r/Facepalm | that ain't a cheesebuger...

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man killing spider burns down home I mean can you blame him though whatever it takes [Music] how's it going everyone and welcome back to Ma my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash facepalm I'm ready for this one or am i a concept design for car safety belts from the 1960s uh-huh no way no way that's real no way those guys sat in that car and thought you know what this is this is safe that can't be comfortable either like that guy in the driver's seat he doesn't look very comfortable also they have them on their waist already this is this is awful let's just be thankful they did not approve of this mm-hmm I do love me some cheeseburgers because that's that's what cheeseburgers look like don't laugh that's that's it's true one of the cheeseburgers look like on your planet safety warning opening this box will result in death by electrocution and a 50 cent fine yes because the fine of your life you know just wasn't enough even in death people are still trying to get into your wallet free ad blocker contains ads I mean do I have to download a bad blocker for the ad blocker to block the ads in the ad blocker app I don't know how I said that flawlessly but Jesus name above all names except Allison Allison gets special treatment on nice I got forced place and I won look at him he looks happy to be there man spends five months at Rikers Island without knowing his bail was just $2.00 what what did he do for his bail to just cost $2 what he's still up sucker in a store look man I was just trying to get to the son of the Twix pub so heard it was fine putting your phone in the microwave microwave to charge it my charger broke yesterday my battery was pretty low so thought I'd give it a go this happened hmm I wonder what could have prevented this maybe don't believe everything you read on the Internet is the Dragon Ball Z collection featuring everyone's favorite Naru Goku people are donating money to Kylie Jenner to help her become the world's youngest female billionaire it's official we are the dumbest civilization ever you know Isaac you might have a point how to restore my deleted Blizzard account so I deleted my Blizzard account two weeks ago because of the Hong Kong controversy but now I want to play the overwatch Halloween event how can I restore my account with all the skins I had if possible thanks and advice in advice nice one you idiot my girlfriend broke her phone and took a screenshot to show me how broken it is OMG babe I dropped my phone the skirt it's broken she's a she's a keeper alright I'm the cart guy Oh No who-who parks right there come on you know that's not for cars that's for carts people also ask how old is a nine month cap oh boy I'm giving one star because of the cheap management and customer service I heard the food was very good so I went to try me and the boyfriend got the calamari spaghetti alle vongole and the note she all were very delicious I was actually so impressed that when the manager came to ask is how everything tasted I told her it was some of the best Italian food I've had and I told her I'm going to post about an on Instagram where I have over 11,000 followers and a lot of them are in the area she seemed very happy about it I was wrong I thought that she would be grateful for the free advertising but when the check came there was literally no discount at all I thought at least one of the entrees will be taken off but they didn't even take off the calamari or even the drinks oh no I won't go back there because of this which is a shame because the food was very good the manager needs to understand how to treat customers oh no poor you with your 11,000 Instagram followers geez join Spotify Premium and get a google home mini no CIA listening machine for me you just described a cell phone you're gonna get rid of that too if not you might as well get a free speaker you assume I have a cell phone or a modern attacking phone you should never assume you're right I'm sure you're totally off-grid somewhere in a cave eating rats and commenting on Facebook ads Cheers well that was an okay boomer moments reviews for chewy chocolate cookies too electric boogaloo I couldn't help it 1 out of 5 stars I added butter instead of margarine yeast instead of baking soda she has chia seeds instead of cocoa and pureed chicken meat instead of eggs and let me tell you it turned out awful the person who wrote this recipe should delete it please don't use this recipe I can't believe I was so dumb to use it yeah I can't believe you're so dumb to perfectly follow the instructions oh wait you didn't all the way from China thumbs up I'm South Korea not Chinese foot bridge closed Cockermouth fireworks third earth yep the 3rd of November 2019 why is the 9 so big oh I bet that you were use it every year well now they're gonna have to paint over the one as well for 2020 assumed this message from the dentist was sent from a bot I assumed wrong blank we have you scheduled with us on 10 719 at 3:30 there's summated copay of two hundred and eighty two dollars and sixty cents please text back or call the office to confirm that you got this message thank you flushed emoji I know I am sorry they understand they understand I want my first daughter to be a girl I don't even how to respond to this one move the deer crossing to where there's less traffic a lot of deer get hit by cars west of Crown Point on us 231 there are too many cars to have the deer crossing here the deer crossing sign needs to be moved to a road with less traffic Timah baht Crown Point you know what Tim good on you for at least trying to you know solve an issue trying being the key word most kids go back to school on August 21st can the solar eclipse be done on the weekend did this lady just ask to reschedule the Sun yeah excuse me Sun Moon can you just um you know abide by my schedule that'd be great studio under fire for using a didgeridoo as a dildo quote I'm gonna didjeridoo you and they asked seven the students only someone left a phone in class today please let me know if you're missing one text back to reply not to be that one guy but I don't think they can text you if they don't have a missing phone you're right though downloading downloaded negative one hundred and fifty two million two hundred ninety seven thousand seven hundred ninety two percent Facebook won't ban fake news but they will ban prep ads why earlier today before getting my abortion it said but it had to be done can't be on Teen Mom SM FH just got back from the doctor's I wasn't even pregnant I'm just fat really right right because everyone knows if you're a woman and have a big stomach that's the only way to know if you're pregnant cold drinks fruit smoothies iced food in first aid I have a feeling these images aren't in the right spot but hey you can all be done with the it could kick it I don't know what that is just found out that twitter automatically censors your credit card number alone for real credit card number it didn't work bro just delete it quick Christmas is on a Friday this year what if it's the 13th you know what I'm just gonna let him keep on wondering but Burger King is nasty their fries taste like potato that's what fries are made of man don't you hate it when your fries taste like potato oh boy I love fortunes a few Germans never hurt anyone that was a that was deep the bridge was invented in 130 BC people in 131 BC tossed me weight why he gets thrown a year after bridge get made RC parts and trucks three hundred and fifty dollars excuse me they're not 35 s they are ours truck parts I'm literally holding it in my hand oh my bad I thought your hands were big dude that these got to be like a giant what they asked for a pepperoni pizza not pepperonis pizza that was that was a bad joke if you laughed you should be ashamed of yourself go back to hail scumbag what'd he do I don't know fair enough a girl put her name and number in my phone last night textured herself so she'd have my number then proceeded to say this an hour later hi hi who's this exactly I am not religious I am atheist but I have God and I have faith in God and it's working actually there is no god but there is creator but creator won't help you because he already hide all kinds of help in universe we just have to find is and faith is one of that I'm gonna have a stroke my brothers and sisters yesterday I was clever smile I went to ATM and withdraw all my money from ATM then went inside them the same bank and deposits the same money these are so hard to read I withdraw because my money is not safe outside in the ATM angry people are just withdrawing and they can end up withdrawing what is mine angry please let the ATM people keep your money inside the bank I am teaching you education you're teaching me something and that's how to get a headache easy and quick so last night I was positive there was a ghost baby in the bed with my son I was so freaked out I barely slept even tried creeping in there with a flashlight while my son was sleeping well this morning I go to investigate a little bit further it turns out my husband just forgot to put the mattress protector on when he changes his sheets I could kill him God just imagine looking at the security camera and seeing that face constantly staring at you with its mouth open two more hours to go I'm so sick of this job laid off for the week well I mean at least you don't have to go right well what's your laptop specs I won't give this laptop data you can use them for the wrong purposes how is me knowing your laptop's RAM and processors bad I can't do anything with that this is an HP mini laptop from 2003 this laptop is damaged not that what's your specs or processors RAM etc I will not tell you such accurate data about this laptop that I do not trust you too much come on man he's just trying to help that is a that is a bike helmet ma'am I don't think you're gonna fall off or crash into anything anytime soon you're not going anywhere trust me decisions decisions been waiting over an hour in the antenna no Clinic the couple next to me are debating whether they carry girl jeans or boy jeans and trying to work it out based on what gender the children have been in other parts of the family and if they has a couple would be able to produce both sexes not sure if I should intervene they are expecting a girl and want a boy they are now discussing if they can ask the doctors for hormones to change the gender but they are worried that might make the baby gay good Lots good lord my boyfriend turned down five fully paid scholarships just to stay here with me I really love this man so much your boyfriend dumbass hey oh whoa that is uh that is a lowrider right there good golly your profile is missing the required information into the required information below to continue first name Lucas please enter a valid name sorry Lucas as we all know is not a valid name shed at all the Lucas is out there you're not valid chair nice guest chair fairly used small mark on seat yeah just a small mark god that is disgusting but maybe there's only $20 games under 25 megabytes Glo hockey 24 megabytes fallout shelter 261 megabytes make wait a second my friend didn't reply to her man for two weeks and told me that you got to give them time to miss you and now he's got a new girl alum foul I've seen this one is the classic the moon looks like it's from outer space really brother Philip the mower while it was still warm it then caught on fire oh you hate to see it who does that dude do you keep the car running at the gas station when you're filling up with gas no during a pursuit last night one of the occupants of the vehicle rang his mummy who then rang 999 asking for the police cars and helicopters to stop following her son hashtag we didn't stop hashtag all detained well done a newspaper in Bangladesh used photos of dustin and lucas from stranger things as pictures of footballers samuel of muta mitten TD probably butchered that and Antoine Griezmann being friends since childhood I mean it's pretty convincing if you ask me 0 feet no diving or swimming or anything that involves being submerged in water nobody is entitled to charge up any mobile phones or other electrical devices on these premises it is theft of electricity and you may find a deduction has been made from your pay phone should be switched off a theft of electricity that's great what a deal the original price was 269 but now I can save 0% its 269 now that's great I'm too young you so why you would not say for work shed it's got a point you know what I've seen this image before and I'm willing to say this is a challenge this bird is gray yes this bird is orange but I mean I'll take your word for it but uh why don't they just make wheelchairs of pedals so when your arms get tired you can just pedal to go girlfriend was wondering why her phone was so slow alright well let's see oh my god close older tabs you have 500 tabs open and 460 a older than one month to open more you will need to close some tabs Jesus LG phone 30 bucks phone is not in picture because I used it to take a photo but it's that exact length and width hit me up if you're interested yes because all of our hands are the same size a little nas X what a legend why don't we just put all the ocean water and a cup clean out the bottom and then pour it back I don't know that's a lot of water man might need two cups can't believe a celebrity can be this stupid the ocean is 352 quintillion gallons a lot bigger than two cups this is why the planets dying yeah okay buddy can you get pregnant from watching a health class video please help in a week we are watching this video in health class but I'm scared it will make me pregnant should I ditch and not take the risk please help not if you put condoms on your eyes genius absolute genius guys I failed my Princeton final but you can find out how I prepared for it in 24 hours study with me it'll be fine uh-oh that is a disaster waiting to happen Pina if you respond I'm buying 100 cows and I'm gonna boil them alive hashtag donate thanks for your support complete your donation now Oh Oh someone didn't read the full tweet appeal robbery and staple Ford do you recognize this man oh yeah Slender Man hasn't been getting much work recently his movie kind of bombed so he's desperate for any money can get put a two inch screw in each tread instant snow traction so I listen to you guys and now I got a flat and I'd used the wrong screws teachers and gamers agree slave Tetris isn't how you educate kids about slavery yeah I wonder why thanks to a social media backlash a damaged company learned the hard way that there are better methods for teaching students about a painful chapter in history Wow hey dude from California there's a simple rule here in Colorado don't try and drive your Lamborghini in the snow you will get stuck sorry I love America yep that's our flag and just like that we have reached the end of our slash facepalm and Paul my face I did but we do have some fan art from reddit user muskrat tutu for a small gift tis Eck welcome to the channel it's me oh my goodness I love this so much thank you I appreciate it I really do appreciate all the warm welcomes you guys have given me since I've joined the channel it really does mean a lot I've been having a blast and I can't wait to keep going but hey if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell see get notified every time m'kay uploads and if you want subscribe to me Zack in the narrator my link will be down in the description below and until the next one I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,196,937
Rating: 4.9367027 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/facepalm, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, facepalm, facepalm best posts, fail, epic fail, fail videos, people falling down, therewasanattempt, r/therewasanattempt, facepalm emkay, r/facepalm emkay, reddit funny, funny reddit, emkay
Id: sevKGj-8_EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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