r/Iamverybadass | i'm scared

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yes i am a communist yes i will personally murder god i'm not going to read that [Music] hey what's up ladies and gentlemen and everybody in between welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're taking another look at r slash i am very badass without much further ado let's get right in there purely based on size brown bears can get to be pounds male black bears max out at like half that following a normal distribution of all black bears male and female i estimate i can take 80 percent of all black bears in hand-to-hand combat i'm not just going to seek one out i'm a pacifist by nature but if you ever see me fighting in the forest with a bear help the bear the police have your bike along with the video of your ugly face on camera please don't make me kill you stay the f away christ i am the embodiment of the dark side what compelled you to say this my only emotion is anger an ideal in absolutes no gray areas lol and i have an awesome fiance that i will do anything to protect law you are a fairy tale teller dude that ostrich can't do anything except a few scratches to a real strong adult man like me 115 kilos and lifting 400 pounds with my shoulders i'd kill that bunny chicken head simply with my hands that killed humans were for sure some untrained weakish average guys with zero killer instinct i'm different i'm three times the fighting power of that boy in the video fake ass if you're gonna be faked and get the [ __ ] out of my life and stay out because i'm tired of fake people and i don't need them in my life you know what you do need though to stop using those god forsaken filters my guy they they're just not doing you any favors you guys tease me all the time but you're talking about the guy who used to charge kids 25 cents just to go into the bathroom in elementary school only to watch other kids fight each other i was literally a mafia boss in elementary school and had a whole bunch of people looking after me and working for me even as an idiotic spoiled brat in elementary school so you were in elementary school right you're always talking about my past all the time and trying to use that as an argument is pathetic so just so we're clear you were literally a mafia boss in elementary school my five foot seven is irrelevant i'm 666 if you threaten my development okay you freaking kidding you know who i am i don't really remember it doesn't matter listen kid you don't want to see my other side i have a wolf inside me with a muzzle on but the muzzle is about to come off you broke her heart and i will break yours she's a nice girl how dare you use her like this how can people like you get to date her then people like me have to sit in the shadows and be the shoulders to cry on listen kid i don't have time for freaking games i'm a nice guy but when you make a nice guy angry the world shakes don't do it again lol okay you'll regret this the next full moon you mess with me you mess with the pack bud screw you get ready on the next full moon what's gonna happen are you going to turn into a hairier neckbeard tv show jarring i can literally watch someone get cut in half on gore sites but 90s law and order is jarring to you what the heck oh my god this is hilarious to think about you sitting at home literally gasping at a tv show okay time to address something if you run your mouth about me and i simply walk away because it's not worth it please take that as a hint and keep my name out of your mouth then i find out that your mouth running cost me money then we'll have a big problem just move on cause you won't like what i have to say about you and i'll say it to your face got it right i got it you know what i'm scared of the price of the bell for when i put you in the hospital may god forgive you but i don't no way it's this guy oh boy you want to know the difference i'm a classically trained performer with 20 years of theater experience who understands lighting makeup and costuming i'm also wearing a 100 purple suit and a 70 purple trench coat and this guy is wearing something from spirit halloween oh my god he's bragging about his 170 outfit like that's a lot of money for something like that it's really sad that some of you are so stupid that you can't put two and two together and figure out which one's me either that or you're just being facetious which is a waste of my time and blocking you is a way better option than giving you a monologue about why you're a [ __ ] well you kinda just did give us a monologue is it weird that if i've met you there's a 95 chance i've thought of a really brutal way to kill you is it weird that i really hope the people that are close to you force you to go into some kind of psychiatric hold really this is some serious [ __ ] you just admitted on facebook my dude our military is one percent of our population most are mega the largest armed force on this planet makes up only three states if registered gun owners i know not all are mega you need mega to live they don't need you stop underestimating your enemy i don't think anybody's underestimating maga my guy the nuclear lack of masculinity here is so embarrassing lol in my day you talked crap for about five seconds and it was fists flying these kids look like second graders recording each other for evidence to show the teacher good grief man he shoved you that means you punch him i don't wear a mask anywhere ever most people don't say a word the ones that do i tell them to frick off and mind your own business a woman got in my wife's face at walmart my wife told her to back off and mind your own business all right there's a double the woman got too close to my wife well my wife knocked the woman out cold right there we left and nothing came of it aha sure buddy i wouldn't mind reading more of your fan fiction you big strong man this one oh i was waiting for this one if all your common knowledge of anime is demon slayer naruto inuyasha bleach one piece fate dragon ball z sailor moon gundam my hero academia yukio and ghost in the shell then you're not an anime fan normies stay the hell out of anime what a stupid thing to gatekeep bro shut up dude honestly go back to watching your stupid obscure load of crap that nobody else actually freaking likes but you hint all of these anime are very popular for a goddamn reason my dude i would do that to all the people who screwed with me in life and then the people who try to stop me until they realize not to mess with the guy who doesn't frick with other people what i'm still waiting for the day for someone to tell me not to use their trash can for my dog poops i will literally dump the crap out of the bag onto their doorstep and ask if that's better i bet you would i so bet you would if you attempt to change me in any way shape or form it will end very badly for you i have my own army at my back you will not win against my twin blank is an army of her own and she'll rip your freaking throat out if you try to hurt me or piss me off needless to say if you screw with me the very creator of everything you'll regret it wait what this god these all read so terribly i'm one half of the creators of the multiverse spirit realm included what what okay let's keep going and promise with my very last breath if you underestimate me in any way shape or form you'll freaking regret it i become very cold and distant when i feel that wall has to be put up you'll regret it if you force this wall up there are many sides and parts to this nexus but make no mistake i can't beat you or anyone else into submission okay i have power over all i can make anyone regret losing me or anyone regret caring sorry i just have to sit for a minute literally not one sentence of that made sense wow y'all [ __ ] just want to screw me over guess the hell what you pushed me to my breaking point i'll ruin everyone's life that screwed me over you'll freaking suffer and see how bad it freaking feels you won't catch a break because i never do you're gonna wish you were dead here's a selfie just so you know guys trevor is fine his dad made a tweet saying he's in rehab and going into culinary school who cares i quit drugs all on my own while holding down a job i'm strong now that's something to brag about shrugs he ain't had to be coddled in a rehab next i forget y'all don't have to go to the bathroom in groups for fear of your own safety yeah cause men never feel unsafe safe because i'm not a [ __ ] what jesus these people are psychotic that's it i'm done pulling punches screw the woke simp mob i'm gonna call out every last one or you pathetic spineless fascists okay you've been forewarned maybe remove me now to save your singular feeling from getting hurt bastards sorry a really terrible stereotypical southern accent comes out of me when i'm reading stuff like that for some strange reason maybe have some freaking respect watch your freaking mouth cause you never realize how small this world is until the guy you insulted is standing in front of you tough is an understatement take the biden-clad dildo out of your mouth and realize that it took a week for him to send our country spiraling downward snowflakes melt when put to the fire i'm more like a branding iron test me and i'll leave an impression that lasts forever bio too sweet but also psycho don't screw with me or else don't mess with me or anyone i love because i'll put you six feet deep and i mean that i'm someone not to be messed with toxic [ __ ] my motto accept me for who i am or just frick off folks take a look if you ever see something like this on the internet you avoid it at all costs this right here is a living red flag knew a guy like that big guy too had almost a foot on me and maybe 75 pounds heard he was talking crap one night walked up to him in front of all his boys four or five said i hear you were talking crap about me saying this or that you want to take a walk out to the parking lot and say that crap to my face are you going to step it up here and be a man about it oh i didn't uh what the hell is wrong with you now can't say your bull crap when i'm standing in front of you you got your boys around and you still ain't got no balls speak up [ __ ] i'm talking to you uh sorry man uh uh what the hell is wrong with you you ca i'm sorry i'm reading it like this but this is how it's freaking written so sue me alright yeah next time i hear you talking crap i'm gonna make sure you ain't talking to nobody for months unless it's mumbling through a wire i'm a philly guy when you see someone cutting everybody behind you so you drive the same speed as someone next to you to block them in nah i carry a gun in the glove compartment and a semi-rifle in the trunk i really hope you trigger me in traffic like please do it please yeah we just got done making a movie about this hypothetical situation and you know what i'm pretty sure the guy that went crazy and started murdering people wasn't seen as the smart tough strong guy you know what i mean it's a bit of a jump from mildly inconveniencing someone who's being an a-hole while on the road to i got guns me kill person marking lego batman 2 off my platinum list who cares you'll die a virgin and never give your parents any grandchildren how does it feel to be the last of your bloodline because you'd rather play a game than get fresh unlike you i've dedicated my life to improving myself non-stop to become the peak alpha and omega i don't think you understand what omega is i have a new girl over every day begging to be ravaged i am the liberal left's worst nightmare as a gun carrying straight white male who will never back down so carry on with your gaming you pathetic incel while i have sex with every girl you ever loved okay there was a good part of this that felt super copy pasta until that last sentence jesus christ my twins twin blades are not as lovely as your twins breasts well thank you for noticing i've really been working on them lately if i hear any crap about valentine's day on sunday i will personally kick the crap out of them with a dang baseball bat i mean hey wouldn't be the first time okay a kid came up to me today and kept bragging to me how he had a valentine's and such so i just beat the crap out of him with a baseball bat like i said i'm sure you did i'm sure that you tried to murder somebody because they said they had a valentine's and you didn't odd how i can relate so well seriously i dream of cutting heads off at times rage knows no limits whiskey is my holy water you guys are all about family huh family love and respect right okay right now i'm a click away from using an sql injection attack to gain access to the database of this website and gain your login credentials as well as your ip address i'll then proceed to leak your ip address onto my hacker forums and then use an ip locator i'll easily find your house and your name with that i can access your social media accounts and proceed to ruin your life you think i'm bluffing you think that just because a bunch of seven-year-old dip say they can hack but actually can't that i can't either let me shatter that facade for you using my team of hackers we can trace that website you visited and what keystrokes you've used and with that i can get into your parents bank account i can drain it and make you dirt poor have you ever felt what it's like to be homeless well you're about to i can also use cross-site scripting to redirect your web browser to one of my private sites and download child onto your computer okay well this got way more [ __ ] up than it had any reason to be no you can't you're just spewing a bunch of [ __ ] straight out of an a-plus or a network plus textbook go back to school for the love of god my guy i just read about sql in my eight plus i'mma threaten people on facebook you may find me dead in a ditch somewhere but by god you'll find me in a pile of brass and you'll have hit absolutely nobody well it's very strange we found this guy dead in a ditch surrounded by spent shell casings he's probably just shooting up in the air or some dumb [ __ ] nothing like eating a sandwich and some random girl i know sends me pictures of her titties why are people like this my chest kinda hurts maybe i'mma die or it's the 30 sets of benching i did yesterday 30 sets of what zero i love coffee i drink at least 10 cups a day i once heard some talk about how that isn't healthy i laughed and ripped his throat out then screwed his average wife for a week before blocking her i don't take health advice from men i can destroy so let me get this straight you drink a lot of coffee someone was concerned about your health so you literally murdered him and then did some real freaky with his wife for about a week are we supposed to believe that sorry there's a second contact for my brother i guess this is the old one yo i don't know who the hell you are but let me make it clear let me make it freaking super clear you are to erase this number and never in your life feel like you can call text or freaking dream of contacting this gorgeous lady you're beneath her you could never reach her level your interaction was her pity her feeling sorry for you and your pathetic attempt we're laughing at you dumbass you ain't sh next time let me know where you are so i can find you and end you who's your brother i'm the dangerous one in the family i don't care how i'd go out better recognize yeah i recognize that you're a freaking weirdo and on that super cringeworthy note folks we have come to the end of another video but before we get going let's take a look at today's fan art i tried making an mk thing what do you mean tried you did make an mk thing and hey it looks pretty darn good if you ask me always remember folks if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed the video well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you're feeling super adventurous check out my twitter and youtube links in the description below and until next time i'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 593,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Iamverybadass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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