah i could see that mildly infuriating but that's not gonna do it for me zero out of ten try harder try harder the amount of lemon heads in my bag that was supposed to have eight different candies yummy hope you like lemon heads dummy know who's gonna let those markers dry out that's not very nice that's not very nice here at all those markers are gonna air out then you can't write with them expo markers no more just a moment i'll wait the teens are not moving the mouse for the whole video teach you're walking a thin line teach i pay 125 dollars a month in my parking spot and i'm 111b this a-hole is my neighbor no words only consequences listening okay it's trying to help you don't don't be mad at this it's your fault for being the dumbo who wants to listen to wild music at full volume the phone is trying to help you the technology knows better trust the robot overlords that's what i've come to learn in this day and oh my god i hit the next post good luck bud some abstract car art this path just ends after going on for a good 300 feet for absolutely no reason listen that's the spawn point you spawn right there that's a platformer the picture i took of my friend versus the pictures he took of me in the same spot [Laughter] how did he get you blurry that's what i want to know the leaning picture of the straight tower of pisa i love it don't love the next one what kind of humongous are you what what species of man does this to a pizza you ate around the perimeter of the crust oh yes good old like five tic tacs and a thing small but cool god that's me fake pockets oh tony hawk pro skater handicap edition reddit notifying me on subs i'm not subscribed to training on our slash nba dame hits the game winner at the buzzer i don't know any of that the salad this restaurant gave me eat up there's an entire trough of dressing for you for that small little bit of salad oh that's actually the worst i've had that happen to me on things poor guy you know the rules you gotta eat what's there now my seat for avengers end game time for a second viewing he took the please use next checkout sign and start loading his groceries as the lady was trying to close what a jerk why is safeway notorious for just jerky people delicious lasagna recipe when i was a child on cold winter nights that's why my mother taught me that food is love anyway on to the recipe it's what you just scroll down until you start seeing ingredients people hoping to skip cues by standing like this and trying to slip in she's going full incognito mode google spoiling end game through a notification new story on marvel cinematic universe oh it's gotta be them actually that's kind of smart i don't care that they started using fake soda boxes for these displays but for some reason it does upset me that they started making designs that physically could not be made by stacking real soda boxes that is that is terrible oh that triggers my ocd why who designed that you had one job people can walk a whole warehouse but are too lazy to walk 10 feet to put their card away oh costco you and your crazy old people how the mailman delivered the vinyl i ordered whoa no buddy that vinyls might be ruined i'm sorry disney just paid 71 billion dollars for fox but they can't afford to apply to applies too much to ply too much i'm not sure what's going on here i i can't decipher this it's a macbook and there's some this records it's taken a lot to charge and i i don't know how i feel about that ah viking revolution pomade oh that's gross it's a gross way to keep it in the cup oh oh dear god those loaves of bread are mangled my grandfather doesn't peel the plastic off of anything and won't let me peel it off i'm about to have a heart attack holy crap listen the services of those things he doesn't peel the plastic off of are clean as hell i can't park my own car in my driveway thanks to this butthead oh my oh my god didn't know satan drives a little baby car chalk price is at target versus a college bookstore 99 cents at target 11.98 at a college store listen they got to make a profit this is how they do it by destroying the future this is a scam on a global scale that is not compact that is the farthest thing from compact sir a little pot in colorado why why was this removed from mildly interesting the title was exact and concise when your two-year-old cousin comes over and completely f's up your newton's cradle how how do you do that when you reach the end of your deodorant the deodorant part falls out that's when you grab the little part that's left and just use it brother that you're you're left with nothing at that point god is left he's abandoned you in your time of need when you buy the old neighborhood drug house this is no longer adam's house there are no drugs here you are on camera to those of you who say oh my gosh at least vegas is a dry heat i got branded by a god damn penny that was chilling on my front seat i have an abraham lincoln scar on my leg i'm so done with summer they could call you penny patrick it's kind of cool it should be like an outlaw penny pat great weight made all rhyme but are spelled different stove move love are spelled similar but don't rhyme yes that is the english language how can i help you oh the eraser left its mark that's not how that works excuse me wtf why are your brake lights like that those are some shifty looking brake lights it looks like i did something wrong in the brakes look the brake lights look like i did something wrong and they're like um i'll let it slide but i'm watching you watching bub oh that's just that's just infuriating but mildly so because that's the subreddit school has become pay to win hallway pass if you buy a ticket to the friends dance must show the ticket she doesn't eat the part of the fry her fingers touched why there's nothing there's a pineapple pie where are you i want a pineapple pie i want pineapple pizza hi i'm new yesterday this guy put ghost pepper popcorn in our industrial microwave at work for over five minutes the office was filled with black smoke burning in people's eyes no one could breathe he basically maced the building we were moved to the other end so we could keep working please do not use this microwave due to the ghost pepper popcorn incident if you use this it reactivates the oils from the peppers and your eyes throat and food will burn thank you you put a hex on that microwave i could get my grass to grow so i replace it with a rock bed six months later and the grass has grown better than ever honestly it's a little aesthetic though i'll keep it from shower thoughts why isn't the plural of human human since the plurals of woman and man are women and men white black asian gay straight those all look the same because they are but you know what isn't the same the person who originally made this format and didn't capitalize the eyes my wife never fully screws the lids back onto anything stop hi how can i help kendrick lamar dna lyrics here you go where are the lyrics here are some results from the web i don't see anything okay i'll be here when you need me if you want to make me your ai voice your google home please just pay me a couple of hundred thousand dollars and i'll do it for you i have no words for that that's just an exasperated sigh sir there's a little bit of dirt in your pool [Music] [Laughter] i got swatted and ordered a new door wtf ups i understand how receiving a package in that condition can be upsetting yeah no kidding we can report it in our end to have feedback provide message just the ups tracking number nah tell me how you bend it [Music] [Laughter] when you spend 30 minutes guessing your passwords and decide to reset it and this happens your new password cannot be the same as your old password i think i recognized that site someone was applying for a job one of a seemingly endless series of unreasonable notes left by my boss it's great here nobody is entitled to charge up any mobile phones or other electrical devices on these premises it is death of electricity and you may find a deduction has been made from your pay phones should be switched off i am roboboss i need the electricity to function scrooge rank and straws this is the kind of plastic use we should be protesting yeah yeah i agree what about that bubble wrap though you can't get mad at bubble wrap when you're out of town and someone puts a balloon on your front porch there is a motion at your front door there is motion at your front door there is motion at your front door there is motion at your front door there is motion at your front door hey us government can you fix the roads you tax me to build so i won't eff up my car you tax me annually to drive that i paid for with the income you also tax that i park at my home that's highly taxed thanks every u.s citizen what i owe the hospital that i went to because i was suicidal this is just to stay in a room for two days it's expensive being mentally unwell people wonder why we don't seek help amount owed 2 983 and 50 cents holy hell wow you're a score 67 percent 8 out of 12 passing score 70 8 out of 12. i'm sorry local movie theater overbooked and tried to give my friend this seat i like the guy in the back zoom in on him he's like hey guess what he says not for nothing you want to take this seat go on god just go ahead you're not around that she's perfectly fine you come to the movie theater you pay here's your ticket here's your seat get out my face my new nine key free run shoes after my first run oh gross oh oh gross my girlfriend opens new water balls without finishing the others first send help please god share this photo in four groups your whatsapp will become red i don't have whatsapp i'm not going to share this photo but what i am going to do is end the video because we're at the end of our slash mildly infuriating and if you if you're mildly infuriated just just leave a like leave a like feel a little better if you want to feel great can't guarantee it i actually i'm lying to you i don't know if this is gonna make you feel any sort of way but subscribe if you want more content and as always i'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,077,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, compilation, compilations, r/mildlyinfuriating, mildlyinfuriating
Id: 8tg_rYexLYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 43sec (4183 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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