r/Iamverybadass | The demens are coming out...

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I am the weapon what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is damien and today we're looking through our slash I am very badass if you can't tell by the shakiness of my voice I'm just a little intimidated from the sheer badassery we'll be seeing very shortly I'm going to hurt you give me back my effing air pods I wouldn't mess with him he's got his shirt off better give those air pods back your account is one year old my account is 18 days old don't assume I'm concerned with losing this account but you on the other hand one year is a long time are you implying that my account would get banned for some reason nearing 39,000 karma not to mention the reddit gold and you may have noticed I have no post history so you might want to be careful who you piss off this time I'll see you at our slash I am very badass it's cute how some of y'all have been babied all your life you think jumping in a cold pool is bad eh whenever I can't find the cat toy I'll let my cat play with my hand scratch and bite me I had glass go through my foot and it barely fazed me I cut my thumbs up to see if my knives are sharp I touched a kitchen I to see if it was hot before I could even talk and I didn't cry I'll cut my hand open one time because I was bored the throbbing felt cool I picked up embers from fires with my bare hands so it doesn't burn the grass you're just a pampered spoiled little B who thinks they're cool I could beat this guy in a fight I'd even let him use a little stick just to make it fair the guy who says he can be the people on the internet probably couldn't beat up anyone bad A's don't advertise that they're bad this bad a does oh no way you look like a how much you deadlift but I can still bet I could chuck your right to a third-story window from ground level high school is a hell of a drug me too all Trump lovers any time any place boxer where's America first wall shorts against Mexican fighter gets soundly beaten there comes a time when a man must spit on his hands hoist a black flag and begin to slit throats I got a man I give an F why most of my tramps got boyfriends aren't you like 9 9 inches deep in your throat people in the Armed Forces what's the story behind your nickname blackout I tend to blackout and go in full rage about wall in live combat 100-plus recorded kills using a pocketknife and I don't remember one of them yeah back in 2006 while the kids were playing tag I studied the blade Oh No the demons are coming out he's got a boss hat on a man jumped from a bridge and landed in a boat yeah and the oncoming boat could have killed him from blunt force trauma to the heart from running him over but drown and while he was trapped underneath it why nothing happened to him I jump from 12 meters once and landed on rocks nothing happened to me but to be fair I am athletic slash buffed and work out daily this also helped me with picking up girls Cheers or slashed nobody asked that was something by the way I had 27 times last week are you my flashlight I wouldn't be able to be that Carm I would knock them both out and turn that little smart car over mm-hmm Gordon Ramsay destroys the delusional owner with logic and facts yeah and then what happens when that owner swings on him and knocks his phony butt out huh he's still your hero after that his tough-guy act would not fly with me if you catch my drift kitty cat punching someone fire emoji okay but I go to Starbucks soy to see the embarrassment in the eyes of a grown man who orders a low-fat ice latte frappe frou-frou blah blah when he looks up and sees me taking a sip of my straight black coffee with no cream of sugar okay bud this is how work started today this mouth breather showed up to a CCW class like this in case crap popped off note he does not own a firearm yet I'd beat the crap out of a cop once for being an a-hole and since he touched me first he got arrested and I got off fine and by god off fine I don't just mean the pleasant absence of any charges or court dates the female officers were quite pleased with my achievement of getting rid of him did everyone clap after only their cheeks hey-oh so you bought a fidget spinner for stress relief that's cute I just dragged mother effers into them damn woods for a stop and over there hmm lul true story gee if and I are walking through Pioneer Square last winter it's after midnight the remains of an ice sculpture from one of the bars lines and pieces on the ground the GF and I start kicking it back and forth out of the shadows approaches this middle-aged guy who doesn't appear to be homeless he starts yelling about how this has proven that my generation is destroying the country because we're kicking ice I yelled at them to go away or I'll call the police he says something to the effect of our I oughta f you up I told him to pitter-patter he takes his coat off to take mine off and then he pulls out a metal baton I live to continue to take off my coat it was at that moment this guy may have peed a bit on my hip was my EDC g23 I asked him have you really wanted to involve weapons he grad just cut off the ground and walked backwards out of the park screwed dubstep show of them glow sticks up your butt coward you dare mess with me and you're dead buddy you're not toned at all you know it's not intimidating list of illegal crap I did today I've aged under age I smoked weed I drank underage I drove with an open alcohol container in the vehicle and drove under the influence he exceeded the speed limit got pulled over of a cut-off on a warning went to the ski here without buying a ticket the kata said we had to pay for a lift ticket and said if we do it again they'll call the cops we'll have to pay a fine pretty effing great day why don't you put your finger on the camera one day I'm just gonna say f it all and let my demons out to play primo dad Bonnie's dad froggy dad crap I can go off forever so on your side's mamma's cry to your blocks gone hey it's getting pepper day on y'all forever these fellas try me that was clever I was gonna be like forever Nintendo America we really really dig Super Smash Brothers ultimate a few Xbox I swear to god it's Steve I will break my effing xbox in half you were teasing banjo but you bend us over in totals go eff ourselves I know one kid's going to smash to play Steve all you did was by Mojang you could have chosen Master Chief no soliciting this means if you didn't call aren't a friend you're not carrying my mail don't have an appointment aren't family are pushing your own religion to enter not handing out million dollar checks don't even know my dog is hungry honey never ever threaten the United States again or you suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever Shefford before we're no longer country there's Tevye demented words of viola to death because she's stick to making video games for thirty eight-year-old virgins what the real men do the thinking your champ I haven't played a video game since my last knee surgery know why I'm too busy reminiscing about all the fun I had killing my enemies in Iraq and banging down chicks tbh nobody has the balls to say anything to my face these had a lot of cruel things about me sometimes within earshot but they know I'm psycho enough that I'll risk it are / I am very badass go ahead see how that works out first punch will crack his spirit second punch will crack his ego third we'll crack his jaw fights over kiss my girl go home I just had a man cashier the drug stop tell me I got pretty blue eyes my reply was one more remark like that toward me from you Phil and you'll have the prettiest black eyes of some [ __ ] ever seen and yes I walked off and left my stuff sitting on the counter what in the hell is this world coming to a blond man can plainly see grizzly ain't gay I started knock fire from his I think it's seriously about turning around and going back to what hail out of him that upset me what's it like being 14 you think you're funny don't you you snowflake I can kill you in four different ways or bring you to the brink of death with my bare hands step off practicing our toxic masculinity hey Gillette does this offend you I'll raise my kids the way I believe they should be thanks for your advice Graham Gillette be better treat people with respect standard the bullying this dude you'll never take away my we don't call nine-one-one uncle dad and brother waiting for the prom date to arrive I'm the lucky one I have a crazy husband who happens to cuss a lot he has tattoos he has anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people you hurt me and they'll never find your body yes he bought me this shirt my friend and his wife are going through a mutual divorce her new boyfriend is wasting no time asserting dominance if you have a minute can we discuss the mortgage and how to deal with it hey this is Mike if you want to talk about anything you talk to me you got it I would but Sarah and I are the ones on the mortgage and she has the information I need to get this squared away you don't listen to you well do you I said if you're gonna harass my girl it's not gonna end well for you never mind I'll just have my lawyer take care of it Evan wall you would have your lawyer step in wouldn't you jerk you can't handle me so you run to the police like a cow or didn't have lawyers try to jam me up you think I'm scared of that bs bringing it see what I did you put me in jail over words and I would take you to the pavement real quick I meant I'd have my attorney contact Sarah or her attorney in regards to the mortgage since I've started packaging my trash like this my neighbor's respect me they say good morning with a smile and keep the music volume real low I'm an otaku not a weeaboo if you can't tell them apart then maybe I can't tell killing you and not killing you apart hashtag I own a katana nice modern pistol kid I'm hacking your account gotta find out your address and come kill your whole effort family you only won because I had lag remember that cool has no valid point to say Baxter says cool instead hello well you're disappointing I'd ask you for a rematch but you're probably too scared lol so I won't have a nice day scared loser thanks for the sevenkarma you're still talking to me I'm gonna get on reddit hello I'll go ahead and post it to you for friends lmao like posted to Reddit we'll do something make it a good post so I can read it to anyone want a break and I asked ya some forty five five six or some 300 Win Mag for your a your choice don't forget the cameras if you take longer than 90 seconds to use an ATM you're a worthless maggot and were not for the legal repercussions I would rock your brain case with big nasty hooks this is my peace my serenity my escape don't mess with it screw off I got more money than you more views than you more ads ooooh I'm more famous than you on snapchat I don't care if you don't believe me cuz everyone knows me so they're just agree with me let's make you reddit famous sure I don't care imagine being a full grown man and being excited by cooking not war not conquest no you get adrenalin from making an omelet effin nerd chefs are worms oh my god where's the meets over done oMG who cares harley getting knocked out is it i took down your license plate number take my spot again and i will key the crap out of your car and slash your tires this is your first warning do not f with me my girl can wear anything i know how to fight one of them will pull you out of a fire the other will thank affirmative action for their job if you think police work is all about physicality you know crap about police work you do not know who you're talking to kid if you think physical ability is not relevant I'd love to see your face when a 110 pound woman tries to pull your dead father's charred and burned body from the house no answer coward your dad just burned alive in a fire because this little girl couldn't pull them out good job being PC though you weak loser why would a police officer who doesn't have fire gear be running into a burning house because they are first responders not the burning buildings no I think maybe you need to watch fewer TV dramas and movies okay let me shake the scenario how about I beat the hell are you and your girlfriend when your neighbors called the police I knock her out too then leave how'd you like that who is this sorry man I think I had the wrong guy take care oh I bet effing coward don't take my kindness for weakness because I can be the one that nobody has control over I can go zero to a hundred really quick you are so white lmao that is they supposed to be an insult is they supposed to be an insult just FYI I'm six foot to 195 pounds ten percent body fed broad shoulders very defined powerful back deadlift PR 505 pounds chest hair full thick beard veiny forearms protruding in the fine jawline and the majority of my wardrobe has made up of dress shirts I'm an Instagram girls wet dream and I still turn that stuff down since I have better options throwing themselves at me nearly every time I go out in public in ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash I am very badass and I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did leave a like down below comment down below how badass you are and subscribe if you want to see more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,603,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, emkay, r/iamverybadass, r/iamverybadass top posts, reddit very badass
Id: 0L7d6TDAru8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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