r/Facepalm | electric pool

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got a new car oh my god look how rich i am with this volkswagen key and this porsche car [Music] hey there guys welcome back to mk my name is jack sadly not as cool as the serial killer but i'll try and get there one day first things first of course we have some fan art by summer animations with a little mk fan art um kind of expected this is mk of course it'll be fan up for us now they're not the best artists so let's all understandably ridicule them for it okay they are oh it's me hello everybody i'm jack and welcome back to mk i don't know why i chose that voice i i don't know thanks for the artwork summer k i especially love that you specifically bolded jack and hell uh some subtle symbolism there you're implying huh huh i'm kidding of course i'll see you in your sleep enough with revealing my true identity you know what you're here for it's face bomb time which let's be honest at this point is pretty much just nothing but trump and uh people not wearing masks love you 20 20. now instead of saying 2k19 we can say 2k 2k this is awesome we're living in 2020 while she's living in 2000 2000. the k doesn't mean zero it means a thousand you didn't spend your childhood playing mmo rpgs and it shows in the 1994 night due to an earthquake there was a blackout in the whole city of los angeles because of no light pollution the night sky above la the sky became filled with stars and almost made the milky way galaxy visible many la residents thought the milky way galaxy were alien ufos and called 9-1-1 to talk about how aliens are invading the earth you know people in la must live in a very hostile environment if they see a starry night sky for the first time and their immediate reaction is it's gonna threaten me arrest it arrested now officer what do they call cairns in europe americans i'd say suck in america but apparently in germany during oktoberfest they have a literal area branched off for australians only because we are so bad during those festivals then there's what the french think of us but then again the french hate everyone so i guess that doesn't count shout out to all the french people watching i love you please love me tom mceldren who asked to remain anonymous content you had one job news want to know just how big texas really is this is actually mind-blowing i don't get it that's europe inside of texas texas isn't actually that huge is it oh this is triggering me like a fan would be triggered by seeing someone showing a photo of dumbledore and saying i love a lot of the rings and the giant police box he flies around in and i know they've done this on purpose but i still that's not texas from behavioral health education services this person has an appointment with this person on monday october 7th blah blah blah reply to confirmed date and time sup bro this is not an automated message should we consider this a confirmation for said time and date oh my god i'm so sorry yes uh tomorrow yep that works fine oh busted [Laughter] i love that actually i'm making pp poopoo my official signature and everything now florida teen stung over 600 times after inserting his pee pee inside of beehive oh that's right i forgot that florida is also going to be in here a lot i mean seriously why what did he think the numbing effects would be pleasurable or something i oh god this lady strapped the bible to her face not today satan well i don't even know what to say that's ugh it honestly is just sad because clearly she's being driven by fear to do this but then also the only logic she's applying here is just her faith and that's not gonna help her maybe as a placebo to make herself think she's gonna be okay but like realistically it's not gonna protect her i don't know man people who just blindly follow their religion without having some sort of constructive critical thinking skills uh it concerns me north texas family shaken after thing that everyone told them was going to happen did in fact happen oh god what was it north texas family shaken up to 18 relatives test positive for covert 19 following surprise birthday party three are now hospitalized happy birthday to you i got from season the hell do you think was gonna happen now the only one to blame is you roses are red how dumb can you be blind myself with a lamp for no reason part three invisible confusion i don't know what's going on but i'm so confused donald trump released a 2020 america first t-shirt with a familial looking logo on it no way that's nah i don't reckon donald trump actually went this far i gotta look this up oh no yeah yeah it's legit oh my god it's projects wow that's no i mean i was expecting it to be some sort of third party maybe like subtly neo-nazi group that had a bit of white supremacy in them and all that kind of stuff you know that would make sense but this is the actual official store wow either he's trying to rebrand the look and design of these kind of logos they're no longer referred to specifically as what the nazis used or he just has a terrible marketing team that is just oh they're making real bad choices omg lol have you streamed this yet tights retweet what hashtag should i use this guy looks like an old dude so did you get that app from the cloud yeah over wifi hang on let me geotag a note to boomers no one speaks like this agreed i honestly question why some older people try to connect to younger audiences like this this never works it always does the opposite effect for a while i toured around australia doing shows where the script was written like this for school kids and oh my god was it always cringy i mean i was getting paid so i you know i had the benefits of that but still i hated saying some of those lines fun reflections and some braille that is for a mirror just let that sink in take a moment to perceive that someone built this with consideration for a blind person my best theory is that it's there so if someone bumps into it when they're blind they can at least know what it is that they've bumped into i live in syria and this story gave me the strength to carry on thank you for sharing her story access online kendall jenner ate grilled cheese fries crepes and more before hitting the met gala red carpet now that is bravery whoa yeah girl you proudly boast about your unhealthy diet choices even if this is a cheap shot at body positivity it's literally saying that like i'm kendall jenner and i can eat all this unhealthy food that you'll eat out of insecurity and i'll still look good and you won't so i'm better than you follow me on insta inspirational from fatty has a salad with these names on the internet these days i just don't trust men who eat breakfast it's a female trait well guess i'm a girl there you go hardcore men's right activist you got another thing to argue about now men are only allowed to eat two meals throughout the day they can't have breakfast because it's too emasculating don't want that peepee to fall off just because you were craving some cereal now no masks allowed in this business for the safety of my employees and myself if you wear a mask in this store you will be asked to remove it thank you for understanding non-siselect supporting business what is sisilak oh sisa likes the name of the nirvana governor wow this is an interesting uh no you know what it's not surprising actually it's america john cena surprised a seven-year-old boy with cancer on his birthday very poor choice of words you know what i disagree they purposely titled it like this so it would get memified and therefore their website would get labeled all over the internet got a new car oh my god look how rich i am with this volkswagen key and this porsche car b sit down i'll be humble if masks work why the six feet if the six feet works why wear the masks if both work why the lock down if the airbags work then why the seat belt if the seat belt works then why the airbags if both work then why the brakes the only thing i would say that makes this not relate to the above argument is the fact that in a car it's technically more so just your safety with the masks and stuff it's everyone else's safety i want to catch the coronavirus to see what it's like i could have just gone to a hospital and sorted it out then for myself as to the experience what people are going through but i'll instead make an online video for attention youtube takes down chess podcast for being harmful or dangerous okay but guys you know what happens in chess right like there's animal abuse there's racial segregation like whites on one side blacks on the other like why aren't the blacks allowed to get to the other side if they try to the other white pieces just kill them like it's it's horrifying getting rid of blackface on shows isn't good enough we need to ban chess hey here it is everybody our first donald trump tweet to look at in facebook today as i watch the pandemic spread its ugly face across all the world including the tremendous damage it has done to the usa i become more and more angry at china people can see it and i can feel it china wasn't in charge of the us response you were every other country got it under control but you were too busy pretending it wasn't real that's on you guys stop it let donald trump shift the blame i got him i got him in a chokehold man yeah yeah i think you got the wrong person my husband had to wear a mask on a business trip and now he has chlamydia do you mean chlamydia the sti no he got it from the mask unless there's another illness with a similar name that didn't show up on a google search because it really sounds like you're telling folks your husband cheated on you while he was on his business trip and told you it was from a mask yeah at this point i think she's just in denial let's be honest here so i've been cooking for me and becky for a good week now both feeling unwell and today all food tasted strange literally checked the herb's description and everything on food and sauces to see what it was only to find out we've been using freaking leave-in conditioner instead of one cow spray i'm absolutely livid followed by happy laughing faces okay but that's conditioner you would have had to actually gone to the aisle where they had the shampoo and conditioner and taken it from the aisle then bought it and taken it home like you would surely you would have known that hang on i bought conditioner today and one of these should be the conditioner like i i don't know i'm i'm calling bs on this there's no way you could be that just stupid meanwhile in r conservative stand up for what's right even if you stand alone okay you're never gonna be denied the freedom to stand up for what you want that's completely fine to do it's what you're standing for though that becomes the problem the guy in the top isn't raising his hand up because he doesn't believe in what everyone else is supporting which ended up being a very dangerous and damaging ideology to follow this lady right here isn't doing the same thing the people raising their hands weren't for ethnic diversity the people kneeling down are for ethnic diversity and if anything more so ethnic respect you can love your country and its history and all that kind of stuff but if you don't want to acknowledge its current and past problems then i imagine your method of cleaning your house is just by ignoring that there's a mess in the first place make no mistake this is their plan controller virus i see they've given up on 5g they're moving on to uh controller virus now in 2020 it's the face masks in 2021 they make them nice and stylish and all looks really good in 2022 now we have to cover our necks in 2023 somehow muslims have taken over our country god i love this argument it's such a prevalent thing in australia too where like oh muslims are going to take over even though their religion is like 0.2 percent of the country just watched a man pull his mask down to cough and just like that i've lost all hope well that at least explains how some parents are able to get husbands there are men out there who are just as equally stupid donald trump the d is missing because it's in every haters mouth yeah i rely on people being gay as an insult because i don't like the fact that i might enjoy it you all have a collective iq of one does iq stand for insanely good president counter counter that comeback proves his point and everyone upvotes that terrible comeback but down votes the other person's reply wow it really shows how much the internet is more so a vacuum of ignorance than actually uh exposing people to critical thinking peter 18. not even going to dare attempt to read that language toxic girl oh that's nice eco-friendly what are you recyclable or something i need my own diabetic father oh geez i'm not sure how to take that it's a creative way to say sugar daddy but it's um it just sounds more depressing angela merkel has a doctorate for her thesis on quantum chemistry our president called her stupid well yeah quantum chemistry is dumb and easy it's just maths bet i tricked so many people into chemistry right now yes let your hate fill you join the dark side we have cookies giving almost 40 of my income to the us government in taxes when they can print as much money as they want is a bit insulting yes that's true however if they just keep printing money that's when you become venezuela where one dollar can be worth three million dollars and everyone's poor basically if you want your money to be valuable don't make the government print money also why the hell are you guys giving away 40 of your income and you don't have a universal healthcare system what what the hell is with your country oh this one's a classic i haven't seen this photo in years and it still reminds me of questioning whether or not these guys are still alive like you couldn't hang it on some sort of clothesline going over the pool and then just dropping down that would have been so much safer also get some sun okay i'm done ready killing them this is england okay better do an english accent in my eyes it doesn't really matter i still don't know anyone that's even had it so yeah and you should be thankful for that honestly the fact that a lot of us can say i don't know anyone who's had it yet is a good thing this because we've been doing the right thing to avoid the stuff spreading that doesn't mean that we overreacted it means that we did a good job in securing it it's official americans won't be allowed into europe when it reopens it's not because of covert they're just sick of americans they don't want them there anymore as an american they can keep their lousy rules i would rather go to spain or italy for vacation any day of the week i have bad news for you fine then greece i still have bad news for you fun fact donald trump is the first president in u.s history to simultaneously hold records for the biggest stock markets drop the highest national debt the most convicted team members and the most pandemic infections in the world all in his first term now to be fair that national debt would likely be because of all the money having to go towards stimulus packages and things and also the most infections well how many other terms were there pandemics going around like pandemics on this global scale i'm not saying he's doing an incredibly good job but these are a bit picky black family tries each other's chocolate chip cookies why is it not family tries each other's chocolate chip cookies a black family is not the same as other families hi hello twitty user so listen um not here okay you're not going to make a difference with that kind of comment here you're not going to change society that way a list of those who gave to covert 19 relief efforts 6 million 1 million thirty five million one million one million ten million and a list of all those who continue to exploit fear and profit from it oh look it's tv and jealous what whatever they call t evangelists that's the word i know words ah they are just so scummy if someone wasn't familiar with grapefruit this would be a very concerning title good for every meal jesus christ fire your to design this fire them they oh my god well done you've made it through another face palming hope you didn't punch too many walls in the hole next to you too many holes in the wall next to you god damn it if you hated everyone's stupidity in today's video please give it a thumbs up because it's the least you can do you're selfish brat and if you're new to the channel subscribe as well hit that notification bell so you see all the newest content and check out some other videos on mk you can say hi to robin or lexi as well they have some lovely content to share with you all but with all that said and done of course my name has been jack i say farewell to thee and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 824,351
Rating: 4.8760486 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: 401LxGEsC54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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