r/Awfuleverything | how do i unsee something?

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whoa that's nuts what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash awful everything you know this wouldn't be so bad you know right off the bat is it's like a slim jim and some cheese only bad part is it's in the cupholder it's the only part i don't like the only part I don't agree with and fundamentally disgusts me but it's okay bad bad ah yes feed the eye for hungers for sustenance nah man he's happy he's having a good time he's very happy with his choice I support him my dudes got his uh his Ford Fiesta no no what is that nice Chevy I don't know what the car this is I don't care I'm not a car guy but uh oh dude kind of the hell honks the set dude that boy is what wicked Bobby in the bag dude dump damn it Bobby yummy yummy yummy chocolate chip cookie dough so what is it was the awful part about this vanilla ice cream bar alright oh it's vanilla that's not that bad that's just not getting what you expected this is an awful everything I was expecting I was like try to figure out what you like what part of this is obtuse and grotesque it's just a vanilla ice cream this a colostomy bag did they give with a pumpkin a colostomy bag god dude that's weird my campus bathroom has this amazing idea for us students help us conserve paper use a hand towel we wash these every week don't worry yeah see now that's not a good idea when you're doing it at what a college campus where you have dudes are gonna go hey what if I rub my balls on this towel that's what I would do that's my first thought is hey ball towel foolish decision Peter's hanging around with the with the kooky old man I like this guy I just took a DNA test I'm 100% pumpkin-spice nothing wrong with that they just like pumpkin spice I feel that enjoy you enjoy your white girl drink girl enjoy your white girl drink this guy buying all these eggs before Halloween he's up to no good he's gonna cease 12 cartons of eggs assuming there's 12 in each he's got like what a hundred and twenty four eggs he's gonna ruin someone's house I tried to exodia my face and send it to my friend ah yes your proportions are not quite correct my friend Family Dollar and check out what this bill got is a Family Dollar just you can get all that and more in there open right now install some new feet of my mice better glide in hyper glides nah honestly with the elevation help though I reckon because okay so here's the thing when I play games my and my arm hits the wall Street called feed the desk you reckon having your mouse up on that would actually help like if those Glidewell would keep your arm about the decimals lets you move in with your arm where I would reckon right that's what I would think maybe it's a 200 IQ move and I'm just behind man allegedly cuts finger off after snake by to save my own life but doc says it was really unnecessary well hey you know at least we've tried my dude got fired and this is what they found under his desk no man before you was led off he got off dude no big age 43 little age through oh I see I see what's going on here this this looking for mommy babysitter baby girl I'm just gonna just gonna let you guys sit on that one I'm gonna let you marinate on this one for a second have you marinated are you happy are you happy that this is what you saw today because I'm not good girl swallow fight eating disorders I don't want to read a sign that's as good a girl swallow I mean that's up for debate number one number two it does catch my attention at least always check for putting on a pair of gloves oh my hands are not like it mad Oh zoo-wee mama that's not good haha make kids great again with these Trump 2020 flogging machines yeah what kind of haircut do you want you want the normal cut you want the cut that looks like we just put a bunch of razors in your hair you want the faded cut you want the rat tail you want the Greg the number 27 the Greg I want the Greg rose that Halloween bockwurst ah dude hello Halloween bockwurst yummy I don't know what bockwurst is I hope I don't regret saying that now this I deserve tall Pikachu I'll take any day of the week any day the month any day of the year morning night afternoon yellow magic wake me up at 3:00 a.m. at old Pikachu and I'm a happy guy love tall Pikachu what am I looking at what is this a clown car no tresspassing please go away cash please not disturb I'm sleeping I'm trying to fight uh what is going on in this car this car is just a hodgepodge of chaos I'm in this photo and I don't like it sometimes you just gotta suck your own titty Karen nice hood decoration brow dear Prudie kids from poor neighborhoods keep coming to trick-or-treat in mine do I have to give them candy it's Halloween be a good Samaritan for once in your life and give the poor kid some candy give them a full-sized KitKat a full-sized Snickers bar and go here you little Tommy take this home it's from me to you happy Halloween he's gonna go thank you and you're gonna go there's no sign on that one that that's a that's a fresh bar that's a fresh Coupe that's a fresh bar for a fresh boy and send him on his way [Laughter] caterpillar found in sister-in-laws garden wasp larva one caterpillar zero that's how lost that's how the wasp adieu baby they just destroy wasps are deadly straight out the cocoon chief what is that what am I looking at this man is clearly alive right what is I don't have anything to say I'm just confused and like startled this makes my fight-or-flight flare up like a like a hemorrhoid if you look closely you can see it's working Batman oh that I can't look at that bad just kiddin why is that the first thing I saw I don't realize that's not at all what it's supposed to be but that is the first thing I saw my mine is perverse why men should give their wives a cheat pass this Christmas this Christmas give your wife something she really wants something truly exciting a cheat pass no thanks I like faithfulness brothers save their meth but left grainy to die siblings left their 82 year old grandmother in burning house so they could save John sad oh that grandma better like it some haunted retribution whoa no just how big takes ease really is this is actually mind blowing I don't get it that's Europe inside of Texas Texas isn't actually that huge is it it's not even Texas well it's not even Texas you can never escape the observation dude why are you putting hot dogs in your milk nothing for you I'm getting tired of the food-related ones man those are making me sick I'm 17 years old but I got my mom pregnant my mom's ready for my child actually happened that's creative gross but creative it's like a uh what's his name not James Lee um he's that he's the claymation guy Lee Hardcastle reminds me of some Lee Hardcastle stuff foosball but with the squirrels you know what it do you know what's up you know I suppose that's one way to bleed without being you know spotted that's tutored IQ but I don't support it bro you good you have the best piss your life this dude's been holding pee for 82 hours unzipped his pants and just started pissing and he's just like I feel you man I get it sometimes it'd be like that I'm having drained the snake as it were proud of you what's his leg say I can't read it it's just some dude mimin around honestly I don't see anything wrong with this it's just a kid like he browses twitter constantly like i do but with one step further about twitter into reality you should save water by washing your hands and peeing at the sink oh I press the next at all he's pissing on his hand man that's kidding this is shattering my sanity plasma pen slash reverse aging trifecta whoa that's nuts huh that's crazy dude Wow 81 year old pensioner jailed after joining a gang because he was lonely and 81 year old man has been jailed for nine months after acting as a getaway driver for drug dealers and I bit the tackle his feelings of isolation oh don't tell me that's this worldwide no that says Westside my girls got the I don't know my temples flaring up I'm gonna get mad I'm gonna get mad look at this photo is this like a real photo I'm trying to understand cuz like it feels like it's edited this doesn't feel real you know I really hope it is real I hope these people just like found each other in saddle next to each other they make this beautiful moment it'll be time fun shapes it's about to get poopy make bathroom time fun again with the original safe glide adapter in poopie time shapes what will your kids poop up hopefully not shapes so my girl was ovulating and told me not a nut inside her but when she came I felt one of her eggs shooting my shat and now I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant that's called the seahorse method maybe what it do this girl was bleaching her hair and put a plastic bag from Walmart over to help the heat stay in and it printed the ink onto her hair poor girl that's actually that's poor girl damn I don't like that that's the one I'll stop pouring chicken broth into the faucet dude my home made before another shot of the rat loaf I made for the family Halloween potluck do you like the that I just made for the Halloween potluck it has all of eyes please try it taste my rat loaf [Music] now to future posts from sweet cyanide m'kay fan art kind of random design I mean hey it made it work that's sick m'kay zenyatta style baby that's what it's about I dig like the graffiti art for the name - that's really sick I love that thank you so much and that brings us to the end of our slash awful everything if you guys liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 889,273
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/awfuleverything, r/awfuleverything top posts, r/awfuleverything best posts, awfuleverything, tihi, thanksihateit, r/thanksihateit, r/thanksihateit top posts, thanksihateit best posts, cursed, cursed images, atbge, trashy, gross, awfuleverything emkay, thanksihateit emkay, reddit funny, funny reddit, emkay
Id: uupA4d6WHrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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