r/Niceguys | no! your chunky

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nice guys introducing themselves nice guy when a girl doesn't respond within 0.004820 nanoseconds [Music] this fan art was made by my sister tell her it's incredible and we absolutely adore it look how freaking cute how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to mk it's me robin if you couldn't tell from my voice and today i've been given a very special task we're headed over to r slash nice guys oh this is gonna be absolutely fantastic let's dip our toes in there shall we i'm just kidding we're diving head first do you know how common it is for women to genuinely be terrified to reject a man just in case he reacts a certain way a simple no when you're putting your life at risk i hate this world yeah there are a lot of crazy dudes out there i think donald glover put it best when he spoke about having a crazy boyfriend having a crazy girlfriend is one thing but having a crazy boyfriend means you're going to die 90 risk of transmission 30 risk of transmission 5 risk of transmission 1.5 risk of transmission tips fedora milady zero percent risk of transmission see there you go all we gotta do is start getting everybody to wear fedoras and we'll stay so freaking far away from each other want to do it even better give them all trench coats too maybe a my little pony shirt i don't know the possibilities are almost literally endless with this one this is officer blank with the blank police department i'm investigating the crime scene of a homicide suicide and your number is the last one the victim contacted provide your address and we'll send you an officer to take you into custody what's your badge number failure to comply with my lawful order may result in additional charges provide your address immediately what's your supervisor's name you're a suspect in a murder suicide i do not have to provide you with that information provide your address or i will charge you with abstraction of justice you think this is funny a man is dead and you're giving me the blank police department as your address come on by when you have a chance we'll be talking about a [ __ ] impersonating a police officer what the hell oh man actual crimes left and right dude nah i have a boyfriend and one best friend and three close friends that's all the interactions i need okay damn relationship yeah i don't like knowing too many people screw it you're not my type then okay then bye cause i'm more of a fun person r slash nice guys hey that's exactly where we are today's reality man plus motorcycle equals man and woman man plus soccer ball equals man and two woman man plus bmw equals men and three woman also an incredibly stupid overpriced piece of crap man plus giant boat equals oh my god that's a man and a lot of women oh look men plus three books equals man i didn't learn this in geometry hi how are you hey doing good how's your morning going so far wow um well now it's kicking glad you care how'd you sleep and how's your morning it's going good just having some coffee you know coffee is bad for you you are beautiful you need to live as long as possible now i wish i had a caramel iced coffee right now caramel slaps just to make things clear i'm not interested in anything not trying to lead anyone on thank you for the compliment oof why you not interested or just not yet because i'm down to be friends and compliment you constantly and eventually make you see your worth and maybe get you or be used as a step stool [Laughter] dear women in abusive relationships your kids won't think you did good by tolerating and accepting the abuse by saying you do it for the sake of the kids hell no kids don't do better by their mom accepting abuse for them if boys want you to stay they are likely to copy their dad most women want drama and excitement in their lives they love getting hurt and abused bad guys attract them the more the guy hurts her the more she loves him good decent guys bore them if she's sexually satisfied with the guy then she'll never leave him even if he's a monster wow look at captain psychology over here he knows more about all women than all women do was that not obvious everybody should just start listening to this person will any girls on here sleep with me no i'm not a nice guy i'm very good looking and i promise i would treat you like a queen buy you whatever you want and i'll respect you enough to never ask for a kiss or sex i just want to treat you right in exchange for mere companionship i'm very lonely and need a beautiful girl in my life if only for hanging around didn't you just ask them all if they would sleep with you though lord have mercy don't be so stubborn it might work out with us if you give it a chance and i'd be amazing to you well i won't bother you anymore just thought it would be a good time or not can you leave me alone screw up you're bad anyways cute you know she's right it is cute seeing these mofos go into temper tantrums like they're three-year-olds oh what do we got going on here nice guy posting at the pontoon in cambodia jeez 400 bucks okay what's happening here what exactly am i looking at here well in asia you can bribe girls to take shots by putting bills under them this normally leads to them getting drunk and making bad decisions like threesomes sex is normally already going to happen so this is like extra crap plus i guess it shows you have money to other ladies so if you come back to the same club the next night they might want you it's more about money here and less about the other crap like feelings in the west cheaper though i kind of live here these days so yeah in my opinion it's better than the usa but i'm also considered to be pretty wealthy rich here compared to their standards i'm going to come back to this picture when you complain a woman is using you for money lol well my income is well over six figures these days and that's awesome don't flash it and women won't know okay six months later this seems to be me lately in thailand without the girl around i don't think i should have fell for a thai girl it was better just partying and doing what i want i think it's time to head back to the usa and reallocate how my money is spent and i'm starting to just feel alone and used treated like a fool cause you acted like a fool didn't realize falling in love and trusting a woman was foolish perhaps i should change my tactics and just screw around since women seem to be rather unfaithful and only after money oh please i followed all of your posts and your definition of love is offensive you fish for poor young and vulnerable girls using your money you dangle money in front of them to coerce them into spending time with you literally the post you were commenting on then you make perverted social media posts bragging sometimes humble bragging about their bodies and about sex then incredibly you are appalled that they don't love you for your slime ball character and only want you for your money at best your standards for what you love and how you love are low at least if you professed to just mess around with women you'd be honestly describing your ongoing actions and character jesus see really ripped him a new way home but he's not gonna learn a damn thing can we get food sometime no i'm good lol you're one of them self-hating mexicans huh because i rejected you or are you gonna cry lmao and looking at your picks you support other races and don't support your own lmao bro jesus that dude just went off on a completely random tangent that didn't make any sense and he bookended his argument with lmao help me out ladies why does it seem like you respond better to cold and aloof over sweet and attentive it's confusing when she finds out you're a faithful law-abiding citizen and have zero hoes shut up you little baby [ __ ] girls that are being harassed by a nice guy a nice guy me enjoying the content on this subreddit i don't know some of it's not really enjoyable i won't lie it's incredibly creepy and makes me uncomfortable not all of it but some of it and that is too much by giving me your snapchat why do you want it to talk more princess sorry please no this is why you're a virgin i'd rather be a virgin than me talking to you oh ouch that's not very nice you started it no you did it paul bet you're a fat frank can we just get married work out the details as we go along no little red riding hood for me you look like a [ __ ] thanks [ __ ] enjoy being a miserable douchebag with a small ding-dong hey there how was your week hey you how are you hey there happy thanksgiving hey mom i just transferred 2 800 to your account you should have told me sooner that you needed help text me when you get it love you wrong text my bad did you fall for it did you fall for my elaborate ruse about sending money to my desperate mother huh hey queen i saw your tweet about how men are trashed and i just want to let you know i agree although i myself i'm a man i know uh i am on your side one of the good ones as some may say by the way i didn't notice how beautiful your eyes are till now but they're awesome in person soon hopefully sometime this week lol okay sounds good i don't think you're ready to see the god's child which is me huh what have you never been to bahama bucks yes we can go there i'll pay you don't have to lol no i wouldn't feel right about it why it's a code of honor and chivalry that we knights bestow upon the females the females you gross bastard i uh i i sometimes have trouble talking to the female species i don't know how to get the attention of this girl i've tried everything but it just doesn't seem to work i've talked to her a few times lately on facebook messenger but she's just leafing me on red we used to be so close until a bit back she started going out with this shady guy i don't think he's right for her he's just not a nice guy i checked on his social media pages and he looks rough around the edges i need to upstage him somehow or get her away from him i don't want her going down the wrong path any advice is appreciated this is urgent i really hope nobody responded at all before joining reddit thinking i'm a nice guy after joining reddit realizing i'm a nice guy nice guy slightest appreciation or a compliment any girl just trying to be nice would you like to look at my pp this idea frame sex is something that hetero women are subjected to rather than enthusiastic participants in i get the point you're trying to make but i have yet to meet a hetero woman who enthusiastically participates in sex oh no oh i have to say it congratulations my man you played yourself holy crap are you pretty innocent what define what you mean by that i don't know like do you get in trouble have you gone far with a guy before or stuff like that just had one boyfriend till now we're still together i go to university and mostly i am the shy type so i don't get in trouble to be honest are you alone right now why i want to see what you have on didn't i just tell you i have a boyfriend he ain't here oh god here we go all women cheat all you need is money to tempt you i'm not offering that though go chase your dreams somewhere else tram any guy who boasts about being an alpha male is usually pretty terrible the sad thing is most women are more attracted to alpha males than beta nice guys finish last trust me i know they are not nor would it be possible for anyone to make an assertion of what most men or women like or are attracted to sorry we don't fit together i like you more as a friend sorry you are too ugly for me i like rather wait for my ex-boyfriend who is in prison and beat the crap out of me i like rather wait for i'm not even gonna bother holy crap sometimes it is impossible to read these ah yes a conversation with poop kinda pandemic going on around at the moment do you have covid no but that's not the point lol can you do sexy pics not for you lol lol chunky trash what oh my god interestingly enough chunky trash is what they called me in high school hey it's james hey that was fast what are you up to nada about to hop in the shower to be honest kinda horny lol sorry yank one out then what are you telling me for i too like to tell people i just started talking to that i'm kinda horny lol sorry it doesn't work out well i guess i'm not special i want to marry you i love you lol stop leaving me on red i forget you literally funny tall rich and wants to take you out not just bang you like want you to date and you just too busy with other frick boys you're another story of how the nice guys never gets the girl i don't think i would call you a nice guy michelle please stop before you say something that ruins your credibility women may claim to like sex but you really don't you tolerate it under limited circumstances and during limited time frames that's nature's design please be honest now do you know what bugs me about dating i could be in class and a girl would see me and another guy she will obviously go for the other guy allow me to elaborate girls will go for the biggest ding-dong head they can see a chad who has big muscles and wears shorts and rain or shine who has a freaking iphone 11 an apple watch an apple mac and a crap ton of money and a car girls won't go for me a shy yet sometimes confident musician who has very few things who's nice to nearly everyone who will help with homework and who is all around a decent bloke but screw it why should they choose me any people who can relate please comment i know there is more of us i will never get a girlfriend because of this i sit next to this freaking hulk of a guy in class who leads school with a different girl every single day and then i see the replaced girl on instagram saying men are such a-holes when i will gladly offer a shoulder to cry on and just be helpful it pisses me off i'm gonna tell you right now if someone as weird-looking as me can find somebody it is not impossible so shut up and grow up oh my god it's over holy crap i could feel my brain starting to leak out of my ears hopefully it's gonna go back up into my skull as always if you even somewhat enjoyed this video ladies and gentlemen make sure to drop a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to hit the subscribe button and the bell icon so you get notified of every single upload going forward and until next time i'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 632,457
Rating: 4.9538083 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/niceguys, r/niceguys top posts, r/niceguys best posts, r/nice guys, nice guys, nice reddit, nice guys reddit, r/niceguys emkay, emkay
Id: T6-Z2Ec-wGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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